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Everything posted by MasterMagnus

  1. That is the way the 'Default Outfit' works. Just have them equip a different item for the body slot. And that item will 'disappear' too, but their initial default outfit will appear in their inventory (unequipped). For their modesty they try their best to never appear naked. Why on earth it doesn't just show the default outfit as equipped I don't know.
  2. My first approach would be to copy the weapon record and edit the 'Object Template' to mark the mod setup you want as 'Default'. Then whenever you place your copied weapon it will have the mods you want by default. Probably a better way to do it, that would just be my first guess.
  3. As they said above remove the .GetBaseObject() parts. Also not to confuse things, but you could be using the array .Length (CollectedGnomes.Length) instead of creating a global called Counter. If you did create a global I would not name it Counter, that seems like it would just be asking to conflict with something else. I would prefix your global with something unique to your mod (most likely the same prefix you use in all records).
  4. Glad you got it working. I didn't mean to focus on the EventFilter specifically, just using that line as an example. More power to ya!
  5. Shot in the dark here, this seems like something I ran into. Was also trying to use an Actor Property from Quest Alias and couldn't get that to work. Instead of Actor (type in your property definition) make your PlayerRef a ReferenceAlias. Then in code: ObjectReference ThisPlayerRef = PlayerRef.GetReference() and use it like so for Actor specific functions (ThisPlayerRef as Actor) (ThisPlayerREF as Actor).AddInventoryEventFilter(BTInt_DRGN_Gnome_List)
  6. My mod "Rise Of The Necromancer" (in my sig) has a recipe for a 'Pocket Skeleton', which can be carried in your inventory, and then dropped on the ground and moved as normal. It drops the vanilla movable static skeleton. It also has a function for 'Harvest Blood and Bone' from corpses and fallen skeleton minions, which has a chance to give you a Pocket Skeleton. Of course in addition to the main point of the mod allowing you to have unlimited skeleton followers. On PC, XB1 and PS4.
  7. Everybody else who learned it, figured out HOW to learn it. Do we really need to say "Google is a thing"? There is no crash course in how to mod FO4. Here's a pearl of wisdom for you, Learn to research. It will help you in all things in life, starting with modding. Here's another, "Give a man a fish, he eats one meal, teach a man to fish he feeds himself for life." Is the way the saying goes, I like to add: "The guy who taught himself to fish, deserves respect." The guy walking around saying "Hey all you fisherman I want a smoked sockeye salmon!" is going to get fisherman taking time out of their day to teach him how to tie the hook on the line? And then every other tiny beginners task that is involved in fishing? No, the fisherman will just laugh at him. Learn the basics, by consuming tutorials, of which there are many. They aren't all in one place, in a logical order. You'll have to find them, and let your curiosity guide you into the parts you want to learn. When you've taught yourself the basics, and you can stand on the peer and fish with the fisherman. THEN you can say, "I'm only catching bluegill, can you help me catch a salmon?" At that time fisherman would be happy to say "I use this bait instead etc." If you're still reading this, it may occur to you that you could have spent all the time it took to type this thread and read our responses, and used it to research modding. Nobody will be dropping a magic here's-how-you-mod-bomb in a forum thread, because no such fish exists in the sea.
  8. Arthmoor is right, I receive a 1099-MISC, considered a private contractor. Very easy to do as an individual with another job, a private person with no business name or anything of the sort, or as a person who was previously self employed. **EDIT** in the USA at any rate.
  9. There is no Shutdown function. If you want to stop a quest from running without completing it, yourQuest.Stop() http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Stop_-_Quest
  10. Would making your message a MessageBox work? Message box opens and everything stops in game until they click OK (or whatever you want the button to say). Should probably halt the fade at whatever point it's at when called.
  11. Yeah looks functional for a start. You can use akTarget directly you don't need to use a this_Actor variable, but nothing wrong with it either. I do notice the CompanionChange event gets called on both parties, old and new companion. So you'll likely need some logic to figure out which actors are doing what via the akArgs array. You won't want to update your 'companions_list' if this event is firing on the companion that you are dismissing. It does provide you with 'old' and 'new' you just have to code some logic to handle it. I'm not 100% sure of the sequence of events (when you hire/dismiss) and when CompanionChange gets called. I would take the stance, if possible, that whatever code you're doing in this event may be running in parallel to some other code, and the 'companion changing procedure' may not be complete. That all being said, I believe the CompanionChange event is called after you close any dialogue that hired/dismissed/chose return location, and before the actor is actually 'released' from your service and directed by code to walk or teleport away, but the companion that is leaving should be designated as the leaving companion and already removed from the Game.GetPlayerFollowers() array. ...I THINK (famous last words) Give it a try with those assumptions and see how it goes!
  12. You pretty much answered your own question. Set up your array Actor[] playerFollowers = Game.GetPlayerFollowers() Fills playerFollowers[0] through playerFollowers[playerFollowers.Length-1]. if player.Followers.Length = 0 you have no followers. Manage changes with a script that registers for the CompanionChange event. Event OnInit() RegisterForCustomEvent(FollowersScript.GetScript(), "CompanionChange") EndEvent Event FollowersScript.CompanionChange(FollowersScript akSender, Var[] akArgs) {stuff}EndEvent This was on a script that extends Actor, attached to actors that would be changing, and they also need the FollowersScript attached (and set up correctly) as well. Hope that gets you started. Messing with companion and follower stuff is my favorite, so far.
  13. Bethesda disallows violence towards children. Create a copy of the Human race, edit it to use the child bodies, and assign your 'children' to the new race. That should avoid built in child mechanics. They won't like you uploading it to Beth if you do that though (you probably already knew that).
  14. If you've got alll your versions and settings right for export from Blender: (helpful info here http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/10525-blender-27-nif-exporter-tutorial/) Blender -> .nif -> Elrich -> .nif -> Nifskope ->.nif -> OutfitStudio -> .nif -> FO4 Try using Elric/Elrich.exe in the tools folder to 'massage' the .nif closer to FO4 format. Then Nifskope to make sure every little node and setting matches an example vanilla .nif . Then Outfit studio to fix up the weighting/rigging. I haven't been personally using Outfit studio, but I hear that is a workable step for things with weights/rigging. Elrich.exe can be funky, and not work on every .nif. Also I think you need to move the Elric folder to a different location or it throws an error.
  15. Possibly the .nif has a Bounding Box or Collision Node using the mesh geometry rather than a simpler shape? If I knew what the 'Pink' highlight means I could provide a better guess.
  16. When faced with a problem like this, my approach is to dig into the Scripts\Source\Base folder with the goal of finding "How do they do it?" Looking for scripts with FusionCore in the name, nada, maybe Battery, nope. PowerArmor? Bingo. Have a look through these. PowerArmorBatteryInsertScript.psc PowerArmorNPCCoreDestroyScript.psc PowerArmorRechargeScript.psc Hope those help.
  17. It's so easy to make, but I doubt anyone would make an entire mod that only has this one function. In CK create a new message (MESG) Check the "Message Box" checkbox. And type the message (without quotes) "Companion is carrying %.0f of their %.0f weight limit." Then make a holotape, connected to a terminal fragment. Connect up a Property for yourMesgName message. Populate floatYourCompanionCarryWeight and floatYourCompanionCarryCapacity through code. And call: yourMesgName.Show(floatYourCompanionCarryWeight,floatYourCompanionCarryCapacity)
  18. Again I say, the real world example of 60% 40% is better from the 'leverage' perspective and better from the 'being a real world example' perspective too (as opposed to being a theory based on college studies). Just sayin'
  19. Haven't tried myself, but here's my first guess: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Play_-_Sound CK example given: int instanceID = mySFX.play(self) ; play mySFX sound from my self Sound.SetInstanceVolume(instanceID, 0.5) ; play at half volumeYou'd need to set up a sound record in the CK and point it at your file (their example uses the editor ID mySFX). And when you use the Play function you have to send an ObjectReference to 'play from' (what is making the sound). I assume you'd use the Player (or terminal in this case, as Self represents the terminal when playing from a script on a terminal).
  20. Get Marcy in your view, hit ~ to open the console. Click on Marcy type each line and hit enter: ssq followers forcerefintoalias companionsetignorefriendlyhits 1setpv bCommandable 1setpv ballowmove 1setpv ballowcaravan 1addkeyword playercanstimpakattachpapyrusscript companionactorscript (this line is optional, only needed to call functions from the script like AllowCompanion,DismissCompanion etc.) I believe this will automatically make her Essential. If not you can try 'Callfunction SetEssential' (while she is still selected after the other commands). You will need to attach the Companion Actor Script to her before calling the SetEssential. You can also change the line 'forcerefintoalias' to 'forcerefintoalias dogmeatcompanion' to put them in the 'dog companion slot'. You can have two companions this way, as was originally intended but removed. Any hiring, dismissing or changing of companions will dismiss the dog slot and you'll have to manually add that again. Hope that helps. Marcy never had it so good. "Let's get you out there so you can have revenge instead of just talking about it!"
  21. That would indeed seem to be the case. So the discussion is drug down by peoples pre-conceived notions and lack of broad experience with the topic. I get it.
  22. Yeah, I guess I'm the one lacking in reading comprehension. If you were aware of these examples that are better comparisons why would you have mentioned e-books at all? And why when a better example/comparison is provided would you return to talking about e-books? I'm not sure what 'the irrelevant banter' revolving around a 'virtual economy' is. If we've found a 'better' comparison then the 'banter' would seem, to me, to be 'more' relevant. The point I was trying to make is, this has already been talked to death, figured out by game companies, and monetized years ago. Nobody is getting a 50 - 50 cut. I use the better comparison and their 60 - 40 cut as a real world example of, what I feel, is the largest cut anyone could expect from a large corporate company. The tenor of the discussion just leads me to believe some folks aren't aware of game companies selling third party assets in their games for years (that are NOT Second Life).
  23. Reneer I'm not talking about e-book publishing. Why would you think that? Bolded for reading comprehension.
  24. There are far more 'apple to apple' comparisons if you choose to look. I get checks from a game company where we are able to submit models and textures only, that are approved by their art staff, and then sold in their marketplace. These are cosmetic items only, not gameplay changing stuff. And their art devs ensure that they 'fit within the genre'. Not the perfect comparison to modding, but similar enough. Company 60% Artist 40%. Very generous and the highest payout I would expect to see. The company provides a captive audience of millions. There is simply no way an individual or team (no matter how awesome the quality is) can match what a company like Bethesda brings to the table for the mod author. Their cut is deserved, and brings millions of potential buyers to your product. This stuff is already being done, people are already making tons of money, people have long been enjoying their 'virtual pixel items'. You guys seem behind the curve. Bethesda is seeing this happening and realizing there is a right way to do it, even if they blew the first attempt. They will do it. Just a matter of when.
  25. Quick question to those who seem to know. Attach Point Index 0 What is the INDEX for? Is the index always 0, unless you had more than one node named P-Scope (or whatever)? Is this utilized to mark something as a scope in the scope 'slot' but use a different attachment point?
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