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Everything posted by Wunderbot

  1. Probably best you post a list of the mods you're using. Otherwise it's going to be pretty hard to help narrow it down to certain mods.
  2. Also a question, since I'm a bit torn on it: most companions have their own outfit that's so unique that I see no reason why any random settler would be wearing it. All except Cait. Do you think I should introduce different versions of her Corset outfit to random NPCs, or do you feel it would take away from Cait's feel as a unique companion? Do you think there's something unique I can give her instead to compensate? A unique colour version, changing her outfit completely, etc?
  3. I've been working for several weeks now on a clothing overhaul that will focus on the following: 1) Add underused clothing (that doesn't have a reason for why it would be rare) to more level lists 2) Fix clothing using incorrect textures that are already in the vanilla files (For example, female lab coat) 3) Introduce tons of colour variants on all clothing so that settlers will all look far more unique 4) Introduce dirty versions for all clothing that looks practically perfect. It's been 200 years. Clothing degrades. 5) Make the pristine versions rare but not remove them entirely, making it a valuable and satisfying thing to find. But, most importantly: 6) Introduce one-of-a-kind "legendary" clothing that encourages exploration. Now, it's clothing after all, so don't expect anything major. But I need suggestions for new unique kinds of clothing, because I'm out of inspiration. Some examples of what I have so far would be jumpsuits of several canon companies that you'll be able to find in their respective factories/HQs. Vault suits from other Fallout games that can be found in difficult locations. Bowling shirts. Hats and visors of commercial brands. But I need more, so suggestions are welcome! Suggestions aren't limited to just point 6, ofcourse. Know of any misplaced textures, missing outfits, other clothing-related stuff you'd like to see? Let me know! One important note: my skills are limited to textures only. I can't create models for new clothing myself.
  4. I assume you're mainly looking for the furniture stuff? Because if it's mainly about getting Sanctuary to look cleaner and less damaged, there are already several mods out there that clean Sanctuary from all the debris, clean up the streets and/or remove holes and such from the houses without it being 100% pre-war.
  5. Several already exist for the X-01, just search for "Enclave". Afraid I couldn't find any for the other three armours though.
  6. You need a certain amount of settlements before you can progress in the Minutemen main quest. It's explained as requiring enough support before you can take on the Institute. In reality, the main reason for new settlements is just in case you want to build something there. The Minutemen are recruiting new settlements because those settlements then provide people who can become Minutemen, and they can house artillery guns to help expand the reach of your artillery. You're only able to use your flare gun for backup and your signal flares for artillery if there's a Minutemen settlement nearby. Happiness isn't really important for anything as far as I know. It's only a problem when it reaches 0 because then your settlers may become hostile.
  7. I'd love to have a welding helmet that actually covers the face instead of being lifted up like the in-game one. When NPCs use workbenches, they sometimes already put on a welding helmet that covers their face, so maybe that asset can be pulled from the files somewhere?
  8. It's the only location I've had this issue in: I enter the interior and my game just becomes extremely laggy, to the point of almost being unplayable. I thought that it might have been the result of something in my immediate surroundings, but the issue persisted throughout the entire dungeon. Anyone have any idea what might be causing this and how to fix it?
  9. Weirdly enough, I don't think I've ever seen a mod before that pulls it off, despite it being something that I imagine a lot of people want to add, even to vanilla items like gasmasks and the Mechanist helmet.
  10. Don't really know any solution, since I haven't had the issue myself, but I've seen similar issues being mentioned in the comment section of a lot of mods that change companion appearances. Maybe try using Bethesda Archive Extractor and extract the vanilla files for these companions and manually add them to the Data folder?
  11. Haven't had the Deacon bug. PAM did give me a quest to take out a brotherhood patrol, but you can just leave it open and she'll give you her other radiant quests as well.
  12. No need to bait like this. Fallout 4 is my most played game ever and I love it, so you're not alone. There are however valid reasons to be disappointed, and some people will want to vent those frustrations. Then there's other people who just like to hate on everything. Just remember that it's easy for the internet to seem far more negative than what people really think. People who are angry will flock to forums to express their anger far more often than people who are happy. If you hate something, you'll feel the need to make a topic about it. If you love something, you just enjoy it and don't really feel the urge to go create a topic about it.
  13. I know people always respond with the same guide that has some really strict guidelines, but I'm not sure if it's really that complicated. I just did whatever I felt like and ended up with all three factions alive and at peace. As I'm sure you already know, the only way to keep all three alive is to finish the story with the Minutemen. Any other faction will eventually demand you destroy another. 1)Minutemen quests can be done whenever you like. Just keep in mind that their story does not progress until you actively decide to make the Institute your enemy. There are two options I know of: after Battle of Bunker Hill (after Synth Retention), you can side against the Institute and basically tell Father to piss off. This'll make the Institute your enemy. If you progress past that, you'll have to kill a named NPC inside the Institute if you want to make them turn enemy. 2) BoS can be done up to "Blind Betrayal". I personally did this quest, but the problem is that finishing it automatically starts "Tactical Thinking". This doesn't instantly turn Railroad hostile, but it does make PAM enter a "lockout" mode where you can't talk to her anymore and thus can't receive her quests anymore. I fixed this by using a console command to reset and remove the quest, which made PAM return to normal and also made the BoS just give me all their radiant quests. NOTE: Using this, you'll have access to all BoS radiant quests but you won't be able to ever progress their main storyline since they just don't give you those quests anymore. If you don't want to do all this, you'll have to stop the BoS questline just before Blind Betrayal, but then you'll never be able to max out reputation with Danse. 3) If you turn against the Institute after Bunker Hill and get banished as a result, Underground Undercover will automatically fail and Railroad will wait for you and the Minutemen to find a different way. You can join both MM and RR, that's not a problem. MM never have any issue with you joining any of the other factions. Using my method, you get to do all the MM quests, all BoS quests except the ones where they want you to attack other factions, the only RR quests you miss out on are Underground Undercover (partially at least) and the quests where you have to destroy other factions. You'll miss out on several Institute quests, but I don't think you can really avoid that anyway. I didn't want my character to do any more of their quests anyway, since after Synth Retention you really start to take the fight to other factions for the Institute.
  14. Judging by the description, somebody made this mod for you: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15179/?
  15. "Don't call me settler" has an option that burns all corpses in your settlement. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11306/?
  16. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10960/? This should already help a lot for the vendors that you can recruit for your settlements. I know it made me hate them a lot less. Don't think I've seen a mod for any other vendors yet though.
  17. You know, I actually like that aspect of the game. If they expand on that in a way that makes sense and actually improves the feature, I'm all for it. Actually, for me, that's about the only feature actually making it better than any previous Beth game. As has been said, reasonable AI or challenging combat, or storytelling, never were Beth's strong suits. I certainly don't want to rant over Beth games, since I still buy them, love them and play them. But when I look for some gripping story and challenging gameplay, I look elsewhere. I really enjoy the settlement and workshop stuff too. I've spent a lot of time on my main settlements already and still have plans for them. I just have two gripes with it: 1) They need to feel more useful and part of the game. Right now it feels like it exists in its own bubble. Have quests tie into your settlements. Make more use of interesting random events like a synth settler suddenly trying to kill you (Apparently there's a chance of finding your settlers accusing somebody of being a synth but in my 300+ hours of game, I haven't seen it happen once). Have it provide more in-game benefits to encourage you to spend time on it (without it being absolutely necessary to be able to make progress, for the people who really don't like the settlement building). 2) I get the feeling that they got a bit lazy and decided to do away with small communities and such that you can randomly come across and find some interesting NPCs in and just expect you as the player to build most small settlements yourself now. We got way too many settlement locations. Even I, who really enjoys building, haven't done anything with the vast majority of settlements. We could have done with like 5 really great locations and the 20 others being premade locations to explore.
  18. But you kind of miss the point here. Forgive me if I'm reading it wrong, but what I meant to say is, you should be able to influence future decisions. In an ideal game, of course. So, what they did shouldn't be the finish line to decide on wiping them off the world or just to get in on the game. There should be some choice to steer them in a different direction. I agree, that would just make sense. But after what I said before, that option would just completely remove any sense of urgency or danger from the game. Because really, all it would take is for you as Director to say "Stop killing people to replace them with synths and just properly explain what you're trying to accomplish because there's no way that not a single farmer would volunteer to test out your genetically superior crops for you" and the story would just become even more boring than it was.
  19. Zanity is such a mystery. Sometimes I read his posts without seeing his username first and thinking "My, that's a really nuanced and reasonable opinion". And then other times I see a long rant based on nothing but assumptions and it becomes hard to believe it was written by the same person. I agree that there's way too much focus on the settlement and workshop aspect of Fallout 4, but I get it. It's their newest biggest feature, so of course they're going to try parade it around. By Fallout 5, it'll surely be toned down again because they'll focus on other new things to introduce. It's surely -one- of the reasons, but I don't really believe that the main reason for these workshop DLCs is "easy money". Even New Vegas and Obsidian, praised by most people, had the same kind of tiny DLCs that were really shitty for anyone not interested in that particular aspect of Fallout. The Gun Runner's Arsenal and stuff like that just added weapons and some NPCs. That took considerably less effort than a contraptions or vault building system, and people still bought it, because no matter how much we complain, deep down we all still love the game and want to fill it with as much as possible.
  20. The way the Institute was handled is my main issue with the story of Fallout 4, really. They seemed to be afraid to make the Institute the 100% clear villain and ended up with something badly fleshed out. You always hear how evil the Institue is, but never see it. And there's evidence of plenty of outright evil things they've done, but you always find out about it afterwards. Taking out the Institute doesn't feel urgent or satisfying because throughout the entire game they're never really involved. They even say it themselves: they really don't care that much about the Commonwealth, they're fine just sitting in their underground base. You find out about several towns they've completely murdered and destroyed. Why not show us that? Let us visit the town first and return later to find everyone dead. Or even better, let us witness it firsthand, like with the Legion in New Vegas. Give the Commonwealth some truly evil goal, so we feel the urgency to stop them before they can accomplish it, like wiping the Commonwealth clean so they can rebuild it in their own vision, or actively wanting to eradicate humanity and replace them all with synths. My guess is that they wanted it to feel like a "grey area" of morality. Leave room for the player to wonder if the Institute are really the bad guys, or maybe they're right. But that just doesn't feel satisfying, because you end up not really giving a damn about the "villain". And weirdly enough they did add in a lot of atrocities commited by the Institute, so if you sum it all up, there's really no way to claim the Institute isn't the villain of the story. But overall, nobody's the clear hero and nobody's the complete villain. But people in a game usually -want- to be either the hero or villain. Not some half-hearted inbetweener. My main character is the good guy, so I left all factions alive but the Institute. But it all just felt really "Eh, big deal, the Institute is gone". And I always make a secondary character to be completely evil with. But after doing all the Institute quests, I didn't really feel satisfied either, cause I didn't really do anything all that evil. In the end, just think about it: what would change if you never destroyed the Institute? Truthfully? Barely anything. Their big ambition is to get a reactor online. Not a doomsday weapon or anything. Or not a reactor to power something evil. Just a reactor to keep their lights on. How lame is that.
  21. Animations have proven especially difficult to implement in Fallout 4, since the technology for it isn't created by Bethesda, but Havoc (I think), which means Bethesda can't really release the tools for it to modders, and Havoc doesn't provide free tools. I don't know a lot about animations, but I have seen some non-vanilla animations in mods so I suppose it isn't completely impossible. Just having the objects without animations would be nice already though.
  22. A good tech news site is rare. Either they hire people who know their tech stuff, but they'll probably be shitty writers, or they hire good writers but they probably know jack about technology.
  23. I might be a bit less disappointed if Nuka World turns out as good as Far Harbour. Admittedly, all previous Fallout expansions are slowly being pushed to the back of my head after not having played them for so long, but Far Harbour is definitely a contender for the best Bethesda expansion I've ever played. It had the awesome mysterious vibe of Point Lookout, it had the grey morality that The Pitt promised but failed to deliver on and difficult choices that actually made a difference, it had tie-ins with the vanilla game, the exploration was great due to the beautiful environment, the many easter eggs and hidden secrets and even some interesting unmarked quests that didn't hold your hand with quest target cursors like Bethesda games sadly tend to do. And we got some fun weapons and nice thematic armour too. The Striker is just awesome.
  24. Don't use the disable command. That command leaves the objects in your game, just not visible, but they can still cause issues due to technically still existing. Use the "markfordelete" command instead. It'll delete them once the cell resets.
  25. I bought the Season Pass at its initial price after the first three DLCs were announced. I don't regret buying it, because I definitely got my money's worth, but I do admit I'm also a bit disappointed that there won't be more. I even find it weird. They have two franchises that have proven time and time again that they have a community that'll continue playing for years after the release, but both Skyrim and Fallout 4 only received two real expansions and some housing stuff. I wonder if the sales of the Fallout 3 and New Vegas expansions were disappointing, because otherwise I don't really get why they don't aim for more large expansions. I'm not exactly a businessman, but it feels like free money. My one hope, and I really hope it's the case, is that it means they don't want Fallout 4 to last too long because they're having Obsidian develop another gapcloser like New Vegas between Fallout 4 and 5. Obsidian has shown interest in doing another Fallout game, the fans obviously want it. Bethesda pls.
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