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Everything posted by tredmillion

  1. basically i'd distribute lots of posters and get lots of word of mouth around, advertise in local papers, anything you can, get a name as a quick professional and well priced service, to go legit your going to need to build a large customer base and a good name, your gonna have to have daily call outs and be doing more than 1 persons work for a while before you'd be in a position to hire another person, but then again it also depends on the terms of employment, you could give them a percentage of how much you make an hour from said call out. as for actually registering your business you'd have to check your governments website on various tax rules, you'll probably have to get legal advice and advice from an accountant on how to go about setting up. making the transition from cash in hand to legit business is not easy and is the downfall of many many small businesses, unless your really raking it in i wouldnt bother making it official.
  2. So i was just thinking about housing mods and such like and how it would be cool to make a feature where you "plan" your quests, things like the thieves guild quests or something, and then i started to think, what if you could code it so that a book in your inventory would auto update everytime you get a quest or everytime the quest updates, serving as a journal which you can read through previous exploits as well as keeping all important information written down instead of some magical mind journal like what we have now! so heres my question, is it possible to using scripting to make the text of a book change upon certain conditions being met, obviously for a full journal change you would have to go through every single quest stage and add them in as conditions to the text being changed, also if the first thing is possible, is it then possible to draw the text directly from the quest descriptions rather than having to recompile then as a book, obviously it is wildly unrealistic to even think about making seperate books to fufill all possibilities of quest completion. would love to hear peoples thoughts and ideas on this (especially if its even possible)
  3. as someone whose raised over 300 kittens and owns 9 cats, kittens really do make a day great! aint nothin like a good cuddle with a cat :D never had em line up on a fence tho :D
  4. and he ones beween 4 and 7 xD....and lack of puncuaion is simpl me being laz lol kudos for ou :)
  5. http://randomoverload.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/015cf83d69pinky.jpg.jpg in oher news im going insane here, m frickin keboard is broken and he warran ran ou :( 4+1 poins if ou can guess which kes don work (one of hem is crl)
  6. that and your helping a world record (hopefully)
  7. damn youtube! i went off an hour an a half ago to find a video of jimmy carr laughing xD and im still there lol
  8. annoys me a fair amount i guess, in descriptions theres images to make it all more seamless and break up the large amount of text, but a lot of people do go wayyyy overboard on that idea :P same with images, fair play if its a story, but if i wanna look at the image i click on i dont wanna wait for all the other images to load too :P not a major annoyance to me really, the thing that really gets me is this bloody blue font colour drives me insane, i hate it, so much, if i could i'd eliminate that shade of blue :devil: just thinking about that colour makes me angry lol
  9. double post, does this mean im now BiWinning? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QS0q3mGPGg
  10. heh, i got no phone and no facebook or twitter neither :) only way to go imho :D
  11. http://desktop.freewallpaper4.me/media/thumbs/medium-7512.jpg The smilepocalypse is upon us.
  12. this had me in hysterics lol http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/d5f/072/4ce/resized/skyrim-meme-generator-its-that-a-dragon-nope-chuck-testa-198119.jpg?1322102643.jpg (in case you dont know chuck testa )
  13. awhhh, i'd call him snuggles! on a side note, this is an awesome turtle http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2009/1/26/128774850128941751.jpg
  14. WHOA :O http://www.imglols.com/wp-content/main/2012_04/mutant-turtle.jpg
  15. aaaaaaaah he's not standing in the middle, he's off centre, its driving me crazy!
  16. awh just before you got to 2 hours xD yoink!
  17. http://www.ebhavitha.com/star9/60s-spiderman-meme-collection-i18.jpg
  18. heh im finally at 70 per cent (damned computer keys are going :( cant type the numbers between 4 and 7) been waiting on it to download all night :P, i watched lots of videos too, it looks frickin awesome, and only out in the last 3 days :O...ive heard theres a fair learning curve, but tbh after watching the videos and stuff, its just another fps, and i can still aim and shoot juuuuust fine :D soon as ive played it for a few hours ill be back with my own opinion :)
  19. watching prison break from episode 1 to the end :) ruddy good fun so far (near the end of season 2)
  20. i bloody hope so i used to love mirrors edge!
  21. yeh some guy seemed to think so, but its being widely debunked now, although the official statement on what it actually is has yet to be announced, sure as hell doesnt seem to be discovery of life at any rate :P
  22. http://imgupld.lunaticoutpost.com/graphic/images/2012/May/23/CD13_4FBD78BB.jpg
  23. im just looking into planetscape 2 myself, looks epic and is free to play:D
  24. one of my friends believed this for many years. basically he didnt know what a haggis was, so knowing its something scottish people eat he asked his dad (part scottish) to which his dad replies, son a haggis is a small bird that lives high up on the mountainside, and it has done for many 100's of years, in fact it has lived there for so long one of its legs grows longer than the other, so that it can stand up on the steep mountain top without falling over. his father than went on to tell him that the only way to catch a haggis is to make it run the wrong way around the mountain so that it would lose its grip and fall over......my mate was about 13 or 14 when we told him the truth xD
  25. would love to hear more opinions about this game, im downloading it on steam as we speak, am currently looking at different empires pros n cons :)
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