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Everything posted by malonn

  1. That's true. The game will not load if an esp is missing a master. You are missing two.
  2. You're missing Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm. Add that to your load order.
  3. It could be a problem with those xml patches. Try running it without them and see.
  4. I don't use Oblivion XP, but does it come with XML files for Darn?
  5. Ahaha, I swear. You and that load order guideline.
  6. What's the format and what archive program are you using?
  7. Yeah, patch your Oblivion to the latest version.
  8. Do you have an Nvidia card? If so, there is a know bug that causes this. To fix it, set the fog value for each cell greater than 0.
  9. THIS part of the FCOM pages is good for a first timer. If you can't follow those instructions, you have a problem. And the BOSS suggestions are pretty self-explanatory.
  10. It's NOT a load order thing. You're going to have to determine what mod the missing meshes are from and reinstall those (that) mod. If you get a whole lot, it may save time to just reinstall all your mods. If it's just a few missing meshes try FormID Finder. And it's not dezdi's load order guidelines, it's dev_akm's.
  11. They;ll work together, but the bodies are a little different. So it won't be 100%
  12. You could always try OBMM or Wrye Bash. Just create an OMOD or a Bain file and let the programs do all the work. It's a better approach, because if you ever want to uninstall the mods, everything will be taken care of for you.
  13. You should always correct it when two mods share the same date. Oblivion loads mods in order from the earliest date to the latest date. So if two mods share the same exact date it can cause some problems. To correct this in Wrye Bash, select one of the two mods sharing the same date, go to the right-hand side, you'll see info about the mod, including the date it was saved. Just change the date one minute or one second, whatever you wanna do. Press "Save" located in the lower right and you're good to go.
  14. Hard to say. Be sure you read what people have posted.
  15. Yeah, your right. You good. Just a thought. I am out of guesses now. Sorry.
  16. How much system memory do you have? There can be problems if you have too little system memory.
  17. Orange means there have been changes in load order since the last time you saved the game. That's all. If you add a new mod, this is a change in the load order. You can essentially just ignore this.
  18. It's easy dude. Just copy and paste or move the Meshes and Textures folder from the mod into your Oblivion/data folder. When asked to overwrite or merge just choose yes. All it does is merge the new files into the existing folders. It will not overwrite anything unless there is already an exact copy of the file in your data folder. This is when you need to decide what you want to do.
  19. BOSS is overrated. Who's to say the author of BOSS got the load order correct. Besides from what I read, he just used other people's load orders as a guide. Such as Dev_Akm's, that dezdimona is so fond of pasting on these forums.
  20. Another way is to fire up Oblivion and at the main menu look in the lower right hand corner. The version will be there. Most mods don't work with a version lower than 1.2.0416. EDIT: Lower left hand corner. Sorry.
  21. Read THIS. It is the best guide around about the types of dirty edits and cleaning them.
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