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Everything posted by malonn

  1. You're right. My fault. It is "SetAttackDamage" not "SetWeaponDamage". I believe Event Handlers are processed just before the event occurs. So an "OnHealthDamage" event will trigger right before the the scripted ref takes damage. So it can be nullified in the script. "OnHitWith" will fire just before the target (or player -- whatever) gets hit. I think I'm going to store the default weapon damage in an array and mod it when the conditions are right. then restore it when they are wrong. I just wasn't sure about a true x% increase and how to accomplish it. So, do you think (as you understand it) that using "SetAttackDamage" will give damage a true x% increase, or will I have to use a formula?
  2. Okay. Thanks for the response. I will build from that script if it's needed. I'm curious though. Someone else said that because the formula is all multiplication, using "SetWeaponDamage" (and modifying it by the percentage of increase) will effectively give the formula a x% boost. Is that true?
  3. What would be the best way to boost weapon damage by a certain percent? Keep in mind the formula. Math never was my strong suit.
  4. Hello, I'm working on a mod that overhauls skill perks. It will replace, append and add new perks for all the skills in the game. I also am going to add perks for skills over 100 for those using an uncapper. It will supercede my old (and poorly scripted) mod Legendary Skills. What I would like to hear are some suggestions for skill perks. I have several already, but it's tough to find a balance for skills above 100. At that level, your PC is powerful already, so I don't want some weak perk for a level 200 skill. So what would you liike to see?
  5. Thanks, TesaPlus. But I figured it out with a little help. If anyone is interested, I created an array that stores all armor that has been boosted already. In the function, I check for that armor. If it's not there, boost it.
  6. Hi all, I have a script that boosts armor rating by 20%. But I'm having trouble figuring something out. The scripts check for the player to be wearing all one type of armor (heavy or light). If true, it boosts the AR by 20%. I've got that; no problem. My issue is if the player changes a piece of armor. Let's say he's wearing all steel armor, then changes his boots to dwarven, what is an efficient way to track currently equipped armor, see what's changed and ONLY boost the armor that has changed? The script I have boosts all the armor. But if I run that script, the new armor will be boosted by 20%, but the old armor will get doubled to 40%. I would appreciate any help.
  7. Going from memory right off the top of my head, you could use an OBSE 0021 Event Handler. They have an "OnActivate" event that could fire and do stuff when you activate any NPC. Use "GetCrosshairRef" to assign the ref. There are probably other ways but that's off the top of my head.
  8. Well, I have to tell you, I don't remember ever using that mod. Must have been a while ago. I'll check out the page on Nexus and get back to you.
  9. Sounds like OOO's Harvest Containers didn't get installed properly. Try reinstalling.
  10. It is in the FCOM package. In the Optional addons directory, I believe
  11. Castle Ravenpride is a mod and won't be covered by the black screen fix. You need Wrye Bash. Right-click the esp in Bash and choose Nvidia Fog Fix. It will patch the cells used by Ravenpride. I do this to all my mods, but still get the black screen from time to time. So it may not help.
  12. Just extract the contents of the archive to you Oblivion/Data folder. Then check the esp in OBMM or Wrye Bash or the data files section of the launcher.
  13. Let me guess: you are under Vista or W7? I have issues too with saves. Nothing I've read about has helped though.
  14. Make a new folder called "Oblivion" and put everything from your D:\ drive you have shown in that picture into that "Oblivion" folder. Put all OBMM files in their too.
  15. And why do you have two weather mods? Choose only All Natural (recommended by me - which is useless, but you can use Enhanced Weather's weathers) or Enhanced Weather.
  16. A CTD at launch usually means a missing master. Be sure you are not missing a master file.
  17. Yep. They are totally compatible. Even recommended. Cobl comes with an option to support OOO.
  18. My recommendation would be to install the latest patch. 1.2.0416. Which you said you are going to do. A lot of mods require this patch to work.
  19. Yes, install the OOO 1.33 patch first, then the OOO 1.34 patch on top of it. For the newest MMM, you need to download the unofficial FCOM mod from CorePC. Search the Bethesda forums for this. The unofficial FCOM has all the latest changes found in the newest MMM.
  20. Is Oblivion patched to version 1.2? A lot of mods require this.
  21. That sounds like a problem with Frans. Maybe.
  22. I don't think the sounds are gone. Just uninstall the mod.
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