Dirmire was sitting and messing round with knife. He dropped it and it went in his foot. He pulld it out and looked at the blood oozing out of left foot. "That hurt" he said. He poured some ale on it and made a horrible face. He then took some cloth out and pressed against his foot.
Dirmire sat there looking at his ale. "What to do" he thought. He took as sip from his drink and looked at Nawen and Selene and listened in on there conversation.
Dirmire just sat in the corner making the odd glance at Aardorn and Nawen seeing what they were doing. His mouth still bled from the glass and the alcohol stung him slightly.
"You now what have the money," Dirmire scwoled and threw a bag of money at Aardorn and it landed in front of Aardorns feet. Dirmire turned his head and started to walk to the tavern. "The skeletons and dragon was ages ago."
Dirmire was walking towards the tavern when saw Aardorn he stopped he didn't want to get close but he wanted a drink. He put his hood up and tried to sneek by.
Dirmire opened the door to his house and walked up to his bedroom. He drank some more potions and started to heal his mouth with numurous spells. He then went back out side closed the door and walked to the tavern.
Dirmire reached in his mouth pulled out the glass after each more blood would pour on his hand. After he got the last piece out he drank one of the potion it stung his mouth. "Thank you," He said to Nawen weakly.