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Everything posted by tredmillion

  1. you and me both iv! i prefer to think like fear and loathing in las vegas "There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. " spose that goes for most of us nutters from the lounge lol
  2. when a bunch of team players get together dota 2 is an absolute breeze! though when no one can play nice together it sucks, case and point, a few minutes ago i was having a game, and every time i went in for a group assault (with multiple friendlies next to me) no one else attacked and hung back just out of enemy reach, leaving me to die, despite me being the main carry and having the most souped up hero :P then slowly trickling in after me 1 by 1 and feeding the enemies :P some people just dont understand teamwork lol http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/29851882.jpg
  3. wise words Dark0ne! methinks u hit the nail right on the head there
  4. people are idiots, hell i was doing best in a game just now and got called an idiot and a moron for me efforts lol, play well people hate, play bad people hate, no winning xD....just ignore them all lol if u want someone to play with pm me your steam id and ill add u :) would be nice to have more peoples to play with on dota 2 :D.....that goes for all u lovely people on the nexus too! right back to dota xD
  5. There's a problem with that. If I annoy her I won't get any sex tonight. And that would make christmas a very grim day for me. By the way, how did you understand that? Google Translate? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/huh.gif im half slovene mate :) bit rusty tbh, but slovene and croatian are pretty damned similar, must admit had to google translate a couple of words, lucky i did or i woulda read mother in law as future wife lol, still took me a few minutes to work out what u wrote lol heh no sex makes every day grim xD, shagging and spirits, makes the world go round, oh and explosives too :devil: hope your day's goin well :)
  6. we're english, we just need to locate the nearest chav!....which is unfortunately far too easy :P You've just given me a great idea for a new years resolution :devil: if your ever down south give us a shout, im sure we can rustle together a few pitchforks, torches and a decent size mob xD
  7. Put on some death metal to help soothe yourself! as an added bonus it'll probably annoy the hell out of her lol have a good one :)
  8. sleep well, have a good christmas when u awaken :)
  9. we're english, we just need to locate the nearest chav!....which is unfortunately far too easy :P
  10. i feel so frickin Christmassy now :devil: :devil:
  11. Best wishes Naomi to all of you and yours! And Happy Christmas to all you beautiful people that make the lounge the best bit of the nexus :)
  12. Just woke up, Happy Christmas to each and everyone on these fantastical forums :D p.s. Lounge > Chatroom any way
  13. morning winning :) happy sunday to everyone
  14. even if the world ended today i wouldn't mind, i just had the best night of me life
  15. http://www.humblebundle.com/ So this time we have both Dungeon Defenders (+DLC) and Legend of Grimrock on the humble bundle! also included are; The Binding of Isaac (and its DLC, Wrath of the Lamb), Closure, Shank 2, Snapshot, and Indie Game: The Movie! Get it while its hot guys only 14 day's 7 hours left! (to nexus staff, might be worth posting articles in the respective nexus's news streams :) )
  16. what is it with grumpy cats and christmas time.... the 2 just seem to go together xD
  17. shower sex is always great :thumbsup: me record for a day's bangin is like 21 times lol major disappointment? and am so nearli done updating mods been doing so all morning :P
  18. He Is Coming. 12/25/12 http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b165/jean_pierre/Funny-Christmas-Animated-Gif-7_zpsa3f75d3c.gif
  19. that made me smile :D....i hope your having a nice day too :thumbsup:
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