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Everything posted by tredmillion

  1. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lucuusaXjc1qb7nmoo1_250.gif
  2. http://www.memehumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/change-my-ipod-name-to-titanic-640x6361.jpg
  3. hmmm i fancy trying this, maybe i can catch a few thousand and build myself some form of fly powered flying machine :D finally i can have revenge :D http://global3.memecdn.com/troll-fly_o_163759.jpg
  4. r.i.p. twinkies, i'll see you again after the apolcalypse xD
  5. you pay sweet f.a taxes a box of cigs in england costs me about £7.50 nearly £8 which is like 13 dollars or something stupid as opposed to like 4 dollars, thats more than 3 times more expensive :P
  6. lemme guess you just bang your head on the wall for an hour before you go to sleep :laugh: hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa that should not make me laugh as much as it does, but oh god it does xD ferkin brilliant sig werne
  7. where the hell do you come from :O for last words "hey come look at the view from this cliff".......or rather "hhhei cumluk at da vu from dis cliffffff" dont drink too much scrumpy it does dodgy things to you.
  8. now THAT is chess! this guy obviously played far too much chess xD http://assets.passedoutphotos.com/hashed_silo_content/silo_content/916/resized/passedout-photos-1219293907-65213.jpg
  9. http://t.qkme.me/3oskzu.jpg and your excitement makes so much sense now thor :) lucky bstrd xD
  10. i can get twinkies in the uk! *goes down to comic book store and buy alls their twinkies* erm i did know xD
  11. hahahahaha well that was a radical departure from your original post lol
  12. depends entirely on my characters background and character. for me though it depends on what mood im in, if im being pragmatic and logical and going for best chance against thalmor, it'd be the empire, for most other things go stormcloaks (long as i can kill ulfric, he's a power hungry tool) then again if im being really pragmatic i'd replace ulfric, sit down and set things straight with the empire, e.g. we're gonna break away, we both hate the thalmor, lets indulge this civil nonsense for a bit whilst actually building up positions of power then lets ruin the thalmor, after that we're doin what we wanna do :P
  13. http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Your+argument+is+invalid.+not+oc_373723_4021932.png
  14. been going that way for months mate, things keep escalating, also other countries keep siding on different sides, so its not simply a middle east war, it can and will spread.
  15. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5himnHQ1W1qj5jqso2_500.gif
  16. havent tried this one but it sounds cool but ive been using this one since it was released not long after skyrims release, i cant stand the vanilla shouts anymore, i'd reccomend this one :)
  17. http://1mut.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/all-the-things-meme-collection-1mut.com-1.gif
  18. oh god i hate them, i hate them SO. MUCH. they just give me a vision of the future where you cant get rid of them too and you constantly have to filter out irritating adverts on the computer every site you go on :P
  19. http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/cad/54a/d2d/resized/pingu-always-wins-meme-generator-pingu-always-wins-943f20.jpg?1316165740.jpg that is all.
  20. role play innit, play many characters, ive had literally hundreds of characters, only a few get above level 30 :P i like to go and start a character and make up a backstory and a goal for them, then i just float about roughly following the idea i had, any quests i encounter depending on their suitability i may do them. but ive played skyrim way too many times lol
  21. ok here would be my step by step, uninstall any mods you have, make sure its just skyrim and nothing else, then check skyrim works fine on its own, then check which version of skyrim you are using, if its below then you need to update it in steam and reinstall SkyRe using NMM if NMM is not working for SkyRe your gonna have to install it manually, which isnt too hard, but can be a pain in the ass (but you learn some good lessons about modding)....basically where folders are is very important, and where different files are is also important. your main skyrim folder should be located at; Steam > Steamapps > Common > Skyrim - this is where you will find the TesV.exe file, within this folder there are a few other folders but the only important one is the one called "Data" which is where almost all modding stuff happens. (dont be worried if your skyrim folder is somewhere else it doesnt really matter, as long as you know where it is your fine :) ) All .bsa files and .esp and .esm files should all be in the "Data" folder, any folders including meshes or textures should also be put in this folder, if a mod asks you to merge a folder say yes, if it asks to overwrite something you usually, but not always say yes (if using a mod manager i always say yes, if im installing manually but i know that its only overwriting another mod i usually say yes and if its overwriting vanilla (original pure skyrim) then again its usually a yes, depends if i know the mod is changing a vanilla thing :) ). anyway theres a little bit about modding which should help you understand a bit more, how NMM works is it basically unpacks the contents of the mod into the Data folder like you would manually, except its automatic and remembers other mods and stuff too(its also why a NMM compatible mod is packaged in a certain way). anyway to SkyRe specifically download it to a known place, unzip the archive using 7zip, then open the folder and you should find several folders and a few .esp files fomod interface meshes scripts skyre_docs sound textures SkyRe_Combat.esp SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp Skyre_Main.esp SkyRe_Main_NoDawnguard.esp SkyRe_Races.esp SkyRe_StandingStones.esp now you need to copy all of those folders and all of the .esp files you want (each one is a different module of SkyRe, so if you want the combat changes but not the racial changes copy SkyRe_Combat, but not SkyRe_Races....likewise with SkyRe_Main and SkyRe_Main_NoDawnguard, only pick the relevant one!) and then just paste them all into the skyrim Data folder, once thats done use the regular skyrim launcher, go into Data files and make sure theres a tick next to everything you want to use or it wont work! so if your game is upto date, theres no other mods installed and installing manually doesnt work we'll go from there :) also SKSE is pretty irrelevant to you right now, its an extender for more advanced mods and whilst its needed to fully appreciate SkyRe its not a necessity (its only needed to use the Elys Community Uncapper which lets you edit the perk points per level and rates of leveling and stuff)
  22. are we talking about downloading into the nexus mod manager? or just downloading "manually"
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