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MalachiDelacot last won the day on February 14

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About MalachiDelacot

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    the game called "go insane"
  • Favourite Game
    Nude Mud Crab Watching AND Triangle Toss with my friend Arrow. VTMB, Thief 1,2,3, HL 1 & 2, FO 1,2, NV, & 4, Oblivian, Skyrim....

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  1. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner, but unlike you, sometimes I have a real life....
  2. Are you twits enjoying your game of leap frog ?
  3. *I Like* the new computer I mentioned in the comment above. I always wanted to own, and finally bought an Alienware....
  4. Guess you are too s l o w in understanding what I told you about "your" (possessive), and "you're" ( contraction of "you are" )
  5. I am old enough to have actually done The Teaberry Shuffle....
  6. That is because he has touched ashen grass way too many times....
  7. Hey, could you repeat that ? I wasn't listening to you....
  8. Been there, many times. Lived in southern Spain for three years. Europe: Rock of Gibraltar. Went there a few times. My favorite place to visit in USA: Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota. It took 14 years to make, and they never had any serious accidents, nor deaths.
  9. So says the lame Bambi trophy hanging on the wall in Grandfather's den. The picture is not me; but my avatar. If you had been active in Image Share in Oblivion, you would recognize Fufu, the Battle Bunny. Rabbits are cute and cuddly, whereas Battle Bunnies bite nay nays off....
  10. I would say, "An honest, nice person", but I am sure you mean 'in-games".... ( my answer is based on the thread title )
  11. Yeah, you're one to be pointing fingers....
  12. And to think, you are the master....
  13. *I Like* the laughs I got when some idiot extortionist claimed ( via email ) that he hacked into my computer 2 months ago and had access to everything on it. He wanted 1200$ to not tell all my email contacts I have been watching porn on the internet. So, I guess that pervert is watching the porn I have not not been viewing for two months. Best part is, I have a new computer that has only been online for three days.... Like my character in Fallot 4, I was not born yesterday....
  14. *I Like* once again being the first to post in this thread in a new year... *I Like my new computer, even if I have yet to set it up....
  15. *I Like* how my count from 2018 ( when I was very active in The Forums ) shows a much larger post count than it does now...you know, when they have done 'improvements' on things....
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