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Everything posted by TheTerminator2004

  1. tbh, the keyboard that game with my DELL PC 6 years ago, and a Microsoft optical mouse I got for a tenner more recently, have done me fine. Great in fact, especially the mouse. While I can see the G15 has some definite benefits, £100 is way too much to be spending on a mouse and keyboard. Spend it on something more worthwhile instead.
  2. It depends on the game - some games (such as Oblivion) have PrntScr mapped to a unction which automatically saves a screenie in the Oblivion folder. It does have to be enabled in the .ini though I think, and I'm not sure what it does if you try it when its not. Presumably just dumps the contents of the screen to the clipboard as normal.
  3. So, anyone else expecting A level results today? And did you manage to get the grades for uni (if you're going)? I'm still waiting for my actual results, but I've just been on the UCAS website (which is completely overloaded with students all doing the same thing lol), and it says my place Cardiff uni has been confirmed :D So big yayz for me. How did everyone else do?
  4. Thats like the 5th website I've seen that article on this week lol Anyway, I think we're all agreed on which MMO has the worst advertising :P
  5. Bear in mind that it doesnt necessarily mean it equals 8ghz. If a program is only written to take advantage of one processor (as many are, including pretty much every program more than a year or two old), then it will only use one core - so will effectively be limited to 2ghz.
  6. The majority of members on the forums probably don't even realise there is a forum. They just joined so they could download mods. Not to mention all the people who used to frequent the forums, but no longer do.
  7. Incidentally, as noone has mentioned this yet, there is no such mod, other than Morroblivion, and unless Bethesda ever decide to remake Morrowind, there never will be.
  8. The search engine works a little bit like Google, in that by default it searches for posts with any of the keywords in, and then sorts the list by the number of times a keyword occurs in it. So searching for 'a day' would be even longer and slower than just 'a', and searching for 'a long tireful day' would be even worse. But when it doesn't index words less than 3 characters on, that means it doesn't need to search 60% of the database, as words less than 3 characters long are the most common (things like if, to, no, I, a, etc). Also, my advice is to navigate to the subforum you want to search in (for example, General mod talk if you want help making a mod), and searching with the search bar at the bottom there. As opposed to clicking the search link at the top of the forum, and searching from there, as that only displays individual posts, rather than threads - which makes it a lot less useful imo.
  9. I believe its coming out in September sometime here in the UK, no idea about the US though. Looks like it might be pretty good.
  10. But to install Ubuntu on a disk or partition already containing Windows, you would have had to reformat the drive... ie. wiped it totally clean.
  11. Most of the best ones have already been mentioned here, so I don't have many suggestions left :P Anchorman was absolutely hilarious, well worth watching. Also, I saw Bruno the other day, and thats worth a watch too, though I don't know if its actually out on DVD yet.
  12. no, lost and found is not where your old stuff is, thats a system directory used by the OS (though I'm not entirely sure what for). If you're old stuff is on another had disk, you should still be able to access it though. If its connected, it should just show up in Places -> Removable Media (my second hard disk, for example, shows up in there as '320.1gb Media'). If its not listed there, and it is connected, you should still be able to access it by using the mount command, from within a terminal. The command will be something similar to "mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/disk", where /dev/sda2 is the device ID (I can't remember how to find this out (google it), but SATA drives always begin with sda, and are numbered eg. sda0, sda1, sda2, etc), and /media/disk is the folder where you want to mount the drive (this can be any folder, but it must already exist, and should be empty). Teensy bit complicated, but not too bad once you get the hang of it. :P
  13. Thanks, but I don't play Oblivon/Fallout anymore, so I wouldn't be able to use it ayway :P I'm just glad I could be of help :)
  14. Lights 1, 2, and 3 just means an 'Other Error' has occurred. Helpful lol. Try checking the LCD display on the motherboard like I said, and if that doesn't work, contact DELL customer support. As in, actually ring them up and talk to one of their technicians, not just do the online troubleshooter stuff they have on their website (those are totally useless). Theres a list of numbers/email addresses for contacting them here, in the owner's manual for your PC.
  15. well, all I have is a computer with ubuntu linux that grants no access whatsoever to all my older files, they are just there occupying space but you can't get to them anyway not even to delete them they are just lost in time and space I guess :unsure: I cant check the registry there. I have also this computer that is perfectly ok and has a legal copy, all I have for both computers is the windows with the key somewhere in the registry, and the only copy with a key I have is this computer... I guess I am in very big trouble because of having thrown everything else away. but as bootscreen I get Asus with some X and a reference to the motherboard I own, but nothing else, and as I said, the pc was assembled at the shop from pieces they had at the shop because everything there has no reference to a manufacter or any sort, I did find a yellow bright label with the shop name on my hard drive though it is just stuck there, but now I have a computer with a label on it referencing a shop that I dont know where in the world that is, blanca systems, and apart from that there is no number or whatsoever, and the older files are unaccesalb Then you're screwed, to put it bluntly. You're gonna have to get a new copy of Windows from somewhere, how you choose to do that is up to you.
  16. This page here is the advanced troubleshooting section of the service manual for your PC. It lists what all the different combinations of the four lights on the front of your PC mean, what different combinations of beeps mean, and also what different system messages mean (I think these messages appear on a little LCD screen on your motherboard, but I'm not sure). There is obviously something wrong, as the diagnostic lights do not remain lit if the PC boots correctly, however having all four lights lit isn't one of the error codes listed. Similarly, the double beep indicates a problem, but all of the beep codes informing you of an error all include at least 4 beeps, usually more. Try looking at the LCD screen on the motherboard, if you can locate it (and if there actually is one), and see if that tells you any of the system messages listed in the page I linked. That should help give you an idea of what the problem is. If it doesn't show any of those messages, or you can't find it, then you're going to have to contact DELL customer support - send them an email, or ring them. Not only would I not put it past DELL to neglect to include all the possible error codes for your PC, but as it is likely a hardware problem (the majority of which is manufactured by DELL), they would be in the best position to advise you on what the problem could be.
  17. I'm afraid getting it to move around is pretty much impossible. Even getting one single static object to move around on its own might not be possible to do, and getting all the ones you will use to make your tower to move around together in exactly the same way, without the entire thing falling apart, is definitely well beyond the realms of possiblity, sorry. Re. the snap to grid... the stock Oblivion models (castle interiors etc), are designed to work with snap-to-grid set to 32 (they will ofc also work with a multiple of this, eg 16 or 64, but 32 is the best). For positioning things like furniture, clutter, some exterior objects (like rocks and trees), etc, you will need to turn the snap-to-grid off, and sometimes the snap-to-angle too. Also, if you're looking for inspiration, there are several excellent floating homes here, several of which would match your description perfectly.
  18. In that case you could be in trouble :P What does it say when you turn it on (before it starts loading Windows)? Mine is a DELL computer, so it shows the DELL logo, for example. Though, if you don't know you're computer's service number, or whatever, then you're in fairly big trouble. Did you seriously not keep any records of that stuff? There would have been a sticker with your windows cd key, and another one with service/product number. You will need to know, at the very least, that number, and the manufacturer, if you want to get a Windows CD.
  19. Contact the manufacturer of your PC and ask for a CD. They actually have a legal obligation to provide you with one when you bought it I believe, but a lot of manufacturers (such as DELL, Packard Bell, etc) don't bother. They will however send you one if you ask them. Who is the manufacturer btw?
  20. I have a quick question myself regarding DELL PCs, its not really worth making a new topic for, and as this thread is about a DELL PC, I figured I'd post it here. Does anyone know if DELL PSUs are compatible with non-DELL cases/motherboards? I'm building a new system, and trying to decide how much of my old one I can reuse.
  21. You're also wrong in saying its open source. If its done in flash, then its physically impossible for it to be open source. EDIT: nvm, its done in python - he just made it look like a flash game for some reason. xD
  22. Sorry to break it to you, but with a graphics card/RAM like that, you're never going to get Oblivion running above the lowest settings. You'll need at least 1gb of RAM, and a decent graphics card (you can get plenty of great ones for around £50), not to mention a decent processor (at least Pentium 4 or equivalent, so 3ghz or dual core).
  23. Yes, make sure the PC is powered down completely (ie. not plugged into the mains).
  24. Hm, if all the lights on the front go through their usual pattern, and then turn off, that means it didnt encounter any errors... which indicates it actually is going through POSt, as you said. This makes it sound like a graphics card problem, I think. Do you have any spare cards which you could plug in instead of your current one, and see if it works then? One thing which can be replaced easily in a DELL PC is the graphics card, so its worth a try.
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