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Everything posted by tetradite

  1. I prefer testosterone and adrenaline. Dopamine. Every time.
  2. Arkham Asylum is fecking brilliant. I'M BATMAN.
  3. The older I get the more likely it seems that this society is going to go down via corporate-dystopia rather than zombie apocalypse. This saddens me greatly.
  4. I choose to throw used tea bags instead http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1265/1183136760_22f5485ea8.jpg
  5. OK then, some harlot? :whistling: Definitely not a dude, I've already seen the "live" version, several years (and kids) ago... hence I have little interest in a pictorial update. :thumbsup: It's nice to have the offer though, nonetheless. :biggrin:
  6. In other news... a lady offered to send me a picture of her genitals today.
  7. Informative game reviews for today as I slowly make my way through the summer sale backlog... Dead Space: OK. Great soundtrack, clunky camera and controls, end boss way too easily defeated by not standing still. Also, way too short. Bioshock: Awesome, great in every detail other than end boss way too easily defeated by not standing still.
  8. Too much cuteness, not enough pedobear http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/003/169/pedobear06.jpg
  9. Re 400,000 posts movie: I wish to be played by Richard Roundtree, Ron Perlman, or Woody Harrelson please. Pagafyr MUST be played by Bobcat Goldthwait. Not because they are similar but because his posts read by that voice would be awesome. Dirk can be Jim Parsons, obviously.
  10. Someone should make a realistic naked body mod. Pot bellies, non-symmetrical boobs (and man-boobs), wrinkles, cellulite and droopy parts all round. EDIT: and a weight/height slider that actually goes to scrawny-gangly proporions like I am.
  11. I suspect there is about as much chance of that actually getting made as there is that Wichita from Zombieland will actually be delivered to my house. :sad:
  12. You want someone to kidnap Emma Stone for you? That seems more like a craigslist request. No-no, that would be silly. I want the character from the movie made real and delivered to me, not the actress, although that will do if the first choice can't be arranged :thumbsup:
  13. Dear internet, If someone could please arrange for Wichita from Zombieland to be delivered to my house, that would be awesome. Best regards tetradite
  14. I already have that smiley: :confused:
  15. Good thing? Eh, I used to let translators translate my mods until I found one of mine on the Workshop uploaded as one of the translators so that was stopped and the thief was drawn and quartered... :thumbsup: Harsh, and out of line by them, but refusing to allow translations won't stop that from happening, someone who's going to do that will still do it anyway. All you've stopped are the people who'd do a legitimate translation.
  16. Second complaint I've seen about this today. :confused: It's a personal inconvenience for sure but I kinda think it's a good thing myself. I certainly wouldn't turn down an offer of translation on my own work, so I can't complain if other mods get translated :thumbsup:
  17. Rideable Smoking Cow with Integrated Monster Launcher (and Optional Chicken Cannons) :thumbsup:
  18. My GPU Beast arrives tomorrow :dance: :dance: :dance: They scared me, had a "this product is out of stock and will be shipped later" email, but that's just the 3 free games I hadn't even noticed I was getting with it :laugh: I already have Deus Ex HR, but I don't have the DLC that's apparently also free, anyone know if I can just use the free DLC and give the actual game to someone else?
  19. I suspect in 5 years or so that option will only exist for indie games. Sad, and I hope I'm wrong, but seems to be the way we're going.
  20. I can't get over how weak that is as a DLC (for non-console or non-CK using players). Maybe I'm being uncharitable but I suspect: - When they say "design your own home" they mean "add x feature or y feature", not y'know, actually design your own home. - If that plain as hell exterior, and "furnished by a blind man with hoarding tendencies" interior is really the best they can do with the tool in the marketing for it, I'll be sticking with the CK. Seriously underwhelming. - "Purchase a plot of land", any bets this is from a severely limited selection of locations, or even just one location? - Defending your home will become an incredible annoyance (especially in interiors, as all your clutter winds up blown and knocked all over the place). - It'll be buggy as hell, obviously. Rant over. Very disappointed.
  21. Every Skyrim player here excited for the weakest DLC announcement ever? :facepalm:
  22. No worries. A thought occurs to me, it may be to do with loading/reloading. This is purely theoretical, but I'm guessing that since it evidently only lets one merch faction/container at a time work, and the first one evidently takes priority even if it is outside of it's trading time, then LOGICALLY it should also take priority even if it's outside of it's trading area. I.E what I have working possibly shouldn't logically work. I know it does work, but bear with me. This makes me wonder if actually what's making it work isn't actually the fact that the different merch setups are in different areas, but the fact that the player and/or the NPC has moved into another area and so kind of "cleared the NPC's cache" if that makes any sense... like if when the NPC is loaded in the cell, the AI runs through and attaches the first working merchant package it comes to, but if the player and NPC both remain in that area when the changeover between the trading setups takes place it doesn't work because there's nothing to force the AI to re-evaluate which packages to use. I.e it MAY logically be possible to make multiple merch containers work for one NPC, in one area, if either: - the player actually leaves the area while the changeover between factions occurs (I'm guessing you're testing by waiting there?) - the NPC leaves the area while the changeover occurs. Not tested, just a thought. If I get chance tomorrow I might test this, if only because I'm interested now :thumbsup:
  23. It is definitely doable in principle, I've just done it :biggrin: What I have got working is: - An NPC with JobMerchantfaction, and 2 services factions, one linked to my Blacksmith merch container (set to trade within the blacksmith's cell), the other to my apothecary merch container (set to trade within a radius of a reference point in the exterior). - Both services factions are 24 hour - The NPC has an AI whereby they are in the exterior in the morning, and inside the blacksmith shop in the afternoon In the morning when she's outside she trades as an apothecary, as soon as she steps inside in the afternoon, she trades as a smith. Also, out of interest I tried setting both services factions as trade "at self", so theoretically she should trade with both merch container inventories at the same time - this doesn't work. This gets me the same issue you have above with only the first one working. It seems it doesn't play nicely when there's any "overlap", but it is definitely possible to get them to trade with a different inventory when they are in a different location. I've also found the "time" settings on the services factions to be tweaky and screwy tbh. It may be that using the trading times as the "separator" isn't enough. As I say though, being in a different location definitely works.
  24. That's because we can make our games pretty here.... :tongue: And ponies. Always with the ponies. :facepalm:
  25. I know it can at least partly be done. I have a merch that references the same container twice through separate factions depending on where they are. So I don't see why two different types and containers is impossible. What specifically is going wrong?
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