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Everything posted by Stampede

  1. That is my own personalised helmet I got from a modeller off the net. I PMd him and requested the meshes which he very kindly gave me. :D
  2. Forgive the thread necromancy, but I did not feel it necessary to start a new thread for exactly the same topic. I have been meaning to post a picture of my character for a while. I really liked the lighting effects of this one, so here is the armoured nordic warrior, Stampede.
  3. I spend mine on loose women and fast guars.
  4. I cannot remember how I first earned money...but now if I need a cash injection, I just sell artifacts to the Mournhold Museum.
  5. And so she was gone...as most of the women in Stampedes life. Brief encounters that drifted in and out. Such was the life of this restless warrior.
  6. "That reminds me of when I took a dungeon under siege in a deep dark enclave. We thought it was a temple, but it was truly a nest of vampires hiding behind a masquerade."
  7. *Stampede takes out a wooden smoking pipe in the shape of a grinning goats head and begins stuffing it with rich smelling leaves.* "Misery aquaints a man with strange bedfellows." *He takes a deep drag.* "Besides which, do we not all look the same in the dark?"
  8. *Stampede was pleased at the prospect of female company. Though many a bright eyed wood elf had submitted to his will in the Imperial Prisons...they proved to be a poor substitute.* "I have been here and there, far and wide. I sent my Soul through the invisible, some letter of that After-life to spell: And by and by my soul return'd to me, And answer'd "I myself am Heav'n and Hell." ;) A lecherous wink completes his poem.
  9. Stampede raises his eyebrows. "I do not come here for the drinks, they are lacking...the patronage is what makes up for it. Worry not about counting the days...attempt rather, to make the days count."
  10. Name: Stampede Race: Nord Gender: Male Age: 40 Appearance: Heavily built with greying red hair. His battle attire consists of his customised Daedric suit of armour and full helm. The helm being his Deaths-Head mask, a fanged skull which completely possesses Stampede when worn and spirals him into an unstoppable bezerker frenzy when in battle. Weapon of Choice: The mythical warhammer, Skullcrusher. His second choice would be his bare hands. Personality Traits: Efficient and easy to work with. Will obey orders to the letter, provided the price is right. Well spoken and steeped in etiquette and lore. Strengths: Single mindedness, merciless in combat with an insatiable blood lust. Able to blend into high society quite easily when out of his armour. This combined with his ability to tear a man's head off with strength alone, make him an ideal assassin. Weaknesses: Single mindedness, he will ignore all other threats and allies in order to complete the task at hand. His need to inflict pain upon his enemies will often lead to putting himself at ridiculous risks in order to assert his dominance. Also has a weakness for fast women and effeminate men. Background Vinz also known as “Stampede”, “The Stampede”, “Thunderstick The Berserk” and “By the Gods please stop hitting me!” received most of his training in various penal colonies around Tamriel. He was born into a middle class family and celebrated his 13th birthday behind the bars of an Imperial lock up. His tutors found he excelled in his lessons...but was an uncontrollable menace upon the playground. He and his gang of “Peace-Makers” would seek out bullies and the ilk and beat them mercilessly. Oft times they would attack other children for the slightest fault...even talking in class would earn a broken jaw or some cracked ribs from Vinz and his cohorts. Vinz was disgraced before reaching his 18th birthday after he accidentally killed one of his school going friends in a fist fight. He was thrown into his first real prison whereupon he established himself as a sort of “inner prison one man policing force” extorting and attacking other criminals. By the time he was in his mid twenties he had the deaths of more than thirty fellow prisoners behind his name. The courts were at a loss as what to do with him...so as a solution of sorts he was released into the Emperors legion of shock troops to lead a division against the encroaching hordes of Akavar. His ability to cause entire cohorts to flee in panic upon seeing him earned him the name Stampede. He proved infallible as a soldier...until an altercation led him to kill a superior officer...and several guardsmen who attempted to restrain him. Although Stampede was in touch with all his senses, his behaviour lead him to be declared criminally insane, he was thrown into one the worst imperial dungeons in Tamriel. Draknor: a vast sprawling network of corridors and cells, where madmen and murderers had free reign, under the impassive watch of equally sadistic guardsmen. The horrors witnessed there and participated in by Stampede are best left to the imagination...though here he remained for almost 10 years...where the average survival rate of a prisoner was 3 at the most. It was not until an Imperial Pardon and a voyage to Morrowind that The Stampede was released upon the land once again.
  11. Oh I realise that. However, if you look through the Barfly posts, you will see that many users are acting out their PC and Xbox personas. They put a lot of effort in characterisation and background.
  12. I think this is an excellent idea Robin. I am positive from what I have seen in the Stinking Barfly it would be very popular amongst the users. Personally, I would include a bio with my character.
  13. Have a good time road trippin'.
  14. The staff do what they want, when they want. That is the way of things. Switch is some sort of half-staff half mod hybrid. So we forgive his outbursts. I am only 1/4 mod. (On my mothers side.)
  15. Meh, -SOME- people I know make a big deal about post counts ;-) I think I was at the 700 mark...but I'm not sure. Not worried though.
  16. Ha! Reminds me of when kids used to (or still do) pay some old wino to buy booze for them. Now it's computer games...progress! (Not that you are an old wino NS.)
  17. I -think- he was referring to when each game has little touches of its own culture or wording, it makes the playing experience unique. EG: the slang in Morrowind.
  18. Give me one inkling of proof that Doom inspired ANYONE to go on violent killing sprees. I doubt Jack the Ripper played Doom...what do you think inspired him? Those crazy dorks at Columbine played it...so what? Doom is played by millions of bullied nerds worldwide...and many other rejects of society. The media and frustrated parents are just looking for scapegoats, instead of accepting the fact that if you bully someone who you think is weaker than you...one day you may just push them too far...and all that rage they have been suppressing will snap their fragile grip on morality.
  19. I think by legend he means a key to the colours. IE: Green= Staff Red= Mods Yellow = Memods (As I still see them)...etc *Note how I put staff first...we will always come first, ya moderators you! HA!
  20. That would be great NS, thanks.
  21. Apologies for not picking up on the somewhat obscure humour. I think I understand now. However, this thread is your place to say what improvements can be made. While you are correct in stating it is Dark0nes preference, he is encouraging your ideas in this thread. Also I did not realise I was in the presence of someone who has seen so many forums over the years. Next time I will definitely watch what I type!
  22. Amateur. So please enlighten us as to how it could be improved. Am I to understand "one of yours" is what you would deem "professional?" EDIT: Or are you kidding? I hope so.
  23. I will download the trailer when I get home, but to be honest, I look at MMORPGs for a laugh. They always start off great, but sooner or later the monotony sets in. Besides that, it always seems those who want to actually roleplay are in the minority...bogged down with idiotic metagamers with names like: "124_Cyb3r_Z@x_124"
  24. Ha I thought I clicked on the wrong link at first. For what it's worth, I like the colours. Edit: For me the mini profile button under the avatar seems to be missing.
  25. Hey, I'm always ready and willing. The site updates don't take too much time to do at all and I'm basically on 8 hours a day. I'll understand if you want some young blood though.
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