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Everything posted by lelcat

  1. I am trying to start a quest by picking up a holotape. Created the quest and a basic 0 stage. Then added a defaultrefoncontainerchangedto script to the holotape and set the appropriate quest and stage. But it won't work ingame.
  2. Let's take a step back for a moment and look at the facts: 1. I know exactly what I'm doing and what the consequences of what I say will be. In this case Bethesda / Zenimax will likely never deviate from a rough 25/75 split. I've spent the last 6 years of my life studying how organizations and corporations like Bethesda / Zenimax work. And I've taken several courses in college and graduate school on negotiations and negotiation tactics. Not to mention that Bethesda / Zenimax will never go into negotiations - they will simply set a percentage, announce paid mods again, and that will be that. 2. The only way Bethesda / Zenimax would potentially increase the mod author's percentage would be if the mod authors who wanted paid mods formed a lobbying group / union of sorts. That's unlikely to happen. 3. Even if mod authors created a lobby or union, Bethesda / Zenimax would never accept an 80/20 split or even a 50/50 split. Yes, I know you're supposed to "anchor" and try to set the price as high as you can get away with, but Bethesda / Zenimax would most likely simply say "no deal" and move on with their wildly successful business. There is one major problem with your theory: Those advertisements did not lie or mislead. Mods are free on Bethesda.net. Those advertisements never said that mods would always be free or that all mods would be free. Thus there was nothing deceptive or misleading about them in the slightest. A company is allowed to change their products or services as they see fit. Advertising that you can lease a 2016 Ford Focus for $160 a month doesn't get Ford or the dealerships in any trouble when the lease price is changed to $200 a month 6 months after the advertisement was aired. Thats not exactly how this sort of thing works. Common law, for lack of a better term, would essentially view charging for mods in an already released game as a price increase after the fact which is very difficult to not get sued over. Unless of course you have the lobbying power of all major cable and utility companies combined which I dont think beth does. Heck even if a court doesn't see it as a price increase beth would still likely be ordered to offer refunds for a period of time after doing this which would be no bueno. At least provided someone sued over it. Taking your example, yes the leasing company would get in trouble if they did this on a fixed leasing rate or failed to get the customer to sign an agreement which specified the rate could be variable. None of this applies to video games anyway tbh. You are making things up on the fly. The game was not sold with a guarantee that all mods will be always free. You just try to imagine a law because you are angry someone might make money with mods and you are not getting a cut.
  3. I don't have to try much with you, your arguing is not challenging.
  4. Someone doing something for a salary is better than someone doing it for fun on the weekend. And how are "better vampires" revolutionizing Online multiplayer for Fallout?
  5. No, it is completely impossible. If it would take years for a real developer to do, it would take 10x longer for a modder and it would be of 100x lower quality. http://i.imgur.com/D4jl9I7.jpg Professional developers like Bethesda hire professional artists who by defintion are better than modders because they are getting paid for doing their work. If a modder were as good as a professionally hired artist then he would work as a professionally hired artist.
  6. I think you might be misunderstanding. We are not talking about a multiplayer game, but a coop-mod. It'd require a lot of under-the-hood coding, but you definitely would not need 50 people and 5 years to do so. Yes you would need 50 people and 5 years. The complete game needs to be recoded with a client server architecture which contains a few hundred thousand variables and millions of lines of code.
  7. 1. It is not a waste of time because you are learning. 2. I would practice modeling real world weapons first before modeling your own designs.
  8. I didn't think that mod actually worked in any playable form... Last time I saw a video of it, you were fighting one spider over in this corner, while the other player was over in a different corner fighting an invisible spider that didn't exist in your game... That is not multiplayer. But if it has been improved since last time I checked, then disregard everything I said because I was wrong. But from what I have seen, it is 100% impossible. All it need is some work from some great modders, and thats it! idk if the host is like hosting all the things on the server, then we might see something nice! No. It needs the work of 50 people who are paid for it for 3-5 years to make a working Fallout 4 Online.
  9. not going to happen, a team got this to work on skyrim and got shut down due to copyright infringement because they wanted to release elder scrolls online and thought it would hurt their profit margins... cunts to say the least... The dumbest thing I have read this week. A hacky little mp mod will not ever impact the sales of a large game. There is much more to making a real working multiplayer game.
  10. Ya, it's not like Fallout 4 had a statement on the packaging saying "comes with bonus free mods that you can download from Beth.rot". And even if it did, as long as SOME mods were available for free, then Bethesda is off the hook. 25% is better than 0%
  11. Thanks that video helped to assign the audio, however it does not physically play ingame. Is there a specific setting for .wav files required?
  12. http://i.imgur.com/dlRKpbn.png I dont see an option to pick my own custom audio file. Also I think that having to declare each audio file like an asset is not how it works, as there are several hundred thousand of them in the game and the audio section of the asset browser does not have any dialogue audio.
  13. Thanks, but I am looking for a way to do it properly in a holotape. None of the audio selection options allow selecting custom audi files.
  14. I would like to play a custom audio file for a voiced holotape. How to select the file I created? I put it into data/sound/espname/npcused/ but I see no way to assign it. Advice?
  15. I should rename my mod to Murphy Titlands for more downloads.
  16. The most spectacularly dumb thing I have read this week. Well lelcat, the most spectacularly dumb thing I've read this week is your comment. I mean, seriously, someone comes up with an intelligent and well reasoned argument, and your only response is a smug insult with no further explanation? C'mon that's just weak, not to mention disrespectful. By all means, disagree with him and argue the case against him. There are too many of these lazy responses - either say something worthwhile or keep quiet. I think Reneer sat both of you down.
  17. The most spectacularly dumb thing I have read this week.
  18. Except that no winners have been announced on that page...Nvidia must be in panic mode I guess. I dont think you understand what it says there
  19. That is the second most stupid thing I read today. The most stupid thing was the post of the guy posting after you.
  20. When uploading a mod, the file uploader asks for "a" file. Am I supposed to pack the .esp + related .ba2 files into a zip?
  21. Not sure if related to settlements but this started to happen when I added a working settlement. Whenever I open the map in my worldspace and the mouse goes near a mapmarker the game instantly crashes without an error message. Any advice on what might be causing it?
  22. I think Nvidia is waiting until the voting is over to check who broke the rules and will then throw out the rule breakers. Hilarious to watch the Bethesda/Nvidia haters going into an epic hate spiral. Knowing Nvidia, they'd do that just so they don't have to give away as many prizes. That's exactly why I tried to emphasise unity in this matter. At the very least we should have made nVidia pay out in full. I'm pretty disappointed in people's reactions. Would have happily invested money into the legal proceedings but only under a unified commune. Stop smoking pot while reading conspiracy websites, it intensifies your paranoia. Why would a company owning half the graphics card market be busy devising a nefarious scheme to screw 1-2 guys out of a contest prize, which is worth 1-2 graphics cards. And they sell millions of these every year.
  23. It's normal for Fallout 4 to run slow if the CK is running. Unless you got a very powerful pc. That is normal for any large development tool.
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