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Everything posted by Woundedbeast27

  1. Like Cloud or Sephiroth's hair. You know, styles that don't make us men look like fops or drag queens.
  2. Dante's Weapons. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6290
  3. YES. The Gilded Sword by EpicSenseney looks like one, but the blade's too broad and the texture it wrong, since it's technically a Legend of Zelda mod. I'd love to see some Sais in Skyrim, immersion be damned.
  4. I'd love to have one of these! Maybe a black Chocobo. Black's a cool color.
  5. I agree. The flintlock LOOKED cool, but it was crap for firing. I don't know anybody that fires a gun like that. I've love a crossbow.
  6. Holy crap, that sounds totally wicked. I'd love a mod like that, but I use a controller, so it would be Y instead of space for me.
  7. I'd be interested in a mod that let you attack in mid-air. I don't know anything about it, but I used to jump and swing my sword all the time in Oblivion. Granted, it looked like I was running in the air, but I could hit people on the way down. it was nice. I've tried to do what you're describing here before, too. I've never managed. I changed the jump height, though, and there's a glitch that gets you stuck in the air and you kind of slide down like you're at an angle, then fall, but while you're stuck in the air you can shoot or attack. It's not much, but that's all I know of. I'd be interested in a mod like this, too.
  8. You and me both, pal. I've been looking for an Omni-Blade dagger, the N7 armor, and maybe a replacer mod for the second moon that turns it into a Mass Relay. I haven't found anything yet. Let me know if you do manage to find anything, though. I don't know anything about modding, or I'd do it myself.
  9. I didn't read everything, but it seems to me that people think bethesda just made them ugly for the heck of it. But Skyrim is set in a fairly Norse universe, in case some people hadn't noticed, and in Norse mythology, elves are pretty damned ugly. They look similar to how they're portrayed in Skyrim. Bethesda usually has some historically correct stuff in their games, and since TES is a fantasy genre, they go from mythology, as well. We have all these Norse names, all these Norse monsters (Draugr are taken directly from Norse mythology, being Vikings that never got into Valhalla and were cursed to walk the earth until they redeemed themselves in battle), a Skyrim interpretation of Valhalla (Sovngarde), the very Norse culture, the Norse building style, the general mistrust of magic... Skyrim is, in many ways, a game about Vikings. In order to keep with the rest of the Norse theme, they even made the elves into villians (Aldmeri Dominion), and thus made them resemble the elves in Norse mythology. So while I agree that the elves don't look so hot in this game, I agree with the reasons behind it. The next Elder Scrolls game, wherever it's set, will probably change the look of the ten races to match the mythology that the region is based off of. It's actually pretty cool, in my opinion, which I admit will probably not be shared, and much less appreciated. But the best advice I can give to those that want pretty elves is to look to the mods for that. Lord knows there's plenty that change the way we look, though you'll probably be hard-pressed to find any that make men look different.
  10. Probably when I downloaded Killable Children and just kind of went on a child-killing rampage. Especially that little twerp that keeps calling me a boot-licker. I used console to resurrect that kid nine times. Most of the children in this game annoy me.
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