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Everything posted by twiztedmongoloid

  1. First thing i would do is make sure you have the following lines set like this in your skyrim.ini files [Archive]bInvalidateOlderFiles=0sInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txt [Launcher]bEnableFileSelection=1
  2. A female with sexlab......guess it isnt just a guy thing lol. (i dont use it) Anyways might be too little too late but im very surprised a bash patch fixed that. For any future issues reference this link. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/troubleshooting_guide
  3. NLA is not compatible with tetra. NLVA is. too install just follow the instructions given on the tetra page. Be aware tho that NLVA requires the textures and meshes from vivid weathers to look and work as intended. Delete the esp from vivid weathers. I personally use tetra with vivid weathers in my own setup. + ELE + Relighting skyrim If you are still unsure how to install enb..search youtube for some tuturials....there are lots. ENBs all install pretty much exactly the same way. Some just have more files than others.
  4. what she said ^^ I am OCD and just delete the created mod each time and make a new one. But the above suggestion is 100% correct and perfectly fine.
  5. ENB can be switched no problem. Mods with ESPs are a no no. esps are permanently baked into your save and removing them can potentially corrupt your save and or make your game unstable. Textures without esps can also be swapped out no problem. City mods like expansions and mods like JK are typically FPS killers particularly when combined with many other performance hungry graphical enhancements.
  6. I honestly know nothing about this mod and this is the first time ive heard of it. With that said i went and read the mods description. Make sure you load IJ AFTER CCOR. install order AND plug in order. Also do not allow SMIM or anything else to overwrite it. Make sure you uncheck the options for jewel craft in the CCOR MCM. Make sure you added the correct bash tags delev, relev, stats, and names.
  7. lol did you the original post dates? You revived a thread from 6 months ago. While windows 10 and 8 do have the 4GB memory limitation it is still possible to get a heavily modded game on either operating system. You just need to reduce texture sizes and or resolution. Most of the time when people have good hardware and are getting bad performance its due to high resolution monitors along with tons of high resolution textures....and just overall poor knowledge of modding the game properly.
  8. Move mods from your downloads folder onto a usb drive. I dont recall if NMM has a downloads folder (havent used it in years). But MO does.
  9. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/troubleshooting_guide
  10. You will have to run the swap masters script. There are plenty of instructions for this online. (google is your friend).
  11. Removing mods mid playthrough is a NO NO. Mods are permanently baked into your save. You run risk of corrupting your save and creating an unstable enviroment by removing mods mid playthrough. Make sure your load order is 100% set (as in all mods you want.....AND stable meaning good performance and minimal or no ctds) BEFORE you start a new game. I do extensive testing while setting up my mod list and also a ton of thought goes into what i install. Nothing is installed simply because ( it looks cool). If you do decide to remove mods then a new game is advised. You can choose to ignore this advice.......but thats how it is. BTW 50 esps is not a lot. Also if you follow sound modding principles ( if you have to ask what these are then you likely arent) it is VERY possible to have quite a few mods and a stable game. My games rarely CTD and you can view the link in my sig to see my mod list.
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/troubleshooting_guide
  13. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/troubleshooting_guide
  14. did you install any required patches? Load order correct? Conflicts with other sound mods?
  15. I am well aware of the benefits of 64 bit vs 32. You completely missed what i am trying to tell you. Do what you wanna do my friend.
  16. I have used windows 10 since its early release and ENB has always worked for me. As far as the directX goes you just run the setup file contained in the folder and let it do its thing. Make sure you have your windows 10 specific drivers installed and your ENB.local is configured correctly and everything should work fine. Now i have heard if people installing the wrong version of DX which could explain some peoples issues. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3zongp/how_to_fix_windows_10_sweetfxenbetc/ http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENBlocal_INI Also the latest ENB binaries should work fine with real vision. Ill also say that while real vision is a decent ENB its not the best on nexus regardless of what its popularity might say. LOTS of really good options out there.
  17. Like i told you Mod Organizer the 64 bit version wasnt fully finished by its devloper. So it doesnt work right. Tannin the creator of Mod organizer has been hired by nexus to rebuild their Mod Manager (formerly NMM). Dont know what the new name will be or if they will just retain the old one. There are people trying to finish what Tannin started with the 64 bit MO but last i checked nobody has been able to quite figure it out. With all that regarding special edition it doesnt really benefit PC players at the moment due to no SKSE or SKY UI making a LOT of mods incompatible. Its really only an upgrade for console players as they get better graphics and the ability to add mods. Until SKSE and SKYUI are updated as well as the new mod manager i mentioned above......as a PC player its just best to play classic. MO for classic is bug free and fully functional. Sorry if you dont like my answer. If you really insist on playing special edition your best bet is to just use NMM (as much as it pains me to say that). Ive always said i use the best tool for the job.
  18. I love mod organizer as well man. Why anyone would use NMM for classic is beyond me. MO is better in almost every way. With that said it doesnt work for 64 bit skyrim without serious workarounds and then it only half works. Several functions dont work at all. Because of that and many other reasons you should just stick with classic skyrim and the old MO. What is your reason for playing SE right now?
  19. It's not perversion, it's RESEARCH! I only downloaded it because a friend was having trouble with HIS sexlab install, so of course I had to load it on to MY machine to see if I could replicate the problem...<zip> Edit: I just realized, it's New Years Eve, and I'm sitting at home on the Nexus forums making fun of Nerds. Takes one to know one I guess... :laugh: lol of course. and yes you caught me i am most definitely a nerd.
  20. Yep. This. Right on the money. ^^ Bump for anyone else wondering.
  21. dont care, it isnt going to happen. people dont want to share their download history. Don't want to show your fetishes online? God knows how many sex mods you got , slow the fap mobile there jerko and try not to speak for everyone. lol. Im proud to say as perverted as i am ive never installed or downloaded sex lab. aside from the body mods that give nudity for both sexes and offer general character improvement i have nothing super perverted in my history. looking at modwatch tho i see soooo many people with sex lab and hdt animated pussy and sex this sex that its amazing how popular the stuff is for skyrim. Bunch of horny nerds.
  22. So, does that mean I should not pursue a 1070? I'm not aware of much bottleneck in any other modern game at 1080p. I run everything above 60 FPS save modded skyrim. But modded Skyrim isn't a normal game. the 390 is actually a pretty good card dude. If you have the cash id spend it instead on switching to an I5. You would need new motherboard too. So overall about same cost as what you would have spent on 1070. 390 is roughly equal or slightly better than my 970.
  23. The same modding princibles apply. Dont remove mods once you start a game. If you do you need to start a new game. If you dont follow good modding practices you will have issues. Thats not special editions fault thats yours.
  24. lol relax guys its not that serious. It is probably something people would be split on. I personally wouldnt care but i am sure plenty of others would throw a fit. Good solution is giving users the OPTION to make download history public or private.
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