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Everything posted by Stampede

  1. As I said in the thread for the mod, this kind of situation can easily be avoided. Always remember to back up your save games before trying any new plugin. Sorry about the things you lost.
  2. Hi...er...what's just for fun? Please elaborate! :happy:
  3. What! Just spotted this!!! Grrr...GRRRRRRRRR Well, I won't delete the topic, but mentioning the HP thing is a lock/banworthy offence. ;) Any discussion relating to it must please be taken to the link provided. Thanks.
  4. The Narnia books are on my list to read after seeing the movie last year. I read C.S. Lewis adult fantasy trilogy Out of the Silent Planet/Perelandra/That Hideous Strength many years ago and enjoyed those. Probably worth looking into if you have enjoyed Narnia. J. G. Ballard is an excellent , albeit often rather strange, writer in general although I haven't read Empire of the Sun but did thoroughly enjoy the movie. Another book on my to be read list. Also, seeing the movie may provide some insight into why many of Ballard's books are rather strange. Good grief! What was with my spelling/grammar in that post of mine you quoted? I must have been multitasking. Thanks for the tip, after reading The Chronicles, I will definitely keep an eye out for that trilogy. It will be interesting to see how his writing style differs for an adult audience.
  5. Actually, you can use any basic drawing or image editing program. Such as Iceview. I think you can even change it in MS-Paint. I agree it is addictive.
  6. I finished Voyage of the Dawn Treader and am now reading The Silver Chair. The 6th book in the Chronicles of Narnia. I must say, C.S Lewis' writing gets better and better as the series progresses, there are lots of dark moments in his books, some truly frightening ones as well. Even for a horror fantatic like me and I just love fantasy and horror combined. Also, while it is a kids book, he is not shy about the subject of death and many a seeminingly notable or innocent character have met an untimely and depressing end.
  7. I think it's best to turn if off completely, but let us know if you have any luck.
  8. I might, to be honest, I hardly play games anymore (too busy with illustration) but I will definitely check out some info about it. The premise behind the original NWN was great, until the split between Bioware and Black Isle.
  9. Probably because it stunk so bad that my dog threw up as soon as I finished installing it.
  10. I got a bounty when using the alternate start mod... You stand in this dreamworld and see a daedra kill the emperor. I restarted and thought: "Hell, no! Not the emperor," and summoned The Console to kill that Daedra... Then I pickpocketed the emperor. He discovers me and said: "Get away from me, you lawbreaker!" When I steps outside my house in Bravil, the Bravil guards come rushing to arrest me for the 25 gold fine... "Hey... Is it illegal to DREAM of pickpocketing the emperor...?" :D In the words of Torquemada: "Sleep is no refuge for impure thoughts."
  11. Karkarinus is right, definitely Empire of the Sun. I own a copy, the movie is excellent.
  12. Something awesome just happened to me. I just came back from buying "new" speakers for my work PC. The local pawnshop down the road from my office always has decent speakers still in the box. I picked up a set and the clerk tested it out with some CD he said was trance/pop. It played for a few seconds and I liked what I heard. So, I am paying for my speakers and I see that CD lying on the counter with no actual box, going for ten bucks. It says ULTRA on it and nothing else, so I pick it up too. I play my new CD and it turns out it's an entire Depeche Mode album that I was not aware of! I totally scored a complete bargain on one of my favourite bands. Well, I'm happy anyway. ;D
  13. I won't even hide my amazement that you don't know what a .rar file is. A simple google search is all you would need to find out. .rar is a packaging extenstion. Like .zip. You can use winrar to open it.
  14. Ah yes. Your save files should be located in your documents folder. For example, this is mine: C:\Documents and Settings\Stampede\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion
  15. Please use the search engine. We are no longer giving out info regarding a topic that has been covered countless times. :rolleyes:
  16. I'm not a King fan either. I think he is little more than a hack these days. His novels from the 70s (ie: his early work) is his best stuff. The Dark Tower books (I-IV) are epic and some of the best examples of writing around. When he returned to finish the series, he pulled a George Lucas...changing the previous books and giving the whole thing a very lacklustre cliched finale. Ugh. Also he has something against animals, I have not read one book of his where the sod does not go into detail about killing or hurting a dog. I was a big fan of the 70's mini-series of 'Salems Lot however. As for C.S Lewis, one must keep in mind his books are for children and on that level they work really well. I do enjoy childrens fantasy as it is not as pretentious as some 'adult' works and I don't have to slog through awkward sex scenes by nerdy authors.
  17. I don't see any harm in making this a sticky. I'm currently reading 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King and Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S Lewis. Talk about opposites! (I read the King book during the day because I'M A BIG WUSS!)
  18. Right now, it's Hot Buttered: Popcorn. That tune was way ahead of its time.
  19. You hold down your grab key (z by default on the pc) and grab a limb. Then you drag the bodies around as much as possible though this can usually be a bit tedious depending on the angle of them and the surface they died on.
  20. Don't worry, I don't object to input or any advice you guys might have. I feel downloading of the CS is needed if you are entering in the the world of ES downloadable content. Even if it is for its repair capabilities alone. It will also give the users a better understanding as to what is being changed in their game.
  21. Though it amazes me that this is still a very popular question, I know a lot of people are having their first elder scrolls experience with Oblivion. However, using the search engine is quick and painless! To avoid the amount of repetitive threads we are experiencing on this subject, I have created this thread. Please post all your queries here (if any) on this matter. All future threads on this subject will be locked. Cheers. Step One: Download the official construction set Step Two: BACKUP YOUR SAVES! Step Three: MAKE SURE YOU BACKED UP YOUR SAVES! Right, now assuiming you have downloaded your desired plugin, we can proceed to step four. Step Four: Is this plugin in a .zip or .rar archive? if yes, carry on reading. If not proceed straight to step 5. Right, double click the .zip or .rar file and examine the contents. Is there a readme file? THEN READ IT! These usually contain handy information and installation instructions. As well as contact details of the author. Most archived plugins are self extracting and generall extract to your Oblivion/Data/ folder. Step 5: The .esp file goes into the (default) C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data folder. Was that the only file? If so proceed to step 7. If not, carry on reading. Step 6: Meshes, textures and sounds go into their relevant /meshes and /textures folders. Is this a graphic replacer? Then be careful what you replace, it might be wise to back up your data folder before hand if you are planning on replacing graphics and sounds. Again be sure to read the readme file for instructions. In the event you haven't installed any mods before, you most likely won't have a meshes or textures folder. In that case, either drag the folders from the zip/rar file, or create them yourself before adding the mesh/texture files. Step 7: Right, once everything is extracted, open up the oblivion launcher, click data files and 'check' the plugin in the checkbox corresponding to it. It's really very simple and will soon become second nature. Just don't forget steps 2 and 3. You have been warned and I will take great pleasure in pointing and laughing at those who fail to heed my instructions. Credit goes to Switch who contributed to this thread and reminded me that Bethesda have made things a bit assbackwards with plugins compared to Morrowind.
  22. I love electronic music. Vangelis is one of my all time favourite artists. I also really dig Depeche Mode and Sheep on Drugs. Right now I am listening to....trance! There I said it! I am not a fan of house, or rave culture at all, but I just find good trance to be a lot moodier than most boop-bop-beep music. Has a nice sci-fi feel to it too.
  23. Even though I was never a player, it's good to see the gamingsource BF2 crew back and happy in a safe server. I look forward to reading your stories of pwnage and living a pretend life as an online brother in arms. (I know, I'm sad. Perhaps if they create the position of Clergyman, I'll join up.)
  24. That's alright. I would have assumed you were talking about my boss anyway, as that's her title at the company. I too am interested in knowing more about this music.
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