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Posts posted by TobiaszPL

  1. Activator with Script that use "MoveTo()" player?


    1. Create XMarker ( Door Target location )

    2. Create Activator ( looking like door )

    3. Give this activator script with "MoveTo()" Function :x...


    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )

    QRef.MoveTo( XMarker )




    at least you dont have to fu** with Vanilla doors :D



    they are still sometimes there but invisible...

    for me CK don't show Collision Boxes sometimes but they are still here


    Try to start game and use your door :P maybe it will work but you just can't see markers


    even M can't help with that BUG...

  2. Nifscope -> Lightning -> Alpha?

    0.0 -> 100% transparent

    1.0 -> 0% transparent

    0.5 -> 50% transparent


    with this im pretty sure you can make everything transparent

    just 4fun once i change my character to ghost using this option :D



    icy weapons :o

    ughhh this remind mi Snow Elfs from Spellforce...

    You gonna create NEW weapons or you want to use vanilla weapons?



    if new -> i want your mod :O




  3. 1. create activator *not door ACTIVATOR*

    2. name it "Door" *ingame name*

    3. in use text write "open"

    4. put 2 doors in render window

    a) one door should be on "close state"

    b) second door should be on "open state"

    :: by "open" and "close" state i mean position in world - how and where door will stay when open / close ect.

    5) once you place and rotate doors select cloesd AND open door and change it to XMarker ( CTRL + F )

    6) put new door to world and give it new script ( move to XMarker ref, open or closed which one you want to be starting position )

    7) Event OnActivate(){ self.TranslateToRef( XMarker ) }

    8) DONE :D !...


    now you can come close to door and open it by pressing E on it :D

    door will move using TranslateToRef


    now im not at home but once im back in home ( 30 h xD ) maybe ill make tutorial for you xD lol


    here you have NOT tested cause im too lazy and im writing on laptop, script :D

    it will probably work xD


    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_MoveDoor extends ObjectReference


    ObjectReference property QStateOpen auto

    ObjectReference property QStateClose auto


    Sound property OpenSound auto

    Sound property CloseSound auto


    bool property QuickChange auto

    bool property StartState auto


    actor property QPlayer auto


    bool InUse = false


    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )

    if QPlayer != QRef





    if InUse

    ; ...


    int Psound = 0

    if StartState

    self.TranslateToRef( ClosedState , 0.32 , ... )



    self.TranslateToRef( OpenState , 0.32 , ... )








    sry but i dont remember everything and can't test it now xD

    use Google to finish my script if you want :D


    or just wait and ill make video for you how to make script with sounds etc. to move doors :D




    with scripts you can also play some stuff that im testing right now xD

    special effects like for example dirt, gaz, fluids etc. from scripts xD


    for example you open very old door and some dirt fall from top of this door :D lel



    #sry for my bad english :D lel






    i were testing something very very cool in my opinion


    like 3 state leavers

    or multi state alchemy lab


    for example if you use door on edge you can move it slightly

    if you use door in middle you can kick them so door move rly fast

    if you use door in... this thing to open door - my english is weak and idk how it is called but then you open door normaly :D


    i was trying with levers / trees / campfires

    so now ill try with doors xD



    just let me back to home :D ! ill be in home tomorrow ( in around 20/30 h )

  4. Nexus Modders resources???

    Wut? xD i never use it :tongue:




    Using Nexus Forum???

    Well as i said it was suprise for me to get help here, i just come here because

    i was working with my 2 friends ( they were from russia ) and they just leave so i was angry...


    thats why i come here :tongue:

    suprising for me, you help me so i stay for little longer time...

    but as you can see im not making new threads so offen like before :smile:


    before -> 3/5 threads / month

    now -> 0/1 thread / month


    in last two maybe one month i write only one thread and got no answer :x... lol




    Maxarturo, only modders resources i use are:

    - Halo's mods ( Aether Resoruces etc. )

    - Tivo Creations ( my friend, he make 3D models for me )

    - few Japan websites :x...


    and also im creating my resoruces by stealing stuff from other games / films etc.

    for example my now WIP Mod Braverock

    im using only

    - Halo's Mods ( Aether Suite )

    - Fable Music

    - Spellforce Music


    NO Nexus stuff :D !

    Here you have two other my mods :tongue:

    Go and find any Nexus resoruces xDDD


    By resources you mean those added by for example Orairys or something like this

    Orairys, Insanity, Storis, Tsomething ? :tongue:


    im not using this xD



    Braverock Island Mod:





    Night World Mod:



  5. Yes, it is possible.

    to create flying troll using fire breath... but why you want to do something like this? :tongue:


    Here you can find many custom creatures:



    he do great job !...

    also he import Witcher 3 Grifon and they can fly like dragons :tongue:




    hmm... short version...

    just duplicate dragon race and replace dragon with troll mesh???


    im not sure it will work fine but you can try :D



    if you want quick answer just switch dragons and trolls meshes in game files :tongue:



    - 1 fix

  6. Agreweb:


    1) Windows + R

    2) paste ( "?:\...<Steam DIR>...\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim" )

    a) try: ( "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim" )

    b) or Steam -> Show Local FIles

    3) Find SkyrimEditor.ini

    4) CTRL + F

    5) Find bBlockMessageBoxes

    6) set it to 1 ( true )


    from now CK will block every Message Box






    Unpack Scripts.zip???

    Start as Admin???



    You were trying to make Script using SKSE etc. ?

    cause gosh... error in .cpp file xD













    	QPoint2D P3;
    	double Angle;
    	P3.x = (P1.x>P2.x) ? ( P1.x - P2.x ) : ( P2.x - P1.x ) ;
    	P3.y = (P1.y>P2.y) ? ( P1.y - P2.y ) : ( P2.y - P1.y ) ;
    if((P3.y==0)&&(P3.x==0))return 0;
    	(P3.y > P3.x ) ?
    ( Angle = ( 45 / P3.y ) * P3.x ) : ( Angle = 90 - ( ( 45 / P3.x ) * P3.y ) );
    Angle = ( P1.x > P2.x ) ? (
    			( P1.y > P2.y ) ? 
    				(	Angle	) : (180 - Angle) )
    		: (
    			( P1.y > P2.y ) ? 
    				(360 - Angle) : (180 + Angle) );
    	return Angle;
    Why u open this Spoiler HEEEeee ? LEAVE !












    Occlusion... hmm it sounds like VR Mod?

  7. Hey, i want to create new my spell series lel

    i already have

    Infinite Spells -> 39 Epic spells

    Chaos Spells -> 32 Epic Spells

    and now i want to create Kamui Spells


    atm. i have few ideas ( 11 Spells Ideas atm )

    but i will probably have problem with One :x...


    Kamui Soul


    Kamui Soul is spell that allow you to "Grab" your target Soul and summon its as your friend

    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)



    i know i can use


    GetActorBase to get actor base <-- lol

    so i can use it to PlaceAtMe


    but here is my first question which extends should i use?

    cause i know that PlaceAtMe works for ObjectReferences but for example not working for Actor extends




    i know i can use






    To protect "Special" NPCs from duplicating i will just show to player "This soul is too powerful" MSG

    but... do i need someting more to protect from duplicating special NPCs?







    AddToFaction will be enough? to make copied NPCs friend to Player?

    cause i want to make every NPC that were copy to be friend even if he was enemy





    Is there any way to connect Ghost and Copied NPCs?

    If Soul / Ghost die NPC that own this Soul should die too :x...


    but im not sure how to do it...





    Anything else that i should know b4 starting with this Spell / Script?


    its little crazy but i want to try spell like this xD

    You can copy Wolf Soul and make it your follower :D




    If any1 have any idea about more spells gimi your ideas :D

    also if you want you can steal my idea, idc im probably not gonna even upload this mod :x


    here are my ideas:



    Kamui Spells:
    - Kamui Self
    :: Teleport Player to Kamui World
    - Kamui Target
    :: Teleport Target to Kamui World
    - Kamui Point
    :: Create Kamui Point - Back Point
    - Kamui Ethernal
    :: Make Player ethernal
    - Kamui Mark
    :: Create Kamui Location Marker
    - Kamui Teleport
    :: Teleport Player to Kamui Marker
    - Kamui Move
    :: Teleport Target to Kamui Marker
    - Kamui Force
    :: Push eveyone back
    - Kamui Chest
    :: Open Kamui Void Chest
    - Kamui Space
    :: Jump to targeting land ( short distance )
    - Kamui Soul
    :: Make targeting NPCs your ally ( if ghost dies so do NPC )





    More about Point 3

    Ghost should NEVER attack player !...

    even if Player is attacking Ghost !...


    also here is Point 6...

    can i create Ghost that can be attacked?



    SetGhost protect NPCs from any dmg right?... or not ? ;x...



    if sm1 don't know what Kamui is:


  8. Maxarturo


    there is other way :x...

    1) Create Cow

    2) Create TriggerBox ( inv. activator ) ( Sphere shape + Cow size )

    3) Create Script that move TriggerBox to Cow every 1 sec


    And done :tongue:

    You can simply come to cow press E and milk from cows :D


    But if Cow move this 1 sec delay may be too much :D



    Maybe you can try to make Magnelight somehow to be Inv. activator :x...

    Magnelight can be attached to NPCs so all u have to do is create Trigger Box :x



    other way is just by dialogue :x...

    You can create empty dialogue and activate script by this dialogue


    but this way is bad in my opinion xD way more bad than spell


    cause when u come to cow it will say "Talk" not Milk :D

    and its probably not possible to change it :x...



    1) Spell -> Bad because player have to use this spell

    2) Trigger Box -> Bad because it may move after cow not with cow

    3) Dialogue -> Bad because it says "Takl" not "Milk" / other use option


    3 ways to do it :x

    and in my opinion first way by spell is best :x...





    Why don"t you add an "OnCellDetach" event to your script to stop all respawning of npcs.


    When u leave Grind Spot in MMO Games mobs keep spawning :x...

    atm. im just ressurecting Mob and probably can use OnCellDetach in this script :tongue:


    Here is Script:



    ohh great... so i delete good script instead of bad script...

    =_= my gosh Recuva come back here !... again xD

  9. Hey... normaly game work on 5x5 Loaded cells


    But i wanted to load more than 5x5 so i change config and set

    33x33 = Game Crash

    21x21 = Game Crash

    14x14 = Game Crash

    9x9 = Working ( in 30/45 FPS but with ENB xD )



    is there any way to make Skyrim Load more than 9x9 cells at once?


    hmm... itsnot crash but more like Inf. Loading Screen

    its because i need more RAM?



    5x5 Grid mean 25 Cells loaded

    9x9 Grid mean 81 Cells loaded


    so maybe its because of RAM but i have 16GB RAM... thats not enough?

    for example for 14x14?


    Hmm... that will be 196 Cells loaded in total but still 16 GB Ram should handle it...



    probably... maybe...


  10. IsharaMeradin

    Ill try with OnUpdate but srsl... Games normaly can use up to 200/400 that small scripts at once...

    It Just Works =_= egh...







    I never had so many problems with UE4 or Unity or my Own Engine ( Silent Dream Engine < whut a name :o )

    CK is broken T_T how they even create wor.... ahh right... Skyrim is also not working fine :x... lel





    You change Your write style or i learn already how to read your Code :tongue:

    but your code is missing self.enable() / self.disable() << this line enable / disable trigger box that allow player to use script


    How about this Code: ?



    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_Campfire extends ObjectReference
    { Simple script to enable Fire for while :x... } 
    Import Sound
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-06-22
     ;Update: 2019-06-24 ( TobiPL )
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -==================================================;
    	ObjectReference Property QFireRef Auto
    	{ Object Ref. to Fire ( Enable/Disable ) }
    	ObjectReference Property QFireSrc Auto
    	{ Object Ref. to Fire Light source }
    	Sound Property QFireUp Auto
    	{ Sound to play on Fire Up }
    	Sound Property QFireOut Auto
    	{ Sound to play on Fire Out }
    	Int SoundINS = 0
    ;===- Main Script -=============================;
    Event OnInit()
     ; nothing atm. ( Edit :D )
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    	GoToState( "Wait" )
    State Wait
        Event OnCellDetach()
            GoToState( "" )
    	Event OnUpdate()
            GoToState( "" )
    ;===- Sound and Animation Fire Up -===**********;
    Function QLFireUp()
    	float Temp = Utility.RandomFloat(120.0, 360.0)
    	RegisterForSingleUpdate( Temp )
    	SoundINS = QFireUp.Play( self )
    	QFireRef.enable( true )
    	QFireSrc.enable( true )
    	Utility.Wait( 2.0 )
    	StopInstance( SoundINS )
    ;===- Sound and Animation Fire Out -===*********;
    Function QLFireOut()
    	SoundINS = QFireUp.Play( self )
    	QFireRef.disable( true )
    	QFireSrc.disable( true )
    	Utility.Wait( 2.0 )
    	StopInstance( SoundINS )
    ;The End 



    I change it to OnUpdate like Ishara says

    and i add OnCellDetach like ReDragon shows :x...



    can't test it now :c...

  11. I did it by using "Special Menu" Spell :x...

    But Cows were... egh ugly so i remove them from Mod xD


    Braverock is sexy and hot Tropical Island :x...

    I'm also thinking abour removing Chickens...


    Event OnHit( ... )

    If( Hit by Menu Spell )

    .. Show Menu ..




    SetActorValue :x...

    Not good idea in my opinion :c... egh i will just remove MMO Spots atm.


    They also are not working 100% fine... if you leave Cell while mobs are respawning they will respawn

    in random place :x... instead of Spot Cell :c...




  12. Hey... i create Small script for campfires


    Script have to do:

    1) Enable Fire Animation and Light

    2) Wait random time

    3) Disable Fire Animation and Light


    it seems easy to do but my Script is not working :c...

    Not working all time... it is working for first 2/3 activations but after 2/3 activations

    Light show normaly but Fire Animation dont...


    Maybe important to know, on Screen i have around 10/15 "campfires"

    is that bad ? ;x... Skyrim can't support so many scripts at once???? lol???



    Here is script that i use: ( and which i test )



    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_Campfire extends ObjectReference
    { Simple script to enable Fire for while :x... } 
    Import Sound
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-06-22
     ;Update: 2019-06-23 ( TobiPL )
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -==================================================;
    	ObjectReference Property QFireRef Auto
    	{ Object Ref. to Fire ( Enable/Disable ) }
    	ObjectReference Property QFireSrc Auto
    	{ Object Ref. to Fire Light source }
    	Sound Property QFireUp Auto
    	{ Sound to play on Fire Up }
    	Sound Property QFireOut Auto
    	{ Sound to play on Fire Out }
    ;===- Main Script -=============================;
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    	Int SoundINS = QFireUp.Play( self )
    	QFireRef.enable( true )
    	QFireSrc.enable( true )
    	Utility.Wait( 3 )
    	StopInstance( SoundINS )
    	Utility.Wait( Utility.RandomInt( 120 , 360 ) )
    	SoundINS = QFireOut.Play( self )
    	QFireRef.disable( true )
    	QFireSrc.disable( true )
    	Utility.Wait( 3 )
    	StopInstance( SoundINS )
    ;The End 




    And Here is script that i think ill be using ( cause its less... bad :x... )



    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_Campfire extends ObjectReference
    { Simple script to enable Fire for while :x... } 
    Import Sound
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-06-22
     ;Update: 2019-06-24 ( TobiPL )
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -==================================================;
    	ObjectReference Property QFireRef Auto
    	{ Object Ref. to Fire ( Enable/Disable ) }
    	ObjectReference Property QFireSrc Auto
    	{ Object Ref. to Fire Light source }
    	Sound Property QFireUp Auto
    	{ Sound to play on Fire Up }
    	Sound Property QFireOut Auto
    	{ Sound to play on Fire Out }
    ;===- Main Script -=============================;
    Event OnInit()
    	GoToState( "Ready" )
    State Ready
    	Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    		GoToState( "Wait" )
    		Utility.Wait( Utility.RandomInt( 120 , 360 ) )
    		GoToState( "Ready" )
    State Wait
    	; Do Nothing
    ;===- Sound and Animation Fire Up -===**********;
    Function QLFireUp()
    	Int SoundINS = QFireUp.Play( self )
    	QFireRef.enable( true )
    	QFireSrc.enable( true )
    	Utility.Wait( 3 )
    	StopInstance( SoundINS )
    ;===- Sound and Animation Fire Out -===*********;
    Function QLFireOut()
    	Int SoundINS = QFireUp.Play( self )
    	QFireRef.disable( true )
    	QFireSrc.disable( true )
    	Utility.Wait( 3 )
    	StopInstance( SoundINS )
    ;The End 






    Why after 2/3 Uses Fire Animation don't show?

    im using vanilla Fire Animation from Movable Objets



    can any1 change title to: "What is wrong with my script ? :) [10]"

    [9] index is already in use xDDDDDD

  13. 1) Download Nifscope

    < Face >

    a) Load to Nifscope your face ( .nif file in skse folder )

    b) Nifscope -> Export -> Obj file

    :: idk how it is in ECE but in RC you can save your Face as .nif file

    < Body >

    a) Load to Nifscope your body ( meshes/actors/character/character assets/ <here> )

    b) again Nifscope -> Export -> Obj file


    this way you will get only Mesh ( No bones etc. )

    but Skyrim ( bethesda ) bones are... well everything in Skyrim is f*#@ed and done bad...

    so its better to create your own bones in Blender :x... better option and takes only 2/4 min to do :P


    but ofc. if you already know how to use Nifscope and Blender :) without this knowledge it may be hard


    << Textures >>

    2) Download Gimp or Paint.net

    < Gimp >

    a) Download Gimp .dds Plugin and install

    b) Load your textures and export them for example to .png file

    < Paint.net >

    a) Load your textures and export


    Textures/actors/character/female ( probably :3 )

    :: Gimp is much better than Paint.net but you need DDS Plugin for Gimp

    Also Paint.net may remove Alpha so hair / eyelashes etc. may be f*#@ed


    If you want to use Vanilla Meshes / Texture first you have to unpack files ( Google: BSA Browser )



    You cant export it all in once so you have to export one by one Head , Feets , Hands , Body

    then in Blender you can connect them to one ( also remember to remove doubles )




    Outfit Studio also allow you to Export .Nif to .Obj file

  14. Hey... so i create my MMO Spots in my Mod...

    but i have problem :x...


    Players can cheat with this xD

    because Mobs spawn over and over player can kill them all time


    On my test Spot i got 100 lvl in destruction in less than 10 min...



    is there any way to make player got no exp for attacking / killing my NPCs?



    i know ppl Grind for EXP and LOOT but gosh xD

    it can't go that fast :o


    i want to slow or disable exp from Mobs on Spots where they spawn all time

  15. 1) i Create Actor ( its Ess. & Uni. )

    2) i click OK in Actor Window

    3) i ReEnter to created Actor Edit window

    4) i go to "AiPackages tab"

    5) i click with "Right Mouse" and choice "New"

    6) i create new AiPackages


    then ill go try my Mod in Game and its working fine

    then i go back to Ck to add more AiPackages and... there is no Package that i create...


    i go back to game and package is not working after starting CK again...



    Ofc. Package is still in CK but NOT IN Actor...

    if i try to right click in package window and ADD AGAIN this same package

    CK is doing nothing...


    1) i right click and choice add

    2) i find my package and click it once

    3) i click OK


    and AiPackage is not visible in window...




    Why CK delete packages from my NPC?

    Any idea ? ;/

  16. Im not sure i understand your post cause my english isn't so great but:

    would retrive from the xMarker the "Function" to execute while at the same time disableing the other.


    You can use functions in other scripts by KeyWords



    Egh... using words is hard for me to explain xD

    Here u have IMG:




    Every script that have acces to our "Virtual Stack lel" << :3 hyhy

    can execute Functions on Values sended by other scripts



    1) We CAN'T send Function to execute

    :: We can send ONLY values and Events


    2) Script need to have 2 Var-s in code ( Stack and Pointer to Stack )

    is like ebp and stack in ASM :smile: if you know ASM you should understand my Idea


    i hope it was ebp cause i were not using ASM last 3/4 years xD

    but u know this pointer what is pointing on first stack element after using function 4 example in C++ xD


    egh :x... my english...


    3) Remember it will work slow xD

    cause it is using FormList :c... and probably FormList is only one way to create Global Stack in CK

  17. How about my suggestion ? :D

    Im using Activate to comunicate Scripts :)


    its my own idea xD


    With my way u can:

    - Communicate any script with any script ready for communication

    - Send your special events ( via Key words )

    - Delete / Create NEW script instance in game

    And probably many more xD


    Script One:



    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_Activate extends ObjectReference
    { Activate() only for player }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-05-23
     ;Update: 2019-05-23
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<1>
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    	{ Player Ref. }
    	ObjectReference Property QActRef Auto
    	{ Ref. to Activate }
    ;===- Main Script -==============================
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    	If( QRef == QPlayer )
    		QActRef.Activate( self )
    ; The End 




    Script two: ( only half of script )



    	ObjectReference Property QActGround Auto
    	{ Object Ref. Trigger Box that support Ground Activation }
    	ObjectReference Property QActPlant Auto
    	{ Object Ref. Trigger Box that support Planting new Tree }
    	ObjectReference Property QActHold Auto
    	{ Object Ref. Trigger Box that support Hold Tree Activation }
    	ObjectReference Property QActCut Auto
    	{ Object ref. Trigger Box that support Cutting Tree }
    State Ready
    	Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    		GoToState( "Wait" )
    		If( QRef == QActGround )
    		ElseIf( QRef == QActPlant )
    		ElseIf( QRef == QActHold )
    		ElseIf( QRef == QActCut )
    		GoToState( "Ready" )





    You can just use Activate() to send events to other scripts

    and You can use Key Words to send "data" to other scripts


    but ofc. scripts have to know how to handle those Key Words




    thats my idea to communicate scripts and objects :D

    im not sure but it will probably work even if objects are in difreent cells but u probably have to enable object first :x






  18. still idk why u care about cheating...

    if sm1 want to cheat its better to let him cheat :tongue:


    How u gonna stop ppl from opening your Mod in CK and disabling all your "Cheat Protections" ? xD

    or making easy way to next step in Quest :tongue:



    ppl who care about story / quests will never cheat

    ppl like me who just want to see level design / hear music / kill some monsters will always cheat xd


    i were playing one day Darkend, cool mod but too long so i started to skip many things to just finish :x

    this same with Forgotten City gosh they have nice music and story but again too long and sometimes boring xD



    4 example if you block everything so ill be unable to skip / cheat in your mod i will just leave and delete ;x...




    also how u gonna stop my half cheat mods ? :D

    Kamuii is pretty strong Vision Power :tongue:


    Kamuii Ethernal -> Make new NPC that you can move and jump forward ingoring collision

    Ghost is probably ignoring scripts and can't be detected by any NPC etc.


    Kamuii Out and Kamuii In :tongue:

    or Thunder God Jutsu ( gosh so many Naruto Spells xD )


    Thunder God Jutsu have one nice spell that allow u to Mark Items

    combine it with other mod that allow u to throw daggers and you can throw dagger by crates / cliffs / Trigger boxes / traps etc.


    and then TP to them :smile:



    Naruto Overthaul ( yes i like anime :3 ) have Teleport Jutsu

    i use it sometimes to move by closed doors :smile:


    1) grab any dead body ( you can move body from interior to interior by Kamuii )

    2) hold dead body back to door

    3) holding dead body use Teleport Jutsu


    and Done :D you are on other site of door xD

    idk its cheating or cleverness but maybe both :D




    i pref to see funny message from creator like "whoops, You shouldn't be there bro, but ok its fine if you want to cheat on single"

    instead of "hello i'm trigger box that will teleport you back cause you are cheating :3"


    i too have some easter eggs for cheating ppl :smile:

    there is Box in my Braverock on Beach that is locked with Key...


    You cant open this box cause Key do not exist :D

    but you can if you use "Open" console command, and in chest is note that says

     :: Cheating?
    This chest can't be open
     without using console commands
     Hehe :)
    Stop cheating ! xD

    But ok do what you want maxarturo, in my opinion trying to protect mod from cheating is waste of time :x...


    Downloading your Mod :P XamMaximus Secret - ACT I

    this what you are working right now is ACT II ? :P

  19. Ugh xD

    For example we have 4 cells


    Cell [0][0]

    Cell [1][0]

    Cell [0][1]

    Cell [1][1]


    and i need something like "GetCellValues" or something xD

    ugh hard to explain for me T_T



    struct CellStructure{

    int WaterLevel; // have info. how many water is on cell

    int SoilLevel; // how good ground is for plants

    int SunLevel; // how much sun in on this cell

    int GroundType; // which type is this cell ( for example [ Forest ] [ Beach ] [ Mountains ]



    CellStructure GetCellValues(){ return MyCell }


    i want to create values ( and they will be static ) about terrain and then get those values when player use 4 example "Plant Tree Spell"

    to decide how fast tree will grow etc.




    ok, maybe

    How to create spell that tells me which type is cell?


    for example Player use Spell and Debug Notification show [Forest] or [Mountain] or [unknow]

    How Spell can know which type cell is ? :D





    i know there was mod on LoversLab that show if cell is Dungeon or Forest or City or Wilds but

    1) i dont remember name of this mod

    2) its old mod maybe deleted already xD


    egh :c...

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