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Everything posted by ghosu

  1. Nah, i will release it the way or the other...I'm just checking my options atm. Had a look at the CK stuff, i see no easy AND quick way to implement the throwing (and return to sender) mechanic atm. The quick and dirty way to throw it looks like sh*t in my opinion. Spending days in CK to get it to work is no option for me, time i can't and won't sacrifice - since i'm not planning to return to modding it's lost time to get into things again. Here are the options i see right now: - release it just as weapon version, 1h and 2h: people will complain 'bout the missing mechanic - release it with a dirty throwing mechanic: people will complain that it looks like sh*t, nothing like GoW and the "return to player" behavior is missing - spend days or weeks to get the game mechanic working and look as good as possible: people want more weapons/armor/questline, Kratos skin and son follower...a damn f*ckin' full conversion ... it's always the same story, i know my clientele :D So i guess my fav option would be: - release it just as weapon version, 1h and 2h, deactivate comment section and write something like "IT'S JUST THE WEAPON, NO GAME MECHANIC, NO UPDATES!!!11 And yeah, I'm a comment section censorship Nazi Snowflake !!1" and get along with my life. It's impossible to make everyone always happy and in the end it's not my job, that's just the internet :D Whatever, there is no need for drama, just wanted to give a little update - I will release it in the near future, in the end it's just a weapon mod :wink: Greetings
  2. Might be a good idea to upload the .nif with textures...with the mod if it's no replacer, so folks here can check 'em for issues. Greetings
  3. ... and straight after your response you send me pictures of a GOW Mjolnir via PM? I just said that I'm finishing that axe and that's it. So why? I'm not making a hammer so what shall i do with these "design suggestions that are no demands"?
  4. @ Surinen: Nothing of all that...i already said several times that i don't have the time and will create the axe and MAYBE (at best!) a throwing animation. This is Skyrim, not God of War...different game, different engine. It will feel nothing like that in Skyrim, a huge team created GOW over years and their own engine suits the weapons they create. There is no checkbox like "... make weapon throwable and return to player" and "... convert blade to ice when hitting" that you just have to tick in Creation Kit. Doing all that would take days and weeks of work, i can't spend so much time on unpaid work - I'm grown up and got to pay my bills. And there are plenty of 'em. I'm doing that for fun - to me, 3D modeling is fun. CK work - not so much. That's one of the reasons, i quit modding - there are always people that are unhappy with what they get. Once i released a weapon pack,one of the first comments was "No armor?". How many modders are still here, that fullfill requests? I guess the request to modder ratio is something like 100(0):1. My mailbox is already filling up with requets once again, messages like "I KNOW, you're just here for a short visit BUT could you do this and that .... ?" What you get is at least (!) better than nothing, be happy with that or just ignore it. I never asked people for thanking me all the time, since i'm doing it for fun. On the other hand, it would be really nice just to let the modder do his thing. Sry to get emotional, but it's always the same story. Most of the time you simply don't care, but sometimes just such a tiny comment spoils your mood. Once the weapon is released I'll make it a free ressource after a few weeks, so everyone can use it for his own mods - maybe you find someone that can fullfill your demands. @ the other replies, thx. Greetings
  5. Yeah, there are several similar mods out there...as said, I'll have a look tomorrow on such mods and try to recreate such mechanic IF no one knows a method to do it. greetings
  6. Pls don't start asking all the time...i finished 'bout 99% of all mods i started, I'm not that kind of person that promises stuff without delivering. That being said, atm I'm waiting for feedback on my question in the modding section: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6594986-throw-and-return-to-player-weapon-gow4-axe-thors-hammer-etc As you see, no response yet...even back in the modding prime of Skyrim, there were not that many people with advanced modding knowledge around, i guess it looks much worse now ^^ There is a huge difference if someone shares this knowledge with you or if you have to waste days or weeks on it - time i can't spend ;) I got some time tomorrow to have a look on it, if no one replies to my thread this weekend i'll simply release the weapon without that feature asap - maybe just add an optional dirty throwing animation or whatever. @ Surinen: I only played GOW3 Greetings
  7. Thanks. Well, "I'm back" for a short visit, new job on a game might be on prospect so i got to finish this asap. How's it going? Axe model is finished and imported, so that part is done. That's rarely the problem, can finish pretty much everything in <24h when it comes to 3D modeling. The "funny" aka nasty stuff is the rest. This weekend i'll check out if i find a QUICK and EASY method to add a throw and/or return mechanic. If it takes too long I'll release the axe alone as 1H/2H version. Greetings
  8. Hello I quit modding several years ago, just in for a short visit ... whatever, i created the Leviathan Axe from God of War 4. The game mechanic I'd like to go with it is to throw the weapon and after impact it returns to the player. Is there a FAST and EASY way to manage that? I even had to watch my own modding tutorials i made 4 or 5 years ago so my memory is not the best :D And i don't want to waste days or weeks working on that mod since it's just for fun, got plenty to do in RL. I'm aware of some mods (Throwing Weapon Mod, Captain America Shield, afaik there is even a working version of Thor's Hammer) - I'll check them out this weekend, maybe have a look on 'em in CK if i get 'em running (CK stops working all the time when i load mods despite i made all common modifications to the .ini file with multiple loads, added ressources, DLC and so on). Whatever, my first thought was to use a scroll or spell...replace the casting spell hand effect with the axe and the projectile with a rotating axe...once it's fired, scaling the axe in your hand from 0 to 1 or fade it in - this would be without the axe returning, but the first dirty workaround that came into my mind. Though, I'm sure there is a better way but i really don't remember all that CK stuff. Maybe i find a way reverse engineering existing mods, maybe someone got an idea...maybe i just skip this feature to save time :D And here comes another one: What's the newest NifSkope version, that is compatible with vanilla Skyrim? Still using good old 1.1.0. rc4, maybe there is a working version with new features? Thanks & greetings, Ghosu
  9. On the Nexus...once it's finished :D
  10. @ Surinen: Tbh. the throw-back animation etc. is quite impossible atm, since it would require me to get into modding once again. That would take days or maybe even weeks, can't spend that time atm and in the near future. I'm a 3D modeler, to create such a weapon i use 90% my modeling tools and 10% modding tools. When it comes to the creation of such a game mechanic it would be more like 100% modding tools and CK. At least 3D models i can use as portfolio (well, not the best quality but at least you can show folks that you're an active modeler ^^). Can't afford to loose such a huge amount of time for unpaid work at the current stage in my life. After some time i'll make the mod free to use, as i do with all my stuff - so maybe a skilled scripter will continue. Afaik there are throwing mods around (saw a throwing weapon mod) and i'm sure someone did something similar with Thor's Hammer. @ rest: Well, guess i'll make both versions, 1h & 2h. greetings
  11. Might take days to get this game mechanic working, tbh not worth the effort right now 'cause i got more important stuff to do :wink: Whatever, the model is quite done - guess i can import it within the next days.
  12. Hell not even sure if i manage to get all the mod tools running - haven't modded for years, guess i have to watch my own tutorials ^^ Whatever, will have a look at that later - the 3D model of the axe is nearly finished.
  13. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6583606-god-of-war-axe-leviathan/
  14. I could give the 3D modell a shot, not so sure 'bout the "throw and call back" feature since i'm mainly a 3D artist. I'm working on it...though, I've got to reinstall Skyrim and all the modding stuff so it might take a while. greetings
  15. Well, that's quite a job...do you even know how to get in into the game once you're done? Cause without that knowledge all that work might be for nothing. I've quit modding years ago, back then most people just got creatures into the game by replacing them, using the original skeleton. My personal workflow for full character creation is... Creation the high poly model in zBrush, not that hard to create hands and feet. You could even use parts of another mother and melt them together like dough. Most people do the low poly model first, though i prefer this order. Once the high poly model is done, creation of the low poly model via retopology using 3D Coat. Rigging, well tbh i think is pretty hard - or at least time consuming. If your topology is messy, it takes forever. Really depends on the quality of your skeleton and mesh, if it fits you get at least an useable rig quite fast. I'm using Maya for that. Whatever, all that won't help much but this tipp might do: https://www.mixamo.com At least when it comes to humanoid body types, this site is wonderful. You can upload the low poly model and auto rig it in a few minutes. At least you get an okay rig that you can improve and build upon. The site offers a database of free animations as well. Good luck & greetings
  16. How did you manage to dig out a >2 year old thread :D ?
  17. Guys, he simply wants this sword.
  18. Well, never figured out how to add the rifles to the leveled list and all that stuff - whatever, good luck on that :) greetings
  19. Hello. I'm not modding anymore, but if you find someone, that adds it to the game - i could provide the model. Greetings http://666kb.com/i/dhkuyw4sldjtpsqwa.jpg
  20. ... or there are not that many capable modders left ;) There were not THAT many modders that fullfilled requests in Skyrim's prime. Even back then the request/modder ratio was around 20:1 i guess , ofc there are much more players than artists :D Now the numbers are even muuuch lower (if there is even anyone left - just browsed the board after a long while). Greetings
  21. Hello So, how 'bout an answer to "And what did they say? Or what did their lawyers say?", since you contacted WB and "a few others" ? Greetings
  22. Hello I'm not modding any more, Skyrim and tools not installed...though, if you find someone that imports it: I could provide the model. Adjusting the color / pattern ofc. http://666kb.com/i/dh8wavvksr5r6i41n.jpg greetings
  23. The bigger question ist: How many modders will modify their work to make it compatible with SSE or give permission/reply to someone else to port it...quite a few already left i guess :wink:
  24. http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4633-skyrim-se-things-to-know-when-converting-standard-mods-to-sse/ ... some people got the beta version of the new CK, there was an open signup.
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