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Everything posted by TheTerminator2004

  1. Doom was an awesome game, theres no denying that. Personally I preferred Hexen (hence joining a hexen-themed mod project :P), but all the games I've played which used the Doom engine so far were excellent.
  2. I had a go at exploration today - and am loving it. I still need a lot of skill training to be able to make use of a lot of the things I find, such as a magnetometric site I found in Ishishomo, but that will come along in time. I have to say, now is probably the worst time to try exploring though - only one of the sites I found (including 2 wormholes :D) didn't already have anyone there, which was a bit irritating, especially combined with the fact that half the eve cluster seemed to be completely shutting down due to the number of people online :P But once things have calmed down a bit, it should be brilliant - I'm looking forward to exploring an actual wormhole. Also, I am now a Recruitment Officer for E-uni - so if anyones interested in joining, I'm the guy to ask :cool: A director in my corp posted a load of screenshots of the inside of a wormhole he found in Nuken, and it looked pretty awesome - a lot of sleepers, and a lot of valuable ores etc :P
  3. It only took half an hour to download on mine - this is with a connection which is not only hopelessly slow to begin with, but which also throttles all downloads - so HA :D I'm liking the new sound effects, but CCP seem to have turned the volume of everything right down - I've got all sliders on max, but can still barely hear most things. I LOVE the new fitting screen, it is a massive improvement over the old one. As for the pos shield effect - I'm not gonna say its an improvement, but it's no worse either - it certainly looks cool, but is a bit distracting. And, in a stroke of luck, all 3 corps who had declared war on us retracted right before the patch, meaning we are now completely at peace :D Now I just need to get together the isk for a covops, and I'll be off to try out this new scanning system :)
  4. Nah, all 3 decs atm are related - someone, not sure who, has a grudge against us - he's been paying people to wardec us :P Theres a long thread on the EVE-O forums about it somewhere. Its fun :D EDIT: Ok, only 2 are related - the leader of the 3rd corp just posted in our mysterious enemy's whinge thread that he is unrelated to the OP. They're just doing it for fun :)
  5. Let me put it this way, Sam: If someone war decs us, its because they want to find solo kills, to kill miners, mission runners, whatever - everyone has heard of the infamous uni blob. So, the best way to decrease the frequency of war decs is to ensure that noone gets those juicy solo targets. Standard practice for all members of the ILN (Ivy League Navy) if we catch someone hauling/mission running/whatever, is to attempt to convo them and ask them to dock up. If they dont answer, we then ask in alliance chat. If they still dont answer, we fire a single warning shot at them. If they still refuse to answer, or refuse to dock up, then and only then do we kill them. I'm going to refer you to a nasty case during a war about a year ago now, when our enemy ran into a player missioning in a fully faction-fit CNR. Once theyd killed him, our efficiency dropped from 97% to around 15%, and it led to a long string of decs afterwards from other corps looking to kill a CNR themselves :P So its not like we're not fair about it :) btw, you 0.0 types, dyou know much about Scalar Federation? They're one of the alliances whove been hired to declare war on us, they hold a few 0.0 systems, so you might have come across them before lol
  6. Wow, that looks like fun. I can't wait till I can do level IVS :D In other news, EUNI is going throught some interesting times - when you have someone who has so far paid 4 corps to wardec us, and has made posts on the eve-o forums like this one: You know youve got exciting times ahead of you :D (I should point out that the podding hes referring to only happens to people who go out mining or hauling during wartime... oh the irony) :P
  7. Yes, this thread appears to have accidentally been marked as the comment thread for some mod or other - which one I don't know, as it doesnt have the link at the top. I wonder if theres a proper comments thread in the right section? It's been reported, but the mods don't seem to have done anything about it yet. Anyway, if you know any more videos like those two, please post a link :)
  8. I've just found another, excellent film - almost as moving as World Builder. It's called 'More': http://www.despair.com/more.html If anyone else knows of any more short films, please post em :P they're great lol
  9. That video was truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us :) And, since this seems to be a file comment thread as well, for some odd reason... Mavrosh, are the textures in your Oblivion\Data folder? If so, have you done archiveinvalidation? If you have, and it works for everyone else, then its likely a mod conflict.
  10. Massacre? HA! We outnumber them 5 to 1, and we can (and regularly do) field fleets of 70-80 people. Even if their entire corp was focused on fighting us (and not their other 2 wars, or defending their 0.0 holdings, which is likely where the bulk of their forces will be), they would still be unable to field a fleet to match ours. :D And wars are an essential teaching method of euni - although we generally try to avoid them as much as possible, so we dont become completely overwhelmed - they teach new players essential fleet discipline, a lot of people (including me) get their first ever taste of pvp in a uni blob. And as its a relatively controlled environment (having 60-odd corpmates to back you up if things go bad), it makes it easy for more experienced players to teach you all kinds of useful lessons as you go along. And we have an open FC policy - everyone can FC if they want. :) I quite like the idea of wars as well, although tbh with empire corps they frequently end up simply being a griefing tactic - the majority of our wars, for example, are simply players looking for some cheap kills. 0.0 and lowsec wars are better, however, they have plenty of problems of their own - sovereignty really needs working on. I havent heard of any issues, but then again, I havent been on the test server in some time either, so I wouldnt have. I understand it was all fine a week or 2 ago, when the wormholes etc were added, but I guess anything could have happened since then :P And sorry for the wall of text - I got a bit overexcited at finally getting the chance to write something thats not about spatial patterns of population distribution between inner city and suburban environments :P
  11. Well, we are now at war with ANOTHER alliance, Scalar Federation, presumably taking advantage of us already being distracted by the first one... but they have 290 members! I think thats the biggest alliance to dec us in a loooooooong time... :blink: Sadly, this is probably the busiest week of the year for me - all my coursework deadlines are in the next week or so - so I'm pretty much totally unable to take part in it :( Oh, and just heard, someone has raided the corp hangars, completely cleaning out the Freshman and Student hangars. They will die several times over before the week is out, and no doubt plenty of times more after that :D All in all though, not a great week for E-UNI... :P
  12. Doesnt IPB have the ability to mark topics as 'announcement' so they appear at the top of every forum? I couldve sworn it did :s Either way, thanks for letting everyone know, its good to see things are being improved :)
  13. lol, ironically, Garde Is are drones - sentry drones to be precise. I understood they were one of the more popular types, but I personally just think kakakela is too empty to sell stuff quickly. When I used to sell em in Jita, they sold like hotcakes :P As for the war... thats the trouble with such a big corp. There are plenty of pvp corps who just look through the alliance rankings, find one with lots of members, and wardec them, just so they have people to shoot at - and with 1100+ members, we're pretty high up on that list, sadly. It does interrupt business a bit, but then again, thats what our alt corp, RUSE, is for - members who dont want to fight. :) Once this war is over, can I come mission with you for a bit? I need the standings to do level 3s :P Though, until these damn drones are sold, I cant even afford to properly fit out a cruiser (by properly i mean T2), so I cant actually mission for a while :P
  14. Well, the manufacturing is what I'm getting into atm :P Just need to move these goddamn Garde Is, so I can recoup all the isk i spent on them - they shoulda been sold ages ago, but I had to put em up in kakakela because the Jita price plummeted... so they're not selling very fast. Until they do, I'm stuck with a mere 11mil isk. At least now I know why people say not to put your eggs all in one basket lol Also, I believe I am now at war again. Not brilliant timing lol, but hey ho... I need to get hold of a mic, have another go at FCing :)
  15. My internet dies if I stay at Jita 4-4 undock too long =[ lol there were 1100+ pilots in there earlier lol, twas hellish. Also... how were you planning to get those nanofiber internal structure IIs to sell for such a high price?
  16. Noone messes with OUR noobs! :devil:
  17. Spacelane patrol is generally better - especially as you can do level 1-3 agents all in one system (Poinen). However, if you've ground Caldari Navy up already, no point wasting it all and starting again. Just be careful not to get suicide ganked when running their level IVs :P And thats what a lot of people think. Or thought - weve proved everyone who acted on that thought very wrong indeed - the Typhoon kill I linked earlier is a good example - hed heard of our massive noob frig fleets, so he fit all WCS and smartbombs to prevent us tackling, and to blow up loads of us at once. Didn't work very well for him :P
  18. sam, if you want company grinding standings (and if youre missioning in the forge) let me know - I need to do it as well, to get level 3s, and i hate it lol In other news, EUNI is now at war!!!!!!! (took long enough coming lol)... Really bad timing as I just invested most of my isk into minerals for manufacturing stuff, but luckily I was able to get most of what I built to jita before the war went live, so my alts taking care of it. Though the prices have just plummeted, so if I sold em now, I'd only make a 3rd of what I woulda done last week =/ (and what I expected to make)... Went out on my first fleet op since I rejoined Eve today... took down an enemy Typhoon: http://killboard.eve-ivy.com/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=7384 But its blatantly obvious we havent had a war for far too long - our fleets are made up of hordes of newbie players who havent got a clue what to do, its complete chaos. We couldve taken out a couple more ships easily if the FC/most of the fleet members had been more competent. But at least by the end of the war, they'll all know exactly what to do :P Nothing like war for teaching new players pvp lol
  19. The Atron's not a bad frigate... I've never actually flown one myself, the Tristan and the Incursus are better I've found, but its a pretty decent ship.
  20. I didn't know you missioned as well - I thought you were entirely industry focused... that means youre better than me at everything now, not just selling stuff :P But speaking of missions, does anyone here mission for a corp with agents near korsiki? Spacelane patrol, or Peace & Order Unit or somesuch... if so, mind letting me tag along with you on a few missions? I need standings for level 3s, but I really dont want to have to grind through all the 1s and 2s to get it =/ lol As for the sleepers... theyre not necessarily harder, just more human. So they fight like humans, and can use/be affected by ewar etc. So I'd imagine it would be a lot harder if you were in a pve ship, but with a pvp fit and a modicum of skill, they wont be too bad.
  21. hmmm, not bad, looks like a good ship. I'm currently training towards a covops, ready for apocrypha, though I need to make a bit more money before I can get one - I've decided to give manufacturing a go, so hopefully I'll make enough from that to do it... I've invested most of my money in it, so if it doesnt work out, I'm completely screwed :P I actually spent an hour the other night making a spreadsheet to work out all the costs etc... yes, I know, I'm sad xD
  22. DOSBox is AWESOME. I use it to play Theme Hospital :P As for getting games to run... you dont need to edit any config file. Just put the game somewhere (I use /home/alex/DOSGAMES - I run it on linux), run dosbox, type 'mount c /home/alex/DOSGAMES' (just use C:\ etc instead of \home\), cd to the games directory, and run it. Just remember the hotkeys for switching between fullscreen/windowed, and for controlling frameskip and cpu cycles, and you're sorted. Great program!
  23. Oh, my bad - I thought the highest was rank 10. All I can say is I'm glad I dont have to train up the titan skill lol And you can use that freighter to move stuff for me :D You can be my living hauler alt... :P Incidentally, after apocrypha, therell be no such thing as an insta-alt anymore, so if you want a good trade alt without having to do any training, you should make it now lol
  24. Rank 10 :blink: Isn't that the same rank as the Titan skill? :P What bonuses do you get per level in it? Hopefully nothing particularly useful... would be a shame to need to train it to level IV... would make training Industrial V seem positively thrilling in comparison... As for it being an anticlimax, I personally don't think it'd be as useful for trading as you presumably hope it will be... finding enough stuff to move from one place to another to make it worth getting must be a monumental task lol If ever you join a big 0.0 alliance though, it would come in VERY useful indeed - every alliance needs freighter pilots, to bring supplies in from empire. Probably some good trading opportunities too - there's always high demand, but very short supply in 0.0 outposts. That's my opinion anyway :P And no, I don't use Linux any more - but I used to, quite a lot. I never had any performance problems myself, in fact sometimes it would run faster than it did in Windows. In fact, the only reason I stopped using it was because the effort of having to work with 2 operating systems was too big - and as Eve was about the only thing I used very often that worked in Linux (apart from firefox etc ofc), it was obvious which one had to go :P
  25. I'm never gonna bother with training industrial any higher than 3 (what I have now)... its just completely useless to me :P Also: http://myeve.eve-online.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=625 :(
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