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Everything posted by Wunderbot

  1. I feel silly for having so many mods and still not really knowing where to find them, but I've often seen screenshots of blue signs with white text like the ones you find in University Point with "Traders welcome!" and "Protected by the Minutemen" etc. Anyone know which mod makes these available to use? I'm pretty sure it's one of Gruffydd's mods but I already have way too many signs due to the mods I use, so I want to be sure first and I haven't been able to find these specific signs in any of his mod screenshots.
  2. I used a console command to remove tactical thinking, which makes Railroad behave normally again (PAM gets locked out when tactical thinking starts). It worked perfectly fine, have been playing for ages since then and haven't run into issues. I believe it was stopquest or resetquest or something.
  3. I had DiMA turn himself in to the harborpeople and he was executed, as I didn't support the idea of replacing somebody (Tektus) with yet another synth. So far it seems like this was the only real peaceful solution however, since now that DiMA is gone and I have completed every other "main" quest, Cleansing the Land is still open. I've tried telling both Far Harbor and Tektus about the kill switch and launch key, but even that didn't end it. If necessary, I'd side with the harbor, but I don't really want to kill all the Children either. Has anyone found a way to keep all three factions alive, not go along with DiMA's murderplots and still finish this quest?
  4. The chat with Father after Bunker Hill is pretty much the only chance you get without having to join the Railroad or BoS.
  5. Always bothers me how people who were disappointed by a game seem to have no concept of nuance left whatsoever. Fallout 4 is already the singleplayer game I have spent the most time playing in my entire life, and I'm not even done completely with Far Harbor yet. It's far from a perfect game and I'm sure there are people who don't like the game that much, but to act like it's an absolutely terrible game just makes me and a lot of other people dismiss your entire opinion. If you've played Fallout 3 or New Vegas, sure this one could be your least favourite out of those three, but if you liked Fallout 3 and/or New Vegas and consider FO4 outright terrible, you just have really messed up expectations, because the fundaments are still the same and without mods or forcing yourself to do anything, you'll get at least 30 hours of gameplay out of it, which is far more than most games offer these days. And if you hated Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I really don't know why you bought Fallout 4. Stop overhyping the first two Fallouts. They had plenty of shitty storytelling as well, nostalgia goggles just tends to make people forget that. We were all a lot younger and far more impressionable back then too. You can beat the Master by pointing out something incredibly obvious, namely that Super Mutants can't procreate so they're pretty much doomed no matter what. Seriously? The Master is supposed to be hyperintelligent and can fricking move stuff with just his mind, but he never thought of that pretty obvious and important detail on his own? Face it, the Fallout storylines have -always- been full of gaping plotholes. It comes with the freedom of choice you get, because developers usually don't have time to fully flesh out every single route your character could possibly take and everyone is constantly projecting themselves onto their characters, so there's no way to please everyone. And even if you think Fallout 4 had less freedom than previous entries, you still have far more freedom than in most games. In the end, I think Bethesda is just victim of their own high standard. Critics will praise most games if they offer singleplayer campaigns of 30 to 40 hours, but I have put more than 300 hours into both Skyrim and Fallout 4 already and I'm still playing them. Everyone has ridiculously high expectations and some people seem to forget just how unique these things are. Just look at the list of games available on the Nexus. There really aren't a lot of games on it and that's simply because 95% of games just don't support modding. I bought The Witcher 3, according to some one of the best RPGs ever, and I got bored after about 10 hours and returned to Fallout. Doesn't mean I feel the urge to take to the forums and start telling everyone that it's s***. Reasonable people are capable of saying a game isn't their thing without having to label it "the worst ever".
  6. It's already very much possible to finish the game with both factions alive. In fact, the Minutemen can stay alive in any ending except Institute's. On my own character, I sided with the Minutemen with both Brotherhood and Railroad still alive. As for becoming Sentinel: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12183/? It was in the original game, but cut apparently. That mod should restore the option. The Brotherhood and Minutemen will never ask you to kill the other unless you make them your enemy yourself. If you're with the Minutemen and make yourself an enemy of the Brotherhood, the Brotherhood will attack the Castle and they'll be at war. If you keep both factions friendly, you can stay member of both.
  7. The green lines you get all across your character's body whenever you're poisoned just look so horribly ugly. I'm hoping there's somebody out there who could alter it to look a bit more appealing or just remove it completely and find a better way to display poison?
  8. As somebody with plenty of experience in photoshop, but close to none when it comes to technical stuff, I've been having a lot of issues trying to make progress on a couple mods I've had in mind for quite some time now. I have been making textures in my spare time and have a whole lot of them ready to go, but pushing them through FO4Edit or the GECK has been a real hurdle because for literally every step I wish to take, I need to ask advice or look up tutorials. It's not something I particularly enjoy and it takes way too much time that I'd rather spend on textures or creatively developing the mod. Now, I imagine the technical stuff is not something anyone is too fond of, but I would love to partner up with somebody who actually has a clue what they're doing. Maybe there's somebody out there with a lot of ideas of their own, but doesn't have the artistic (I use the term very loosely, I don't consider myself an artist) abilities to support their technical know-how. Let me know and we can help each other out by wasting less time learning things we don't know how to do and focusing on what we know! In the end, I'm open to collaborating with anyone, really. The Nexus has a lot of really talented modders, but too rarely do we see collaborations, even though it often leads to better work than any seperate author could have accomplished on their own. GECK wizards, voice actors, modellers, other texturers, scripters, writers,... Contact me and let's start working our magic! Some projects I have been working on, or have been thinking about: Settler Variations (Ready for testing) Better settlers. We already have some wonderful mods such as Better Settlers (surprise!) and Don't Call Me Settler, but there's still a lot of room for improvement. I have textures ready to go for at least 50 new pieces of clothing with different colour combinations and varying degrees of dirtyness and damagedness. It's strange how after more than 200 years, there's still so much clothing around in absolutely pristine condition, and people who have been wandering around for days or weeks and randomly show up at your settlement look like they came straight out of the catalogue. Unique Settlers (Concept phase) More unique and recruitable settlers like Tina De Luca, Vault Tec salesman, Sheffield, etc. New and Better Enemies (Some textures and concept work done) The one project I want to work on the most. I've been in talks with MADMAX, the author of the very popular and excellent Raider and Super Mutant overhauls, and he has helped me with some useful tips, but he is currently far too busy himself on expanding his two overhauls. This project has two sides, as the title implies. I have been working on textures to introduce new enemy factions to the game, by introducing factions from previous Fallouts who could realistically have made their way to the Commonwealth, by expanding on vanilla factions such as the L&L Gang, and by introducing entirely new ones limited only by our imagination and the desire to at least be a tiny bit lore-friendly. Two that I have been working on are the Talon Company, who would be competing with the Gunners, and Lyons' Pride, the last remaining diehard followers of Elders Owyn and Sarah Lyons. On top of that, I'd like to see more difficulty added to the game in ways that are not just changing some numbers around. Legendary and unique enemies who become difficult through new mechanics rather than just turning them into bulletsponges.
  9. I really enjoyed randomly coming across people that I could recruit to my settlements like Sheffield, the Vault-Tec salesman, trader Rylee, Tina De Luca, both the named and unnamed random encounters,... Despite half of them being terribly bugged. It's an enjoyable way to actively build up your settlements instead of just turning on a radio signal and waiting around for generic NPCs to show up. Plus it just makes sense. You've built a safehaven, but rarely even consider the thought of inviting all the people you come across that don't really have a home. I'm sure a couple of enjoyable settlers can be created with voice files that already exist, but since there seem to be quite a few voice actors offering their services, they should be able to whip up a couple personalities as well!
  10. Looks awesome. In the meanwhile, you can try out Tumbajamba's alternative Gauss rifle: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8104/?
  11. The entire Brotherhood is just weird in Fallout 4, really. It almost feels as if Bethesda wanted players to start seeing them as not only narrowminded jerks, but even outright enemies. Danse might not have a lot of personality since his entire life is just the Brotherhood, but he's still portrayed as a very likeable character who always has your back. The only other likeable Brotherhood character is also the only one questioning where the Brotherhood is headed and whether she wants to remain a part of it. Brotherhood is also the only faction where you're really forced to rethink the ideals of the faction, since it has not just Blind Betrayal but a second quest where you're confronted with dissent and valid points against the Brotherhood's ideals (the one with the stolen supplies). It makes me wonder if there are future plans to turn the Brotherhood into antagonists, because it just feels weird how they're shown in the game compared to what they were in Fallout 3, the undeniable good guys. I wouldn't object to it, since it's a fairly logical consequence of the Brotherhood's dogmatic ideology. They really feel as hated and unwelcome as the Institute itself. But you're right that some corrections should be made. I sided with the Minutemen in the end and figured that Danse would be happy to once more have a cause worth fighting for. But he actually sounds relatively negative about the Minutemen, because his lines just don't change. So... a way too long post just to say that I approve and hope somebody will make good use of all the voice files we have available. Or even just remove a few of his lines once Blind Betrayal is completed.
  12. Alright, thanks! I'll just sit tight and wait for things to be cleared up.
  13. I read somewhere that to manually install mods there needs to be an asterisk in front of every plugin listed in the appdate plugin file. I use NMM, but decided to check the file anyway since 1.5 introduced a lot of issues with my mods, and noticed there aren't any asterisks in it. Should I add them myself or is it not necessary since I'm using NMM?
  14. Do not waste the time of modellers with such puny requests when they could be working on a luchador mask for Dogmeat instead. Or Strong. Definitely Strong.
  15. There are already plenty of mods for the different kinds of armour. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4865/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9406/?
  16. Those should already be part of Homemaker, although they're not completely see-through. They have a more blue-ish colour.
  17. As for the cape, there's actually a unused file in the vanilla game that implies Maxson was going to wear a similar short cape. So it shouldn't really be an issue.
  18. Until something more complex comes around, you could try out this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8392/?
  19. Either one of these should fix the wild plants issue: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3927/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4521/?
  20. A lot of the voice acting for mods I've downloaded in the past (mainly Skyrim) always felt awkward, out of place or just used low quality equipment. Judging by the samples, yours I could actually see (hear) fitting really well into the game!
  21. I've scrapped a couple houses and never experienced such a bug.
  22. There's a ton of possible reasons, really. They don't know where in the game you currently are, at which level, playing on which difficulty, etc. When I recently released a standalone vigilante outfit, I chose high damage resistances of the same level as the Silver Shroud armour. I imagine that makes it extremely overpowered for anyone starting a new character and using it right away, but it's perfectly in line with vanilla if you're at a higher level already.Balancing isn't as easy as you make it sound. Look at any game, especially multiplayer, and you'll see tons of patches that alter stats of weapons and armour because they weren't properly balanced and thousands more posts from players complaining that X or Y is unbalanced. Either somebody already put enough time into the model or texture and doesn't want to be bothered with perfect balancing, or they just don't have a clue where to begin to properly balance it.Like others said, they want to encourage people using their outfit as long as possible. Basically, no matter what stats they use, it'll always be too weak or too overpowered for somebody. It really doesn't take long to alter the stats in FO4Edit yourself and it's really not difficult either. Either mod authors have to release a ton of different versions with different stats, or everyone just tweaks the stats themselves to their individual liking. Being a texturer myself, I can assure you: even the most basic retexture of clothing or so takes me at least an hour if I want to provide some decent quality. So in the end, if somebody spends hours, even days, creating an outfit, they're entitled to any kind of messed up stats they want. Your hamburger analogy was just flatout terrible. A real analogy would be: somebody gives you a free hamburger and your reply is "There's no ketchup on it. Give me ketchup." But to give you ketchup he'd have to run to the store and lose more time than he already did making this free hamburger for you. The same amount of time it would take you to go get ketchup yourself. I don't think I'm exagerating when I say that most people would tell you to piss off and take back their delicious free hamburger.
  23. I talk to MadMax (the guy behind Super Mutant Redux and Raider Overhaul) every now and then, and I do know he's been working on the Super Mutant Redux for quite some time now and has already uploaded several versions before the current one that reached hot files. I didn't see it in newest files either. I did see the Unofficial FO4 Patch pass by earlier today though.
  24. I can not in good conscience support this idea until descriptive things like actual emotions in the dialogue options are replaced by the only true options: Gary. Gary? Gary! Gary...
  25. Since I assume most people would prefer a non-replacer version, I won't be replacing old ones. Plus, I have multiple textures ready for every kind of clothing, so I'd need to add in new ones anyway. Any settler, and I'll probably try to add them to the world as well by adding them to the lists of certain containers that already have a chance of giving clothing.
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