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Everything posted by Meciathe

  1. Dirmire lay there his eyes glassed over still coughing his viens now showing up dark red.
  2. Dirmire rolled back on his back his skin now black his arms useless, sweeting and a sever migrain.
  3. "Help please," Dirmire croaked, "Please help me."
  4. Dirmire skin got darker and his coughing got heavier
  5. Dirmire skin started to turn purple as he lay there coughing.
  6. dirmire teleported to his bedroom and grabbed a anti-poison potion and drank it. He teleported back to Nawen. OOC: If he had teleported with Selene grabbing him she would have teleported to.
  7. Dirmire dropped his bow and stood there still
  8. Dirmire aimed down and shoot Aardorn through the leg the he fired another which hit aardorn in the arm which the sword was in.
  9. Dirmire pulled out his bow and aimed it at Aardorns head, "make one move and you will be dead."
  10. Dirmire walked out the river soaking wet. He had cuaght ten fish. They were still flapping in the net which he gave Nawen.
  11. Dirmire was now at the river and he jumped in. He swam upstream for a bit then stopped he got out an net and started to cast it out.
  12. "A bit like you then," Dirmire laughed as he walked down to the river to fish, " And I'm not an animal I am person who likes to eat fish not defenceless rabit."
  13. "How about we don't kill it and go fishing and eat a fish instead of the rabbit," Dirmire said, "Plus that way we can get a decent meal."
  14. "Why don't just let him go and he can prance around the fields that right Aardorn he's not dinner and Selene he's not an item of clothing." Dirmire said he nudged Nawen and whispered, "Release him down there" and pointed to a river and a rabbit's burrow.
  15. "O and guess would it be a new pair of slippers if it had died." Dirmire scwolded
  16. Dirmire bent down a saw a trip wire "Stand back," Dirmire pulled it.
  17. Dirmire walked up the hill drenched he then used a spell and the water seemed to fall of him and he was dry. "So what our we going to do other than pick up bear traps because if we carry on like this we'll have a lovely collection." He then looked around and saw a troll in the distance. "Who wants to go after that troll." Dirmire said pointing at it in the distance.
  18. Aardorn had pushed Dirmire to hard and he fell over into the river. "And I suppose you think this is funny," Dirmire started to laugh.
  19. "Do you think I'll fall down a hill like Edward," Dirmire laughed. He didn't realise he was walking towards another bear trap.
  20. "I'll come i've not really gone outside to wilderness," Dirmire said smiling. He pulled out a bow and started to strech the string.
  21. " I might go to the wedding you know be one of those awkward geusts who complains about everything." Dirmire laughed.
  22. "I think she trying to insult us and it makes me sad," Dirmire said pulling an ovious sad face. He then laughed.
  23. "Whats with Selene first she has a go at us and now we're her friends," dirmire whispered to Nawen
  24. "It's not that it's strong it's that the other stuff has put me off," Dirmire joked to Nawen the he turned and looked at Selene and Edward.
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