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Everything posted by Shadiva

  1. Do you have any more mod you add items thats not are working or is it just the Playeble instrument mod you cant add iteam from? When you instaled Nexus Mod Manager, where did you put the folders the program is asking of at the last session of instal, myself put them in the Skyrim folder, and after that, i could use Player.additem
  2. I first wanna Thank you both so much! for your effort in helping me, i re-installed the game and nexus mod manager and changed instal/mod folder to be within Skyrim, instead of default place, and now i can add the items, havent tryed the help command yet, gonna do that to make sure i dident do anything wrong there either, cus i just wouldent work, Thanks for the tip dandiersphinx and yeah sinnerman69 i typed a 1 after the text so the problem was probably with NMM then as i must have instaled it wrong, i'm so ashamed haha
  3. Have the same problem now, used to play moded skyrim a couple of months bak, but built a new pc so have now re-installed it al, at first i just copied the old "mods" folder bak in Skyrim from the last time it was installed with al the old mods i wanna use now, but dident work to player.additem even have tryed player.additem from 2 diffrent mods but still same answer "compiled script not saved!" have tryed every number from 01 to 08 and the mods are using 03 to 07 as the highest number, so tryed every number sort of speaking, but it cant find them still, i have marked al of the mods in nmm and last time i tryed i deleted the data inside "mods" folder and used NMM to instal them but still same answer when i player.additem so am i just not seeing the problem or is there an actuell problem here? Edit: Forgot to give an example for the numbers, "Player.additem 056666c1 1" thats how i type it, done this before as mentioned above, but am i forgoting something? i type it excactly as the text is with al the spaces too, so 05 is the one i keep changing to test diffrent index and LO, i am running the latest NMM too v0.18.9 Sorry for the miss spelling in this text, not my strong side :)
  4. Hi im looking for a Tera Online skin mod, i wonder if there is a place i can download it from that's not Chinese! having big problems downloading it from the Chinese site, EVERY video about this mod on Youtube are direkting me to the same site, been traying to register and then download it but when i press the download button i get direkted to a new window that cant be translated, and man what an anoying window, i have no ide what they realy want me to do on it,
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