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Everything posted by mwhenry16

  1. Well, considering it came from Kotaku.....(grain of salt here). Regardless, I distinctly remember more than one "media" source, quoting "sources" at Bethesda, saying this type of play would be "viable". It's a shame. I thought about it before hand a time or two and couldn't think of a way to do it.
  2. I'm with Lis on this one. For the most part people help with "turn on/off xyz feature". "Stop complaining" is just blaming the OP, not addressing his/her/it/them issue.
  3. I used a clean save from just before leaving the vault to make a new toon with different appearance, name, and attributes. Problem is, once I'm out of the vault I can't move except for shooting my sidearm. I can't even access the save/quit menu, or the pip, nor the console. Is it because of the gazillion mods I have now? is it because of NMM? Aliens? democrats? Any ideas?
  4. Build sound proof walls up to, over, and around her.
  5. So I'm off doing the Preston sends me to an area to A) Help settlers deal with X or Y (raiders or Ghouls usually), or B) Some settlement had a kidnapping (seriously sir, first you daughter now your wife? what a wuss!) type "mission". I go exterminate the location with it's oppressed and probably culturally appropriated denizens, and the message says "tell the settlers of your success". So here's the issue. If the settler/NPC doesn't greet me, I click on them to get the conversation rolling, and my character says "I took care of xyz.....", and he/she/it immediately replies "hey, did you take care of xyz?...". Another issue. I'm already at a settlement, like Sanctuary, and Preston says "we have another settlement that needs help", and by golly, which settlement does that turn out to be? What an NPC staring blankly down the road 20 feet away can't see me? Not only are these annoying, but it goes beyond immersion breaking, it takes one back to "I'm staring at a screen all day", let alone playing.
  6. Oh dear, this is a first world problem. However, I agree 100%.
  7. My standard answer: Don't worry my friend, the modders will fix it!
  8. One of my favorites: a handcuffed teddy bear in an upturned wastebasket.
  9. I don't think your bashing at all. It seems your review, as it were, is based on your playing style, and lore development or lack of it. I like lore, but I'm not as cognizant of it as many are and you definitely seem to be. From your perspective, and there have been similar ones in other discussions, there are "two Whiteruns", and using your perspective, I would have to agree. From one who doesn't intuitively see or follow lore it isn't such an issue. But I do love the lore when I encounter and understand it. I personally think the developers did a great job, and I'm glad for the measly $60 plus tax I plopped down. Most of my "ahaa!, that needs to be improved" come from when I see a Caliente foot versus vanilla (once I even learned what vanilla was), or from some other modded part of the game. I see F4 as a well done painting hanging in a gallery, and the modders making it a Rembrandt. It's easy to compare to FNV, or even the Gold standard, Skyrim. But in my view, the "community" will embellish F4 to platinum and beyond. And honestly, I think this is the future. This is where all games will go. I just hope developers don't get lazy (see Rust and other "buy but don't complain, it's in early development").
  10. Windows 10 Home (on a boot camp assistant 27' 5k Retina Imac) Intel i5 6600 8GB Ram R9 M395x 4GB Installed on SSD PST
  11. I would expect a raider female to be butt ugly. They are dug addicts, and always live in disgusting places. I'm kind of with scribblesix on this, although their ugliness should be more varied.
  12. It is true, you will be flooded, but by choice, since there is a filter. However, even if one chooses the adult option, you won't be spared tasteless ("hey dudes, check out my babe" with a very bad mod) or disgusting ("any babe this fine is sure to get knocked up") titles, descriptions, or comments. That last quote is a paraphrase of an actual one. Many, many of the nudity, lingerie and clothing mods are incredibly done, tastefully and professionally. They add immeasurably to our use. The others? Someday the market will weed them out.
  13. No. Just carefully follow the ENB preset authors instructions for both install and uninstall. And of course have backups.
  14. Plus, some units take a higher level perk, if it won't connect. Threw me off a bit.
  15. I can't relate, respectfully. I played FNV for 2 years and never finished finding half of everything, and never lost interest between Mods ('ooo, bright shiny thing!"), trying to figure out what some of the garbage laying around was for, etc. I'd say move on soldier, plenty of games out there.
  16. I don't know the answer to your question. However, it is possible you might get more replies in the "mod request" section. There might be people who just peruse 1-2 sub-forums.
  17. Stronger urge. However, the Shaun angle has been so weak and doesn't intrude like a real search would, it's really not an urge, it is more like "oh yeah, I forgot chips at the store and the game is tonight". As either a female or a male, I don't care to have a spouse (rejects the pc term partner here) along with me, but I can see a whole different angle in that respect.
  18. A clarification (or two), since I'm very new at Bodyslide. First, while picking a preset to preview an outfit (CBBE Vanilla outfits v1.0a), for my CBBE Curvy, I see that there are two choices: CBBE Curvy, and CBBE Curvy (outfit). When do I use which? Second, (my understanding of things mod/CBBE/Nif isn't very deep) if I wanted to modify an outfit, I think I could based on what I have learned, but do I have to have my own custom skeleton or does just having CBBE and such installed suffice. TY
  19. Thank you for your responses.I wasn't so much complaining or suggesting as looking for a way to change it's frequency in game.
  20. I have noticed on occasion that when I perform a kill shot, as in 100% damage, he/she has an immediate fatal wound , an NPC will make death rattles. In some instances this would be realistic, but in some it is immersion breaking (shot to the head, 100% damage, ragdoll dead drop not flop around). Can this be altered via F04Edit or a mod already on Nexus? In either case I didn't find it. TY
  21. I agree. FYI, there is a mod request section in the forums that would more than likely get more responses than in general discussions.
  22. Speaking from a rookie point of view (started using mods and tinkering 1 year ago with FNV and Skyrim) I would say it is partly because someone is new and console is very often the most prevalent thing to show up on a google search, so it's their first introduction to "un-vanilla" game use, for lack of a better term. Or they may have started using mods, and don't realize there are mods for what they want. Or they may not want to mod at all, they just want the gear. Lazy, no. Stupid, no. It's progression and/or choice.
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