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Everything posted by northener69

  1. Yeah great that HG's has made the ships bigger but they didn't make the Space Stations bigger. Have you seen the size of those ships when they land near the walkways? Those wings just merge into the structure and modders like JJHookah has to fix or come up with a mod that fixes the oversight made by HG's, one of many I may add! Regards, Myself :ermm: :happy:
  2. Hi Shabdez As I understand it so don't quote me is that when you start a new game the planets are generated and then uploaded providing no player has been before you where you are currently located. But since the NMS universe is so large you're pretty spaced out until you warp into someone else's area that they have generated when they started their game. So you can guarantee your planet generation is your own until it uploads for anyone else to come across if and when the opportunity arises. If you change the planet's plant generation or weather you should be fine and you will see the changes when you load your save. It's only if you change the terrains topography or anything major will you most likely need to restart a new game because it will affect structures that have already loaded and maybe a base for example, basic edits should be fine. Hope that helps, Regards, Myself :happy:
  3. First off there's nothing wrong with your English, it's probably better than mine and I'm English. :happy: And I totally get it when you have 6 cool looking ships and then out of nowhere a ship comes along that you must have but you have to decide which ship to sacrifice. I'm sure there's code somewhere to change this but where some mods are simple one line edits there are many that require a lot of work. It's a needle in a haystack at times and very frustrating a long with the fact HG's doesn't supply proper modding tools. There's a save editor you can use to move the slots around in your ships/multitools https://github.com/goatfungus/NMSSaveEditor which is a must have but it can be abused as in cheat. Anyway have fun and stay safe. Regards, Myself :happy:
  4. Hi mauskal Personally you'd be better off getting a new ship as the editing of the wings will be an absolute nightmare if you've never done this before. Here's a small example of what you'd be dealing with: <Property name="Children"> <Property value="TkSceneNodeData.xml"> <Property name="Name" value="_SubWings_A27" /> <Property name="Type" value="REFERENCE" /> <Property name="Transform" value="TkTransformData.xml"> <Property name="TransX" value="0.69637" /> <Property name="TransY" value="-0.17102" /> <Property name="TransZ" value="-5.07998" /> <Property name="RotX" value="0" /> <Property name="RotY" value="0" /> <Property name="RotZ" value="0" /> <Property name="ScaleX" value="1" /> <Property name="ScaleY" value="1" /> <Property name="ScaleZ" value="1" /> </Property> <Property name="Attributes"> <Property value="TkSceneNodeAttributeData.xml"> <Property name="Name" value="SCENEGRAPH" /> <Property name="AltID" value="" /> <Property name="Value" value="MODELS\COMMON\SPACECRAFT\DROPSHIPS\SUBWINGS\SUBWINGSA\SUBWINGSA_LEFT.SCENE.MBIN" /> </Property> </Property> <Property name="Children"> <Property value="TkSceneNodeData.xml"> <Property name="Name" value="SubWingsA_Right27" /> <Property name="Type" value="REFERENCE" /> <Property name="Transform" value="TkTransformData.xml"> <Property name="TransX" value="-1.39274" /> <Property name="TransY" value="0" /> <Property name="TransZ" value="0" /> <Property name="RotX" value="0" /> <Property name="RotY" value="0" /> <Property name="RotZ" value="0" /> <Property name="ScaleX" value="1" /> <Property name="ScaleY" value="1" /> <Property name="ScaleZ" value="1" /> </Property> <Property name="Attributes"> <Property value="TkSceneNodeAttributeData.xml"> <Property name="Name" value="SCENEGRAPH" /> <Property name="AltID" value="" /> <Property name="Value" value="MODELS\COMMON\SPACECRAFT\DROPSHIPS\SUBWINGS\SUBWINGSA\SUBWINGSA_RIGHT.SCENE.MBIN" /> </Property>And there's over 5000 lines of code in the dropship file, i'm not trying to put you off but if it's just the wings then pick another ship. Trust me it's not worth editing just for the wings when you can pick a similar ship. Regards, Myself. :happy:
  5. LMFAO or lmfao, was wondering when you'd use that smart and articulate mouth. I (i) stand corrected but i'm just lazy I guess! But thanks for educating a native Englishman who obviously is in need of a grammatical English lesson. Regards, Myself! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. Hi idefix38, Welcome to the forum. Now i'm a little confused so forgive me as i'm only posting my own opinion. I don't play the latest version much Exo Mech but i'm sure you can scrap your ships and you can even trade your ships with an NPC for example. And personally i think 6 ships is more than enough and i myself rarely use anything other than my S-Class Hauler due to it's storage etc. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. So i'm wondering why would you want more than 6 ships when you can only fly one at a time? Obviously i'm playing Visions mainly so i can't scrap the ships but i just repair them and swap them for a better one when they come along and then they sit and gather dust until i fancy flying something else. So personally i thing 6 is a good number and i think HG's needs to focus elsewhere before touching the ship aspect of the game, except mainly the flight mechanics bar a couple of other issues. Anyway, that's my opinion and i doubt you'll get anyone delving into your request as it's hard enough making mods without HG's supporting modders. Go figure! :ermm: Regards, Myself :laugh: :cool:
  7. I was messing about editing Visions due to trying to Mod something and when comparing files with a newer version of NMS i noticed a spelling error fixed in the newer NMS but not Visions as seen below. YawnRange should be YawRange. I then searched all the decompiled files in Visions to see if YawnRange was anywhere else but it wasn't. It found a single entry as shown below. I corrected the spelling mistake but got this error when compiling it as shown below. When that came up i opened up the NMS.exe using an exe explorer and searched the words YawnRange and YawRange. Surprisingly the spelling mistake was in the NMS.exe so i left as it was. Prior to all this and using the above method i found further spelling mistakes that were in the files that matched the NMS.exe and were able to compile. Just goes to show how easy a simple spelling mistake can affect a game but also how much respect these programmers deserve. It's a lot of code and as much as this game frustrates me i give them my respect. And it's just another reason why i love tinkering with this game. Thank you HG's i love you and i hate you. :cool: Oh and the other spelling errors I've found in Visions so far while tinkering... PortalRunEntry should be PortalRuneEntry VehicleRaseStart should be VehicleRaceStart GlitchyStroyBox should be GlitchyStoryBox They have been fixed from Beyond onwards, yeah i checked. :ermm: :cool:
  8. If you know how to mod then this is an easy fix by tinkering with GCAISPACESHIPGLOBALS.GLOBAL if i recall. The same can be done with pretty much any aspect of the game if you know where to look, sometimes it's a case of hide and seek looking for the parts you need but that's half the fun. I'm sure someone made a mod ages ago regarding the planets distances, it might have been RayRod but it could have been someone else. Some things are limited to the game engine but the files are there to be tinkered with. There are many mods already relating to asteroids, i made my own asteroid mod reducing the amount so as not to spam the ship when hurtling towards a planet, jeez i hated it but now it's uncluttered. There's no end to what you can tinker with, within the confines of what the game gives you, trust me there's loads to play with just look at the mods people have released. And selfish people like me who don't release. :ermm: Regards, Myself. :happy:
  9. The limit is as many as your PC can handle and i mean that because it's mod dependent, some mods for example may hit the frame rate like Fine_LOD_Ultra but i've used 50+ and running Reshade 4.61 without any issues. Some of those 50+ I've merged some mods together as they use the same files so i advise using NMS Mod Conflict Detector https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/565?tab=files The above program checks for mod conflicts as some mods will overwrite one another if they're using the same files, so helping you decide which one to keep. Or like i have just merge them together. :cool: Hope that answers your question. :happy:
  10. Hi crockettbu A screenshot might help so people can visualize the issue and maybe offer a solution. And maybe tell us if you're using Mods etc etc. :happy:
  11. As far as i'm aware the answer is "NO" sadly, there isn't official support from Hello Games for modding on the PC. We have a MOD folder but they give us no tools whatsoever. We rely on monkeyman192 to give us the tool to decompile the files just to Mod on PC. I don't understand HG's supporting Mods but not giving the tools to do so, if anyone has an answer to this confusing issue please let me know and explain it in a manner that would make sense. Regards, Myself :happy:
  12. Hi skalliton Don't mention it mate and i understand fully regarding getting stomped if you criticise the game, i even got a warning on steam because it became a little heated after my heavy criticism. I merely gave an honest opinion and the crazies came out of the woodwork and got a little upset and i replied in kind. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: But seriously delve into the modding and if you need a little help with the tools you need just send me a P.M and i'll send you some links. If you see from my forum posts i've done plenty of modding and i didn't know sh*t until i dived in myself, and there's some nice people on here that will help you if you're stuck. Good luck mate and have fun. :happy: Regards, Myself :happy:
  13. Hi skalliton, Welcome to the forum and welcome to the frustrations that is NMS. Sadly i doubt anyone will take on the above as it's a lot of work although i guess they could tweak the ship variations but it'll probably look even worse. And i understand your frustrations with the space battle as they are pretty mute and very one sided even before you upgrade. But there are plenty of mods out there that improve things like that and more. You could also get into the editing yourself as it's not as hard as you think to begin with, i managed to do it and my brain lives in my shoe. Regards, Myself :happy:
  14. There are mods that alter the flight somewhat but you'll have to try a few out yourself and have a go at editing yourself, it's not that hard tbh unless you get into something a little more in depth. And the game is what it is unfortunately which is a bit of a mess. :dry:
  15. I still have a version from Beyond if it helps. :happy: Or the file/s location to edit in NMS is MODELS\PLANETS\BIOMES\COMMON\BUILDINGS\PARTS\BUILDABLEPARTS\UTILITYPARTS\CONDUIT_PIPE\POWERFIELD_MAT.MATERIAL.MBIN I haven't checked the file/s but it' seems similar to Beyond, but again i haven't looked at it so there may be others. :happy:
  16. There are mods out that does this already, failing that i've made my own versions of it as i hate the congestion they cause especially when fast traveling. I'm sure you've found the mods already, i think Lo2k has one and DUD has and Exosolar if i recall and myself although unreleased cuz i'm selfish! :dry:
  17. After being away from NMS for a while i thought i'd play the latest Mech version and while i see there's still a ton of bugs some old some new i made a mod that i originally made for my Visions edit. Basically it faces them outwards so there's no hitting the structure or any ships taking off at the same time, seems logical to me. This version with the flower animation removed from the pad. And pilots not wading through the animated pad which looks silly. And this one with it intact. If there's any interest i'll ask a fellow modder to share it on the Modding part of the site. I'm too old and lazy to bother. :dry: Credits to monkeyman192 who without his mbincompiler we wouldn't have any mods at all. A link to hosting site I thought I should leave in. Fairs fair as they say.free pic host
  18. Hi Shabdez I can confirm that i have noticed the same issue, a planet that states no Fauna yet there's plenty and weather mismatched but i just ignore it as this is to be expected with this game unfortunately. :ermm: Regards.
  19. I suggest running with all mods disabled then simply trying them one by one until the culprit shows itself. If it crashes with no mods running you have another issue probably not related, microsoft update regularly and eff everything up as does nvidia and amd. :happy: There are mod conflict detection tools on the mod site. :happy:
  20. Hi Spiritz Yeah although i've done the mod above i've not even tested it so i don't even know what the camera looks like or the shaking in game. But i will admit i hate HG's camera views, they're not comfortable viewing angles. In my Visions edit they're just how i like them, but i look forward to a decent camera mod so thanks for taking that on as i'm unsure when i'll be tinkering, and on top of that i'm a selfish modder as in i don't release. Well i gave one to Lo2k which was the landing pad one but i can't be bothered to maintain them so credits to all you mod makers who release and maintain them. :cool: I'm playing a few games i've purchased but never played and just hope i don't forget too much regarding NMS editing and i get a few PM's asking for help and/or advice which i don't mind. And yes i've seen your mod list growing and growing but be careful as it's a lot of maintenance keeping all those mods updated when HG's releases a new update. But credits for the dedication and giving your time to the community and i hope they're grateful for it as it can take a lot of your time sifting through all those files to find what you're looking for. Obviously some mods are merely true/false or 1/0 and some are much harder to do and work out, that's where the likes of JJhookah make me look like an amateur. :ermm: :confused: :laugh: JJhookah sent me a prank mod of barrels floating and spinning on their axis and floating in the air doing circles on the space station and landing platforms, all because i've done nothing but fix floating barrels.....hilarious! My point is there's some fun to be had between modders and it shows what a good bunch we are, well i hope it does. Just don't let anyone take advantage or take you for granted and don't do too much Spritiz or it will consume you......ha ha haaaaaa. :devil: :devil: :devil: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So i expect to pop back in the new year and find a creative work of modded art like a hand crafted planet made by SpiritzCo. No pressure! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: And yeah Merry Xmas and sh*t to everyone, if you like Xmas. If you don't have a nice day. :happy: Oh and Spiritz, you will get inundated with requests now that you are spamming Nexus with mod releases. That's a good thing though buddy! :cool: :happy:
  21. Thank you for this file, unfortunately the latest update has broken it again when it comes to driving exocraft in third person.. All one can see is the back end of the exocraft now which makes driving a bit problematic.. :smile: Here you go mostly30, not tested as i don't play NMS at the moment but it should be fine. There were new values added in Synthesis 2.24 not in earlier versions that hopefully won't affect the camera but the shakes should be fine as nothing has changed as in new added. :happy: Link: http://www.filedropper.com/nomansdrunk224 Cool thank you for the update, you mod is the only one that works.. :smile: Did have an issue with the link, it sends me to the main page of the file storage website, on investigating it seems some unwanted characters were added to the end of the link mucking it up.. Removing the unwanted characters fixed the link and was able to download the file.. :smile: Link fixed, think i got carried away with copy and paste. :ermm: :laugh:
  22. Yeah i have Steam experimental but also GOG version but without Galaxy, i'd remove Steam if i could play my games without it. No DRM in GOG plus you can play like i do Visions 1.77 pre Vulcan and Synthesis in separate folders, although i have to remember to swap save folder when switching. :happy:
  23. Thank you for this file, unfortunately the latest update has broken it again when it comes to driving exocraft in third person.. All one can see is the back end of the exocraft now which makes driving a bit problematic.. :smile: Here you go mostly30, not tested as i don't play NMS at the moment but it should be fine. There were new values added in Synthesis 2.24 not in earlier versions that hopefully won't affect the camera but the shakes should be fine as nothing has changed as in new added. :happy: Link: https://www.filedropper.com/nomansdrunk224
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