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Everything posted by Fonger

  1. varies by machine and on some previous games using this same/similar engine also counts the non-activated mods in the same directory
  2. experimentally remove 3dscopes --- not deactivate --- remove if this makes it work you have hit your mod limit BTW this does not imply that 3dscopes is the issue -- chosen because its a lot of esp's
  3. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4643630-no-structures-menu-in-settlement-mode/
  4. now what was the classic solution from FO3 for this . . . was it reload your last good save save it kill yourself let it auto-load save that and try from there
  5. if its not the bugs at each end of town . . . but then again, the roaches at the bridge don't interfere with the workbench anyway if all else fails, do it the hard way - uninstall walls . . . reload exit from 111 . . . go to town and kill the bloatflies start the workbench walk out of town, restart the mod, walk back and see if it works
  6. coc back in and walk to the exit location (just south of the monorail icon)
  7. use the simple brutal solution experimentally uninstall the largest mods you have
  8. 10mm railroad pistol sniper rifle with med scope alternate pistol for alternate ammo use sometimes a nice gauss rifle for severe sniper damage grenades and mines
  9. http://www.ign.com/wikis/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/Drowner_Brain
  10. their solution is posted in this very thread
  11. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5018/? btw if you google around you'll find that happiness drops if you leave the colony
  12. maybe its related to the robobrain project some deranged bot got a hold of a silo and . . . to protect mankind . . . launch
  13. more likely a cheep European import car blew up in DC (wiring defect) but the US overreacted and both sides thought they were on the moral high ground so they kept firing until they could fire no more
  14. try the solution posted here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5599977-missing-defense-menu-in-build-mode/
  15. start here http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/searchresults/?src_cat=40 and don't forget to peruse this section too http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/modsofthemonth/?
  16. bet it has exactly the same cause and solution as https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4643630-no-structures-menu-in-settlement-mode/
  17. start with the obvious where did you install skyrimSE
  18. maybe 2 not really compatible variations of the same mod are activated at the same time (from the same mod install) like YaddaYadda_no_dlc.esp YaddaYadda_all_dlc.esp
  19. open console click on both items and write down their codes you may find the mod creating the problem by identifying the first 2 characters
  20. wonder if the basic console commands from Fallout would help open console TG close console (toggle grass)
  21. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Quantum_X-01_power_armor
  22. give yourself write permissions on the files in question its an operating system function
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