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About Larko84

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  1. I believe there is some sort of tree node in nifskope that was not used in game if I'm not mistaken. Here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaN21Hh0I7o Have fun!
  2. Right click on channels tab/create alpha. Black hides the texture. White reveals. Fallout 4 Modmaking tutorials: Adding transparency to armours
  3. The circuit breaker one is close. You could also make one like in the picture since it can be made from separate parts. You would just swap out the trishapes in the circuit breaker nif and position them correctly.
  4. You can copy an entire interior cell, yes. With your mod loaded and ready to paste the copied cell, go the the desired cell you want to copy. In the cell view, which the cell selected (doesn't have to be loaded) click on the first thing on the list from the top (usually nav mesh) scroll all the way down to bottom then hold shift and click on the very last reference on the list. Then unselect anything to with main quests in the cell view. You can filter these out by clicking on the "type" option in the cell view. If your not familiar with what is what. Untick all the activators, actors and anything that has DN in front of it to be sure it's a clean copy. Load up your cell and just paste it in. This might not be the best way but at least you wont get a tonne of warnings every time you open your mod in the CK because of things not referenced correctly. This method works me anyway.
  5. Delete the alpha map in the channels tab, untick "alpha test" in the material editor where your putting your new texture. Always duplicate the vanilla materials/textures and rename them as your own when saving. Creating an alpha channel will allow you to "paint" out sections of a texture you don't want to see. Painting white to see, black to not....hope that helps.
  6. Preview "images" are found in the Miscellaneous/ArtObject folder. You link your RecipeFilter Keyword in the ArtObject. The preview image is just your item mesh. See if that works. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Art_Object
  7. Have a look at this this video by Seddon4494 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfDJFnxH82E I'm assuming you can create your own group (Cigarettes) but you would have to place the dummy item around in the world yourself. I cant think of any other way atm.
  8. What you can do is copy your projectile mesh into any of the effects nifs as they will have AddOnNodes already in place. Like the spline parks 02 nifI found in the meshes/effects folder would use the AddOnNodes (LightNodeWorkshopSplineSparks01/02/03) but you can experiment with different Nif's. These already have controllers usually set up to play the animation immediately once activated so that rules out any hardship of trying to set them up which can be highly confusing and frustrating to say the least and takes a lot of time or you can add AddOnNodes to your projectiles mesh. (see Link)
  9. I don't think you need a script, maybe. I would try to change the sounds directly from the Sound\FX\UI\Terminal. Add the sound you want in there but in your FO4 folder and then I assume you would pick your sound within the CK. If that's what your looking for. If you want a sound to play when something specific is selected then you will need a script, can't help you there i'm afraid. Also make sure you duplicate your terminal and rename it to make it yours otherwise every terminal of that type will play the sound.
  10. I think in the texture is applied to the body/breast mesh that's why it like so "tight".
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