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Posts posted by TobiaszPL

  1. Maybe you use wrong Mod Version?


    Mods that change Meshes in Game if they are not crashing game while starting they are 100% invisible in game

    if you have Mod installed for Skyrim SE and you have Better Skyrim without SE meshes not gonna show in game



    im not playing as Argonian or other animals but every time i install SE Mod its crashing my game or its invisible in game...

    Cats are not Animals ! lel xD im playing as Khajiit :D but they are better version of Human :D lol Humans are also Animals but eghhhh i just dont like Argonians :P

  2. Not gonna read all your mods but:


    - Have you downloaded all required mods ?

    >> XP32

    >> HDT

    >> Body with HDT support

    >> SKSE


    - Have you builded your body in BodySlide.exe ?

    You should select HDT Body and press build - also check "Build Morphs" - y i know my english is potato :P




    70 46 All In One - CBBE ? :D

    LL Mods ? :D NICE !

  3. Making ESP or ESM files

    Skyrim Creation Kit

    - if you know how to import anything from UE4 to CK you can use UE4 instead of CK



    Making Textures

    Gimp ( need Plugin )

    Paint .Net ( already can read dds files )



    Mesh / Animations

    Blender / 3Ds Max



    Other mesh options

    Nif Scope



    HDT physics

    Body Slide and Outfit Studio




    Notepad++ :) lol



    unpacking BSA files

    BSA Browser



    music / sounds

    Multi XWM and Audacity




    i use those programs :x


    if you want to import for example Tree or Grass from Unreal 4 to Creation Kit all you have to do is exporting it from UE4 to .OBJ file or any other

    then import to for example Blender and convert it to .NIF file then you can create new grass / trees / rocks anything you want lol :X



    btw. nice english :P

    useing :D xD lel


    using :)


    my english is also bad T_T



    and, ofc. you can make Mods for Skyrim without using Creation Kit...

    but its very bad idea xD it will take a lot time and require a lot of knowledge


    importing Skyrim is possible to UE4 but idk why you should even want to... UE4 can't compile your work for CK / Skyrim

  4. Hello once again, is there anything i can do better or is there anything bad?





    Scriptname QLG_Script_SwitchLight extends ObjectReference  
    { Usage: ( you can turn On / Off many objects in same time )
    	1) Place 2x XMarkers
    	2) Use "Activate Parents" for ( Object Edit option )
    		a) Connect to one XMarker Light and Static to be fired
    		b) Connect to other XMarker Static to be fired off
    	3) add this script to Activator object
    	4) Select XMarkers for script to Enable / Disable }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-17
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    	ObjectReference property QMarkerOff auto
    	{ XMarker Ref. to turn light Off }
    	ObjectReference property QMarkerOn auto
    	{ XMarker Ref. to turn light On }
    	Int property QTimedTurnOff auto
    	{ Time ( in hour ) to turn off lights 
    		:0: for No Time Limit
    		:1: for Random Time
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference QAkRef)
    	If ( QMarkerOff.IsDisabled() )
    		If ( QTimedTurnOff > 1 )
    			RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTimedTurnOff )
    		ElseIf ( QTimedTurnOff == 1 )
    			RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( Utility.RandomInt( 4, 96 ) )
    Event OnUpdate()




    Script have to Enable / Disable lights


    there will be version for TriggerBoxes and "normal" activators

    also i know Event OnUpdate is empty for now cause im not 100% sure how to do it

    but now im trying to make it work :D lol


    #Best_English :D


    what i want to Script do?

    1) Turn ON/OFF lights if player activated Leaver / Button or Entered TriggerBox

    2) Turn Off lights after selected time ( in game h )

    3) Turn lights off randomly ( one by one not all in same time )

    4) Turn lights off if hitted by Ice Magic ( its gonna be my first time doing something like this xD )

    5) Turn lights on if hitted by Fire Magic


    if any1 have any idea what i can do more just say :D ! lel xD



    O_o Nexus... idk what happen but my post was fuc**k and mixed

    Top of post was duplicated on bottom lel... and spoiler was copied only half

  5. i found this:



    and now im reading it cause i need Arrays T_T


    any1 know any good tutorial about arrays?

    to this moment i was using insane amount of normal vars

    int Var1

    int Var2

    int Var3

    int Var4





    int Var5

    int Var6

    int var7

    int var8

    int var9

    int var10

    int var11

    int var12

    int var13

    int var14

    int var15

    int var15

    int var16

    int var17

    int var18

    int var19

    int var20

    int var21

    int var22

    int var23

    int var24

    int var25

    int var26

    int var27

    int var28

    int var29

    int var30

    int var31

    int var32

    int var33

    int var34

    int var35

    int var36

    int var37

    int var38

    int var39

    int var40

    int var41

    int var42

    int var43

    int var44

    int var45

    int var46

    int var47

    int var48

    int var49

    int var50

    int var51

    int var52

    int var53

    int var54

    int var55

    int var56

    int var57

    int var58

    int var59

    int var60

    int var61

    int var62

    int var63

    int var64

    int var65

    int var66

    int var67

    int var68

    int var69


    ahh 69 <3 xD


    N++ help a lot so u can do it in less than 1 min :tongue:





    its not bad way to do it but scripts are getting really long with this way


    and i have few questions :c


    1) do i have to delete Array or CK is doing it for me???


    2) can i use FormList to fill array?

    a) how if i can?


    3) Global can be Array?


    4) it is possible to kill CK/Game with TO BIG arrays?

    for example array with 7000 elements?


    5) What functions i have to use for arrays?


    y i know my english is bad


    i mean do CK have something like







    y i know i can try everything by myself but i want to know everything :tongue:

    and idk how i can check memory use by my mods in CK :c



    im gonna start new Script to control Arena Waves so i need Arrays

    writing 1000 variables isn't hard but FILLING it with data... omfg


    Maybe example script with Arrays ? :smile:

    this what is on CK Wiki is... pretty poor :c



    i already fill 120 variables once and... i dont want to do it anymore xD



    Array Max size is rly 128 ? O_O

  6. @TobiaszPL - be honest, tell 'em the truth! :tongue:


    i just was teached by 2 russian ppl who love wodka so ye xD




    Y they teach me about Functions and Events

    but by saying just

    " Events you can use are for example




    and you press in Gameplay then Papyris script then new and you can open it in N++ so u can write"


    b4 CK i have already know for example Java and C++ "


    i know how to write variables in CK

    i know what Functions CK have

    i know what Events CK have

    i know how to create my own Script


    thanks to them


    but they dont teach me how to programming :tongue:



    if you have too much time you can open this spoiler and read :)




    like i said they teach me wich function use to get results and how to look for help

    and as u know they... ugh hard english T_T


    for example they were saying "use SetValue to set Global value in CK" or "if you need value in Global you can use GetValue" :tongue:


    for example you told me to use Mod instead of SetValue and GetValue

    im not sure why but idc im just using it cause you or sm1 else told me this is better lel xD


    for example and like i said b4 in topic that u copy here


    i have no idea how to make Arrays... in any language i can do it for example C++

    int Array[5] = { 1,2,3,4,5 };




    int* Array;

    Array = new int [ 5 ];


    i know how to use Arrays but i dont know how to make them in CK :tongue:

    so all i need to lern i just good example or few words :tongue:


    also structures and classes would be awesome in CK but they wont tell me how to make them so i still dont know how to do it :tongue:

    but what classes and structures are i know xD lel



    sry 4 my epic english :C


    also they already left Modding skyrim so i came here xD


    remember my English is potato so i may make few misstakes xD




    Make it possible to write in Java JS C# or C++ in CK so i can write without asking anything :tongue:




    im gonna teach you like they teach me :tongue:


    if you want to add script double click on object and find Script Window then press "add" and select your script


    if you want to make new script click on Gameplay then Papyrus and then press right and select new

    you dont need any compiler its already in CK so once you done writing your script you can press right again and then "Compile"


    if you want to start Script you have to write property Event in your file

    you dont have to care about anything else just use OnActivate mostly times and if you need something else just ask


    CK will do somehow everything


    Here you have Events:




    if you need any help just ask !

    - that was how i lern scripting in CK :smile:


    and when i need i was just asking

    " what even i use if i want to start Script when actor die"

    " use OnDeath "


    " how can i get global variable value in my script "

    " use SetValue and GetValue "




    if you want you can just ask :tongue:

    but programming is not this same as Syntax :smile:


    Programming -> You know how to make programs

    Syntax -> You know functions etc. in language


    for example if you already know how to programming in C++ all you have to lern is for example JavaScript Syntax :D


    in C++ functions you can do like this:


    <Function Type> <Function Name> <Functions Args.>

    Void MyFunction(int MyInt){ }


    in JavaScript functions you can do like this: ( sry if i make misstake for last 3 years i was using only C and CK :tongue: )


    function <Function Name> <Function Args.>

    function MyFunction(var MyVar){ } ;




    to be clear im in work and i can't be on Nexus xD they gonna fire me T_T

  7. 4 - idk what is Phantom Skill

    but "Actual Perk points" you can add or remove by "ModPerkPoints"


    for example

    Game.ModPerkPoints(3) ; add player 3 Perk Points

    Game.ModPerkPoints(-3) ; remove player 3 Perk Points


    3 - yes, by scripts you can add skill from anything you want lel


    1/2 - if this is bullet im not sure but you can try with OnHit function and HasKeyword function







    Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \
    bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)


    can't start my CK now but im almost 100% sure u can add keyword to Projectile :x



    Sry 4 my potato English ^_^ !

  8. Lel...

    i just know many other Languages LUA CSS PHP BAT C++ C# JS Java


    if you know for example C++ you know any other :x...

    idk why i write LUA first... i hate this xD but LUA is used 4 example in Factiorio :P


    CK Scripts are normal Scripting Language :D



    LUA and Python are very similar to CK Scripts :x...



    all i know is this what i can read from Skyrim CK Wiki : https://www.creationkit.com

    and some stuff my friends teach me but mostly functions that are in CK and events


    best way to lern is trying with already writen code by someone else :P

    just open any script you have in your data folder read it and try to make your own that is doing similar things :P


    thats how im doing mostly time :x


    also sry 4 my bad english ^_^

  9. ohh :c


    so maybe Activate ?

    im not sure it will work but u can try :D




    if i remember its working fine for normal activator objects so it maybe work for NPC too :D


    try :tongue: !


    Actor property Npc auto


    Event OnTriggerEnter( something xD )








    Again sry 4 my bad english :D

  10. you add to your NPC AiPackage?


    if i want to make NPC talk with player i just add to NPC AiPackage with Forcegreet presetup :x...

    and if conditions are empty NPC will try to speak with Player over and over


    sry 4 my potato english :D


    by dialogue option u mean this check box in Quest Settings while editin Dialogues right?

    without AiPackage NPC dont know what to do :P and he dont know that he have to start dialogue xD


    ill try to make little tutorial for you here but without any CK or something i can forgot about something :P


    1) Open CK - lol xD

    2) Find your NPC that have to speak with Player

    3) Find "AiPackage" in NPC option list

    4) Press Right in Packages list and select New


    and here you have few options :D


    first line should have something like Package Conditions Schedule and some more

    go to Package and here you have something like Package Template or Package Presetup

    from list select ForceGreet and new options should be added xD lel


    and in list you should have Topic to start ( Dialogue that NPC should start with Player )

    and few distance options


    one is from how big distance NPC can follow Player to start dialogue

    one is from how big distance NPC can START dialogue with player


    for example if you set this distance to 4000+ NPC can start from distance that Player dont even see this NPC

    and if i remember correct there should be option to how far away from "start dialogue" place NPC can speak with Player


    sry but as i said my english is potato :)


    Conditions are options for NPC WHEN he even can start dialogue with Player

    Schedule is WHEN IN TIME Npc can start dialogue with Player


    idk i help u but maybe it will help you :D lel

  11. //Edit:




    Argh :c...


    can't change it now... cause im in Home now...


    And in work im not sure i will have time for this xD

    cause here in home i have acces only to World Textures and models :c...


    im not sure it will work fine cause i never use Mod and dont even know what it is b4 you send me link to CK Wiki

    but i will test it :x... or brb... ill try to get Scripts and other things on my PC in home :x...



    can't w8 to start making Arena Spawning system xD

    last script was insane long cause i write every wave by my hand


    and i was using only PlaceAtMe cause i have no idea how to use Arrays and Loops in CK XD

    so for eaxmple if Wave was spawning 20 Enemies


    there was 20 line


    XMarker_01.PlaceAtMe( Unit_13 ) ; or something like this xDDDD

    XMarker_02.PlaceAtMe( Unit_13 )





    XMarker_20.PlaceAtMe( Unit13 ) ;


    if there is possible something like this:

    for(int i=0;i<QEnemyToSpawn;i++)
    XMarker[ Random(0, XMarkers) ].PlaceAtMe( EnemyUnit[ Random(0, EnemyUnits) ] );
    it would help me very much xD
    i know i can use While but how can i make Arrays? :x
    but this lets left for other Topic :tongue:
    thanks god we have something like CTRL + D and CTRL + I xD
    y i know my Code is ugly and not perfect but to this time i was working only with Russians :tongue:
    we was working together in 3 but they left me... Tivo and Wuestenranger join
    but Tivo is doing almost nothing and Wuestenranger... well he close his ACC on Nexus for
    while and now he is not answering xD lel
    i just was teached by 2 russian ppl who love wodka so ye xD
    but we made few nice and epic mods :x... lel
    maybe scripts were stupid long and waste resources
    maybe textures were made in Gimp without Mesh support xD
    yes i was and im still making textures for 3D models without actually seeing this model :D
    but after 500 textures im pretty good with this :tongue:

    Final Final version:

    Scriptname QLG_Script_DeleteDead extends Actor
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-09
     ;Update: 2019-03-12 ( TobiPL )
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    ;===- Fame -===
    	GlobalVariable property QFameStore auto
    	{ Global, Fame that player have }
    	int property QFameReward auto
    	{ Fame that player earn for killing this enemy }
    ;===- Gold -===
    	GlobalVariable property QArenaPayout auto
    	{ Global, Gold that player should get after win }
    	int property QGoldChance auto
    	{ Chance to drop gold }
    	int property QGoldReward auto
    	{ Gold that player earn for killing this enemy }
    	int property QGoldOff auto
    	{ Gold offset for killing Monsters
    		  Set =20= mean +/- 10 Gold
    		  Set =60= mean +/- 30 Gold
    		This value shouldn't be bigger than QGoldReward
    ;===- Messages -===	
    	bool property QIsBoss auto
    	{ Only if Unit is Boss or Special }
    	string property QKillMsg auto
    	{ Text to show when player have killed this unit 
    	  Text will show only if :QIsBoss: is set to True }
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnDeath(Actor QKiller)
    	If ( QKiller == Game.GetPlayer() )
    		If QIsBoss
    			Debug.Notification( QKillMsg )
    		If ( QGoldChance > Utility.RandomInt(0, 100) )
    			int QPay = QGoldOff / 2
    			QPay = Utility.RandomInt( -QPay, QPay ) + QGoldReward
    			If ( QPay > 0 )
    				QArenaPayout.Mod( QPay as int )
    		QFameStore.Mod( QFameReward )
    		Utility.Wait(30.0)		;wait for other mods/scripts
    		self.disable()			;disable
    		Utility.Wait(10.0)		;wait
    		self.delete()			;delete
    ;===- Script -===-===- ;ReDragon2013 ( NexusForum )
    Event OnCellDetach()
    	self.Delete()            ;just in case (have to be verified)



  12. Lel :tongue: idk how it is in Fallout but in Skyrim if you have error cause of masterfiles maybe u forgot to add this line:




    under [General]

    and ofc. add DLC that you have and mods are using under [Archive]


    also u can look 4 -> bBlockMessageBoxes=1

    under [Messages] set this to 1 and no more fk*** MessageBoxes :D






    SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfire.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa
    SkyrimEditor.ini ( in Data Folder )
    #sry4mypotatoenglish :3
    btw. what u mean by "New SKYRIM CK" ???
    Skyrim SE ? i hate this version xD
    sometimes if i download mod for SE not for Normal version ( lel xD )
    it crash game and CK :X
    are u sure u have all mods for good game version ? :P


    Yey, but why Nexus [] instead of < > xD




    ok ty u all 4 help :D !


    for 4 years i was using mostly russian websites and i was uploading only in russia but when i ask 4 help almost no1 were to help me :c

    looks like Nexus is much better place than russia if looking 4 help :tongue:


    well this gonna be my first Mod uploaded ( and not deleted ) on Nexus ^_^



    if any admin want to, you can close this topic and mark it as solved :tongue:



    Final version if any1 need :x...




    Scriptname QLG_Script_DeleteDead extends Actor
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-09
     ;Update: 2019-03-12 ( TobiPL )
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    ;===- Fame -===
    	GlobalVariable property QFameStore auto
    	{ Global, Fame that player have }
    	int property QFameReward auto
    	{ Fame that player earn for killing this enemy }
    ;===- Gold -===
    	GlobalVariable property QArenaPayout auto
    	{ Global, Gold that player should get after win }
    	int property QGold auto
    	{ Chance to drop gold }
    	int property QGoldReward auto
    	{ Gold that player earn for killing this enemy }
    	int property QGoldOff auto
    	{ Gold offset for killing Monsters
    		  Set =20= mean +/- 10 Gold
    		  Set =60= mean +/- 30 Gold
    		This value shouldn't be bigger than QGoldReward
    ;===- Messages -===	
    	bool property QIsBoss auto
    	{ Only if Unit is Boss or Special }
    	string property QKillMsg auto
    	{ Text to show when player have killed this unit 
    	  Text will show only if :QIsBoss: is set to True }
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnDeath(Actor QKiller)
    	If QKiller == Game.GetPlayer()
    		If QIsBoss
    		Utility.Wait(35.0)		;wait for other mods/scripts
    		self.disable()			;disable and wait
    		If QGold > Utility.RandomInt(0, 100)
    			float QOff = Utility.RandomInt( -QGoldOff / 2, QGoldOff / 2 )
    			float QPay = QArenaPayout.GetValue() + QGoldReward
    			If QPay > 0
    				QArenaPayout.SetValue( QPay + QOff )
    		int Fame = QFameStore.GetValue() + QFameReward
    		QFameStore.SetValue( Fame )
    		Utility.Wait(60.0)		;wait for other mods/scripts to finish
    		self.delete()			;final delete
    ;===- Script -===-===- ;ReDragon2013 ( NexusForum )
    Event OnCellDetach()
    	self.Delete()            ;just in case (have to be verified)




    i hope there is no more errors :D

  14. Hmm :x objects can't die xD

    ok ill change it from ObjectReference to Actor but it was working... not bad :D


    Anything left to fix ? :tongue:



    Scriptname QLG_Script_DeleteDead extends Actor
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-09
     ;Update: 2019-03-12 ( TobiPL )
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Reward Var. setup -============================================
    	GlobalVariable property QFameStore auto
    		{Global, Fame that player have}
    	int property QFameReward auto
    		{Fame that player earn for killing this enemy}
    	GlobalVariable property QArenaPayout auto
    		{Global, Gold that player should get after win}
    	int property QGoldReward auto
    	{Gold that player earn for killing this enemy}
    	int property QGold auto
    	{ Chance to drop gold from enemy:
    		value :0: -> 0%
    		value :1: -> 100%
    	  Any other up to 99 mean % to drop
    	bool property QIsBoss auto
    	{ Only if Unit is Boss or Special }
    	string property QKillMSG auto
    	{ Text to show when player have killed this unit 
    	  Text will show only if :QIsBoss: is set to True }
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnDeath(Actor QKiller)
    	If QKiller == Game.GetPlayer()
    		If QIsBoss
    			;Text show when player have killed this unit
    		Utility.Wait(35.0)		;wait for other mods/scripts
    		self.disable()			;disable and wait
    		If QGold > Utility.RandomInt(1, 100)
    			float QPay = QArenaPayout.GetValue() + QGoldReward
    		Utility.Wait(60.0)		;waint for other scripts to finish
    		self.delete()			;final delete
    ;===- Script -===-===- ;ReDragon2013 ( NexusForum )
    Event OnCellDetach()
    	self.Delete()            ; just in case (have to be verified)




    like for me its perfect now xD lel



    But one more question... why u use float ?

    gold can't be with second number part xD sry 4 my epic english :tongue:



    ohh xD ok sorry can't compile script if its Int :D



    int is bad or something ?



    and one more :D

    how i can make spoilers ? i dont have button on tab abowe text field :c...

    <spoiler> he ? </spoiler>


    just testing xD


    <spoiler=""> meow? </spoiler>



    if its Open World OnCellDetach will work fine?



    { just added spoiler }



    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold001 as Form, i) ; pay out the whole money


    hehe xD no way !...

    first you have to finish wave :smile:


    My arena allow you to exit only when u finish wave and all rounds and you got your payout from NPC in Arena "Barracks"


    thats why Arena payout is stored in Global value

    1) cause many NPC may pay you

    2) cause taxes lol and they change over time

    3) Every arena have thier own "taxes" so not all gold is your


    and if payout is small you can take all your gold from Arena Master

    if your payout is little bigger you have to go to Arena Bank

    and if your payout is REALLY REALLY BIG you have to ask in Big Fuma Bank


    and if you WON all 120 waves ( wtf idk even how and i dont want to xD ) you have to travel to Fuma God City and take your reward from Golden Gate Bank






    all i need in this script is add payout to selected Global and add Fame to selected Global

    and only delete enemy body



    but... why should i use Actor instead of ObjectReference ?

    i was almost always using ObjectReference xD and this script is... well can't test is now but with ObjectReference is compiling fine :x...


    no errors while compile !




    and one more

    why like this?

    float f = QFameStore.GetValue() + QFameReward
    QFameStore.SetValue(f) ; adjust the global fame


    we waste one line :x




    ok so:

    1) why Actor not ObjectReference ( i want to know why !! no "JUST DO IT" xD lel )

    2) why use var to store value instead of giving it to function ?

    float f = QFameStore.GetValue() + QFameReward
    QFameStore.SetValue(f) ; adjust the global fame


    sry potato english :tongue:




    Many unworth to read text :P

    just added it to spoiler but keep if any1 need / rly want to read xD

  16. Hello i'm Tobi !...


    Now im trying to add new arena like in Braverock Island


    but Braverock Island was pretty fu*ke* cause of memory leaks and crashes

    well Braverock Island script was only 5 lines long xD


    how about this script?


    What can i fix, do better?



    Scriptname QLG_Script_DeleteDead extends ObjectReference
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-09
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Reward Var. setup -============================================
    	GlobalVariable property QFameStore auto
    		{Global, Fame that player have}
    	int property QFameReward auto
    		{Fame that player earn for killing this enemy}
    	GlobalVariable property QArenaPayout auto
    		{Global, Gold that player should get after win}
    	int property QGoldReward auto
    	{Gold that player earn for killing this enemy}
    	int property QGold auto
    	{ Chance to drop gold from enemy:
    		value :0: -> 0%
    		value :1: -> 100%
    	  Any other up to 99 mean % to drop
    	bool property QIsBoss auto
    	{ If this Unit is Boss Unit set it to True }
    	string property QKillMSG auto
    	{ Text to show when player have killed this unit 
    	  Text will show only when :QIsBoss: is set to True }
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnDeath(Actor QKiller)
    	If QKiller == Game.GetPlayer()
    		If QIsBoss
    			;Text show when player have killed this unit
    		Utility.Wait(35.0)		;wait for other mods to finish
    		self.disable()			;disable and wait
    		Utility.Wait(5.0)		;wait for some more time
    		If QGold > 0
    			If QGold == 1
    				QArenaPayout.SetValue(QArenaPayout.GetValue() + QGoldReward)
    				;for 100% chance just give player payout
    				If QGold > Utility.RandomInt(0,100)
    					QArenaPayout.SetValue(QArenaPayout.GetValue() + QGoldReward)
    					;test and give player gold if test = ture
    		Utility.Wait(60.0)		;waint for other scripts to finish
    		self.delete()			;final delete



    //Edit: { just spoiler }

  17. xDDDD




    1) Download Halo Poser

    2) Download Fnis

    3) Install Fnis

    4) Instal Halo

    5) Enter "tools" <-- Folder from Fnis

    6) Enter "Fnis for Users"

    7) start Fnis exe

    8) done xD LOL

    ofc. instal other s#*&#33; that need Fnis :x


    u can also use OSA and OSA POSER

    still need Fnis :) but much better than rings


    in game:

    equip ring "select" then select pose and then equip ring "play"

    #MyEnglisIsPotato :3

  18. i know this mods ;x...


    but i wanna make my own arena...

    and i just wanna know how to make SCRIPT !...





    1) How can i Spawn NPC ( on "X marker" )

    2) How can i "TEST FOR NPC" something like -> "if(XXX==dead)nextwave();"

    3) How can i add items ;x... because this script what i find in Google isnt good ;-;

    4) How can i... ugh... -> "while(player.inside(XXX)){ - idk... just fight xD - }"


    HELP xD !... ( in google i can't find help ;-; )...




    now i think good idea can be download this mods and look on scripts ;x...



    Look at image ;x...

    Google: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzqj_nxR9j-JUVdDQXk0aTcyNzQ/view



    Because i can't send img on this forum ;-; lel why ?...


    wtf on this IMG should be "OpenGate();" not "EnterGate()" but fk it xD its only name ;x...



    //Edit3: ( lel xD )

    only theory code ;x...



    OnActivate -> Start -> Arena;
    enemydead(); NextWave(wave);
    int wave=1;
    int reward=50;
    else if(wave%10==0)SummonBoss();
    and i dont know how ;-;...
    NextWave(int wave)
    for summoning NPC on X Marker
    OMFG !... where is TAB ? :D
    now help me write script what will do this same what u have in this code xD
    ( code is looking like its looking - not my fault ) int N++ was everything good ;x...
  19. Hello ;x... i'm tobi and my english isnt good xD


    but... i have problem ;-;



    i just wanna make script what will do:


    1) when player will be inside TrigBox - Use Summon Spell ( X marker )

    2) when player will kill every enemies - Start next wave

    3) when player will die or he will win last wave


    a) die - ( tp outside arena )

    b) win - ( tp outside arena and give reward )


    c) and every 4 wave player should can leave arena if he will want ofc. ;x...

    ( Gate will open and player will be able to leave - and he will get reward ;x... )




    Summoning Spells i can do myself...


    BUT.... how can i make Script what will do other ? :D





    and maybe im stupid ( its true ;-; )

    why this isn't work ? ;C...



    Scriptname QLGCoin extends ObjectReference
    SoulGem Property SoulGemGrand auto
    Function OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(SoulGemGrand, 2, false)
    Yes i wanna make Arena because i <3 this fking GOD place :D
    Arena is best what games can have :D
  20. Hello ;x... I'm Tobi and i wanna make new Weapon...

    and my English isn't good xD


    i know how to make 3D model but idk. how to add new object to Game...



    if someone know how to add Static Objects and Weapons and more to Creation Kit...

    pls help xD...



    btw. here is Weapon what i wanna add : https://zapodaj.net/5be0faa903315.png.html

    "Zapodaj.Net" is Poland Page with Images xD lel


    { yes this Sword is similar to daedric sword :D but not exactly }

    { and its only "kontur" - not full finished } - https://zapodaj.net/a1b98df5a6a22.png.html



    how it is looking ? :D




    i have only Blender... for 3D Models...

  21. Hello ;x

    i'm Tobi and my english isn't good ^_^

    but i need help, i wanna make mod... and this mod is new big and epic world for skyrim ^_^


    This will be Dark and Old forest with many little city and some castles



    and... some place with grawestones... AND there is my problem...


    i know how to make basic script... but idk. how i can make script... ugh...

    english english...



    i wanna spawn monsters every 30 sec if player is in gravestones place...


    and idk how i can do it ;x...

    i was see similar mod... so i know this is possible ;x...


    BUT how i can spawn many monster every 30 sec ( or other time )




    if i write in wrong place... sorry ;< its my first post in this forum xD

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