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Posts posted by TobiaszPL

  1. ** Skip to Short Version PLS ! **

    or read idc xD



    Nah... im writing Worker Engine :)


    im not good with Quests and all i can do in quest is

    " Go here " " Kill Him " " Find This "


    but with scripts im much better... lel xD

    i just was w8ing too long :P




    but here is my other Question... how about Script Attached to NPC with RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime?


    normaly i was using UnregisterForUpdateGameTime on Event OnCellDetach

    and hope it was stoping this RegisterForSiggoings ....



    but if i left NPC with this Script it will be fine?


    and other Question... what if any player got perfect idea to make 1000 workers?

    we will have 1000 scripts refreshing each hour... it may crash game? :P


    event better cause i want to add little Sims in Skyrim :)

    so NPC will become Hungry Thrist Tired etc. so they will go back to home if needed :P


    also they will earn gold from player for work so yeee...


    registerfor 30 sec update may be bad idea :P

    but best option xD i can move NPCs without AiPackages and im gonna try it :D !



    this would be INSANE great idea if NPC have to keep his stats in good state even better if he have Family :D wow


    not only Player Buy / Sell stuff but NPC too :D


    lel... that only one part of my mod :)

    maybe thats why my mods always crash game xD


    but no1 is hurt cause only 100/200 ppl are allowed to download my mods and then its deleted so i dont care about crashes xD

    sometimes even faster admins delete my mods xDDDD




    sry 4 my potato english xD



    ok Short version:

    1) Register for Update, how about this? safe with 200+ W8ing Updates each 30 sec?

    2) Event OnUpdate() will work even if player is not in cell ? or in this same world ?

  2. Sry 4 Double post but i want answer :tongue:

    and im not sure Forum will show evey1 this Topic as Unreaded if i only edit it :tongue:



    cause my ideas are pretty stupid so probably no1 can help me so i was looking all time for help

    and i think i can do it by script... woho its gonna be long script xD


    but i found something like this:



    and LOL GJ to sm1 who write those tutorials... they are so useless...

    Copy Paste from CK Wiki...

    Function MoveToPackageLocation() native
    Return Value
    ; Enable JonPaul and move him immediately to the location for his current package.
    ; Note that the Enable has to come first.
    This is mainly intended for use immediately after Enable, in cases where we want an actor to appear at its package location, rather than its editor location.

    But WHY i have to Enable NPC first?

    im gonna break Game again if i use MoveToPackageLocation without Enable b4?



    cause i don't wanna break my mod again T_T

    most of my mods crash my game from time to time xD


    cause of my stupid function uses :D


    btw. im still not sure why should i use Mod Instead of SetValue but ok... im using Mod you Forum told me to use Mod xD

    lol xDDDD




    this Creation Kit Wiki is INSANE good... wow


    6 almost empty lines = good tutorial



    this what i paste on top of this post i WHOLE PAGE of Creation Wiki...

    w8... that 14 lines of text including Note , Example , Syntax etc.

  3. Hey... i have problem xD

    and i don't even except answer in this topic cause i need something very hard to do :P


    well easy in UE or C++ or Java but insane in CK xD

    - Maybe cause of my knowledge in CK :P



    ok... now im working on Production building in my Mod and...

    Player in one building can Buy Space for Workers for example

    House have 3 Loding for 3 Workers


    and those 3 Spaces for workers can be spend for ppl who do one of possible jobs

    for example:

    - Guard ( our produciton buildings may be attacked )

    ( about this i will create new Topic soon cause all i can do is Spawn Enemy unit on XMarker :P )

    - Miner ( working in Mine :P )

    - Hunter ( worknig in Forest )

    - Craftmaster ( making Special Items )


    And for example we want to have 1 Guard and 2 Miners

    Player choice NPC and send them to work...


    i know i can use AiPackages to do it but normaly i was doing only

    Packages to Simulate NPC Living in World


    Static Packages are not so hard like "Dynamic" Packages :P




    Any idea how can i do it ? :P

  4. Is there any way to Copy and Paste Cell with Script?



    I'm asking about Script only :P

    i was working many times with other PPL so i know how to copy things from one esp to other

    All i need is Copy and Paste by Script



    Also i know how to do it with FormList ( cause i test it now and its working )


    but there is this same problem as with Multi Light Switch using FormLists


    it take more than 2 Minutes to finish work... and it have to finish in 1 sec max XD !

    y i know i can use Arrays but well... arrays have max size 128 so they are useless if World Cell will have more than 128 objects


    and its not so hard if my worlds are Over 900% mb usage :P

  5. Heyyyy...


    Is there any way to Copy and Paste Cell with Script?

    i just want to Copy and Paste whole World Cell if Button is Pressed :)


    for example we have World Cell on X=0 Y=0

    and we want to Copy it to X=1 Y=0 ^_^


    is it possible to do ? :P





    or Other Question...


    we Have 2 Worlds




    Can we Copy Cell X=0 Y=0 World_1

    And Paste to Cell X=0 Y=0 World_2






    or Other Question...


    is there any way to get ALL STATIC objects from cell?




    1) Get Every object in selected cell

    2) Get Object Type and Position

    3) Copy those object to Array or FormList

    4) Paste in ANY place i want ^_^





    or Other Question...


    Can i create FormList of Static Objects... w8 w8 w8...

    i have great idea...


    we dont have this Question Abowe... it was stupid cause sure we can do it...


    ugh xD i have so great idea its gonna crash my game again :D

    im happy and sad cause of this xD


    happy cause im gonna do EPIC idea :D

    sad cause i finally have working game xD

    - 500+ mods and no crashes xDDD




    but ok we still have first and second Question :D





    Short Version:

    " Can i Copy Cell from ONE World to Other World ? "

  6. So my Script is working fine... Tested and everything is OK


    well maybe Sign is not changing to Manage but... its fine :D


    here is my Script:




    Scriptname QLG_Script_BuyHouse extends ObjectReference  
    { Script to Buy House in Braverock !... }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-30
     ;Update: 2019-03-31
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    ;===- Req. setup -================
    	Key Property QKey Auto			; Key to Give Player
    	{ Key to give Player }
    	Int Property QGold Auto			; Gold to Take from Player
    	{ Gold to Collect from Player }
    ;===- Ref. setup -================
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    	{ Player Ref }
    	ObjectReference Property QBuySign Auto
    	{ Reference to Activator, House not Bought }
    	ObjectReference Property QManageSign Auto
    	{ Reference to Activator, House Bought }
    ;===- Msg. setup -================
    	Message Property QBuyMSG Auto
    	{ Message to Show when Sign Activated 
    		Button Setup:
    		 Index > :0: > Yes
    		 Index > :1: > No
    	Message Property QSoldMSG Auto
    	{ Message to Show on Succes Bought 
    		Button Setup:
    		 Index > :0: Yey < or something :P 
    	Message Property QNoGoldMSG Auto
    	{ Message to Show on Failed Bought 
    		Button Setup:
    		 Index > :0: > Ohh :( < or somethign :P 
    ;===- Var. setup -================
    	MiscObject Property GoldRef Auto
    	{ Reference to Gold ( Item ) }
    	bool IsSold = false
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnInit()
    	If ( IsSold )
    		GoToState( "Done" )
    		GoToState( "WaitForPlayer" )
    ;===- Wait for Player to Activate Sign !... -========================
    State WaitForPlayer
    	Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    		If ( QRef == QPlayer )
    			Int QReturn = QBuyMSG.show()
    			If ( QReturn == 0 )
    				If ( QPlayer.GetGoldAmount() >= QGold )
    					QPlayer.AddItem( QKey , 1 )				; Give Player House Key
    					QPlayer.RemoveItem( GoldRef , QGold )	; Take Gold from Player
    					GoToState( "Done" )						; Stop Working
    					QManageSign.Enable()					; Enable Manage Sign
    					QBuySign.Disable()						; Disable Buy Sign
    					IsSold = true							; Set House to Bought
    					Utility.Wait( 3.7 )						; Wait to Show Succes Message
    					QSoldMSG.show()							; Show Succes Bought Message
    				Else					; But if Player don't have Enough Gold
    					Utility.Wait( 1.3 )	; Wait to Show Fail Message
    					QNoGoldMSG.show()	; Show Fail Bought Message
    				EndIf					; Much Message !...
    ;===- Player already have this House, do nothing -===================
    State Done
    	; Do nothing
    	; Btw. i Have Cat, Nicole <3 
    	; she's best Epic and Amazing Cat !... Much Meow !...




    And here are Images:




  7. Lel xD


    Here is working script ( Compile fine - no tested in game )




    Scriptname QLG_Script_BuyHouse extends ObjectReference  
    { Script to Buy House in Braverock !... }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-30
     ;Update: 2019-03-30
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    ;===- Req. setup -================
    	Key Property QKey Auto			; Key to Give Player
    	{ Key to give Player }
    	Int Property QGold Auto			; Gold to Take from Player
    	{ Gold to Collect from Player }
    ;===- Ref. setup -================
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto						; Player
    	{ Player Ref }
    	ObjectReference Property QBuySign Auto			; Buy House Sign
    	{ Reference to Activator, House not Bought }
    	ObjectReference Property QManageSign Auto		; Magage House Sign
    	{ Reference to Activator, House Bought }
    ;===- Msg. setup -================
    	Message Property QBuyMSG Auto
    	{ Message to Show when Sign Activated 
    		Button Setup:
    		 Index > :0: > No
    		 Index > :1: > Yes
    	Message Property QSoldMSG Auto
    	{ Message to Show on Succes Bought 
    		Button Setup:
    		 Index > :0: Yey < or something :P 
    	Message Property QNoGoldMSG Auto
    	{ Message to Show on Failed Bought 
    		Button Setup:
    		 Index > :0: > Ohh :( < or somethign :P 
    ;===- Var. setup -================
    	Miscobject Property GoldRef Auto
    	{ Reference to Gold ( Item ) }
    	bool IsSold = false
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnInit()
    	If ( IsSold )
    		GoToState( "Done" )
    		GoToState( "WaitForPlayer" )
    ;===- Wait for Player to Activate Sign !... -========================
    State WaitForPlayer
    	Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    		If ( QRef == QPlayer )
    			Int QReturn = QBuyMSG.show()
    			If ( QReturn == 0 )			; Index 0{ Yes } Selected by Player
    				If ( QPlayer.GetGoldAmount() >= QGold )
    					QPlayer.AddItem( QKey , 1 )
    					QPlayer.RemoveItem( GoldRef , QGold )
    					GoToState( "Done" )
    					Utility.Wait( 3.7 )
    					Utility.Wait( 1.3 )
    ;===- Player already have this House, do nothing -===================
    State Done
    	; Do nothing




    How it Work?



    You have Sign in game that is Activator

    and ofc. you can activate this Sign by Pressing E on it


    if you do it Message show for example


    w8. ill copy from my house :smile:

    "Do you want to Buy this House for 7400 Septims?"

    and you can choice 2 answers "Yes" or "No"


    if you Press No you just close this message Box

    if you Press Yes game test your Gold if your have more than required and if you have game show you

    from my script: "Yey, now Gray House is your !..." and Button with answer "Yey !..."


    if you dont have gold Game show you: "Sorry, you don't have Gold to buy this House !" and single answer "Ohh... ok :("



    Once you bought house "Buy Sign" is disabling and "Manage House" is enabling allowing you to Upgrade your house


    and now im working on this Manage Sign :tongue: but first test and Videos on YT xD


    but in Manage Sign you be able to Make your house bigger and even manage Production :tongue:



    cause my Idea in Braverock 3 was like in Braverock 2 and like in BDO xD ( Black Desert Online )


    so you can buy house and choice produciton in this house :tongue:

    lel xD




    but if all you need is just Buy sign / etc. you have already working script :tongue:

    if you need something more, w8 4 more videos from me and more scripts xD lel




    Y i know i can still improve this script :P

    but ill do it later xD

  8. Give me 1/2 h


    My script is working fine cause i test it on my CK and my Hosue


    i got Key and game remove my Gold from Inventory


    Soon ill give you 3 Videos how to make it :P

    but now im finishing my mod xD


    Here is working Script:




    Scriptname QLG_Script_BuyHouse extends ObjectReference  
    	Key Property QKey Auto
    	{ Key to give Player }
    	Int Property QGold Auto
    	{ Gold to Collect from Player }
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    	{ Player Ref }
    	Message Property QMsg Auto
    	{ Message to show }
    	Miscobject Property GoldRef Auto
    	ObjectReference Property QManage Auto
    	ObjectReference Property QBuy Auto
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference AAA )
    	Int QReturn = QMsg.show()
    	If ( QReturn == 1 )
    		If ( QPlayer.GetGoldAmount() > QGold )
    			QPlayer.AddItem( QKey , 1 )
    			QPlayer.RemoveItem( GoldRef , QGold )
    			GoToState( "Done" )
    			Debug.Trace( "You don't have enough Gold !..." )
    State Done
    	; Do nothing




    in those 3 Videos you will see how to make everything :P

    but give me few sec xD

  9. Ugh bro...


    1) Open CK ( lel )

    2) Create any Message ( find in YT or CK Wiki how to - too much to write here xD )

    3) Put on ground any Activator ( Static from Object Window in Activator tab )

    4) Double click this activator ( the one on grund in Render Window ) to open Edit Window

    5) Scroll to "Script" tab

    6) click "Add" on right from Script List

    7) Add your script

    :cool: clikc ONCE on your script then click "Properties"

    9) Fill properties, new window should open and you should see 4 options


    - in QKey select your Key

    - in QGold set amount of gold that player need to Pay for Key

    - in QPlayer click "Auto-Fill" ( button on Right ) and be sure its set to Player and Cell on Any

    - in QMessage select your Message Box you create


    How to Compile Script: ( if this gonna be your first script )

    1) Go to your Data

    2) Find for "Scripts.zip"

    3) Unpack them in ../Skyrim/Data/ < HERE >

    4) Restart / Start your CK

    5) Select "Gameplay" and "Papyrus Script"

    6) Click on List with Right Mouse Button and select "New"

    7) Name your Script and in Reference write "ObjectReference"

    :cool: Find your created script in Filter

    9) Click on your Script with Right Mouse Button and select "Open in External Editor" - Use N++ or something xD

    10) Copy my script - but ignore first line ( dont copy first line )

    11) Clicl on your Script with Right Mouse Button and select "Compile"


    if no Errors Compile window should just close

    if you got any error paste them here or try to Google :tongue:



    i hope you know how to make MessageBoxes or Keys :tongue:


    Script ( just Copy and Paste ) - keep your First line that CK create for your Script



    	Key Property QKey Auto
    	{ Key to give Player }
    	Int Property QGold Auto
    	{ Gold to Collect from Player }
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    	{ Player Ref }
    	Message Property QMsg Auto
    	{ Message to show }
    auto State WaitForPlayer
    	Event OnActivate()
    	Int QReturn = QMsg.show()
    	If ( QReturn == 1 )						; if Player wanted to buy Key
    		If ( QPlayer.GetGoldAmount() > QGold )
    			QPlayer.AddItem( QKey , 1 )
    			QPlayer.RemoveItem( GoldBase , QGold )
                            GoToState( "Done" )
    		Else								; Player don't have gold
    			Debug.Trace( "You don't have enough Gold !..." )
    State Done
    	; Do nothing




    Give me few H and i maybe give you my Script to Buy and upgrade houses :x...

    cause i want to make few houses in my mod too xD so i start doing it now and give you free script xD lol

  10. With TGM -> Toggle God Mode ?





    you can give Player paralise effect for insane long time like for 5000 days or something and disable his controls...



    Paralised player act like dead body ( just drop on ground )

    Blood you can add to screen by script if i remember correct and you can make bliking red screen if you set Health to -1 or something


    even better you can Force ImageSpace to make any "death" effect you want :x...




    1) Paralize Player for 50000 days

    2) Disable his controlos

    3) Set His hp to -1

    4) Applay Blood on Screen

    5) Force Thrid Person

    6) Change Image Space


    and LEL almost dead :D



    TGM can't protect you from Magic effects :tongue:

    so killing God is Easy ^_^ just make Paralize Poison :D



    i know Paralize work for TGM cause in my Mod i have something like "Frascinated Obsidian Dust"

    and its strong poision that take half of your HP , rewerse you HP regen , Paralize you for 30 sec and give you 100% dmg red.



    i dont like Story Mods ... i pref Immersion / Reality / LL mods xD

    only one Story mod i like is Forgotten City


    But Falkhstar Enderal and every other... ugh T_T poor s#*&#33; xD sry but i don't like those mods

    Make you mod good cause i will probably download it :) only cause i know you from Nexus and i want to see your work xD

  11. No tested by me but you can try:

    Scriptname QLG_Script_Nexus001 extends ObjectReference 
    	Key Property QKey Auto
    	{ Key to give Player }
    	Int Property QGold Auto
    	{ Gold to Collect from Player }
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    	{ Player Ref }
    	Message Property QMsg Auto
    	{ Message to show }
    auto State WaitForPlayer
    	Event OnActivate()
    	Int QReturn = QMsg.show()
    	If ( QReturn == 1 )						; if Player wanted to buy Key
    		If ( QPlayer.GetGoldAmount() > QGold )
    			QPlayer.AddItem( QKey , 1 )
    			QPlayer.RemoveItem( GoldBase , QGold )
    		Else								; Player don't have gold
    			Debug.Trace( "You don't have enough Gold !..." )
    		GoToState( "Done" )
    State Done
    	; Do nothing

    Y i know GoToState is in wrong place :)...

    but i dont even know that this Script will work or no xD

  12. I never use Ultimate Dodge cause i have TK Dodge and can't download your Ultimate to see what you may do wrong...

    cause its deleted / hidden =___=



    But why no use TK Dodge?

    If all what Ultimate Dodge do is add to game Dodge System TK Dodge can do this same...


    and for me TK are very good mods :P


    if Installing TK Dodge

    1) Drop everything to Data Folder

    2) Open Fnis

    3) Check "TK Dodge" in options in tab on bottom ( without this animation not gonna work )

    4) Run Fnis

    5) Done !... and you can Dodge enemy attacks :P

  13. I'm not from england / america / canada so my english is potato...

    i dont event know what "convenience " mean... :x


    Actor playerRef = Game.GetPlayer()


    better version is


    Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

    cause u dont waste time for function xD


    but ok idc, not gonna read this topic any more :x...


    my language is Polish and little Russian and English :)

    and well some German French and Japan cause i have few friends from this countries so they teach me sometimes xD


    last time Shaurows teach me that canada is not only English but French too in few places :P lel



    GL with this Script and bye !...

  14. 1. pff.. ok xD


    2. you can always stop loop when player leave cell


    3. for what you need function if you can use math ?


    its like using

    int addthisformepls( int a , int b ) { return a + b ; }

    instead of using a+b lel...



    but ok, its not my script but if it would be my i will never use threads for this :P

    cause its like little thread :x...

  15. O_o but Maxarturo...


    "GetActorValuePercentage" is useless...


    cant u just multiply ActorValue by value less than 1 ?


    for example

    Health * 0.30 = 30% of Health Value

    Health * 0.75 = 75% of Health Value

    Health * 1.30 = 130 % of Health Value



    also i no trust threads and registers and i try to use them not very much << sry 4 my english trying to find words but can't xD


    while ( ... )


    Utility.wait( ... )





    and one loop w8ing for Unit to have 50% or less hp :x

    well you can add OnActivate to Actor and idk what you think about this but it was working for me many times :x


    simple TriggerBox to activate Actor xD even if he is active :D

    well i was activating Sweetrol many times even if it was completly static object :P





    using register for single update isn't great idea for me... or too many threads

    once i was writing game in C++ and i write class to support images and i forgot to delete temp array


    and i got some problems with this and "WTF is wrong xD" after 5h of looking where is bad line of code

    i discover that i just forgot delete Image temp array after loading Bitmap :P




    Value in script can be stored even after save / load

    and what if player save and load while for example script was registering new update and still had one?


    idk where but once i read that register for single update each 1 second is very bad idea


    but ok its just my opinion and how i would do it :x...

  16. Hey !...


    i have problem cause i can't find Function for this :c

    i know how can i do it in Conditions in CK


    but how can i detect Player Fight status in Script?



    for example something like


    if ( Player == IsInFight() )

    debug.trace( " can't activate in Fight " )


    ; Activate




    Any idea how i can do it ? :c



    i want allow player to activate object but only if he is completly hidden ( i dont know how to detect this too xD )

    and only if player is not fighting with any1


    i know player can't use Furniture in Fight... but its Trigger box xDDD


    how can i do it for TriggerBox?


    for example Player Enter TriggerBox and he is not fighting Script is activated and if he is in fight script is doing nothing :c





    i found something like this ->



    Ugh xD Copy paste from CK Wiki :D



    ohh xD


    IsFightingControlsEnabled were rly big when copied and now its small xD



    but it test if PLAYER CAN FIGHT not if PLAYER IS IN FIGHT T_T


    help pls !



  17. Hey... any1 know any Script Library?


    i mean place where you can find long list of scripts with source files



    i just want free Scripts cause writing them take some time and testing xD

    so if there is any place where i can find already writen Scripts that work fine plz show me this place xD !




    maybe im lazy cause i can write everything by my self but... im just lazy and writing scripts 24/7 ugh... im done with scripting alone

    i just want ready scripts to use xD




    Copy -> Paste -> Wow you script so fast xDDDD

  18. I dont know anyone answer on this question - many useless posts in this topic


    and also my english is pretty potato so sorry if i write something you can;t understand


    but NPC can't dual wield if thier CombatClass disallow this



    1) Download Creation Kit

    2) Open Creation Kit ( and load your Follower Mod or Skyrim or esp file with your follower )

    3) click "LOAD"

    4) wait for load ignore / press no for all Error messages

    5) Save your Mod just press CTRL + S and name your mod

    6) on left you should have something like "Object window"

    7) Find in Object Window "Miscellanious" and extract it

    8) Left Mouse click on "CombatStyle" option


    - now you should see all Combat Styles


    9) Press on any Combat style and Edit it

    10) VERY IMPORTANT - change Combat style ID

    11) go to Mele setup

    12) chceck "Allow Dual Wield"

    13) Save your changes CK should ask you "Create new form / Object ?" or something like this press YES


    - If CK wasn't ask you, you just change Combat Style instead of creating new one...

    Close CK and Try again REMEMBER to change Form ID !!!


    14) Find "Actor" in Object Window

    15) in Filter write your Follower Name

    16) Press with Rightclick your follower

    17) go to Combat Style window and in Combat Style option select your Combat that you create


    - just click and start writing name


    18) Save Mod

    19) close CK



    Version for lazy / ... egh ppl


    1) Open CK

    2) Load your Follower Mod

    3) go to Actor

    4) Edit your Actor ( Follower Name )

    5) go to Combat Style

    6) set CombatStyle to "csTGBrynjolf"


    as you know Brynjolf ( Thiefs guild master ) can Dual Wield so everything is already setted


    but remember if you set Brynjolf CombatStyle for example for Lydia she will act like Thief in combat

    yes she will use two weapons in combat but also she will pref to use only mele weapons and bows / shouts etc. are set to this same


    so if your follower have magic / shouts he may stop using it

    also block etc. data will be copied from Brynjolf



    if you want i can change your follower to use Two Weapons :x

    you can't make them use two weapons only by giving them two weapons :P



    how they can fight is declared in Attack Data ( and Race ) and in Combat Style

  19. Rest anywhere Spell?


    can;t remember Mod name but this spell is fully animated and allow you to sleep there where you stay

    also you can sit to regenerate your stamina and knee to regenerate your magicka :x



    you can just find nice place to sleep then use this spell and choice "sleep"

    short animation and you can choice for how long you want sleep then you can press Space to stay

  20. 1) Open script for Mining in Skyrim

    2) add your own script that have random change to give player item

    If QRef == Player
    	If DropChange < Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 100 )
    		Player.AddItem( Gem , 1 )

    Something like this

    3) Create your Perk

    4) add Script to add Keyword to Player or change GlobalValue or do anything to check player keywords / perks etc.

    5) add your perk to skill tree or make your own skill tree


    Maybe first - do You even know how to make new Perk in Skill Tree?

  • Create New...