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Everything posted by SpellAndShield

  1. Maybe 200-300 years in the future the Thalmor have been pushed back after a take over attempt, but Valenwood would be cool as well.
  2. Granted, nowhere near as majestic as Skyrim but probably much more magical, lots of water (maybe waterbreathing will be useful) and very different. Where do you see the next installment of TES taking place?
  3. How do I turn Steam off btw for the future to prevent this from happening?
  4. I wish I hadn't had steam on, autodled it and now my script dragon mods don't work..
  5. Thing is, my current character is a Nord 2H warrior and I don't plan on doing the Thieve's Guild Quest for her...
  6. I figured it out without alchemy. I just got my smithing up to 100 and starting buying corundum and steel for platemail armour, pretty soon, was in the the thousands of cash, smithing really was a winner here.
  7. This seemed to happen a few times, I tried to do a charge with a Great Sword and there was no critical strike, however there was one for battle axes. Has anyone else noticed this?
  8. What cities have altars to Zenithar and Dibella? if I might ask?
  9. It's a Giant's camp with a tree surrounded by purple liquid somewhere between Rorikstead and Whiterun. The quest can be found in the adjoining cave. It can be pretty dangerous to get there though because of all the mammoths and giants. I tried the sneaky approach only to have a mammoth spawn on top of me while exiting the cave. Four mammoths then aggroed me along with a pair of giants. I was only level 23. :sweat: Just curious, but how does this make getting money easier? is there a power or perk involved?
  10. Basically, selling potions with multieffects, usually 2-4 in total can net you an insane amount of gold in a short time. Stealing things, sure but until you get the perk for speech at 70 you can't sell it at all. It could be an interesting challenge though, hmm, not going the alchemy route because believe me, you can instantly become rich with it. What is the sleeping tree camp?
  11. Because most of characters seem to only be able to get rich by selling crazy expensive brews but I would to forego that for once. Any ideas?
  12. Finishers only work when all OTHER enemies are dead, I would like to do them every time.
  13. I am not a modder, but a wretch who profits from their divine labour but I was just curious if any modders have thought of making such a mod that would bypass the current rules, meaning only the last one standing gets a deathblow?
  14. I've noticed this, that one handed swords have the most and maces and axes get the gimp whereas 2H weapons only have 2, one for non decapiation, one for beheading and the warhammer and battle axe are identical in this respect? Am I right in this?
  15. Steam did an auto update last night and I couldn't run the game anymore with script dragon, is there a newest version that is compatible with everything? Because I wanted to keep running some mods from it but could not...
  16. Weird how these discussions get off the ground. If people don't want an ethical version of the argument then the fact that substance prohibition does not work well should be enough. It's funny how people miss the 20's analogy or don't think it is analogous to begin with. The higher risk created more demand for alchohol and does the same for 'drugs'. There is much more profit to be made if it is dangerous and hard to come by, just the market at work. Also not to be forgotten is the fact that there are lobbyists working hard to keep alchohol readily available, whereas no such phenomenon exists for marijuana or other drugs. Cigarettes are another one. At the end of the day it's more an issue of whoever gives head to the government than anything else. Just arbitrary...
  17. This really seems to be an issue of victimless crimes. Someone injecting heroine into his arm and sleeping on his matress at home is NOT a crime, just stupid behaviour. I don't support the State in executing people, too many mistakes are made and more importantly it gives the State even more power than it already has.
  18. Just about everything in the US these days is a violation of the Constitution; it is routinely ignored.
  19. I personally love the Atronach for my pure warriors as it really turns them into mage killers, not suing magicka themselves it doesn't matter if they gain it more slowly, however I think an interesting challenge would be to switch from the Apprentice (which is the pure mage favourite) to the Atronach. Once you have enchanting skills up, sure you can cast for free but it takes a while to get there so I wonder how it would be to play starting off as an Atronach. Has anyone ever tried this?
  20. If you absolutely can't find her anywhere you can open the console (with the tilde key: ~ ) and type the following: player.moveto 000A2C94 That should warp you to her wherever she is. (My wife had to do this when Lydia wandered off into the mountains one evening for no apparent reason....) Did that and she is gone from the game, as in disappeared completely; after becomign thane she just does not appear.
  21. to be honest I havent seen too many people advocating the usage of illusion spells in general. I think they're probably deficient in one way or another compared to the other skills that can be leveled. Totally disagree. Illusion magic is potentially the most powerful school of magic there is for many reasons BUT especially as an assassin. Spells like muffle make you insanely hard to detect, then there is invisibility but those are just starters, with all the perks spell casting makes ZERO noise and you don't need to fight a single battle, casting high level frenzy spells from the darkness. Illusion is thus the ultimate CC power in every respect, so there is NOTHING deficient about Illusion.
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