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About kellthekyuss

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  1. please. go play scarfield for a couple nights bring you billy bad a$$ character and load the mod in you world will get rocked. and you will beg for more please say its boring. please say the space combat sucks then tell me nothing can be done with the game i've only been modding about 2.5 months,. give me another year
  2. errr. Hi,. I went and made a patch to make a bunch of mods work together. Actually what I ended up doing with about the best fallout experience of my life. A lot of it comes down to learning it isnt just load orders, but the sheer amount of unresolved conflicts which are inherent to how fallout 4 mods stuff (really actually neat from a programming perspective). I digress. Once I actually learned that conflict resolution isnt always solved by load orders, I was left with no choice. It actually started because my install was bad. which sucked because that folder had a lot of mod memories in it. But, once I learned it was bad I deleted it all and ran a fresh install, what was next was tossing everything in and it still didnt work like I felt it should. enter xedit. what a wonderful program Then I truly saw all the work everyone had done and then I saw truly all the unresolved conflicts within the game I was trying to run coherently. In despair I knew it would never work. So, I started, one by one, cell by cell. I learned how to resolve conflicts on my own. I didnt touch the original files, I just tossed everything into new files for conflict resolution across the entire thing. I call it Dastardly Do i need to get permission from all the mod authors in order to use it or ? Is it doomed to only be a personal mod thing? if it is I suppose you can delete the thread. I dont mind, but I know a lot of people have had a lot of issues meshing all these mods previously. so I figured I would ask. I do crash occasionally, usually when opening a vendor and its loading new data in, so i suspect just a memory leak. Pile of corpses tends to stack up, and vendors sell a lot of stuff. No, it isnt even remotely ready, still stuff to do, like lower crafting xps etc. But I figured to ask earlier before I put more weeks into the project. Basically at this time I need to know right now if what IM doing is a project or a hobby to keep me and the kids amused). some of the mods involves AWKCR Armorsmith 8.5 Weaponsmith 2 Weapons of Fate Bettler Locational Damage - New Calibers (yes, 20mm vulcan, to 22lr, to 30-06, 308, .408 cheytac, .444 all of it) Loads (yes, explosive 8mm works with every gun) VISG - DefUI (with new icon.dll) NPC Scaling (yes, everything scales to your level or better, I mean everything) Synth Overhaul Super Mutant Overhaul Raider Overhaul The Deadly Commonwealth Unique Creatures and Monsters DECAY Atomic Warlords (children of atom overhaul) War of the Commonwealth the load order in question UP Denotes Universal Patcher This works best on new games only. LOts of stuff activates only in the vault and the elevator. *HUDFramework.esm *ArmorKeywords.esm *NewCalibers.esp *Worsin's Garage.esm *PlasmaArsenal.esp *SettlementKeywords.esm *TrueStormsFO4.esm *NPCScaling.esm *Loads.esm *XDI.esm *FAR.esl *GCM_DLC_Automatron.esl *MMMFO4.esl *GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esl *VVV_LoadScreenArt.esp *OA_LootableMaterialsCrates_vanilla_mergedDLC.esp *StartMeUp.esp *BetterModDescriptions.esp *Better Mod Descriptions - Loads of Ammo Patch.esp *Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp *TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp *RAO - True Storms patch.esp *TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp *EBW-Merged.esp *GCM.esp *WeightlessJunk.esp *BossChestsHaveLegendaries.esp *Crafting Workbench.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp *CraftableAmmo_plus.esp *CraftableAmmunition_Adjustable.esp *CraftableAmmunition_FarHarbor.esp *DistantBlurRemover.esp *CraftableAmmo.esp *WestTekTacticalOptics.esp *WIPAG_Paint Garage - Full (Easy).esp *WIPAG_Decal Station.esp *WIPAG_Power Armor Overhaul.esp *TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp *TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp *TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp *WorldThunder - TrueStorms.esp *TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp *Arbitration - No Condition Regeneration.esp *Arbitration - Farther Grenade Detection.esp *Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp *dD-Reduced Explosion Force.esp *dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp *Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp *DLCWeaponsinCW.esp *LootableCars.esp *PilesofCorpses.esp *BTInteriors_Project.esp *ToggleableHightechVisionModes.esp *EPO Redux.esp *Better Explosives.esp *Better Explosives - Perks redone.esp *Better Explosives - Grenade Frequency 30.esp *OWR.esp *OWR2.esp *OWR_CraftableDecor_CW.esp *OWR_CraftableDecor.esp *OWR_CraftableDecor_SKPatch.esp *OWR2_CraftableDecor.esp *OWR2_CraftableDecor_SKPatch.esp *OWR2_CraftableDecor_CW.esp *OWR2_CraftableDecor_CW_SKPatch.esp *3dscopes-framework.esp *ASVektor.esp *WeightlessAid_BetterItemSorting.esp *CriticalHitsOutsideofVATS.esp *DogmeatNoOpeningDoors.esp *DOOMMerged.esp *G36Complex.esp *BullpupBozar.esp *M16.esp *mk14.esp *AN94.esp *SkibsIF54.esp *SkibsWeapons-REDUX.esp *IF88TacShotgun.esp *MP153.esp *Family Mauser.esp *WO-G3.esp *P99.esp *FN Five-Seven.esp *MikeMooresMCAM.esp *G3.esp *WO-USAS.esp *M9.esp *M14.esp *USP 45.esp *CorvalhoWidowShotgun.esp *P220.esp *R91M.esp *WO-ScarH.esp *WO-AK47.esp *WO-G20.esp *mjp_PTRS41ATR.esp *Wattz2000 - Jake Necroix.esp *Crossbow.esp *WO-M82.esp *WO-L96.esp *m82a.esp *Vivid Fallout - All in One - 4k.esp *M2216.esp *Wasteland Ordnance Merged.esp *M2216 AWKCR.esp *PainTrainAndImpactLanding-BuffedAndReworked-LessThan.esp *Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp *WraparoundNVG.esp *CMPA +300.esp *LongerHeadlampLightWithShadows.esp *LongerHeadlampLight2x.esp *ImmersiveVendors.esp *IncreasedCarryWeight.esp *LootableWorkbenchesDLC.esp *More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp *BetterModDescriptionsMSPTRS41ATR.esp *Better Mod Descriptions - AWKCR Patch.esp *CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp *IncreasedWeaponModDistribution-GOTY.esp *CWMR-GOTY-Patch-IncreasedWeaponModDistribution-GOTY.esp *NoLimitsJetpack.esp *WeightlessMods.esp *PreWarCodsworth.esp *RemoteExplosives.esp *Better Loads Switchers.esp *FHLeveledListIntegration.esp *FO4Hotkeys.esp Better VATS.esp *WastelandRadio.esp *Better Perks.esp *Better VATS - 0.75.esp *Armorsmith Extended.esp *BMD - AWKCR and AE Patch.esp *Better Locational Damage.esp *BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp *Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp *Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp *Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp *Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp *Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp *Weapons of Fate.esp *WOF-NC_Patch.esp *WOF_NCPatch.esp *The Deadly Commonwealth Expansion.esp *TDCE + AE + Raider Overhaul Patch.esp *RaiderOverhaul.esp *Better Locational Damage_ Raider Overhaul_Patch.esp *Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content.esp *Synth Overhaul.esp *Synth Overhaul - Black Patch.esp *SuperMutantRedux.esp *UP-AE_SuperMutantRedux.esp *SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp *SMR BLD.esp *BetterModDescriptionsROWIP.esp *ASVektor - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp *DeadAirplane.esp *RecruitableSettlers.esp *DLCAmmoScrounger.esp *PreWarSafes.esp *PlaneWreck.esp *WOTC.esp *WOTC - Experimental Fixes.esp *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters_SMR.esp *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters_SMR_AE.esp *D.E.C.A.Y.esp *Less Loot D.E.C.A.Y.esp *UP-BLD_UNPCs CaM_Workshop.esp *G36K - AWKCR.esp *UP-VISG_G36 Complex.esp *UP-AWKCR_BozarDeadPool.esp *UP-VISG_Bullpup Bozar.esp *mk14-awkcr.esp *Pirate_standalone.esp *FO4 NPCs Travel.esp *RU556.esp *UP-VISG_RU556.esp *RU556 - AWKCR.esp *RAO - OWR patch.esp *NewRecipesFH-VIS.esp *OWR2_SKEPatch.esp *LockedSafesLegendaryLoot.esp *AUG-A1.esp *UP-VISG_Steyr AUG A1.esp *Steyr AUG-A1 - AWKCR.esp *Gunsmith Extended.esp *BetterModDescriptionsWO.esp *BetterModDescriptionsIF54BR.esp *SkibsIF54-AWKCR.esp *IF88TacShotgun_BMD_Main.esp *Crazy Safari.esp *powerful.50 .esp *IF88TacShotgun - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp *IF-54 - AWKCR-Compatibility .esp *WO - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp *G3 - Loads.esp *G3 - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp *LootableWorkbenches.esp *SniperDamage.esp *Glorious_Glowing_Plasma_Weapons_by_Diranar.esp *CF_AtomicWarlord.esp *CF_AtomicWarlordNoMod.esp *BE_Enhanced Grenades.esp *Better Locational Damage_ Raider Overhaul_Valdacil_Patch.esp *UP-AWKCR_BetterLocationalDamage.esp *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters - AE & VIS-G Patch.esp *UP-VISG_Raider Overhaul.esp *UP-VISG_UniqueNPCs-CaM.esp *UP-AE_RaiderOverhaul.esp *UP-VISG_Super Mutant Redux.esp *UP-AE_RORestoredContent.esp *UP-RaiderOverhaul_SuperMutantRedux.esp *UP-VISG_D.E.C.A.Y..esp *UP-VISG_Better Locational Damage.esp *UP-AWKCR_BLD_Nuka World.esp *UP-AWKCR_PTRS41 Anti.esp *UP-AE_ChurchofAtomOverhaul.esp *UP-AWKCR_ASVektorCom.esp *UP-AWKCR_M82a.esp *UP-AWKCR_BLD_FarHarbor.esp *UP-BLD_UNPCs CaM_Nuka World.esp *UP-BLD_UNPCs CaM_Far Harbor.esp *UP-BLD_UNPCs CaM.esp *FO4Hotkeys VIS-G.esp *RemoteExplosives VIS-G.esp *StartMeUp VIS-G.esp *WestTekTacticalOptics AE VIS-G.esp *Better Weapons - Patch.esp *Better Locational Damage - Valdacil's Item Sorting - Patch - CW.esp *Better Leveled Lists - Items - CW Edition.esp *UP-AWKCR_BLD_Automatron.esp *SuperMutantRedux_VIS-G_Patch.esp *Schnips - Synth Overhaul - VIS-G Patch.esp *VIS-G Item Sorting.esp *Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp *BLD - Merged - WSE Edition.esp *Better Loads Switchers - WE Patch.esp *SuperMutantRedux_WeaponsmithExtended_Patch.esp *SMR WSE2 Patch.esp *Weaponsmith - War of the Commonwealth Patch.esp *Dastardly_LL.esp *Dastardly2_Patch.esp thanks. Kell
  3. hi. im a thread necro. on the subject of new vegas, I've had a rock solid build for years that will do hours on end with no crashes, and there is an unholy amount of mods in the game (new vegas folder is 30gb total, though I have a separate folder just for dust stuff). really just patience and learning which mods are broken and not worth while, and also which mods bork player files if you remove them (facial mod and open freeside are terrible). once you get it set up, new vegas is a very solid game. but you need stutter remover mods, fallout script extender, the unofficial patch, crasher protector, fallout 4gb. anyway, just depends on getting the broken mods out to make it work right, and there are a lot of broken and borked mods that conflict with other stuff. once it gets set up, it is a beautiful thing to run though. same with fallout 4 (which is how i discovered this thread). it almost works perfect, but I have 1 mod out of like 150 that is being a prick.
  4. I started a big mod once for new vegas, spent a month on it, adding stuff, changing stuff. my hard drive crashed and it got eaten. I gave up. finding this, coupled with my new love of project dust, very well may make be write a new mod. thanks, ~Kell
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