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Everything posted by Shadiva

  1. Try looking at the site for the mod :smile: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/15786
  2. Your char has a very cute name :laugh: well are your Skyrim up to date? are you using any mods? are they also up to date? Sounds like a mod to me that is making this, cant think of anything in original files that could even be close to creating this :woot:
  3. Almost any ENB will make the game a hole lot better experiance am myself using: ENBSeries v0.119 by Boris Vorotsov http://enbdev.com/mo...kyrim_v0119.htm And Cinematically Realistic ENB http://skyrim.nexusm...com/mods/20654# with SSAO - SSIL off here is a taste of how the light can be seen with those On http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/159079 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/165777 These mods will eat some FPS so dipending on wich hardware you have i recommend the highest possible settings, especially shadows, as there can be flickering in them otherwise, Hope al this was of some help, ask on if there are anything else, happy modding mate! :laugh:
  4. You can kill him by console command, if there are no other thing you need to do with him, (like talk) i have no idea, as i have not done the Q
  5. Ah so only ingame files already, just a diffrent location, a location of your creation, well it rimes atleast lol :laugh:
  6. Not entirly sure how animations work but try delete the contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character that should get rid of al modded animations try look at these links for a perhaps better understanding of animations mods http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24069 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811 Oh sweet, the problem got solved, thats nice! :laugh:
  7. Perhaps this mod will make you have a more understand of how it works or use the comment saction of it to speak with ppl that work with music mods dont know if there are any signifigant diffrances with Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim so sorry for that if there are :biggrin: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25625 Sorry for no better answer :sweat:
  8. Yeah many mods dont support Dawnguard, have you still any bakup on the original? try them at first to see if the problem get solved, and then try out diffrent other animation mods later with trail and error i suppose if there arent any mentioning about Dawnguard support in the readme or text description on the mod sites I DO have dawnguard installed. I also have RBS which I think changes some anims. What anim should I download and replace whatever I have with?
  9. if you want some of the same candy try out the "WTF Collection" with the same artist, the collection have some of the best artist known to the world like MC s*** My Pants Frequentley or MC Get Sidetracked Easily its a must see :P
  10. haha yeah it totally rocks lol. No mittens! christmas christmas christmas christmas FACE christmas christmas christmas FACE :D
  11. Posted this to another friend just a min ago, but its just so epic, try it out

    The Best Christmas Song (Jon Lajoie)

    hahahaha! your ears will be ringing of wonderfull thougts after it :P

  12. Hello mate! about the Headtracking mod, as it says in the text of it, draw you weap and sheat it for it to track a new race change, you prolly tryed that already? then try

    SetQuestAliases Headtracking

    and it that dont work try

    startquest Headtracking

    Hope it helps :)

  13. The beauty of is that if it messes up, just add the files you deleted and it was as before, so dont be afraid, but try do a full copy of hole skyrim folder, and then try delete the files you seem needed to be deleted, if it screws anything up, only copy/paste it bak the Skyrim folder and it was a it was before :) bakup on saves aswell ! :thumbsup:
  14. Trying out a new mod "Player Headtracking" a totally sweet mod for those ho love immersion, it realy give life to your character! bee able to look on NPC's ho talk to you or looking down on the corpse you just beheaded! :D even diffrent face exspreations on friend or foe, happy/angry so lovley :D
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadiva


      haha yeah it sure would my friend, it works so nice and realy makes the character come to life! sweet mod :)
    3. zyg0tic


      I kept following where my character's head was turned to and got led to things that weren't there or weren't that interesting. I found it too distracting. I'm running my character to some place, but they are always looking somewhere else, which seems odd.
    4. Shadiva


      Your char is a curious one! :P try the set HeadtrackingRange to #

      Sets headtracking range to # in feet. Default is 14. Very high values can cost performance. try 5 to see if it works "set HeadtrackingRange to 5" working like a charm on my system, to bad it dident fully do so on yours mate

  15. Have you tryed the mod ghosu linked, i am doing it right now, and its wonderfull! seriusly give it a try, it does exactley what you wanted there :biggrin:
  16. Thanks for the comment with the Headtracking mod, i am using that now, looked real fun, thanks, kudos given for that :) Chive on mate.
  17. Just wanna drop in and say Thank you! to your fine Headtracking mod, it is a blast to play with, no know bugs so far, though still default but not on the "smile" have it on +2 atm, gonna reduce it some more, the diffrance was a minimum or none hehe well thanks again for the nice mod, endorsing as soon as it lets me, downloaded it jsut some mins agao :) Chive on mate!
  18. Its a very good idea, would realy make the char more alive, and not "you" that controls it that much mroe of a she/him and you feeling in the air :laugh: Thanks ghosu for the link, a real fun mod, kudos for that :laugh:
  19. That was very cool, seems to work like wonders, no problems with diffrent pipes either, just a placement issiue, though it was abit to much smoke for my taste, but thats a smal thing, thanks for showing mate :thumbsup:
  20. My first thought was the Old republic 2 but i see you already played that :biggrin: dont see Dragon Age: Origins, if you havent played that, its wonderfull! give it a try if you want :laugh:
  21. Yeah MShoap13 put it in a better way :biggrin: Thanks! i even have a bunch of typos, sorry about that :sweat: was very tired hehe One of the reasons i always manually download, so i can see exactly what and where i have my mods/files that way i can easaly see what contents there is in any mod i am using and easy to delete and also see what it changes/overithe in case of i need to bakup anything before installing, and most mods dont have the function to be installed true NMM and some just aint gonna work from using NMM either, so i recommend atleast download manually, and put them in a map outside Skyrims, like make one on plain C: like "C:/Skyrim mods" :thumbsup: its sweet to have a full picture of everything, it gets confusing as it is sometimes still :biggrin: hope it was of some help to you Happy modding mate!
  22. haha yeah something like that, he was actully abit more crasy in Oblivian
  23. haha well imao he was abit boring in Shivering Isles and in Skyrim, but to be truly insane, that a high bar to bear, high expectations and none realy got to me, he is just plain wierd :( could have been so much more awsome, but prolly a tidius task to develop, and would take to much time to raely make it interesting perhaps?
  24. I think it's to low atleast for your thoughts :P
  25. Best way then is do it manually, delete al conetns of themod in data and just uncheck them, look inside the zip for the mod and see what content i has to be removed, but with so much mods, you'll prolly need a lot of bakup from times before the mods were instaled, that might be a problem for you perhaps?
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