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Everything posted by nakakita

  1. Since when have they refused? How do you know they have the final version of Dragonborn sitting on their servers? That is a possibility, but it's just as likely they're not finished with it, ironing out the bugs, improving the textures to match the high-res. download, so on. They didn't do this for Hearthfire or for Dawnguard, so what makes you so sure they'll do it for Dragonborn? If it comes out this week, I'll buy it. If it comes out any later, I won't until it's on sale, because I won't have the free time to do anything with it until next summer.
  2. SPERG has an alteration perk that allows you to make and upgrade a dwemer-thing that acts as a soulgem (it steals your magicka to refuel itself), so you can avoid soultrapping. The ingredients are difficult to acquire for the upgrades, but that's fairly balanced. As for Daedra, they are not intrinsically evil, and the Aedra have their bad points as well.
  3. I really like this idea, and I know of an item with a custom description and a perk or enchantment that can still be enchanted that you could look at if a vanilla example might help. Silver swords.
  4. He hasn't logged in since the 18th. I'm honestly a bit worried.
  5. I wouldn't call Thunderbolt a fail. It hasn't been out for that long, and one of the current mods of the month got almost no attention for a few months.
  6. Windhelm is pretty convenient. Alchemy and Enchanting at the castle, or alchemy in the alchemy shop, then enchanting behind Nirane's stall, then all the smithing stuff in one spot. The alchemy shop is open 24/7 until you do a quest. I think it's probably the most convenient, as if you use the alchemy station in the shop, you only have 1 loading screen to deal with total, and it's all fairly close together.
  7. the detect life and detect undead spells aren't completely worthless since they show who is good and who is bad. But everyone is 'bad' in the places I use it in. When I use it in the wilds, It's generally to avoid that sabercat/bear/wolf pack in the distance.
  8. Aura Whisper, because it detects everything, and all the other detect life type spells are worthless.
  9. Spellbreaker is in Oblivion as well, so you can leave that out of the equation entirely. There was also the escutcheon of Chorrol, which was almost like the Spellbreaker, only providing melee reflect instead of spell reflect.
  10. I have a few ideas for you. This, this, this, and everything here except the mask and 'call'. I'd say get the them as well except they need to be consoled up. I'm also pretty sure none of these will conflict with anything. Edited because I noticed you had at least one of these already.
  11. We did get an exclusive (and free) DLC technically. Remember the official HD texture pack?
  12. Oh well. Guess I can just read The Count of Monte Cristo over Christmas break. Hopefully this will be the very last time this happens with Skyrim? And that it will be released the 1st Tuesday of January and not a lot later?
  13. I didn't refer to Valercia, and the poster I quoted was talking about TES vampires in general. Yes, those two are Cyrodillic vampires, but the non-pureblood vampires in Skyrim appear to be 'similar', and Harkon doesn't think much of you if you have any strain of Vampirism that isn't his. It doesn't 'count'. I also remember hearing that one type of Vampirism that was 'gifted' by Clavicus Vile, though I can't find the reference at the moment. No, I don't know how Valercia manages to go without blood. But non-pureblood vampires who go for an extended period of time without blood suffer for it.
  14. There was a vampire in Oblivion who refused blood and went into a coma because of it. This might have just been a plot device and nothing else, because there's another vampire who does act as you described. I'm not sure how long he was blood deprived though, and he was a much older vampire.
  15. Sounds like Tribunal. Hopefully they remember to have this trigger after you are declared Dragonborn, instead of when you are a level 1 nobody attempting to get to Whiterun. And hopefully they won't continually attack you.
  16. Well, the author of this thread was banned for piracy, so don't expect an update here. And the last update on the site he links to was 7 months ago. I wouldn't be optimistic.
  17. It's a variation on the 'draugr eye glitch' or 'centurion glitch'. This post mentioned a fix for the draugr specific problem. It'll work for you as well, if you can figure out what creature that effect came from.
  18. There are wayshrines though. The differences are that the powers from them don't stack anymore, and that they're identical to the shrines you find in temples. There also isn't a pilgrimage option, but there isn't infamy to get rid of.
  19. I have mixed views on unleashed. I like that the modder is supporting a version with no other dependent mods, which is something I didn't exactly like about the Scaling Stopper. The monster mod that Boss keeps saying you're supposed to use with it adds dinosaurs... and other things that just have no place in Skyrim (and the lore-friendly plugin version never worked for me). Then if you want to use one armor set, sometimes you need to download and install 10 others. Unleashed might end up integrating a perk overhaul with it eventually (some users keep suggesting it, and the modder once mentioned he might do it), and if it does, and it's not modular, I'll have to quit using it because I love SPERG too much to give it up. The crafting overhaul with Unleashed is interesting. You have to find or buy plans if you want to upgrade your armor. You're also more likely to find gems or ingots (and plans) than actual armor or weapons. The prices on everything have been increased, but if you don't need to buy things, or you're a mage who uses armor spells and doesn't have any intention of smithing, you end up with nothing but profit. You could (and I have) end up with an ebony sword at level 5. Or you could find nothing but iron junk at level 45. But it's modular, so if you don't like the item or crafting stuff you can ignore that, keep the NPC AI tweaks and descaling, and install Morrowloot or something for items. I just hope the modder keeps it simple and effective and doesn't go too crazy and become a monster like those other overhaul mods. SPERG + Duel + Unleashed is definitely stable for me though. I have 120 active mods at the moment, and I haven't had any crashes in a while that didn't involve Alt-tabbing fail, or a couple of the scripts that SKSE automatically installs.
  20. This mod is my favorite perk overhaul to date. All the other ones seemed too bloated or involved, and make the game something different instead of something 'better'. I stayed away from FCOM for Oblivion for the same reason, using only Frans. I use SPERG with Duel, and some people use it with ASIS, but if you choose to do that, you should exclude SPERG because a couple of those perks when applied to NPCs cause crashes. That's being worked on though. I'm also using the standard version of Skyrim Unleashed at the moment to delevel enemies, but the Skyrim Scaling Stopper or certain modules of ESRO can achieve the same thing.
  21. They're annoying, true, but no worse than bears/wolves/sabercats/dragons can be. I like cliffracers more than bears. Stupid, annoying, loud bears. :facepalm:
  22. I would like to see a mod removing every little 'helpful tip' that is never needed after you've played through the game once. Other games have 'no more tips' checkboxes. Why not TES? This has annoyed me in Morrowind and Oblivion as well. The mana/health/stamina ones are particularly annoying though. The health popup has killed me before. The mana one always interrupts my casting.
  23. Console modding is not supported on the Nexus.
  24. Another perk overhaul that has a respec quest. He's planning on having an easier way using the SkyUI interface eventually. This mod also has a character import feature for characters as far along as yours. Check out the documentation at least.
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