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Posts posted by TobiaszPL

  1. xDD ok F4...

    i know it :P



    Now i test on other PC and Collisions are working fine on my PC

    Unit: M.PC<1>

    1 is my PC in main home xD

    2 is my PC in home in forest

    3 is my work mobile computer


    and Unit 3 can't create any collision Boxes

    - and i made this Topic on Unit 3 and now im on Unit 1 :P


    on U3 Collision boxes not show when pressed button in CK


    any reason cause one computer can create collision boxes and other pc not?


    maybe its cause of System?

    Unit 1 is Windows 7

    Unit 2 is Windows 7

    Unit 3 is Windows10


    maybe i need to install something that is not installed on Win10?


    i wanted to buy Win7 too for new PC but in shop they said they dont have and will not have anymore PC with Win7

    so i bought Win10 and im not very happy cause of this System :/


    its bad system and many old games not working and now CK is not working with Win10

  2. FormList have any Size limits?


    cause if i learn correct you have Functions to Add and Remove objects from FormList



    so there is no reason to use Arrays if we can use FormLists...

    1) FormList can store InGame objects

    2) FormList can store ObjectsForms

    3) FormList can be change InGame

    4) FormList can be used by many Scripts in same time

    and many many more reason to use FormLists


    i see no reason to use Arrays...



    it there anything that Arrays can do what FormList can't?

    is there any reason to no use FormLists ?



    cause Arrays in compare to FormLists looks very bad

  3. ; Attention: next will not work, xMarker cannot be an actor !!


    How about this ? :)



    Actor QTempActor
    QTempActor.SetPosition( ( QCamMarkers.GetAt( I ) as ObjectReference ).GetPositionX(), ( QCamMarkers.GetAt( I ) as ObjectReference ).GetPositionY(), ( QCamMarkers.GetAt( I ) as ObjectReference ).GetPositionZ() )
    Game.SetCameraTarget( QTempActor )
    can't test this script on my PC now xD
    but how about this ? :D will it work ? :P
  4. like i said xD im not id***t :tongue:


    so how im making them:

    1) Select any Mesh in game

    2) Press Button on Main CK Window

    3) Double click on Box

    4) Edit size

    - i hate if my Boxes are not equal and full sizes

    Size like 1482.58823 is ugh so bad but 1500.0000 is WOW SO GREAT xD


    but srsl i always set value to most simple :tongue: can't use this resize arrows


    and ofc.


    - Yes, i was restarting CK

    - Yes i was pressing M to toggle Markers

    - Yes i was trying on many Meshes


    this button is just not working :/


    - No i wasn't trying to restart CK but i will probably try


    //Edit: no restart but reinstal / instal again



    Any1 know any location where i can find Collision Boxes?

    Whiterun dont have any cause walls have in mesh collison over mesh heigh xD lel my english


    in riverwood can't find any Collision Boxes in Falkhreat too :/


    i will just copy one and paste to my world

  5. Hey T_T


    sry 4 so many posts but i have many work :D

    today im working for 11 h without any breaks xD



    and now i discover that i can't make any other Boxes than TriggerBoxes :c



    Oculision Boxes not working

    Collision Boxes not working

    Portals etc. not working too



    don't worry im not so stupid i pressed M many times to toggle Markers :)



    im just clicking on button that should create for Example Collison Box

    but after clicking nothing happen :c


    i have blocked MessageBoxes in CK so if there is any Error i can't see it xD

  6. Now im making Script to Move Camera :)


    Camera should move if player enter new place first time to show this place


    Also on Arena if Boss was spawned first time so i want to show boss name and move camera to him


    and also it help me with my EmpireBuilder lel ! so player may just see how next upgrade will look from air


    but now first script UGH


    here is Script:



    Scriptname QLG_Script_MoveCam extends ObjectReference 
    	FormList Property QCamMarkers auto
    	{ Where Camera should move }
    	Actor Property QPlayer auto
    	{ Player Ref. req. }
    	Float Property CamSpeed auto
    	{ Camera Speed }
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    	If QRef == QPlayer
    		Game.DisablePlayerControls(True, True, True, true, True, False, True)
    		Int I = QCamMarkers.GetSize()
    		Float QDistance = 0.0
    		While ( I >= 0 )
    			I -= 1
    			QDistance = QPlayer.GetDistance( QCamMarkers.GetAt( I ) as ObjectReference )
    			QPlayer.TranslateToRef( QCamMarkers.GetAt( I ) as ObjectReference , CamSpeed )
    			Game.SetCameraTarget( QCamMarkers.GetAt( I ) as Actor )
    			Utility.Wait( QDistance / CamSpeed )





    This script move Camera from Point to Point and its ok BUT


    1) if player is in Air he is jumping each 2/3 sec in air

    - can i change player to bucket? they can't jump xD


    2) Script can't rotate Camera... i tried many ways but nothing is working i just can't rotate this F**g camera to target...



    this what i write and show is only for test xD

  7. 10 Lights and 10 Static :P

    I dont have problem with Synchronization or i dont saw any while testing my script


    but they should show in same second

    Skyrim can't change 20 items in one sec ? :P OK xD


    it should work like this:

    <time> <des>

    9:00 Player Enter Trigger and burn 5 Lights

    10:00 One random light go OFF

    12:00 Two random lights go OFF

    13:00 One Random light go OFF

    14:00 Last light go OFF


    but if i enter Trigger lights go ON one by one

    9:00 One Light go ON

    9:01 One Light go ON

    9:02 One Light go ON




    this also look good but i want to add NICE *BOOM* effect to this when Lights got Fire up

  8. I just want to know your opinion about my Events

    i Never before use so many Events in single Script and so many States



    im doing good or bad ? :tongue:


    my Script:



    Scriptname QLG_Script_SwitchLight extends ObjectReference  
    { Usage tutorial:
    	1) Create 3 FormList
    	2) Import Objects from "Cell View" Window to FormLists
    	- One for Lights
    	- One for Static while lights are ON
    	- One for Static while lights are OFF
    	3) Attach this script to any TriggerBox or Activator
    	4) Save your changes in Creation Kit
    This script support up to 120 Lights !
       Remember that Light and Static OFF and ON have to be this same ID
       for example if we have 3 lights and let's call them:
        = Light 1, Static 1 ( in one location )
        = Light 2, Static 2 ( in other location )
        = Light 3, Static 3 ( in even other location )
       Form list need to have this same Order !...
       if we had for example Form Lists
        = FormLights >> Light 1, Light 2, Light 3
        = FormStatic >> Static 2, Static 1, Static 3
       Like you can see we have bad items order Light 1 is attach to Static 2
    This Script was Create to Switch Many lights in same time 
     Want to Switch single light? 
     - QLG_Script_SwitchLightSignel
     - QLG_Script_SwitchLightAdvance }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-17
     ;Update: 2019-03-23
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    ;===- Items Var. ===
    	FormList Property QLights auto
    	{ List of Used Lights }
    	FormList Property QStaticON auto
    	{ List of Used Static Meshes that show on Enable }
    	FormList Property QStaticOFF auto
    	{ List of Used Static Meshes that show on Disable }
    	Bool Property QPlayerOnly auto
    	{ If set to True only Player can Activate Script }
    ;===- TurnOff Var. ===
    	Float Property QTurnOffDelay auto
    	{ Time in Game Hours after Light go off 
    		: Set this to 0 for random !... 
    		: Value 0.5 mean 30 Game Min !... }
    	Float Property QTurnOff auto
    	{ If this set to True Lights go off after time }
    	Int Property QTurnOffAMT auto
    	{ This value decide how many lights go off each refresh }
    	Bool Property QAllowRe auto
    	{ Set this value to True if Lights should Turn ON
    		Once Player Enter this same Trigger Again }
    	Bool QIsBussy = false
    	; Only for Time Regiesters // Do not change !...
    	Int QLightsLeft = 0
    	; Control how many lights left to Turn off
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnInit()
    	If ( QIsBussy ) 
    		GoToState( "QState_Bussy" )
    		GoToState( "QState_Waiting" )
    ; State - Waiting for player to enter Trigger
    State QState_Waiting
    	Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef )
    		If ( !QPlayerOnly )
    		If ( QTurnOffDelay <= 1 )
    			RegisterForUpdateGameTime( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 120 ) )
    			RegisterForUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay )
    		QIsBussy = true
    		GoToState( "QState_Bussy" )
    ; State - ights Activated, waiting to Turn them OFF or Enter Player
    State QState_Bussy
    	Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef )
    		If ( QAllowRe )
    			; Do Nothing if already working
    			; Or Write anything You want
    ; Event on Game Time - Turn off few lights etc.
    Event OnUpdateGameTime()
    	If ( QLightsLeft <= 0 )
    		GoToState( "QState_Waiting" )
    		QIsBussy = false
    Function QL_TurnFewLightsON()
    Function QL_TurnLightsON()
    	int I = QLights.GetSize()
    	QLightsLeft = I
    	While ( I >=0 )
    		I -= 1
    		   ( QLights.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Enable( true )
    		 ( QStaticON.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Enable( true )
    		( QStaticOFF.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )
    ; Special value for TurnOffLighsts Functions
    	Int ReFreshLimit = 32
    	; Limit for ReFresh
    	; After this time Lights goes off
    Function QL_TurnFewLightsOff()
    	int I = QLights.GetSize()
    	int Loop = 0
    	int Random = 0
    	While ( Loop < QTurnOffAMT )
    		Random = Utility.RandomInt( 0 , I )
    		If ( ( QLights.GetAt( Random ) as ObjectReference ).IsEnabled() )
    			  ( QLights.GetAt( Random ) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )
    			( QStaticON.GetAt( Random ) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )
    			Utility.Wait( 1.4 )
    			( QStaticOFF.GetAt( Random ) as ObjectReference ).Enable( true )
    		Utility.Wait( 4.3 )
    		Loop += 1
    	ReFreshLimit -= 1
    	If ( ReFreshLimit <=0 )
    Function QL_TurnLightsOff()
    	int I = QLights.GetSize()
    	QLightsLeft = 0
    	While ( I >=0 )
    		I -= 1
    		   ( QLights.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )
    		 ( QStaticON.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )
    		( QStaticOFF.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Enable( true )




    What Tobi want to know: ( lel xD )

    1) if Event is OUT of any State it is possible to activate this event all time?

    2) Better is using on Time update or Game Hours update?

    3) Unregister event is in good place?


    Anything that i should know to make this script good?


    //Edit: Script Update !

    //Edit2: Script Update ! < now im testing this script InGame >

    //Edit3: Script Update ! < new Spoiler and left old Script >


    New Script ( Edit 3 )



    Scriptname QLG_Script_SwitchLight extends ObjectReference  
    { Usage tutorial:
    	1) Create 3 FormList
    	2) Import Objects from "Cell View" Window to FormLists
    	- One for Lights
    	- One for Static while lights are ON
    	- One for Static while lights are OFF
    	3) Attach this script to any TriggerBox or Activator
    	4) Save your changes in Creation Kit
    This script support up to 120 Lights !
       Remember that Light and Static OFF and ON have to be this same ID
       for example if we have 3 lights and let's call them:
        = Light 1, Static 1 ( in one location )
        = Light 2, Static 2 ( in other location )
        = Light 3, Static 3 ( in even other location )
       Form list need to have this same Order !...
       if we had for example Form Lists
        = FormLights >> Light 1, Light 2, Light 3
        = FormStatic >> Static 2, Static 1, Static 3
       Like you can see we have bad items order Light 1 is attach to Static 2
    This Script was Create to Switch Many lights in same time 
     Want to Switch single light? 
     - QLG_Script_SwitchLightSignel
     - QLG_Script_SwitchLightAdvance }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-17
     ;Update: 2019-03-23
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    ;===- Items Var. ===
    	FormList Property QLights auto
    	{ List of Used Lights }
    	FormList Property QStatic auto
    	{ List of Used Static Meshes }
    	Bool Property QPlayerOnly auto
    	{ If set to True only Player can Activate Script }
    ;===- TurnOff Var. ===
    	Float Property QTurnOffDelay auto
    	{ Time in Game Hours after Light go off 
    		: Set this to 0 for random !... 
    		: Value 0.5 mean 30 Game Min !... }
    	Int Property QTurnOffAMT auto
    	{ This value decide how many lights go off each refresh }
    	Bool Property QTurnOff auto
    	{ If this set to True Lights go off after time }
    	Bool Property QAllowRe auto
    	{ Set this value to True if Lights should Turn ON
    		Once Player Enter this same Trigger Again }
    	Bool QIsBussy = false
    	; Only for Time Regiesters // Do not change !...
    	Int QLightsLeft = 0
    	; Control how many lights left to Turn off
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnInit()
    	If ( QIsBussy ) 
    		GoToState( "QState_Bussy" )
    		GoToState( "QState_Waiting" )
    ; State - Waiting for player to enter Trigger
    State QState_Waiting
    	Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef )
    		;If ( !QPlayerOnly )
    		;	Return
    		If ( QTurnOffDelay <= 1 )
    			RegisterForUpdateGameTime( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 120 ) )
    			RegisterForUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay )
    		QIsBussy = true
    		GoToState( "QState_Bussy" )
    ; State - ights Activated, waiting to Turn them OFF or Enter Player
    State QState_Bussy
    	Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef )
    		If ( QAllowRe )
    			; Do Nothing if already working
    			; Or Write anything You want
    ; Event on Game Time - Turn off few lights etc.
    Event OnUpdateGameTime()
    	If ( QLightsLeft <= 0 )
    		GoToState( "QState_Waiting" )
    		QIsBussy = false
    Function QL_TurnFewLightsON()
    Function QL_TurnLightsON()
    	int I = QLights.GetSize()
    	QLightsLeft = I
    	While ( I >=0 )
    		I -= 1
    		 ( QLights.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Enable( true )
    		 ( QStatic.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Enable( true )
    ; Special value for TurnOffLighsts Functions
    	Int ReFreshLimit = 32
    	; Limit for ReFresh
    	; After this time Lights goes off
    Function QL_TurnFewLightsOff()
    	int I = QLights.GetSize()
    	int Loop = 0
    	int Random = 0
    	While ( Loop < QTurnOffAMT )
    		Random = Utility.RandomInt( 0 , I )
    		If ( ( QLights.GetAt( Random ) as ObjectReference ).IsEnabled() )
    			( QLights.GetAt( Random ) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )
    			( QStatic.GetAt( Random ) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )
    		Utility.Wait( 4.3 )
    		Loop += 1
    	ReFreshLimit -= 1
    	If ( ReFreshLimit <=0 )
    Function QL_TurnLightsOff()
    	int I = QLights.GetSize()
    	QLightsLeft = 0
    	While ( I >=0 )
    		I -= 1
    		( QLights.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )
    		( QStatic.GetAt(I) as ObjectReference ).Disable( true )





    Script is working Fine light turn ON and turn OFF randomly

    but idk why they turning ON one by one not all in same time :/...

  9. 1) can you use Spoiler ?

    scrolling down was rly hard cause of this long sh*t...

     < text here >


    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:31AM] error: Unable to bind script f*#@ingArrow to (000961FC) because their base types do not match


    OK xD


    3) GL... if you past something like this im not sure any1 gonna help you... even reading this wil ltake like 15 min





    [03/19/2019 - 01:06:08AM] error: File "Open Cities Skyrim.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.

    [03/19/2019 - 01:06:09AM] error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:27AM] Cannot open store for class "Mycastanotherspellscript", missing file?



    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:27AM] Cannot open store for class "NecroApocryphaBookScript", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:27AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxBookStorageScript", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:27AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxWeaponsAddArchery", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "POPAmbushEngine", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxSmithyTanningScript", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxSmithyCraftingScript", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxAlchemyStoreScript", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxFoodStorageScript", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxSmithingStorageScript", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxGemstoneScript", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "xGSxGeneralStores", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "POPAmbushDeathCounter", missing file?
    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:28AM] Cannot open store for class "POPPiratesQuestScript", missing file?




    You delete your game scripts?


    [03/19/2019 - 01:05:44AM] warning: Property Dragon on script SpawnTheDragon attached to (B1005813) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property



    not gonna read everything... if you lost files you can just reinstal or use Recuva




  10. 1) Racemenu

    2) Last Menu window

    3) Make your own Ears Mesh...


    for example for my Lili Preset i completly remove Ears cause im Using Fluffy Body and Cat Ears


    in Racemenu you can make any shape you want using "Move" tool

    - You can make any face you want



    and if you need better Mesh ( More Vertexes ) you can use Citrus Heads

  11. I can help you / work together :)


    i made many many mods and im still making more ^_^

    but most of my mods were in Russia and Japan :) Nexus is new for me



    you look for help but you dont ask for any specific problem :x


    for me modding is mostly creating nice looking places with stories and new stuff

    but for my friends they pref making Followers or Armors



    first you have to choice what u want to do :P

    i can help you making Scripts and with Level Design / Story Design / some Game stuff like Recipes , Perks, Spells etc.

  12. Thats how my script would look :P




    Scriptname aXMDparaplanisiSkullKeySCRIPT01 extends ObjectReference  
    { Script:
    	1: Set Quest Stage
    	2: Give Skull Key to Ref.
    	3: Disable self
    	4: Disable TriggerBox }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-021
     ;Author: Maxarturo
     ;Unit: < Where is Original script file? >
    ;===- Var. setup -============================================
    	Quest Property myQuest auto
    	{ The Quest we will be setting stage On }
    	Int Property stageSetOnTriggered auto
    	{ The Stage to set }
    	MiscObject Property MyKey Auto
    	{ Key for action Ref. to give }
    	ObjectReference Property StaticKey Auto
    	{ Object Ref. to be Disabled }
    	ObjectReference Property SoundFX Auto
    	{ Sound to Play on Activate }
    	bool Property isTriggered = false auto hidden
    ;===- Main Script -==================================================
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference ActionRef )
    	If ( myQuest.GetStageDone( stageSetOnTriggered ) == FALSE )
    		myQuest.SetStage( StageSetOnTriggered )
    		ActionRef.additem( MyKey, 1 )
    		isTriggered = true
    		Utility.Wait( 2.5 )
    		ActionRef.DamageActorValue( "Health", 100.0 )
    		debug.messagebox("You proved Yourself worthy but Cursed")
    ; Object Reference for sounds ? O_O
    	Sound property MySound auto
    ; Actor Function cast on ObjectReference ? :o 




    Btw. You use N++ ? ( Notepad++ )

    cause i have Style for Papyrus :x


    Style color text for you so its much more easy to read :D


    if you dont have any i can post one here once ill be in my Home in Forest :x


    y i know my english is potato but i have 2 homes and sometimes i work in CK in work xD

    so i have many places here i have my code :x


    im not living in tent in forest xD lol

  13. First select Actor in Object Window and write Paarthurnax in Filter tab


    Double click on Paarthurnax and go to "Spells" here you can Right Click and add more spells


    Shouts you can find by writing "Shout" in FIlter


    Hp you can change in Stats tab Dmg etc. you can change in last tab "Attack Data"


    just click any and select "Overwrite" to be able to change stats




    LVL you can also change in Stats his default lvl is 10




    Normaly you can't change his stats cause he use Template

    in left bottom corner you should have Templates


    unselect Stats and u can change his Stats

  14. Not so far from Mammoths :P Gigants ?


    i saw many times like Gigant defeat Dragon ^_^

    - Mammoths

    - Vampires

    - Gigants

    - Ebony Warriors xD - lel

    - if you play on Easy sometimes even Bandit Boss can kill dragon :x


    Dragons are really weak



    I think best way to make Dragons Real enemy that can't be killed by anything in Tamriel

    is just making Dragons much stronger than they are now


    all you have to do is change few spells used by Dragons and change Race


    but like i said in my last Post

    be careful while editing Races cause if you change something in Race you Mod may crash xD



    In my Opinion Dragons should be:

    - 3 Times bigger

    - 10 Times more Tanky

    - do 3 times more DMG


    When im making my Dragons they have HP over 50.000

    And they use only my Dragon Shouts so they are really danger compare to Bethesda Dragons



    But remember if you change Dragon Race ALL Dragon will be stronger

    and for example Alduin can be Insane strong if you change Race


    but if you change MammothRace ( actual name in CK if i remember correct :P ) then Mammots may be too weak




    Other very stupid thing is that Gigant can One Shot Player

    but Dragons have to use many shouts to even harm player

  15. Lel and hi Maxarturo xD


    1) Make Activator

    2) Add Script that delete self Activator and Give player item

    3) done :D lol


    also i want to see you script :) and maybe upload my but i don't need script like this for now xD




    And btw. im Tobi :) hy hy hy xD

    Scriptname QLG_Script_Tests extends ObjectReference  
    	Key property QItem auto
    	{ Item to Give }
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QVar )
    	if QVar == Game.GetPlayer()
    		Game.GetPlayer().AddItem( QItem , 1, false )

    This Compile fine but no tested in game :P

    lel xD




    can i see any img. or video from you mod pls ? ;3... hy hy xD

  16. Hp you can change in Actor Edit Window :x...


    for example you can set it to -400 and disable autocaltulate and Mammoth will have only 100 hp :tongue:


    lvled Enemy units u can also set -400 or any other value xD

    but if you make too low value he will probably die by one shot or spawn dead :tongue:





    DMG you can also change in Actor Edit Window in Attack Data


    just press any object in Attack Data and change DMG Multi.



    its easier to make Mammoths weak cause you have less amount of Mammoth actors to change

    but in my opinion you should make Dragons Stronger than making Mammoths Weaker


    cause there is many more enemy for Dragons that can easly kill Dragon or even 2/3 dragons



    also you can just change Race but i dont recomend you this


    i f*** 2 my mods cause of having fun with Races and restoring good setup is hard like my english is you delete Backup files :tongue:




    but all you can change in Races... but i recomend you to change only in Actor Data




    im not sure but you can just uncheck "No Knockdown" in Race options to make Mammoths push by FusRoDah


    but im not sure you can find it in Actor Data and im not Sure it will make Mammoths pushed by U. Force

  17. Not gonna move to SSE


    SSE problems are not my problems

    i never gonna move to SSE cause 90% of my mods are LE only and they are abandoned


    many of mods that i have are not even possible to download any more


    LL, GTX, RU or many others

    y i luf LL mods and i have downloaded every single mod from LL :smile: for now im using only few ... only 30/50 mods from LL cause others crash my game xD


    but DD or SD or SL Defeat are must have :D

    also RP // DS // THW // CL // SS - i write in short names cause i dont want to be banned for "bad words" xD lel




    ty 4 help Maxarturo but im not gonna move my mod to SSE

    i see no reason to move my mod to SSE




    if any1 want to move it for SSE you are free to do it

    for now only Tivo and Shaurows have most updated version xD




    by "my mods" i mean mods that i use :smile:



    But i just want to know... you mean i should remove just "_" from Cells Name ?


    only Exteriors or Interiors and Exteriors ?


    cause lel... for 30 Exteriors cells i can change name and










    but if you want me to change EVERY SINGLE NAME IN CK


    no fki*g way.... there is more than 500 objects that require other name...

    this mod already is 6MB size so im not gonna change all the names


    if you want and if i have to change only Exterior Cells i can do it for you

  18. It was only lets call it "Beta Version"


    im not gonna use any Arrays any more for this script

    im gonna delete all arrays and replace them with FormList only and use Math to find place where NPC can be spawned


    Here is how its working at this moment:


    BIG WOW that Skyrim can hold so many Enemies in same time


    Skip video to 2:10 or 2:20 and silent your Sounds cause i let YT play anything he want :D




    still don't know why delay for spawn is so long cause on Video i press Dwemer Lever and after 15 sec Mobs were spawn

    they should spawn in same moment i press Lever but its working pretty fine for now


    also i tested MOD Function you gave me in other Topic and Script for deleting NPCs is working good :smile:


    so im happy cause one script is finally done now i have to make this script working and probably im gonna make few more scripts

    but its too hard for me to explain what i want to do now


    but my knowledge about FormList has increase so i have new possible things to do :D




    Once i finish first final version ill be back to show what i made and you can tell what is wrong and what is good :smile:





    but here is my one question

    why Math,SIN ?


    Is Math.Sin any better have something more "detailed" - sry for my english xD


    for me just sin() was working fine... is there any difference between Math.Sin and Sin ?


    int I = 10
    While ( I > 0 )
    I = I - 1
    ; ...


    Thats why game were spawn infinite amount of Crabs xD

    my Bad i write it fast :c

  19. Your coding style is also hard for me :tongue:



    im gonna try with Sin and Cos


    SpawnX = Sin( ( 15 * SpawnID ) * 0.01744 ) * SpawnDistance

    SpawnY = Cos( ( 15 * SpawnID ) * 0.01744 ) * SpawnDistance


    But im not sure CK is using Radians or normal deegres xD

    y i know my english is perfect :D



    also about my "Tags"


    Q -> Mean Variable / Class / Structure etc.

    QL -> Mean Function

    QLG -> Mean Object / Class Object







    you don't have to use my Tags :tongue:




    Classes Structures Functions or any other stuff can be find in CB VS or Eclipse with browser


    you can just write Q and you see everything you code and can use

    if you add L to this Q you can see only functions and if you add G you see only objects

    if code is insane long then tags like those can help u a lot


    also for example N++ have Functions and Objects etc. Tree and those Tags help much :smile:



    and ofc. other ppl in team can use other tags for example you



    QRD :smile:


    Q as first letter is must have cause its very rare in normal words even more rare in Var. / names


    i remember only 3 names with Q first


    so if we would be in team and i want to see your functions i can just press CTRL + Space

    write QR and i already see everything you made ^_^




    tomorow im gonna try with Sin and Cos to spawn monsters around player

    also this way is much better than XMarkers


    and i can make any "shape" in any time i want


    even better without XMarkers im not using any memory

    but im not sure how Math is working with CK never use it b4 xD





    btw. many ppl say that my Coding style is... amazing xD lol

    why u dont like style i write my code ? :tongue:





    Remember my English is pretty potato :tongue:


    but i want to know


    1) why u move Global Var. to bottom of file?

    2) you made my Vars very short

    does it matter in CK ? cause short Var Name is OK - less b used to save file...

    maybe some less memory in use but anyway CK Script is compiled anyway so names probably

    gonna change to HEX names


    but like i said "probably" so im not sure :x


    Short names do anything good in code ?


    cause for example if i found in code something like ACU ASU ABU...

    i will have no fk*n* idea what it is and i will have to find it first to know what ACU ASU and ABU is


    thats why Bethesda use long names :tongue:

    RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime() probably one of longest Functions


    but once you read this Function you already know what this do or what it is


    and "Fast Writing" - ok but in 2005 or less

    now we have autofill :tongue:




    3) this part of code...


    int n = QUnits_Common.GetSize()
    IF (n > 120)
    n = 120

    = new ActorBase[128]


    The meow what ? :tongue:

    N - max nr. of possible items to load

    and you made Array 128 items long ?


    i know u probably write fast cause who care to answer me xD lel

    im asking cause i want fast answer and finish my work faster but i probably can do it all alone


    if you can and if you change my code plz read it once :c





    egh why its not C++ my fav. xD

    i could finish my work long time ago if it was C++ :c



    //Edit3 or 4:

    as always i made book on Forum :smile:


    ahh xD i write so much XDDD

    but i just love to write :D !...


    //Edit4 or 5:

    all my text is probably enough for 100/200 books xD

    all text writen by last 10 years :tongue:


    //Edit5 or 6:


    YEY no need any ugly array of many X Markers xD

    Function QL_SpawnSingleWave()
    	int TempX = XSpawner.GetPositionY() as int
    	int TempY = XSpawner.GetPositionX() as int
    	int TempZ = XSpawner.GetPositionZ() as int
    	int PosX
    	int POsY
    	int I = 10
    	While ( I > 0 )
    		PosX = ( ( sin( 15 * Utility.RandomInt( 0, 24 ) ) * Q02_Markers_Distance ) + TempX ) as int
    		PosY = ( ( cos( 15 * Utility.RandomInt( 0, 24 ) ) * Q02_Markers_Distance ) + TempY ) as int
    		XSpawner.SetPosition( PosX, PosY, TempZ )
    		XSpawner.PlaceAtMe( QUnits_Bosses.GetAt( 0 ) as ActorBase )

    for now working pretty ugly but still working xD lel

  20. its not what i need but k...

    i dont have mouse - and cause of this im fkin*g angry on me

    but cause i dont have mouse i can't draw it for you :c


    but w8 2h and ill probably Edit this post with better explain of my problem :tongue:



    i hate this fkin*g touchpad =_=

    and i were thinking "bfff 4 what i need mouse, not gonna even use it today"


    and today i was mostly need mouse =_= omfg



    here is what i want:


    You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.



  21. Hey i have problem xD


    cause now im writing my Script for Arena


    Script should spawn 120 waves and store all possible Units in Game but i have problem


    Store units given by FormLists :X lel





    i have FormList named "QXSpawners" and Array "XSpawners"

    and now... how can i put objects in Render Window into FormList ?



    Q: How i can put Object from RenderWindow into FormList


    Q: How i can put many Objects from RenderWindow to Script





    everything in Script is working fine at this moment but if any1 want to look at my Script

    and if any1 have something to say about my Script any help is wellcome :smile:




    Scriptname QLG_Script_Tests extends ObjectReference  
    ;Scriptname QLG_Script_ArenaSpawnWave ObjectReference
    { This is *Fuma Empire* Arena Script V0.052
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-03-19
     ;Update: 2019-03-20
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<3>
    ;===- Var. setup -===================================================
    ;===- Var. Units -==============================================
    	FormList property QUnits_Common auto
    	{ List of Units used for normal waves 
    		This script use max of 120 Units }
    	FormList property QUnits_Special auto
    	{ List of Special Units for Boss waves 
    		This script use max of 60 Units }
    	FormList property QUnits_Bosses auto
    	{ Lits of possible Bosses to Spawn
    		This script use max of 30 Units }
    	ActorBase[] CommonUnits			; Common Units Array
    	ActorBase[] SpecialUnits		; Special Units Array
    	ActorBase[] BossUnits			; Boss Units array
    	int CommonUnitsAMT				; Amount of Common Units
    	int SpecialUnitsAMT				; Amount of Special Units
    	int BossUnitsAMT				; Amount of Boss Units
    ;===- Var. XMarkers to Spawn ===================================
    	FormList property QXSpawnersList auto
    	{ List of XMarkers where NPC may be spawn 
    		Support up to 48 Markers }
    	ObjectReference[] XSpawners		; List of XMarkers where NPC may be spawn
    	int MarkersAMT					; Amount of XMarkers 
    ;===- Var. Wave Rewards ========================================
    	int property QWaveReward auto
    	{ Reward in gold for each wave
    		Set to :0: for random
    		Set to :-1: for No drop 
    	Wave end when all Enemy Units are dead }
    	int property QRoundReward auto
    	{ Reward in gold for each round
    		Set to :0: for random
    		Set to :-1: for No drop
    	Round end when all waves were defeat }
    ;=== Var. Wave Special Drop ====================================
    	FormList property QSpecialDrop auto
    	{ Special drop that NPCs may drop on arena
    		This script use max of 120 items }
    	FormList property QSpecialXSpawners auto
    	{ XMarkers where special may appear 
    		This script use max of 120 items }
    	ObjectReference[] SpecialDrop	; Special drop for player
    	ObjectReference[] SpecialSpawn	; Special XMarkers to spawn drop
    ;===- Script -Main- -================================================
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QQQAA )
    ; *== DEBUG ==* ;
    Function QL_LoadActors()
    	Int Temp
    	CommonUnits = new ActorBase[120]
    	SpecialUnits = new ActorBase[60]
    	BossUnits = new ActorBase[30]
    ;=== Load Common Units ===	
    	Temp = QUnits_Common.GetSize()
    		If ( Temp >= 120 )
    			Temp = 120
    	CommonUnitsAMT = Temp
    	While ( Temp > 0 )
    		Temp -= 1
    		CommonUnits[Temp] = QUnits_Common.GetAt(Temp) as ActorBase
    ;=== Load Special Units ===
    	Temp = QUnits_Special.GetSize()
    		If ( Temp > 60 )
    			Temp = 60
    	SpecialUnitsAMT = Temp
    	While ( Temp >= 0 )
    		Temp -= 1
    		SpecialUnits[Temp] = QUnits_Special.GetAt(Temp) as ActorBase
    ;=== Load Boss Units ===
    	Temp = QUnits_Bosses.GetSize()
    		if ( Temp >= 30 )
    			Temp = 30
    	BossUnitsAMT = Temp
    	While ( Temp > 0 )
    		Temp -= 1
    		BossUnits[Temp] = QUnits_Bosses.GetAt(Temp) as ActorBase
    Function QL_LoadMarkers()
    	int Temp
    	XSpawners = new ObjectReference[64]
    	Temp = QXSpawnersList.GetSize()
    		If ( Temp > 48 )
    			Temp = 48
    	MarkersAMT = Temp
    	While ( Temp >= 0 )
    		Temp -= 1
    		XSpawners[Temp] = QXSpawnersList.GetAt(Temp) as ObjectReference
    Function QL_SpawnSingleWave()




    is anything wrong in my Script ? :smile:



    Y i know its pretty long and i stop at QL_SpawnSingleWave() Function :c




    Help xD !

  22. Weapon DMG UI ?


    this mod allow you to select how many DMG NPC do to Player


    you can just download this mod and change every DMG type to x50


    well if you can survive 50 hits at once you will die in 2 shots


    also you can select WHAT should kill you in single hit




    im using this mod and for example

    2H Weapons		do 50x DMG
    Bows			do 30x DMG
    Crossbows 		do 45x DMG
    Daggers			do 5x DMG
    1H Weapons		do 40x DMG
    Magic 			do 15x DMG
    No Weapon		do 5x DMG

    if NPC with Battleaxe hit you for 30 DMG

    whith Weapon DMG UI he can hit you for 1500 DMG so ye...


    its pretty one hit kill :P



    also u can turn it ON / OFF anytime you want !

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