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Everything posted by TerraMcCloud

  1. Actually the Right has moved so far to the right, that the KKK and Nazis are embracing the party. I just know if Pence became president then we'd end up with a damned american equivalent of the holocaust... I REALLY DON'T want that to happen, but the best I can do is hope Pence NEVER becomes president. It's saddening to see just how low the USA has gone... It's a big reason why I really don't like living in this country at all.
  2. For me it's a tie between Majoras Mask(Original, NOT the 3DS remake!) and Wind Waker. Recently I've been playing the randomizer for Wind Waker, it's been fun!
  3. I'm just sick of all the attacks on the trans community due to how extremely anti-LGBTQ+ the far right are... Trumps an idiot, and Pence is a lunatic. I plan to vote for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 elections, though I can only hope others do too.
  4. For me, it's any moddable open world game that can get my attention for hours. Sorry I'm not naming anything specific, but I did want to give my response.
  5. Title says it all, a mod with a simple config to modify what items the starter chest in the lifepod has. That is all.
  6. Would it be possible for anyone to make a mod that adds a bigger oxygen tank then the 180s one? Maybe one with 270s of oxygen. Basically an oxygen tank that's one tier above the best vanilla one.
  7. For a dragon mod I personally enjoy Elemental Dragons, it adds lots of new dragon types that have various new abilities, they are really tough to kill. As for a mark and recall spell mod, let me point you to my personal favorite mark and recall mod here. Note that if you plan to use a mod that disables fast travel, you'll need to use a console command to make the spell work with fast travel disabled.
  8. So I made a custom "Dragon Whelpling" dragon, added him to the leveled lists, and found he spawns properly. This specific dragon is 25% smaller then a normal dragon, does not give a dragon soul and gives unique whelpling bones and scales{Basically weaker dragon bones and scales} When spawned via console, the dragon works as intended, however when spawned via leveled lists, he is not 25% smaller, gives normal dragon bones/scales in addition to the weaker ones and gives a soul on death. Is there any way to stop this from happening? I still want the vanilla dragons to give souls and regular dragon bones/scales, but not my custom whelpling ones. Any help? EDIT: So I've tried making a copy of the dragon race with the dragon keyword removed, making my own dragon race from scratch without any dragon keywords/effects and tried making a dragon npc from scratch. Nothing works, every time when the dragon was spawned via leveled lists, it would give a soul upon death and would randomly have dragon scales or bones added to its inventory(even though I made sure its death item and inventory did not have such) This seems to be something bethesda has hardcoded into the game, at least for randomly spawned leveled list dragons, hand placed dragons or dragons spawned via console commands work perfectly fine. If anyone knows of a way around this, please let me know.
  9. Well I do use ENB. Regardless I use the perk tree script in TESVEdit now so this thread can be locked.
  10. The closest thing I've seen to that is the mantle of the silver hand from immersive armors. It isn't exactly the same though.
  11. So I love the shield of el cid(I've owned a replica of the shield since my childhood days, nowadays it hangs on the wall of my room), but sadly I found no mod that adds it anywhere on the nexus. Would it be possible for someone to make this shield for me? Here's an image of how the shield would look. http://www.toledosword.com/im/SZ926721TS.jpg I do believe there is a heater shield modder's resource out there which should help for a start, Idk how to do any sort of texturing. If anyone is willing to do this I would be so happy. EDIT: I'd also like it with Dual Sheath Redux support if possible.
  12. Thank you! The ENB looks nice , I'm most excited about the mesh mod however. And yes , playing oldrim for this specific reason (more mods) PS , do u know if Skyrim romance mod works with same sex couples? Nope I don't know of any mods like that, likely 'cause I don't go for those kind of mods. Sorry I can't help you there. EDIT: Read it wrong, No I don't use the romance mod, cause I don't go for those kinds of mods. So still can't help there.
  13. uhm... while I got nothing for 1, 2 or 4(I prefer practical/immersive stuff) I do got a few recommendations for 3. Note: This is for oldrim, as i'm not sure if you are playing oldrim or sse, I still play oldrim. An ENB I recently started using is Vividian ENB, I like the darker nights and interiors part of it, as it encourages use of a torch or magelight spell. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36067/? SMIM is a nice little mod for improving the look of various things in skyrim, I do believe theres a SSE version of this too. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8655/? A nice little overhaul of a few foodstuffs in skyrim is Realistic HD Food, a replacer for a few food items in skyrim. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62665/?
  14. Wow I can't believe I never noticed "GetBaseActorValue". I feel so stupid. I guess that's what I get for not paying enough attention. Thanks a bunch.
  15. Just wondering if this is doable, is it possible to make the "GetActorValue" function to ignore fortifiers? Like say have an item only craftable if the player has reached 100 in a skill, but not have it work if the player fortified the skill to 100. Do let me know if such a thing is possible in oldrim.
  16. Just curious, is it possible to make it so whenever you recruit someone to be your follower it gives them a perk until they stop being your follower? The idea was to add a perk that could make followers take increased damage like the player does on higher difficulty settings, but only have it function if the NPC is actually one of the player's followers. If anyone knows if such a thing is possible please do reply and let me know!
  17. The reason why I am posting this in mod troubleshooting is due to the fact that I think it is likely mod related. So I started the dragonborn questline and got all the way to the quest "The fate of the skaal" I get the bend will shout and attempt to use it on the wind stone but nothing happens, the NPCs just continue being mind controlled and the stone doesnt react at all, it's like bend will wasn't even used on it. Any help? I never had this issue before. My massive mod list incase that helps.
  18. So I've been having this problem where whenever I hit NPCs(Either Alive or Dead) with a weapon that has any sort of enchantment/magic effect(Even with a weapon I enchant myself), I loose about 20% of my magicka, while the magicka does regenerate back it's very annoying as if I use a magic weapon and hit an enemy one too many times with it, I suddenly have no magicka to cast my usual buffs and heals, this magicka loss does not occur with regular weapons but I would rather not restrict myself to using only regular weapons. This is my mod load order if that's needed. EDIT: After doing some papyrus log checking I managed to find a couple culprit scripts, deleting the scripts via savecleaner has fixed this issue for me.
  19. I'm just wondering if in the creation kit if it is possible to have an ability which would give a fortify health effect as a multiplier, like setting it to 1.5 would increase max health by 50% setting it to 0.75 would decrease max health by 25%. I'd like to add some kind of max health multiplier to an ability then give it to an NPC but idk if that is possible, I play with skytweak and have the NPC Health boost set to 250, so I have super tanky enemies but it also makes followers super tanky and I want followers to not be so super tanky.
  20. I put this in requests as it would likely appear as one to most. But I am mainly wondering if anyone knows of a mod where you can bind more then one weapon to a hotkey and cycle between them by hitting the hotkey? For example I have a crossbow and a bow which I would like to swap between by simply hitting a hotkey, and I use a mod that makes silver weapons more viable against undead so I'd like to assign both my normal weapon and my silver weapon to one hotkey and switch between them depending on the situation. I thought the groups feature of SkyUI would do this by default but all it does is equip the first weapon in the group, makes it feel pointless to use it to me. But if anyone knows of a mod that does this please let me know.
  21. Yeah I had all that set up, I just couldn't draw a line to it. Regardless I found away around it, using TES5EDIT and the perk tree plugin for it I was able to add the link I wanted.
  22. for some reason in the perk tree dialog I can't do anything but add perks and move perks around, all other options are greyed out and can't be used. I can't even link up perks. I've tried running the CK as admin but it literally did nothing(I honestly think steam just eats the run as admin attempt). I want to link up a smithing perk to another smithing perk, but since I am restricted to only adding and moving perks(As all other options are greyed out and can't be clicked) I am at a loss, if anyone knows why I can't fully edit perk trees please reply and let me know why.
  23. When I play a female character I don't make them wear extremely skimpy armor... Probably the most revealing thing I make them wear is the barbarian stuff from immersive armors or forsworn armor, and that's only if they are a tribal character or a barbarian, and even then, the same would apply to a male character. For more knightly female characters, I have them wear proper practical armor, I even use mods that make most the female armors look more like the male armors. I also dislike "gigantic boobs" on my female characters, I prefer smaller ones, make it look like they don't get in the way. (I got nothing against females with large boobs, small boobs is just my preference, also I see genders equally.) I usually make my breton females look cute, but not overly "sexy", for these characters, I see "Cute but Deadly". Stronger looking races like Nords or Redguards I make look more "battle ready", I see both nord men and women being strong and ready to fight for the sake of talos! :P So that's my personal preferences for female characters in skyrim. (I don't play much more then skyrim nowadays)
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