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Everything posted by Shadiva

  1. Try then to add manually by console the stage where you need to ineriact with him, even if it is the stage you are on, still type it in, sometimes a stage can get mixed up in Skyrim, making the stages leap 1 to far, so the Q bugs out, so try SetStageXXX
  2. Gonna check some in my ini files too, and see if there are anything that could make it to go wrong :geek:
  3. In the link it also says you can load a previus save, have you tryed that also?
  4. What mods are you using? have you tryed the hard way by turning them off one by one? sounds like some grafic enhancer mod that is out of date, are your mods and Skyrim up to date?
  5. Sounds like some parameters are to much in the INI file, but then with original unmodified INI the save wont load?
  6. Try looking at this to solve it http://www.uesp.net/...ouching_the_Sky :thumbsup: There you have al the Quest stages so if any would bug you can type in the next in console to go around them and there are some nice pointers for the Q too :blush:
  7. Try looking at this to solve it http://www.uesp.net/...ouching_the_Sky :thumbsup: There you have al the Quest stages so if any would bug you can type in the next in console to go around them and there are some nice pointers for the Q too :blush:
  8. Oh! Sweet! glad it worked out for you so you can still enjoy the game to it's most! :biggrin:
  9. Sorry for late respons, was covering several threads and played some :sweat: im still at reguler Skyrim yeat, even after a year :biggrin: so dunno haha perhaps poke it some in the neck with a stick? :laugh:
  10. is the link down? if so search New Animations for Elegant Archers then you will find it Hahahahha pretty combat?!? the second link doesn't work i tried it allready but thx anyway :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  11. Sorry mate, only mod i can think of is just a face transfer from save to save, hope its worth something atleast :sweat: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15307
  12. ENB is most how the light works, can be some more added like Letterboxing, i recommend you have highest possible grafic on, aspecially shadows, may be some flickering otherwise in the shadow areas or on your char, and it does not retexture or anything like that, the huge diffrence you are seeing is just better light, the vanilla light is just that bad :biggrin: also i am recomending using only ENB no other grafic enhancer, to get as high FPS as possible, otherwise some screen flickering can happen if the FPS gets to low am myself using: ENBSeries v0.119 by Boris Vorotsov http://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0119.htm And Cinematically Realistic ENB http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20654# with SSAO - SSIL off Hope al this was of some help, ask on if there are anything else, happy modding mate! :laugh:
  13. Perhaps the helmet gets to close to the head and goes "inside" it? clipping if i remember the name for it right haha abit tired :biggrin:
  14. Not realy sure what exactly your after, but perhaps this is it? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15703 or this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24589
  15. If you want some fun things to watch, you can go to my Skyrim Nexus Profile and look at some screenshots or just the Skyrim nexus in general for that, there are some pretty nice screenshots out there on Nexus if you in to that sort of things :)
  16. Sure no problem at al :)
  17. Been seearching diffrent forums, wiki and cant find any spell/active effects that is even close to this one, it is probably a thing from a mod :ermm:
  18. This is a pretty sweet community, you'll get loads of friends if you digg around some :thumbsup: suggestion is to start with looking at peeps screenshots, its a sweet ice-breaker! :laugh:
  19. Thanks mate :woot: Yeah think it would be an awsome mod, sweet with even more roleplay things added, to bad i aint any of use in mod creating, would have loved to have helpt, i can only give some pointers of how i myself would like it to look, and perhaps a suggestion that there is not to much smoke from it? Hope tho that the stamina effects are a minimum, at most a cast over time spell from it, like less stamina regen for some minutes after it, i want al the fun of it and minimum downsides, think it looses some point otherwise with al the creation huers it will be needed to make it work, if so 2 versions of it to suit everyones taste. Those are my suggestions to it :thumbsup: oooh good taste in pipes! also thanks to dudeman for reminding me of that mod :D might have to talk to the mod authors and get some permissions so i can make a tobacco flavoured version/lore friendl version :).....if i do ill keep u posted :D...although im not skilled enough to do everthing required so it'll probabl take awhile :P no promises tho
  20. Are you using mod weapons or the vanilla? gonna check out if there are more with the same problem seems they got an ability "They have an additional ability, Resist Damage, 250pts." you can read al about it on this link: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Gargoyle_Brute#Gargoyle_Brute :thumbsup:
  21. What mods are you using? is the game up to date? is the mods up to date? any new mod recentley? have you tryed to walk to the Jarl with another new char? :)
  22. In the Data map there should be a map called CalienteTools, inside there is the TexBlendLite in that program there is a neck seam retexture, perhaps it cant get al the of the neck seam go away but should get the most of it gone, :thumbsup: and if im not totally out fishing, i think CBBEv3 comes with face textures to the body, try look in the zip, and add them manually to textures if there are any, gonna look myself if i have them in my zip, using CBBEv3 myself but with several facemods Seems there was only Vanillahead textures, not sure if thats the right color, prolly not, :unsure: still try out the TexBlandLite might fix the most of it, :blush:
  23. comment deleted, strange bugg happened that scrambled the text, making it unreadable :wallbash:
  24. Some mods need to be manually downloaded and not true the NMM try that first, and also manually installed, try that too mate :thumbsup:
  25. Aaww im happy to have helped! have a nice night mate :laugh:
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