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Everything posted by dem0nbreather

  1. I've been hoping for this too. Maybe the preexisting Take All could remain, but Take Unequipped could be added. And now that I think of it, an option to only take equipped items could have its uses. And lastly, a new sort option for equipped gear, or a whole new inventory tab just for that.
  2. This is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for when I first set out for the Combat Zone, but I was sorely disappointed. One combat, one conversation, succeeded on the first try at level 6 on Survival (second character, exploring locations I hadn't seen with my first). Blah. Underwhelming, and definitely not the Thunderdome/Moxxi's Underdome that I was hoping for. Very well-written proposal though. I'd love to see this added to the game.
  3. I like the idea. It would be nice if you could flag certain items that your dedicated scavver would focus on, maybe by raising the percentage chance of getting X, Y or Z in exchange for less junk overall, or slower results or something -- focusing on specific items would need to be balanced, or it would just be like adding items through the console but with more menus. And I think everyone is well aware that the crafting menus are less than ideal. Anyway, more control over settlers and more functionality for settlement objects is always a plus!
  4. I only noticed the rabbit carcasses on Carla's pack brahmin today for the first time. And as much as I like to chow down on some iguana from time to time, I'd be totally fine with having iguana bits and kebabs removed or replaced by rabbit or turkey or something. I've had my fair share of iguana on a stick since way back in the original Fallout. Looking forward to more NV-esque recipes in the future, but using east coast ingredients.
  5. Being able to light abandoned firepits and grills would be nice too. Start a fire, grill some radstag, lay out a sleeping bag and camp for the night.
  6. Pyramid Head's sword might be cool to see. I really like the repurposed vertibird prop blade idea though.
  7. I've been wanting the opposite. I actually want to nerf all of the CHA bonus items (grape mentats in particular) so that my base Charisma stat is more important than the outfit I'm wearing and the chems I happen to be using. I've banned a few of the primary drugs in my current playthrough to make things more challenging. No stimpaks, grape mentats, rad-away or hazmat suit. Can't wait to see Bethesda's official reworking of Survival mode.
  8. Adding to this even though it's a little old. The brahmin annoy the hell out of me too. They shouldn't be able to run as fast as they do to catch up to their owner (if they get held up for some reason) -- it's immersion-breaking for me. If anything, the brahmin running (galloping, I guess) speed should be waaay slower, but it shouldn't be removed entirely. I think a loaded-down brahmin's top speed should be just a bit slower than the main character's non-sprint running speed. And ideally, a brahmin-owning NPC would be able to detect that they were walking directly away from the pack animal carrying their whole livelihood on its back and turn to meet it or simply wait and let it catch up. 20 meters seems like a decent distance. And I agree on the unnecessary noise. So much NPC noise pollution in the Commonwealth... I'd prefer it if they just stood still and grazed at a distance when their owner was stationary, with an occasional movement and/or snort/moo triggered once per minute or something. They often try to walk right between my character and whichever trader I happen to be talking to.
  9. Exactly what I've been hoping for. Thanks for posting, Hator.
  10. I end up carrying a supply kit that consists of about 20 lbs of junk to simulate my tool box, mess kit, toiletries, etc, and I try not to sacrifice these items unless I really need to. (Aiming for as much realism as I can get with vanilla.) I pretend to keep it all in a military ammo bag that I lug around, but obviously, every item is just listed out in the junk tab of my inventory like normal. What I'd like to see is a way to section those items away from any new junk I pick up by effectively stowing them in a carried container. It would be great if those items could be safe from being grabbed by crafting menus until I've pulled them out of their container and put them in my general inventory also. One example that annoys me regularly is having my pre-war money targeted as a component when modifying leather armor. Frankly, it might be nice to see paper added as a base component so that certain items made more sense, but that's a totally different topic. Ideally I'd like to have separate inventories for a variety of visibly worn items like backpack (I know there are a few mods already), bandolier/leather chest piece, holsters (numerous locations like belt/waistband depending on outfit, thigh, small of back, armpits, ankles, each holding a loaded(!) weapon), saddlebags for the dog, etc. TL;DR: requesting separate inventories for carried containers which are not accessible for crafting unless you remove the items and put them in general inventory, as well as being able to keep weapons loaded when unequipped, or at least when favorited/holstered.
  11. The lack of live squirrels and iguanas occurred to me too. Over the past few days I've noticed a crazy amount of insect replacment requests by arachnophobic players, (I had no clue that was an issue in gaming) so maybe squirrels and iguanas could replace the bugs? I would like to keep radscorps and roaches in my game, but it wouldn't hurt to see more diversity. I like the idea of rats, aquatic threats and more predators in general. Also, it would be nice to see some of the predatory creatures feasting on their prey. If a deathclaw kills a wild brahmin, I kind of expect to see it take a few bites instead of just immediately wandering off.
  12. I've been trying to look up any of the mod ideas that occur to me before posting, and most have been mentioned but I haven't seen one for a mangy Dogmeat reskin yet. I prefer him as a German Shepherd, so that's taken care of, but he looks too healthy for a wastelander! He looks like he was raised on Purina! Now, I'm not suggesting that Dogmeat should look like one of the wild mongrels, but if he were a little rough around the edges -- a little more 'wasteland survivor' and a little less 'best in show' -- I'd love it. I have this mental image of my faithful mutt with saddlebags, matted, patchy fur and an eye patch. Rooster Cogburn as a dog, basically. True Grit.
  13. I'm into it. I realize this is old, but whatever, I totally support this. I've been trying to play vanilla Survival with as many self-imposed restrictions as possible like no stimpaks, no hazmat suit, etc. It's so easy to stockpile everything that I've had to make my own challenges. Anyway, more and longer rad storms sounds perfect.
  14. Yeah, I'm sure there will be tons of Dogmeat skins in the future. All kinds of critters and robodog variants I bet, not just dog breeds.
  15. I just want saddle bags for Dogmeat so I can reconcile the impossibility of a dog being loaded down with 50+ pounds of pre-war garbage. Until then, Lone Wanderer will do, and I won't have to deal with the poor follower AI.
  16. I'd like to see some changes to the power armor running animation, myself. Well, possibly the removal of it, even. I like to do a fair amount of exploration in third person when danger is minimal, but the bouncing power armor jog bothers me and I can't help but be reminded of those terrible Moon Shoes from the 80s (google/youtube for old commercials to see what I mean if you don't know what I'm talking about -- basically a pair of sandals attached to two buckets). I try to ease forward gently (xbox) to stay just at the faster walking pace which feels right to me -- slow and heavy but powerful and deliberate -- but it just ends up being this sort of drunken-looking stumble when every fifth step lurches forward because I pushed a millimeter too far. Although now that I think about it, my character is an alcoholic, so maybe it's not as immersion-killing as I initially thought, ha. I'd be happy with removing power armor running entirely aside from the sprint toggle. In fact, I just now tried to go test out how I feel about the sprint animation but realized I sold all my fusion cores a while ago and haven't looked back. (Doing a no power armor/no stimpak Survival playthrough). Crossing my fingers that the vast majority of mods will eventually be accessible to us console-users, though I'm betting that we'll only be able to use a small percentage of them that are Bethesda/Microsoft-approved. Anyway, TL;DR: I'd love to see movement speed for power armor capped at the fastest walking speed, but still allow the sprint toggle for emergencies.
  17. I'll chime in to show some support here. Ideally, Bethesda themselves will create additional content for all of the followers, (I mainly say 'ideal' so that it will be voiced -- I'm spoiled by voiced characters nowadays), but honestly, I think the Nexus is where the more interesting stuff is going to come from, judging by the vanilla game. Anyway, computer love! Edit: Forgot to mention: SPOILER, cover your eyes! There is a robot/human wedding in the vanilla game. The writers obviously considered some level of robo-love in the making of the game.
  18. I don't know about anyone else, but if I could, I'd swap out the vanilla turrets with manned mounted weapons in a heartbeat. At least for one playthrough if not permanently. I'd love to see them in my settlements as well as out in the Commonwealth. I guess after playing for a few weeks, I'd just prefer to see more low-tech defenses where they'd make sense. Maybe some rare raider or Gunner might be smart enough to not only build, but program an auto-turret, (I can accept that that could occur now and then, sure, okay) but they absolutely don't make sense in a super mutant lair. I think a good ol' heavy machine gun on a swivel would make a lot more sense. However, I love the shopping cart turrets -- they're janky! And that makes sense! -- I always smile when I run into them, and I want them in my settlement defense list. - Vertibird minigun as the graphic basis - Allow it to be built as a settlement defense item. - Reskin the mount as a more sturdy looking tripod or bipod leaning on a sandbag wall, or use the vise grip/tripwire traps as inspiration, etc. - Allow mounted weapon variety (not just miniguns)/swap them out/provide ammo through a container menu? - Assign settlers to them, just like the vanilla guard posts/artillery - Allow settlement building of shopping cart turrets And this should probably be another mod request post entirely, but I'll add it here anyway: Home Alone defenses! I'd love to be able to make simple traps on the fly (in a dungeon or some remote alleyway in the city) like tripwires connected to grenades/vise grip-held weapons; duct taping a weapon into a mannequin's hands, wiring it with motion sensors or proximity sensors (obviously they don't exist at the moment but could possibly be made as a junk item); making my own cans-on-a-string alarms; player-usable tension triggered explosives etc.
  19. I'd love to see all favorited weapons shown on the body in some mostly-realistic fashion, whether with holsters, sheaths, slings, bandoliers, etc. Some would be weird, like where do you realistically stow a pool cue wrapped in barbed wire aside from just carrying it by hand? But even if weapons could be shown on the character's back, that would add to immersion for me.
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