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Everything posted by TheTerminator2004

  1. I've had problems like this downloading .zip files from TESNexus in the past too. Usually I have to redownload it and save it to a different location. The problem was, for some reason, my pc was downloading an empty .zip file instead of the one I actually wanted, never did figure out why though.
  2. I thought it was a completely and utterly abysmal game. The massively repetitive missions got very boring, very quickly, and while the idea of a massive open world was nice, it wasnt very varied, and the guard posts every couple of hundred metres stuffed full of constantly respawning soldiers made travelling anywhere more frustrating than enjoyable. The shooting wasnt bad, though other than the fire effects which were hyped up so much, theres not a lot to make it stand out. And the fire effects, while better than many games, are ruined somewhat by the fact that only some oobjects can burn. Those objects which can't burn include such slightly odd things as wooden crates, boxes, and planks. It was quite dissapointing to be honest.
  3. Its fine with the free version, except I think it limits you to recording 60 seconds at a time, and possibly only at normal quality. But other than that, its great.
  4. Interesting that you mention graphics drivers. Originally I was running Mass Effect under XP SP3. The animation bogged down in certain locations (Normandy's elevator to the Med Section). Now I'm running it under Vista, and I'm using the latest 64-bit drivers. The game looks slightly better with DX 10 and there is no framerate nor animation lagging. Edit: I have also noticed that the game does not interrupt with as many "Loading" messages as it used to, and the loads inside elevators are quicker. Yeah, it seems to be a thing with most of Bioware's games actually. I tried to play KotoR again today, and it didnt work. After much looking round the tech support forums, I discovered that I need to downgrade to older graphics drivers for it to work :P Its really rather irritating. Although, on the plus side, it seems the latest nvidia drivers (186.16) fix Mass Effect... at least, it starts, and I can play it. But it crashes constantly, I've often had BSODs related to nv4disp.dll, or Windows popups warning me that my graphics drivers have stopped responding. But most often, it just freezes. Bioware clearly don't have a big enough QA team.
  5. Indeed - I used to be able to play at medium kind of levels on my x600, but once I'd upgraded to my current 8500GT 512mb, I was able to play oblvion at full settings, with more than acceptable framerates. Its still serving me well to this day. Sadly the rest of my computer hasnt lasted so well... my old 3ghz P4 and 1gb of RAM really arent great for gaming (though better than you'd expect). And thanks to my PC being a DELL PC, I can't really upgrade them without replacing virtually my entire PC :dry:
  6. You'd be amazed at how many people actually believe stuff like this...
  7. You dont buy it (well, you can buy the boxset, but you dont have to), you download it for free from the website. You do need to pay monthly for an account though). Similarly, any expansions released are also totally free. Payment is quite confusing tbh, there are lots of different ways of paying for it Monthly, quarterly, and yearly subscription, Game Time Cards, and PLEXes - which can be traded in-game - are the main ones, and prices vary between them. Not to mention prices are all in Euros, so they change with the exchange rate. I usually paid for it by buying 60-day GTCs from www.shatteredcrystal.com, for $34.99, you might be able to get a better deal from other GTC traders, or through a different payment method however. Either way, you get a 14 day free trial, so you can decide whether you like it before paying anything. I've never played WoW, but Eve Online is at least as big, probably bigger. WoW you have a few thousand people online to play with at a time (per server ofc), Eve you have 50,000 people online to pay with at a time :P Pretty much whatever you want it to be. It just drops you into the world, and leaves you to do whatever you want :P There is a backstory though, here (I think, the website doesnt seem to want to load for me atm so I'm going by google :P), and a LOT of extra lore, stories, etc, so its a very deep, fleshed-out game world. Anything from ships, to parts for ships (guns, ammo, shield boosters, armour plates, sensor boosters, ECM, etc etc etc), to random trade goods which dont really do much, to prostitutes, and slaves :P (Those dont actually do anything either, but you can still buy them) You can buy as many ships as you want. You can leave your ship and fly around in your escape pod, or get in a different ship instead if you have one. You cant walk around inside your ships, but the next expansion will apparently include the long awaited 'walking in stations' - which basically lets you walk around space stations instead of them basically just being a menu. Now that is a tough one. Mostly just the huge amount of freedom. When I log in, I can go and do pretty much anything, from sit in a station trading stuff for profit, or hauling it from one place or another, or even building it all from scratch. I could go out and mine minerals (to use for building stuff, or to sell), or I could go hunt pirates (NPCs or players). I could go become a pirate myself - hop into a combat ship, head into low security space, and find some unsuspecting pilot to kill (or bait people in high security space into a position where I can attack them without having the police warp in and punish me). I could join one of the large alliances in 0.0 space, fighting for control of resources and territory - there are regularly vast battles with hundreds and hundreds of ships on each side, and thats before you get into all the political intrigue. This map shows who controls what regions of space, and its always changing, as massive alliances rise and fall. Then of course you have spies :D This was what persuaded me to give the game a try in the first place :P Theres plenty more, but this post is beginning to get dangerously long, so I'll leave it there. HELL YEAH! Its all one big universe, everybody plays on the same server. You frequently get 50,000+ people online at once, all playing together. Its great. Money can get you almost anything in Eve - bigger, shinier ships, better guns, you could use it to hire a mercenary corporation to destory a rival, you can even buy your own starbases. As for how much is nothing and how much is something... it really depends on what you want to do with it. I had to clump a few questions together sorry, It wouldnt let me use that many quote boxes :confused:
  8. You can play it fine on less than an x850. Like I said, Oblivion ran fine on my old x600, and Fallout 3 is pretty much the same requirements-wise, as they use the same engine. An x300 should be able to run it... barely. It won't be pretty though, and will probably massively spoil the game.
  9. Is that Anti-Filter By any chance "Free Gate" or "Freegate" ? I believe TOR is the main one, its certainly the most commonly used. It can bypass any filter blocking your internet connection, by simply sending the data via several other users first along an encrypted connection. So the filter just thinks you're connecting to some random computer, not to whatever it is you're actually connecting to. There are various other similar systems, but TOR is the most widely-used, and as a result, one of the best. But no method of bypassing a filter will be as good as just being free to have a direct connection to whatever it is you want to connect to - every method works by passing the data along several other peoples connections, which makes them all inherently extremely slow. Not to mention the slowdown effect a national filter has on the entire nation's internet connections - as was shown when Australia's proposed nation-wide filter (also aimed at tackling child porn, but expanded to be used to block other things such as bittorrent trackers and sites the government doesnt want people to see), where it massively slowed down the speed of the connections it was tested on. Good thing it wasn't implemented in the end, really. As for this German filter, you seem to have ignored a few key points here jaysus: 1) I seriously doubt its automated. Sites containing child porn aren't exactly going to be full of text advertising their purpose, and I find it highly doubtful there are any actual websites containing such material at all - it is likely all hidden away on private servers which only a few people can access. Like the Australian system, it is almost certainly a blacklist created by the government, rather than an automated thing (though you'd think taking down the sites and arresting the operators completely would be a better idea than simply blocking access...). Besides, the number of false alarms would be massive... if it blocked every page with the words child porn in, it would have blocked every news site in Germany :P 2) Its only being used to block child porn. Nothing else. While it is a good idea to be concerned that a system which could be used to block other, less unwholesome, sites has been put in place, right now it is not having any impact on your freedom. Everyone can still go and access any site they want, just not child porn. Which, provided it stays that way, isn't much of a problem. The big problem now is that groups like the RIAA or IFPI are going to see this as a perfect opportunity, and will be lobbying hard (not to mention bribing even more politicians than they already are) to get it expanded to block torrent sites. And once you start blocking sites which arent massively, totally illegal, theres no reason not to start blocking other sites you dont like too. And once that happens, then you're no better than China or Iran. Sorry for the wall of text btw :P And sorry if it doesnt all make sense, its 4:45am, and I'm tired :P
  10. If it can run the sims 3, Fallout *should* be playable, barely, although tbh I find it hard to believe that system can run the sims 3 well. I have a better system than that, and I struggle. Takes about 5 minutes to load anything, and the neighborhood screen is really laggy. And welcome to the forums! :D
  11. Bring down the sky was just another completely bland generic planet, you could barely tell the difference between it and any of the other many many similar sidequests... all of which were terribly boring. But, so long as the DLC also fixes the game so it will work without me having to revert to 2 year old graphics drivers (it wont start with anything newer, weirdly) just to be able to play the damn thing, I'll gladly get it.
  12. An easier way (especially as the folder name may not be the same for everybody) would be to go to Tools -> Options -> click on the privacy tab -> show cookies, and then either remove all cookies, or just find the folder for this site, and only remove that. A quicker way to remove all cookies at once is to press ctrl-shift-del though.
  13. If its anywhere near as buggy as the original, there is no way in hell I'm buying it. I actually cant play the original without downgrading my graphics drivers to a version released a year or two ago, and even then it sits on a black screen for several minutes before actually starting. Not to mention the issues I had with the EA download manager - I actually had to download the actual game files from somewhere else, and use those to play my copy, because the download manager refused to work properly. :P It was a good game though, and I did enjoy it, I would like to replay it, but as downgrading my graphics drivers is irritating and breaks half my other games, I cant =/
  14. Ravinluny, you're in Seppukku Warriors? Or that other 0.0 corp... Vertigo Coalition or something (I forget exactly)? I heard the battle for the POS was pretty epic, people in the uni at least seemed to enjoy it :P I haven't been part of the uni for a while now though, so I wasnt there. In other news, my RL cash has dried up, and my GTC has too, so I'm currently eve-less, and bored to death already... :( EDIT: I dont suppose you'd be willing to tell me who it was that hired you btw? :P I could put that information to good use I reckon...
  15. Why not just use the FLAC format if you want lossless audio, Thor? Been around for ages, is open source, and is generally excellent, for everything except file size... but then this mp3hd thing wont be any better for that I expect. TBH, mp3 isnt a very good format either - ogg files are smaller, and better quality, and are open source, so you dont have to pay royalties everytime you make something which can play them :P If only it was as well supported as mp3... But bakc on topic, I've taken to using VLC for pretty much every video I watch - I got it when I tried to watch a video in wmp with a seperate subtitles file, and realised that wmp supports almost nothing beyond basic playback of the most common formats. As for music, I use winamp - SHOUTcast radio is excellent, and the rest of the program is better than wmp too, although its very slow, especially starting up.
  16. I use it occasionally if I need to quickly google something or whatever and I'm too lazy to wait for Firefox to load (I have about 10 tabs which all open on startup, so FF takes ages). It is pretty fast, but it has several major flaws which stop it from being a great browser. Two things which REALLY REALLY REALLY irritate me, are the fact that you cant just open downloads like you can with other browsers - instead of just clicking open and having it get downloaded to a temp folder, opened, then deleted when youre done with it, you have to save it, open it manually, then once youre done, navigate to the folder you saved it in and delete it manually. The other thing is that it shares proxy settings with internet explorer, and for some stupid reason Microsoft have decided to make internet explorer's proxy settings the default settings for Windows. I originally downloaded Chrome so I could have a seperate browser with which to connect to TOR, while browsing normally in FF. But its either have TOR in Chrome, and in everything else too, or have it in nothing. Whoops, that turned into a bit of a wall of text there, sorry ><
  17. They made it easier to make characters, but harder to make alts.
  18. Dark cohocolate is one of the best foods ever created. With the sole exception of chilli chocolate... which is THE best food ever created :D
  19. I live in Cardiff, capital city of Wales. Lucky me. :rolleyes: And I've lived here so long that I am actually officially a welsh citizen, even though I'm originally from Southampton.
  20. That's some pretty nice looking space you found there - one of the few wormholes near jita worth going into it seems. As for the 2 suns... that is possible I think, its known as a binary system.
  21. Amarok ftfw! And unless any of you are linux people who use KDE, you wont have heard of it. But for music, I have yet to find anything better. :D Just a shame I dont have linux on my pc anymore :(
  22. STOOOOORRRM!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! :D :D :D :D Welcome back! It's great to see you around again :)
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