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Everything posted by greyday01

  1. I would prefer to have the download go to the current Nexus directory with an option once it is downloaded to rclick and have a popup option to copy it into a different directory along with the install and enable options. I don't mind having two copies of a download as long as I can easily find them.
  2. I believe you only edit the editior ini in common\skyrim not the one in documents Did you put all these changes in: SkyrimEditor.ini [General] bAllowMultipleMasterFiles=1 bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 [Archives] SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa
  3. I'd like to know that also. I wanted a haunted graveyard where the ghost respawns every night even if it had been killed.
  4. Yes it lists the items that I added scripts to in the editor to advance the quest like the note I created that starts the quest when read and the trigger boxes that move things to the next stage when entered. I guess I won't worry about it as long as everything works. I was just concerned because I don't truly understand how things work under the hood and I didn't want to create problems in people's games. A side question. How do you get a jpeg image from your desktop into one of these topic boxes? I searched but I didn't understand the explanation.
  5. Yes. Words of wisdom. I inadvertently edited so many things at the start while pulling cells apart to see how they are put together, or as you said just selecting something, and not being careful enough to NOT save when exiting the CK.
  6. I have only one short and simple quest in my mod. It is start game enabled run once quest and I only put in one alias the player, so I could add a note to the player's inventory at the start of the game. Reading the note starts the quest. I did not use other aliases. Just scripts on the note, and on a few trigger boxes that directly enable or disable items and set the next stage of the quest. It all works just fine, things are enabled or disabled when they should be. The proper quest stage messages show. But when I checked for errors with TES5 it gave a half dozen or so unfilled alias messages. I don't really understand how the quest process or aliases work so I wanted to use it as little as I could get away with. Will using scripts directly on editor objects instead of on aliases cause problems?
  7. Does one install SKSE more or less like you do for MO? Put the dll's, ect into the Skyrim Folder and Zip the other files and load it like a mod? Gopher hasn't got that far in his Vortex youtubes. How do you run the game through SKSE with Vortex?
  8. I did a simpler fix. Since I had not made any intentional edits to that cell of any kind, I opened my mod in Tes5 expanded my mod until I found that cell, right clicked on it and chose delete. The entire cell was returned to vanilla and no longer starred as changed. Still learning TES5 but that worked.
  9. No. I cant do anything but cancel the installation. The pop up won't let me interact at all with it.
  10. I tried a number of times to use the A Quality World Map installer with Vortex. When you click install a tiny popup opens but it is too small to see all the options and I cannot scroll or select any of the options I can see. I haven't tried any of the other mods with installers but that one at least doesn't work.
  11. When checking my mod for errors it said I had a deleted navmesh in cell BYOHHouse1Exterior02 at location -3,-17. The Navm is 000F0660. I didn't do anything in that area so I loaded the CK with all the DLCs but NOT my mod and looked. There were 6 Navm but not that ID. I reloaded the CK with just Skyrim and Update. The Navm, a big 225 triangle mesh was there. Why did it say my mod deleted it when it was Hearthfire that must have done it. Can I ignore that warning? If not how to fix it?
  12. So Vortex on C installed there automatically. Install Skyrim on D\ Games \ Steam \ Steam apps \ skyrim. Add folders to D for Skyrim \ Downloads and Skyrim \ Mods. In Vortex set directory paths to Skyrim, Downloads and Mods on the D drive.
  13. Down load it manually. Remove the unneeded files from the zip then install it manually. MO had the same problem. See Gophers MO vid about MO and scripted installers and SKSE.
  14. I don't understand that sentence. It seems to say the files are not actually in the Data folder. If you checked the size of the Data folder, then used Vortex to install a bunch of huge texture mods then rechecked the size of the data folder it wouldn't be any bigger? If the downloaded files aren't really in Data where are they? Could someone explain how this works because I'm reading explanations and just getting more confused.
  15. That's what I was hoping to avoid. I wanted to save space on my c drive and a bunch of mods for just one game plus the original game and various helper programs like blender takes a chunk out of it. If I had several modded games it could get used up quickly. It would help if just the download folder could be kept somewhere else as that's just a place to store them before installing them. If I did a manual download of all my mods and installed from the desktop would the download folder be empty? Golphers youtube showed him changing the install path to his D drive. Did he do something wrong?
  16. It seems the installer doesn't give you an option of where to install it and according to Golphers vid Vortex must be in the same drive as your game. I'm not sure what that means. Must Vortex be on the same drive as Skyrims exe? Can you have Vortex's exe on C and your downloaded but not installed mods on D? Must I uninstall Skyrim and reinstall on D if I want Vortex there? Sorry for the noob questions but I've never had a computer with 2 drives before and it took me a while just to figure out how to move my Documents, ect to D. I've been having trouble with MO not letting me log in so I would like to try changing to vortex if I can figure it out.
  17. I followed Jvilickys YouTube video and redid everything. It's all good again. Can you tell me what files I need to package up. I have a few characters, a handful of textures, meshes and scripts and of course the worldspace? Do you copy the whole data folder and delete everything that's not yours, or try to find and drag copies of all your stuff. Thank Tannin for Mod Organizer. I'd hate to have to pick through things if all the mods I play with were in there.
  18. I've only played a bit with vortex on my laptop, for my desktop I'm keeping MO for a while at least. I find I like the interface. It seems very intuitive at least for downloading and installing mods. The only thing I miss is having a clean Data file for the Creation Kit. It would be wonderful to have a hybred with MO. A separate Data folder just for mods you are working on and any needed masters that merges at runtime to the real data folder. Some way to keep the files you are working on separate from all the other mods. With a couple hundred mods picking out your files for packaging would be hard. Other than that I like it so far.
  19. I generated LOD and that worked fine. It looked good in the CK and in game. Then I removed my mod files from the data folder to see in MO how it looked after installing that way. Later I removed my mod from MO and put my files back into Data. The next time I went to my worldspace in game about waist high there is a featureless brown land texture . Everything is still there underneath and it lookes fine in the CK. One thing I was wondering about in tectures\terraine\mymod\land that folder is empty. Should it be? Will going through the LOD process again fix it?
  20. If you wanted to use vortex or NMM could you have two copies of Data, rename one DataPlaying and one dataMyMod and switch back and forth by removing the ending of the one you were working or playing with? You would have to be careful of which you were using but that might work. It would be an extra step if you wanted to go from modding to playing so I don't know if that would be better. Two computers would be best but I don't have money or space for two.
  21. How do you set up things for working with the Creation Kit? What I did was in my Data folder I unzipped scripts and also both the meshes and textures from the BSAs. Otherwise I couldn't script or see the textures on my meshes. Then I used MO for gaming so my Data folder only had vanilla items and my stuff. That made it easy to find the things I was working on. I open the CK directly not through MO and ran Syrim directly for testing my mod. Is there a better way to go about it? The thing is I was thinking about going to vortex instead of MO and wondering if having my Data folder full of stuff from other mods would complicate things? There doesn't seem to be any tutorials about best working set ups for modding so I would welcome opinions and advice.
  22. Is it possible using scripts to move vanilla references into another cell and place others in their place without editing the cell itself? A script that references the items and moves them to a different location is easy enough, but is there a way to place new items in a certain cell, at specified x,y,z coordinates? I've been looking through the scripting guide at creationkit but can't see a way. I want to remove some vanilla references and replace them with different ones but I was hoping to find a way to do it such that if another mod edited that cell my changes would still be there. Any scripting experts out there?
  23. What is the best way to make the thieves guild trophies that are activators takeable? I thought of moving them outside the walls and making them enable parents of misc versions. Is there a better way?
  24. With that mod you can get spring water from wells. Does anyone know how that works? did they put an invisible activator around the wells? or add some keyword to them or what? I've a water source in my mod I would like it to work like a well if someone has RND installed but I don't want to make it a required master.
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