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Everything posted by tredmillion

  1. theres a purring cat on me, your argument is invalid.
  2. no there should be basis for that, make sure your game is upto date, thats the most common cause of mods not working are you using skse? cause if you are you should use the skse_launcher not the standard tesv.exe if everything is in the right place and the .esp's and .esm's are checked in the skyrim data files in the proper launcher then it's almost definately your version of skyrim, the latest patch is
  3. 1. Convenient Horses 2. Neutral Hjerim 3. sorry mate dont exist (that i know of), unless you'd like to use TesVedit to merge the 2 together? or to go into the ck and manually edit it.... @subzero sorry dude that dont exist yet either :P keep an eye on some of the economic mods out there though, but ive seen people try and do this sort of thing and give up (like skyrim trade guild)
  4. star citizen is making my nerd juices flow o.O holy cow is that a good looking game!....totally cannot wait to play it, fingers crossed they deliver on what they claim they will :)
  5. ill give you 10 whole fish sticks! am open to bartering xD
  6. thats why utilities like tesv edit and wrye bash and such like are absolute god sends!
  7. i use all 3, and i have done since each of them was first released (within 2 days of release each time) personally i find isil's LOTR the best myself, certainly the highest quality and i love the sheaths for them (something jaysus and Wot3e are missing) although jaysus has lots more xD end of the day these are 3 of the only weapon mods i use, very few others, and all are great quality mods :)
  8. should do ^^ you should keep it upto date at all times, most mod authors wont support any versions of skyrim other than the latest one
  9. any specific questions send us a pm :) otherwise the nexus is easy :) main things i'd remember are, read the rules, if you click download to nmm and it doesnt work, download manually then while in nmm click add from file :) simples i'd also jump over to G.E.M.S. to look at good mods to start with (in some cases it'll mention whats not compatible with what) if your a steam user you can just add it into steam :) for reference the latest version is
  10. okay first off, there are mods that fill in these missing ring types out already and have been since roughly a month after release (lookup jewelcraft, that should have what ya need if i rememer right) but even if its already out there, i think you should try it yourself :) so when i work with textures i use 3 main programs, firstly i use nifskope to examine the structure of the nif file, check that the pathway to the textures is correct and a few other things. and as you say gimp with a .dds plugin (make sure the plugin is installed right) and i also use FOMM (unless you have FNV or FO3 installed you'll probably have to copy the tesv.exe and rename it to FalloutNV.exe to make fomm work, this fools it into thinking you have FNV or FO3 as skyrim isnt supported for it) to extract the vanilla models and textures from the .bsa files (theres one called "Skyrim - Models" and another called "Skyrim - Textures" these are fairly self explanatory and are where you will find all vanilla assets. now to your personal project go to your skyrim data folder, find the 2 .bsa files i mentioned earlier and open them, then look through them to find the .nif file of the rings that you wish to edit and then the .dds files that match the .nif files (in nifskope you can look through the nif extensions to see which folder pathway it takes the textures from) in this case the place to look in the .bsa file is "Meshes (or textures) > Armor > Amuletsandrings" once you found all the files you need and extract them to a nice easy place then i'd open up the .nif file and then right click on the model and select textures, then click export template....using that template (you can just bung it over the .dds file and make it slightly transparent) you can see where each bit of the .dds file maps to on the model, making it a lot nicer to work with (also some models can draw different bits of the texture from different .dds files and not all of the .dds file is used so you can see which parts are used with this template too) then just use gimp to your hearts content to edit what you will ( if you have the .nif file open in nifskope and have changed the file path to show the texture that your currently working on then you can keep checking up to see how what your doing in gimp is effecting the model :) anyway i hope that helps, if you need any further clarification or help with anything just ask me :)
  11. this is the first time ive ever wanted to eat a baby o.O http://www.hightechdad.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/meatloaf-baby-1-300x300.jpg?9d7bd4
  12. this is the real dirty harry potter o.O http://www.one-quest.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/hp-mem.jpg
  13. There are many routes human could take, and many they should take, but as long as the world remains as it is i cant see any of them happening. future wise, technologically speaking we are nearly cyborgs, implantable electronics are on the horizon, things such as google glass and myriad other augmented reality projects are not far from becoming easily available, this will lead to not just 1 of the possible futures you suggest, but 2, with great technology it will become easier and easier for us to communicate with eachother, where i see this eventually leading is to having implants directly in your brain that would allow you to "telepathically" talk to friends and such like, having an extra awareness of what they are doing, things like timetables and such like being uploaded and shared on a form of cloud computing, this would result in all of us having a certain level of shared consciousness and increased awareness, whilst at the same time being more focused on the technological cyborg side of things. but as humans we are all individuals and all have our own preferences. i fully expect to see fracturing of various groups in the far future, some turning to technology to become more advanced, others turning to genetic modification or even changing themselves to the point of being something unrecognisable as humans becoming post humans if you will. i guess another side to an idea like this is where do you draw the line between biology and technology? if we begin to reprogram our own immune systems or genetically engineer new bacteria to aid our health and wellbeing, even using virus's to shorten telomeres and increase lifespan, as these things would be obviously engineered is it technology or biology? something like a nanobot would be easier to categorise as it would work off robotic principles, but if we start to use more biological materials we would blur the line. end of the day the world needs some serious reform especially in terms of nations and governments, we have the founding technologies and resources to realise our technological dreams within 5-10 years, its just a matter of focusing humanity as an entire species toward a singular goal, as a race we need to focus on furthering ourselves, bettering ourselves and to progress in all things.
  14. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/9/22/530021b8-6c92-4022-9b60-f2f6d6f4865e.jpg
  15. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/20947412.jpg
  16. http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii126/farkphoto/LMT%20fun/gerbil.jpg
  17. i have 9 frickin cats! i am cat lord :D all ours are pretty good, i trained them to be cute cuddly and sweet, and to not do most the irritating cat things cats do to irritate people xD...though its a constant battle, i find the best way to stop cats waking you up by scratching at the door, is to keep them in the room with you before u sleep, has the added bonus that they'll come and act like a hot water bottle xD yay cats http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2011/7/22/cfea4351-de25-46a2-80bd-da08bc4bdddd.jpg
  18. http://cdn.crushable.com/files/2012/03/Josh-Hutcherson-Peeta-Meme-9.jpeg hahahahahahahahahhahahahaaa
  19. i think this summarises the internet quite well http://i.imgur.com/KGfxq.jpg
  20. my dad is a palaentologist and i approve these species.
  21. hi nina, welcome to the nexus :)
  22. http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2011/8/25/af7b48fc-901c-40d6-91cf-d2e23bc91655.jpg
  23. i like tin tin...just got a 5 disc boxset, watching it now im 19 is weird, theres so much opium in it!
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