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The Overlord of Overhauls - EnaiSiaion


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He may be a "little" jaded, but he's one of the biggest reasons this game still lives, whether he's fond of that idea or not lol. My life is drab and wretched(kek), and skyrim is one of the few remaining escapes I have left from the garbage world we currently live in. It bothers me that I can't spare any meaningful donation to help(can barely help myself), but for what it's worth, I'm truly grateful.



Thank you Enaisiaion.

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Thank you Enai for not only your mods, but your hard work and time toward this community. As mentioned by other people below, your mods earned a special place in my load order, never to be removed. I cannot play without those anymore.


Best regards to you.


P.S. I'd like to thank the Nexus for making this modding experience possible and for those great kind of blog post.



Edited by AliasNick
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In response to post #61758612.

Kazuya482 wrote: He may be a "little" jaded, but he's one of the biggest reasons this game still lives, whether he's fond of that idea or not lol. My life is drab and wretched(kek), and skyrim is one of the few remaining escapes I have left from the garbage world we currently live in. It bothers me that I can't spare any meaningful donation to help(can barely help myself), but for what it's worth, I'm truly grateful.

Thank you Enaisiaion.

he's one of the biggest reasons this game still lives, whether he's fond of that idea or not lol.
Only a small minority even uses mods. (Numbers vary between 6-15% depending on source.) Mods really don't matter outside the bubble. Edited by EnaiSiaion
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Enai's mods are a definite go-to for my load order. Anytime I reinstall Skyrim and apply USLEEP, it's off to Enai's Nexus page to get what are hands down the best and most essential overhauls for Skyrim. If he's still looking over the comments, I would like to ask "What is your favourite Elder Scrolls game?". Thanks for your great efforts!! ;)
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1st thanks for all the mods Enai

2nd it's great to finally read something I've been hammering to users for years, several modders (and usually big complex mods) mod for the sake of modding and don't really play, some read and look amazing but when you start using them your realize the author has no idea what happens in real gameplay and it's all a big sad waste :(

Of course it's not the case with Enai, his mods work, not everyone can be creative AND make "the numbers" work it's usually two different people you were clearly wasted in HR (not much place for new ideas and creation) all the best for your new (or not) career I hope you wil find something maybe more interesting to you. Vorsprung durch Enai ;)

p.s. I played dwemertech I'm not sure skyrim players were ready (me included) for what felt like Doom2016 and play with lasers and summoning spaceships lol I'm sure someone somewhere still plays it with a steampunk/dwemer armor

Edited by killgore
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thx for all your gameplay overhaul mods, Enai. I've been using your ordinator, well, i think since the first times it came out. I don't know what to expect actually, but i'm curious about those perk overhaul shits. Before ordinator, there were only requiem/perma/skyRe... and yeah, i hate patching shits lol. Knowing that ordinator and most of your other mods don't require patching, yeah.. I always enable your mods on all my playthrough, because it kinda suits me haha.


once again, thx

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In response to post #61752302.

Tsumikiro wrote: As has been said already, and will probably be said many more times: much of Enai's work is essential for my enjoyment of Skyrim. Whenever someone asks me about modding Skyrim, the short answer is always, "get everything by EnaiSiaion." Here is to hoping that Bethesda just puts him in charge of ES6's mechanical details.

lol that's me in my local TES facebook group
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In response to post #61752302. #61777427 is also a reply to the same post.

Tsumikiro wrote: As has been said already, and will probably be said many more times: much of Enai's work is essential for my enjoyment of Skyrim. Whenever someone asks me about modding Skyrim, the short answer is always, "get everything by EnaiSiaion." Here is to hoping that Bethesda just puts him in charge of ES6's mechanical details.
DaBlake wrote: lol that's me in my local TES facebook group

Bethesda doesn't consider me to have any skills they want. It doesn't matter, TESVI will sell like hotcakes regardless. Gameplay is overrated.

Thanks though.
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