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About elpuertorro

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  1. That is really odd that it worked for me and not you, but hey you have confirmation and it was reproducible so, good catch, good thing you didn't loose it all like I did before I learned about the backup feature.
  2. Wait if you have not done it how do you know it doesn't back it up? a bit odd to state that as a fact when you have not tried it... Also it did erase what you had so you won't be able to backup nor see them now, it should have been before the update. Sorry but well fix it again and now you know once you are done back it up, I myself learned the hard way, but both my backups for steam and GoG skyrim work when I restore All mine are in place minus the new ones I have not assigned from manually added mods and the backup shows it and on the 2nd screenshot, notice the missing category under the line "bugMessage" where it should be as I have not set a category for it and also notice I'm using the newest one as you are v1.13.1
  3. Backups have been in Vortex for a while now, I use it all the time. Go to Settings > Workarounds Now scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see a windows titled: Caution and in there you will see 2 buttons, 1 is -Restore (to restore a backup you made) and another -Create Backup, I'm sure you can take it from there. It's always good to check all menus and settings of software we use so we know all the capabilities and also the change logs to see what changed or what was added Have a good day.
  4. Well let's revive this, as Vortex keeps acting up and seems to me that Tannin42 is willing, so what's going on? You (Nexus Mods) hired him to create Vortex, and now since you want to make another ModManager that is going to take yrs to come out by the way, can't even reach out to him to fix something we all used? Man I try but little by little Nexus keeps pushing us away, what the hell is going on, don't want to piss off the new hired dev? And not only that you update Vortex it acts weird like deleting esp's out of the blue, Collections not setting the rules on the first go (have to redownload in some cases for it to work) yet you don't reach out/allow Tannin42 which is the best person to fix it? I know Pickysaurus has been doing and creating more stuff for Vortex but still...
  5. I can keep up, so lets see. You are saying that all this crying is for some FREE stuff that no one owes you, you didn't pay for, you don't do anything to provide it to others or contribute, yet want to tell the ones who do, how to do it so it's convenient for YOU? Because as you can see, I'm ok with it, as many other users are, and many others just like you don't agree and we will have the ones that don't give a crap. so in the end it's Nexus site, they run it as they sit fit, don't like it, you are free to voice your opinion, and that's it. At the end it's their decision and choice, as it is yours to keep buying mods in the Bethesda's store that then are going to need patches and expect Nexus to be so cool and just do it because you say so..... Time to eat... wow thanks everyone, you all made me work up an appetite!!
  6. Actually against Bethesdas TOS and that's what everyone is ignoring Bethesda set the precedent for the rule NOT Nexus, so to counter act and protect us, Well if you make a patch for something a end user has to buy or pay to access it behind a paywall then NO, go host it somewhere else!! You have money to pay for the mod then you should have money to host it or host it personally on your discord, for your personal use and friends but that patch that is NOT FREE as you need paid content for it to work. funny how FREE is not always FREE. Which by the way does not included what is considered DLC.
  7. Ok then I'm ball let's play the game show me, quote me not what you think or it implies show me in the opening post where, where does the it mention that they will somehow or in some way affect ban, limit, not host FREE mods/patches, since that is people making it up as it's no where posted... go ahead quote where they mention free mods or patches somehow getting affected, still have 10 mins until my rice is done...i'll wait
  8. They do, they offer the Premium services, no one forces it but it's offered to help the site in exchange for somelittle perks, and again they are reacting to rules set by Bethesda not because they just woke up and decided to do it, so if you feel it's punishment then go question the ones causing it, and not Nexus for wanting to survive.
  9. Which are Fomods with stuff for FREE Content Which again, nothing has been mentioned in the OP about FREE stuff unless and it's made very clear, it DEPENDS , NEEDS purchasing or already purchased PAID content to use it.
  10. As I see you are coming from a genuine place, I would agree with you up to this point,and explain the reasoning of other factors that people don't take into account. Beth has all that money,infrastructure and a store front and all that, they make mods and generate profit off it. Nexus on the other hand host ALL mods completely FREE and also needed patches to make the PAID mod on the Verified program/store work. So who pays Nexus for the hosting, server maintenance, bandwidth, the staff and so on? The premiums is an income but I'm sure that with the recent influx of wabbajack packs users downloading left and right using all that extra bandwidth they suck on a daily basis, which by the way is also free for them/us, well that all adds up in the end. So that's the best way I can try to explain the bigger picture of things that no one is considering and why some decisions have to be made. with the reminder that Bethesda set the rules first and not Nexus so Nexus has to play the game the best they can without losing it all to M$ and Beth's corporate greed, which that is another monster of a subject on it's own. In business you have to pick the best outcome for the business, if you consider how if affects every person 1 by 1 and not base it on the majority with some level of compromise to stay in business, then might as well close the shop. hope that helps a little but you should also go see what rules Bethesda has in place so you can perhaps understand Nexus stance even if you don't agree but at least you would see the Nexus side of things. Blessings.
  11. Exactly my point you guys are all getting twisted and trying inject the FREE mods in the convo when the OP is talking about PAID mods no where does he post about limiting the FREE content, unless you make a free patch that depends or patches a mod you have to pay money for as then it's no longer really free as you have to buy a mod to use the free patch. Free patch for free content= no problem / Free patch that mainly depends on the PAID CONTENT mod= no go and rightfully so. So simple, yet you guys don't get, it and it's your own native language.
  12. Why are you mixing paying for extra perks and services like no ads, help with server cost and faster speeds how does that equate to paid mods? you can buy the perks for 1 month use and dl what you need and not have to pay another dime, but again for the services not the MODS. Wow that was a stretch...
  13. Exactly what I quoted, in a different way we are saying the same thing, well beth and whoever that answer is from that you posted: How is it not the same?
  14. Yes that is half true as I'm against the paid mods, but you are not paying attention, i have been talking about both points, you are not the only one I'm replying to, so maybe you missed a few post
  15. Ok not trolling here but i have to ask, you do know what they mean by self contained with no dependencies right?, if is to fix, alter the mod itself, no problem. But one can not create patches for it to work with other mods unless 2 things 1. The author of the other mod is contracted under the program or 2.You have explicit permission from them to use it, but then you have to wait to see if they approve it, as the other mod also has to be inline with the TOS, so for example if they make a really cool armor, a patch for Bodyslide wouldn't be possible. And again, this is about the PAID, not the free mods as the free mods are not in danger of anything. no where did nexus mention about banning or not allowing FREE mods or patches for FREE mods: No mention what so ever about FREE mods or patches for free mods, but some how people want to put them in there for one reason or another which i do not understand as it's clear as day in the OP that is rules for PAID content.
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