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Everything posted by NikaCola

  1. If the player is set to aidriven, I think you could add a "useweapon" or "aimweapon" package to the phase right before the PC says "Stop Right There"? But when the PC is set to aidriven I'm not actually sure if your player will be able to select/say dialogue. And in any case, I'm not sure there's any option at all for the 1st person dialogue camera to display the PC's weapon while it's drawn. (at least I don't remember seeing that anywhere before)
  2. If I could figure this out, I would be a happy, happy camper. =( Seriously, I've been trying for months. I don't suppose there's any dialogue happening when that script fires? In that case it's a bit easier (though still not super reliable in my experience) to get the camera to look in certain directions. I did find this post though that might help...at the end he figures out something that you might be able to put into your script? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5546997-setcameratarget-does-not-work-as-expected/ The only other thing I can think of is digging through the base game quests and seeing if this happens at any point in the MQ? If you do find anything please let me know, as I'm also really struggling with this.
  3. This is just off the top of my head, but have you tried making the scenes "Interruptible"? You should be able to see the check mark I'm talking about here, near the top..... https://www.creationkit.com/images/thumb/0/0d/QuestScenesWindow.png/900px-QuestScenesWindow.png Also, are you using multiple phases for longer lines, or recording everything into one long phase per scene? I ask because I'm not sure there's any way (without PC intervention) to interrupt a phase. At least not that I know of! I hope that helps. =)
  4. Oh my GOD....thank you so much for mentioning this!! I'm almost done with my lengthy quest/companion mod and *this* issue was driving me absolutely insane--especially because it was so random! But I did just like you said and created a new action for every character/scene instead of trying to reuse/copy/paste them like I had been...and now everything actually works! Seriously, thank you so, so much for this. I feel like I was minutes from tearing my hair out LOL. :laugh:
  5. Thank you so much for your help!! Seriously, this has given me a good start. I did run into two problems: After cleaning up my test mesh in nifskope, outfit studio wouldn't import/open it again; I got an error "Unexpected exception ocurred: bad allocation" and the program closes. My second question was that I wasn't sure what you mean by material BGSM file path? I've only worked a very, very small amount with materials files, and from what I understood (which honestly isn't much) is that they aren't required, but used mostly to make quick and small changes to different textures? Do I need to add that as a step for this process? Thank you so much again for your help! <3
  6. So, I have been bashing my head against the wall for about a week trying to get this right. I have a companion/quest mod that I've basically completed all the work in the Creation Kit for (scripting, writing, etc) but now I'm getting stuck at simply trying to get a mesh file from blender into the CK. The main problem here is that I know absolutely nothing about blender or nifskope, and it seems nearly impossible to find *current* documentation on how to do this. I already have the 3d model that I want to import (I just bought one from the turbosquid site, no way I'm capable of making my own) and all I want to do now is just get it into the creation kit so I can move on to polishing the completed mod. Is there anyone here that could help me with this process? I promise I'm not an idiot, I figured out the CK and papyrus from scratch (with absolutely no modding experience at all) and now have a working mod nearly ready to go, but this part more than any of the others has just been endlessly frustrating and deflating. =(
  7. Long story short: There's a part in my companion/quest mod where the PC can click on certain items and have another character make comments about them. I've gotten this all working just fine, the scene starts, and the conversation happens, etc. What I would like to do though is make the item in question stop being available to click on (or activate) after the scene in question has played. So far I haven't been able to figure out any way to make that happen. Also related: Each activator item that the PC can click on to start a scene is also a quest objective, so it has the objective marker above it. Is there a way to clear that objective marker after the scene/conversation happens? Again I've been trying but haven't figured out any way to make that work. Thank you so much in advance for any help, or even just for pointing me in a direction! <3
  8. I wish I knew what to say, other than that I've been working on something almost exactly like what you're describing for nearly three months, and I've got very little to show for it. =( Part of the problem, I think, is that most modders aren't doing the kind of project you're describing, and so there's little motivation for anyone experienced to really figure out how this particular mechanic works in the creation kit. I'm still trying though!
  9. Sorry about that. I'm still fairly new at this. But thank you for your help! I feel better knowing I'm not going to break the game for everyone. =)
  10. So I really shouldn't add any quest items, etc. to vanilla game cells? =( Aw man, there are several locations I need to do that in. Unless I'm not understanding what you mean?
  11. I'm finally at a point of completion with the companion story mod I've been working on, where I need to essentially start over clean and do it again the "right" way. When I first started modding I had no idea what I was doing, and the earlier parts of the mod itself are, I'm sure, a total mess from a scripting/best practice perspective. So I wanted to make sure this time I do it right. I've heard that it can be a really bad thing to modify things in the vanilla game world, even just adding containers/quest items/etc. So is there a guide anywhere that can tell me things to be sure I'm doing or not doing? Or does anyone here have any advice along those lines? The mod I made is basically done and I'm proud of that, but I want to be super sure that it plays nicely with other mods and the game world itself, so I will really appreciate any help or perspective. Thank you guys!
  12. So, I've gotten affinity to work when doing things like taking drugs, swimming (lol) and etc. But I'm trying to figure out a way to do it where a dialogue fragment or some other script can set affinity levels as well. Has anyone done that before? I've tried googling and the creation kit wiki but couldn't find anything. Thank you for any help! =)
  13. Thank you so much to vkz89q for figuring this out!! I've been trying to do this for ages and just couldn't seem to get it. I do have what might be a dumb question, though. I finally found the dlc04 scripts and copied them all over to my data/scripts folder. I can add the scripts into my quest in the CK but I can't right click and edit them; the option is greyed out! Does anyone know why that might happen? I can right click on any other scripts and edit them, like from the base game--just not from that DLC. Is there another file location I'm supposed to put the scripts? Thank you so much again for the help!!
  14. Thank you so much for the suggestion! I downloaded your mod and have been pouring over it in the CK and trying to figure out how you did it. I seem to be having trouble seeing the scripts that you used for each quest stage? The fragments just aren't loading. I tried extracting them from the ba files and putting them into the scripts folder, but am having the same result. It's strange because I can see the script you put on your player alias, but I'm not sure how to decipher the properties. (I'm fairly new to modding, sorry about that). I also pulled up the misc items you made, such as BTInt_DRGN_Garden_01_SL, and while I can see that a script attached to that item, I can't right click and view the source. (it's just greyed out) =( I'm assuming that script is where the magic happens? Or somewhere in the quest stages? I'm sorry for all the questions, and thank you so much again for the help!
  15. Hmm, ok so I got even more desperate and tried something a little weird, and got it to *sort* of work! I watched Seddon's tutorial on using the killcounter script for quests where you have to kill a certain number of enemies to advance. But instead of using the killcounter script, I attached a different script to each of the containers holding the items I want the player to collect. The script is called DefaultCounterAliasIncOnceOnActivate, and when I attached it to the containers holding my quest items, and then activate each container in any order, it *does* set the correct quest stage once all of them have been accessed! The problem with this method is that the script is running when the containers are activated, and not when the player has the actual item inside it in their inventory. I hope that makes sense? This means theoretically that someone playing my mod could open and then close the container andnot pick up the quest item, and yet the counter will still advance and think they had actually picked up the item when they hadn't. I tried looking for other default counter scripts that might handle this somehow but I couldn't find anything that looked right. =( I know there's an oncontainerchange command or something similar...does anyone know if I could use something like that instead?
  16. So, I've been working on my own story/companion mod for about six months, and making fairly good progress so far. But now I'm stuck on something that I feel like should be simple! I followed Seddon's tutorial on making a fetch quest and it works perfectly as long as there's only one item to get and return. The issue is that for my story I need there to be multiple items to collect and return to the quest giver. I've made aliases for them in the quest and they all show up on the map, etc, so that works great. I initially tried to use quest stages to mark when each item was picked up, but I discovered that doesn't really work well because the player may collect each item in any order, and apparently quest stages can't go backwards? Is there any simpler or better way for me to go about doing this? I've tried googling but so far to no avail! Any help would be amazing you guys. <3
  17. Hmm...how are you trying to trigger the forcegreet package to fire? How are you stopping combat, in other words. We might need to see the scene you created to get a better idea of how this is supposed to work. And it's just a suggestion but I would clear most if not all of those interrupt flags; almost every forcegreet package I've seen from the vanilla game doesn't use them. Just a suggestion! And I'm also not sure what is going on with your quest alias? Is that supposed to be one of the NPCs your PC talks to? If so, why not just use the uniqe actor reference?
  18. ​Is that from the creation kit or F4Edit? I'm only guessing but that looks like f4edit to me?
  19. I've honestly never really gotten forcegreet to work properly, combat or not, so I feel your frustration! I'm trying to do something somewhat similar to you, but in my mod: 1. the PC and the companion I made as part of this mod greet an NPC 2. They to that NPC for a moment 3. Combat begins 4. Once combat ends, the PC is forcegreeted by their companion and they talk about what just happened. I can get everything to work up to number 4. After combat is over (and the NPC is dead) the companion I made just wanders around and has the default dialogue I gave them, even though I tried adding a forcegreet package with conditions such as getdistance (between the PC and the companion I made) and isdead (for the NPC that has to be killed). I even tried setting quest stages using defaultaliasondeath, and even though that *does* set the quest stage I want, the companion I made still won't talk to me afterwards, even if I add a dialogue condition for that particular quest stage. I would also be really grateful for any help on this! Sorry I can't be of more help to you, OP. =( But maybe someone can point us both in the right direction? =)
  20. Thank you so much!! That makes so much sense. I did as you suggested and made a new pristine save, and everything actually works and shows up like it should! But the process you described seems almost...tedious? I hate to say, but geez. =( I asked a techie friend of mine if there would be a way to automate it so that every time I exited the game my computer would automatically overwrite the pristine save I "corrupted" by testing my mod with it, with the actually pristine one (copied over from dropbox). He made me a windows command file that does exactly that! It launches the game as normal, and then when I exit I just have to press a button in the command line window that's still open and it automatically copies my pristine save from dropbox and overwrites the old one in my saves folder. I think it's a really cool system for this, but I wanted to hear from you and maybe other modders too if this really is a good idea? I don't want to cause inadvertent harm by doing it this way. But it seems to make sense for testing purposes, at least the way *I* mod--because I'm so inexperienced that I have to make a few changes in the CK and then test them in game in case I broke something LOL. Thank you again so much for your help and any other advice!!
  21. So I've been working on a mod for about 5 months and making good progress with the dialogue system and scripting, etc. But I've consistently struggled with changing the location of my NPCs and talking activators (like intercoms) in the CK. Whenever I do this, even just moving a character from one side of the room to another, it breaks the dialogue/quest scripting in the savegame I was using to test the mod--and I have to load a completely different character's savegame to get it to work again. For example, once I move an NPC/companion from one side of a room to another (even in the same cell) I simply can't talk to them or start a conversation until I load a different character/savegame that has never visited the cell I created. (so far I haven't changed anything in the vanilla/base game world.) I am admittedly new to modding, and have been able to figure a lot of stuff out on my own through trial and error, but this is seriously getting in the way of being able to do simple things and progress! If any of you guys could help me out or share how you've approached something similar I would be so very grateful. Even just a point in the right direction would be wonderful! <3
  22. This may be a stupid suggestion, but have you navmesh'd the new cell you made? I think I had something similar to this happen to me! And navmeshing the cell and placing the new NPC over that navmesh seemed to fix it. =)
  23. That's a really cool work around! I had a similar question as HomicidalGrouse on my to-do list, so I may give this a shot and see how it goes. Thank you!
  24. What I am trying to accomplish in my mod is to have a terminal screen be a talking activator that the PC can interact with, etc, and I would also like to have a custom image on the screen itself (much like Mr. House!). But I keep getting stuck in trying to find out how to change the terminal mesh to have a new texture. I've gone through every line in Nifskope and have changed the BGSM file as well to point to the texture I'd like to use, but the screen still looks the same, both in the CK and in-game. (and in nifskope for that matter) I've successfully changed textures on other items before with nifskope and materials editor, so I would be so grateful if anyone might have an idea as to what I'm doing wrong here. <3
  25. Hello! I'm a brand new modder but because the mod I'm working on is very dialogue heavy I happen to know the answer to your question. =) Dialogue can't be skipped when there's no audio for it. So all you have to do is either make a dummy WAV file that corresponds with each line, or if you have a microphone you can record yourself saying the line (or even just empty silence) so that it generates a WAV file for that line which will then become skippable. It took me like two weeks to figure this out when it was frustrating me, so I hope this helps!
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