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Everything posted by lelcat

  1. They would have to code the ability to cut holes into the heightmap (the underlying terrain) and having the AI system be able to navigate, but that would be one mother to code
  2. That is the same thing your grandparents said about actual phones.
  3. About story mods, the delays are caused by people having to learn how quests work technically in the game. Writing quests is not difficult, it is getting everything to work in the game.
  4. Yep, statistically proven. It's the drama queen modders threatening to "walk away" if they dont get what they want. That statistic does not mean anything. It only means that Bethesda.net is a great alternative to Nexus
  5. I am having this problem in the Fallout 4 creation kit. I post in the Skyrim section because there might be more people experienced with LOD. I think I messed up the conversion from .dds to .tga. Used a batch converter. Any advice?
  6. http://www.thejimquisition.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/01.jpg Time for a reality check. Delusional are the Fallout 3 fanboi hippies
  7. Also I wish the game had the survival game mode from the start. I am currently playing through it on survival, and now building settlements has more meaning. On my first play through I skipped it. But on survival, making it back "home" to my red rocket garage, having the guns I collected on wall displays (because I cant carry all of them) really adds to the sense of creating my place. Looking at my gun collection, I can remember where I found each gun and each piece of armor. And that is much deeper storytelling for me than obsessing over making a decision in New Vegas on which npc group travels to the other npc group's base to have a shoot out.
  8. Cat fully supports Nvidia, Bethesda and the Creation Kit.
  9. To add to what borgelt said: After a nuclear war, when society collapsed, people don't go to school anymore to learn things, the only thing they learn is to assert themselves in a hostile place. So realistically, most people would not have an education that would surpass one of of a fifth-grader. They probably could not read or write or learn complex math. And you need complex math if you want to build things that are more than just a wooden shack.
  10. Wrong. Fallout 4 has more quests and more voiced dialogue. And the landscape sure as hell is not copy paste.
  11. I especially don't understand the hate for voiced players. It won't get in the way of mods. Because if you do not record voice files it will be mute with subtitles, EXACTLY LIKE IN THE OTHER GAMES.
  12. I think you are jealous because you are not a finalist
  13. Guys I think you are all overlooking something. I think Nvidia is waiting until the voting is over to check who broke the rules and will then throw out the rule breakers. Hilarious to watch the Bethesda/Nvidia haters going into an epic hate spiral.
  14. I think Fallout has the best story. All these little side things you can find, blows all previous games out of the water. Look it up on Youtube, all the different random encounters. The reason people claim the older games had better story is because they older games were very primitive, especially Fallout1 and 2. So the only good thing to remember about them was the story choices. The same for Fallout3, there was no workshop to mod your guns or build your own place, so only the storytelling sticks out in memories. Fallout4 has many other systems that are awesome besides the story so the story is just one good thing among many. Like when people claim in the 60,70,80,90s music was better than today. But its not, it is just today only the greatest music and artists are remembered, while the trash is forgotten. But present day's music, is present in our short term memory and therefore all the trash music is too.
  15. The main problem is people having their judgement clouded by Nostalgia and it is combined with envy (players always hate big companies because it is in the nature of all living things to hate those that have more) and religious RPG fundamentalism ("It's not a real RPG unless the graphics suck and you can talk the end boss into becoming a vegetarian"). This creates an opinion-cloud on the internet where all these diffuse feelings manifest in: -COD sucks, Bethesda sucks, Obsidian does not suck because they present themselves as poor developers who do it for the love of rpg and not the money. Any indie, no matter how crappy it is and how many years it is stuck in early acces does not suck (again because of the projection of the image of the poor tortured game designer artist). Cat fully supports Bethesda 100%. And all Bethesda games are better than the previous ones and Morrowind is the worst Elder Scrolls game.
  16. When placing a pack-in, how to select it so the whole pack-in is selected instead of picking out single parts?
  17. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/490/013/907.gif
  18. Great to hear. If you have a great idea for a quest or NPC, contact me via private message, because spoilers. If I use your idea I will credit you in the mod credit list.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/k5JkpKg.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vSdE6ic.jpg
  20. Hi, I would like to work together with a writer on small quests. No large epic projects. For example. I want to create a simple fetch item quest in a dungeon full of ghouls. I would like to have a writer work with me to create an NPC that gives the quest and has some personality. If you have a great idea for a quest or NPC, contact me via private message, because spoilers. If I use your idea I will credit you in the mod credit list.
  21. I think even the large ones should cut off 40% of their size. Because then they would release something instead of getting stuck for 5 years on a project with most of the team leaving. There will be more complications and things going wrong, always. And people dont plan for that.
  22. Why does everyone in this place try to pull rank in an argument? I do not care how many friends you got or for how long you mod. I downloaded the Fallout4 CK in May and I never modded the Bethesda games except for some attempts with Morrowind. I laid out the hard numbers for you and a solution that might alleviate the problems. The kit runs so bad for me that I can barely navigate Sanctuary in the editor, and when I just tried to load into Boston Commons it stalled my complete system and I had to reboot. But It is not the CKs fault. You need a monster rig to comfortably edit in the Downtown areas. And you are just frustrated that someone is talking back to you, because it appears you are not used to that.
  23. I don't care about his veteran-ness. The average gaming pc is not supposed to handle gigantic amounts of textures being loaded in on the fly. Fallout3 and Skyrim are different because these games were far less detailed for their time than comparable titles.You are wrong. First bethjunkie is a woman and second no other Beth game for its time required a monster of a pc to run its editing software. My PC can handle fallout 4 and plenty of other intense games on ultra and it struggles with the CK. It has more to do with poor optimization than the user not having a strong enough PC. Must you pick a fight with ever person who doesn't sing Bethesdas praises? P.S a person can still like something overall and still critique it. No, you are simply wrong. In built-up city areas the CK has probably to load in about half a million up to 2 million polygons. Now go into a 3d modeling package and load a model with 750 000 polygons, then even newer pc might choke on it. When the game is running, everything is optimized like a mofo because of camera angle, occlusion cells loaded and so forth. On top of it the CK has not just to load and display all these polygons but also textures. And if you rotate your camera with an object selected that is quite some distance away from it, the CK has to swap out entire cells worth of geometry within a split second. A game handles optimized data. a CK can by its nature not do that like the game. And if Bethjunkie can not understand that, then she should reduce the amount of cells loaded, and be more careful with the camera, and use the layers. Which is far more effective than flipping a table and storming off angrily blaming the CK for doing what it is supposed to do. I seriously do not care about how much of a leet modder she is, these are hard numbers and your graphics card has to handle it. Skyrim is 5 years old and was a very underwhelming game visually, it pushed far fewer polygons for its time.
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