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Everything posted by mwhenry16

  1. I See in F04edit I could change the duration, potency, weight, name and such of Jet (not by modifying the esm, but making a mod to do so), but is there a way to change it's frequency of showing up in game, or adjusting the randomness? For me, Jet just shows up way too often. TY
  2. TRUE STORMS. I'm not sorry for the caps, they were intentional. It's that good of a mod.
  3. Step one: Educate yourself. Go to the tutorial section of the Nexus Fallout 4, and peruse what might be applicable to your level of experience. Go to Youtube and check out tutorial and how to use videos, particularly those from very good authors such as Gamerpoets. This forum itself has a great deal of useful information. As our furry 51 said, start with usung NMM. Use LOOT. As an aside, when you say "just got a new computer", it's capabilities will affect how many or what kind of mods you can or should run. Educate yourself on that also.
  4. Hate, a very overworked word these days. Given 100 people, there will always, with any subject, be "haters", who are "intolerant" and "divisive". Better to go the route of the "everyone's opinion is right, there is no wrong" postmodern approach. Not. If it's your $60, are YOU satisfied with the value your dollars bought? Are there weak parts of the game? sure, but I am confident the after market, and that's what it is, a marketplace, will take care of that.
  5. No worries my good sir. The developers may have left the world a bit flat, but our wonderful mod community will not.
  6. If you have backed up your install information, ini's, etc, just delete anything and follow the instructions. If you haven't backed up, start to do so. A handy and easy to follow guide, http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Backing_up_your_mod_list_and_load_order, is there to help. Personally, not being very technically proficient, I back my files up every day, or after a few mod installs. It makes it easier, for me at least, to isolate which mod may be helping cause the problem. Are you using loot to sort the mod order? If not, you should. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5310/? I would suggest also familiarizing yourself, if you haven't already, with using F04edit, with which you can check individual mods. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2737? Good luck!
  7. Honestly, I hadn't really noticed it, except early on when under geared I ran into a legendary. I know the feeling you speak of, but I also recall the world's in games feeling cramped because I can't go to many areas. As always, some great mod authors will rectify this situation to your satisfaction in fairly short order.
  8. Antique firearms (from matchlock to flintlock to WW1, etc.), expanded types of explosives new and old (cannonball, dynamite, coke bomb), and novelty weapons, like a crappy plastic made in China twitter hashtag shooting pistol.
  9. Mods & tutorials to make it easier, not just easy, to get into using the creation kit. Sexy with more than 1 cap or x unusable in a mod description For the upcoming commercial aspect of modding as brought on by Beth to be sooner rather than later (get it over with) More Lingerie mods More odd ball weapons mods
  10. Flintlock, what a great idea. I hope someone ties it in with added quest content like a mission involving the museum or something to that effect.
  11. I was about to look for a mod for the very same thing. Thanks for bringing it up. I learned two, no three, valuable things; the switch, there's no mod to fix, and I'm not unique.
  12. The shotgun accuracy is very poor, as is range, until modded. I have indeed had good results from across the room, and accurate, almost too accurate to the point I think I might tone it down in F04Edit a bit. Don't lose interest in it, mod it! Hmm, maybe that's a slogan.
  13. If there wasn't a main focus "find my son" line, there would be twitter rage at not having one, that it was mis-directed. While having a gazillion things to do has it's benefits, perhaps this is a downside. Myself, I chose to ignore the main for a long, long time, because the "my son, my son" thing got irritating.
  14. Bravo, very nicely done. Merry Christmas to you!
  15. I generally agree. It begs the question though, how would you know some one did not do due diligence? In the interests of disclosure, I do diligence in the regards you mention on every single file I ever download. But we can't have a checklist to see if a negative endorser did, can we?
  16. That is really the crux of the problem. I don't need to explain why I endorse, I simply hit the button. Is it so different with "never"/ Yes, because of the "asses" nature, as you so well put it. A user can just as well willy nilly endorse everything that pops up and it's not a problem. How to make it the same with never?
  17. you arent a customer the modders are not providing a service. they are just letting you play with their things. which is against site rules. a 'dislike' button (or some variation of one) will never be implemented on this site. if you critique someones mod and they or someone else responds poorly, ignore it and move on. wise words to follow right here. there are a lot of people you arent going to get along with, just move on. also remember YOU ARE NOT A CUSTOMER, that is all. However, you chose to disagree with my post, thankfully civilly, but associated with me by replying. This is so in so many social aspects, why would we ignore it here? We may disagree on the CS aspect, but I'll buy you a Gwinett if the near future doesn't prove me right in that regard.
  18. Jilted? hardly. It was in one instance a totally unprofessional on any level treatment of people whom the author obviously wanted to use his mod. Did I name names? No, that's part of the point, the opposite of a positive endorsement without assassinating, as you termed it, the author. It is not at all along the lines of "don't endorse small mods", which I am completely against, and so stated publicly. In my view it is an option that needs to be explored. I am certainly not elaborating well if that is the impression one gets. Hobbyist yes, but the nature of what the entirety of mod use after it's advertisement, and that is exactly what happens, is definitely beyond simple hobby. It is obvious that in the near future the studios, Nexus, authors, and who have you, will be entangled in very commercial dealings, or at least a good deal will. No, I don't misunderstand customer service. When one advertises and displays a product, even a self sacrificing, well made labor of love, it is implicit that a level of support will be forthcoming. Swearing at users and sloppy or non-existent follow-up is not support in any field. No one, let alone I, has ever, to my knowledge, denied one does not have the ability to not download something. Regardless, thank you for your reasoned response.
  19. I enjoy endorsing mods that are well made, functional, imaginative, and so on. I appreciate the Nexus system of endorsement "reminders", and how they tread the "donation" issue. But there have been 1-2 occasions where I wish I had a mod to anti-endorse a mod, because of the author's really, really bad customer service attitude, poor roll out, and so on. However, the only options seems to be don't endorse and forever get reminded, attempt a critique in the mods comment section (which results in flaming), or endorse. I would like to see a "I'll never endorse this" option. The result might be a +200 endorse, -180 never endorse, for a net +20 positive. I realize in today's culture anything remotely intended to be civil can soon be a "social" weapon, and I'm not out to flame mod authors. I'm just wishing it was possible to never endorse, which could of course be changed just like the present "un endorse" feature. The author's attitude and customer service, albeit for an un purchased item, is certainly a factor in modding, and by no means even a major factor. But as in so many instances, I would hate in any way for the few to sully the fine reputations of the many fine authors. Thoughts?
  20. Fast travel is definitely not "immersive", I like the notification idea. While we are at it, how about a random chance of one or another settlers attempting a coup one has to put down?
  21. Eco nuts as an evil faction Ballistic weapons that shoot gluten bullets
  22. Excellent advice, thank you. You saved me sooo much time. I was like Doh! didn't know that!
  23. Well, I will modify my comment (without) by saying it does allow me a good look at how my lipstick looks!
  24. I like your setup. I started with the ammo designation, but hadn't done the - thing. I guess what confused me the most was when I had/have 10 different .38 rifles to sort through (later) to compare differences. Perhaps I was overdoing the comparisons, since most of what drops can be easily modified to whatever flavor non-legendary drops have. I like you legendary at the end thing too. Thanks!
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