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Everything posted by Elfriend

  1. This is a bit off-topic, but I recently installed FRAPS for screenshots and right away found they they are much better than those I took with MSI. They actually look like the screen, whereas the MSI shots always needed a lot of post-processing (too dark, not enough color saturation, etc). I then got rid of MSI and installed a bare-bones GPU temperature monitor and found that my GTX 770 increases its fan speed with increased load quite happily by itself.
  2. I have the same video card. Idle temperature, running Windows 7, is 32 in summer (ambient 78) and 26 in winter (ambient 68). Skyrim maxes out at 60-65 depending on where I am.
  3. Realistic Needs and Diseases increases prices paid for hides and meat, not sure about tusks.
  4. Right. SSME is a dream come true, but all FRAPS will do to your fps (besides record them) is to reduce them. MSI Afterburner is also free and I haven't noticed any fps hit.
  5. Edit: comment deleted by poster; I don't want to get banned. Res ipsa loquitur.
  6. Yes, SirGalahad, the linked page is unintelligible. I wrote out a lengthy comment about the tone of it, but decided I didn't want to run afoul of Forum standards. You've read it, so you know what I mean. Like ArtMurder, I lucked out and downloaded a compiled version of the mod before it was removed from the Phinix ENB page. It really is something special and we can hope that it gets incorporated into SKSE. And no, I can't compile a .dll file. I pay people to do that with money I earned doing things I know how to do. If the author makes it available in a form the rest of us can use, I'll happily pay for it. Instead of the first-born child, how about a recently dead cat? I happen to have one handy.
  7. Yes, in the .ini file. I increased mine from 7 to 11 (and crossed my fingers). So far, no problems and Skyrim looks beautiful. Before, I couldn't run at 9 for more than a few minutes without a crash and 11 was impossible. I keep thinking I'll wake up any minute now.
  8. You just need the Allocation Memory Patch, two simple files with a readme to explain them. And yes, it does work. I changed uGrids from 7 to 11 and have been using it for hours with no problems. Just remember to back up any files you change and if you change uGrids be sure to keep a save from before the change so you can revert. It really does work. Mod of the Year, anyone? Edit: Shortly after I posted this, the AMP was removed from the Phinix Natural ENB site. :confused: Glad I saved my copy.
  9. I've been running stably with uGrids=7 (i7-3930K @ 3.2MHz, GTX 770, Win7 64, 16G RAM), lots of texture mods, graphics settings maxed, fps 55-60. What's not to like? Well, I installed these two simple files, set uGrids to 11 and ran around for a couple of hours (around Lake Ilinalta, Riverwood to Whiterun, lots of long vistas) with nary a crash, hitch or glitch. But gosh, fps occasionally dropped as low as 40. :wink: I do not use ENBoost or any ENB. Skyrim has never been more beautiful. Needless to say, I took lots of screenshots. Seriously, made this a mod by itself instead of an optional file for an ENB mod and it will win Mod of the Month, hands down. More likely, Mod of the Year. Everyone should try this. Just make sure you store a pre-change save if you change uGrids, so you can revert to your old settings.
  10. No disagreement from me, Sir, thanks for the reply. I got into Skyrim a little later than you (June, 2012) so I missed some of the worst of Steaminess. I was also careful to stay offline until each patch was sorted. The worst Steam does to me now if I go online is to reload some old saves that it somehow accumulated. Still, it's a sorry way to do business.
  11. I agree with your statements about Steam; I wouldn't put up with it for anything other than Skyrim. That said, I launch with SKSE, set Steam to offline, get the regular launch screen and exit. I then relaunch with SKSE and Skyrim starts right away. It's a small pain, but I don't disconnect from the internet and I've never had my load order changed. Am I misunderstanding?
  12. Methinks I smell a pirate.... But just in case, what you need to run Skyrim is a legitimate copy of the game, registered with Steam. I have the DVD also, but it is only used for installation. When you start the game it will check for a Steam account. At that point you can tell it to run offline so that you don't need Steam either (at least, until you restart your computer). I do this every day, so if the internet goes down (rare) or Steam craps out (not so rare) I can still play.
  13. I've cited this forum as an example of how moderating should be done, on another forum where the moderating seems non-existent. I come here to learn about Skyrim and mods, not to endure vulgar flame wars and graphic insults. Keep up the good work!
  14. I'm 66. My first computer was the Apple II in 1978. It had 16K of RAM, a 1 MHz CPU and stored data on a cassette tape. I remember how excited I was when 5.25" floppy drives came out, at $400 each! My first RPG was Akalabeth. What a long, strange trip it's been.
  15. To all elves {except Thalmor) and faerie folk, humans as well, Happy New Year! And khajiit and argonians of course!
  16. ...and a Happy New Year. May the holiday season be joyous, whatever your beliefs or how you choose to celebrate it. We all seem to feel the same at this time of year, when Nature dies and is renewed.
  17. If you have an nVidia graphics card, here's something link that works even better. It's actually overclocking software (which I don't do), but will do everything FRAPS will do (except video capture) and a lot more, is much more customizable and equally free.
  18. This sounds like a problem I had recently. WATER has an .esp for Falskaar. Make sure it is not checked if you don't have the Falskaar mod.
  19. He's been "on holiday" for over a year, so don't expect him back.
  20. This isn't multiplayer. There is no such thing as cheating. Play it however you like. I like detailed realism and roleplaying and will never "beat" or "finish" the game, but that's my preference. Skyrim is my sandbox and I'll play in it until it gets old (or I do). That said, I don't use console commands except to give myself common items like linen wrap or crossbow bolts that should be readily available but aren't. I earn each level by doing things that my character would logically do and exercising skills that are part of my roleplaying image. I have multiple followers (well, two) because I enjoy their company. I use Realistic Needs and Diseases so I have a use for all those food items, but not Frostfall because that's just too much of a pain in the arse. I don't use The Most Popular Companion on the Nexus because I would never in real life put up with someone like that. In short, I play it the way I enjoy it and encourage you to do the same.
  21. There's a good discussion of it here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/41592/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D41592%26preview%3D&pUp=1 . Basically, it's eye candy. You get higher resolution scenery at greater distances, but at the cost of potential instability depending on your computer and the mods you run. Please educate yourself about it before you change it, especially knowing how to reverse that change.
  22. I use uGrids=7 with my GTX 580 3G card and lots of hi-res texture mods and it's quite stable, but add in a mod like SKYRe Realistic Animals and Predators that adds lots of spawn points and it simply won't work for more than a few minutes without a crash of some sort. Setting it to 9 is unstable, period. I don't use ENB. By the way, Georgiegril, a year ago you were the only one who would help me with my newbie questions about uGrids. I appreciated it then, and still do.
  23. Same problem here. It worked fine yesterday and I haven't changed a thing. PS. I can't launch Skyrim at all. I get the Bethesda logo, a flash of the dragon icon and then back to desktop. PPS. Figured out my problem. Yesterday I installed the latest version of WATER, which included an .esp file for the Falskaar mod. I don't have that mod, so naturally I left that file unchecked. Everything ran fine. Then it occurred to me that the crash I was getting today looked like what you get when a file can't find a master file it needs to run. Checked with NMM and sure enough, the Falskaar .esp was checked. I assume it was a NMM glitch or something Steam did when I went through my morning ritual of starting Skyrim, setting Steam to offline mod and exiting. I ran BOSS again to see if it was the culprit, but no. I post this update in case someone else has a similar problem.
  24. I've been playing cRPGs since there have been home computers and have lost count of the times I've cried "Why didn't you save the game!?". I still do it with Skyrim. You can never save too often, so do what makes you comfortable. I've never seen a claim that frequent manual saves cause any problems. Some people swear autosave can cause corrupted saves, while others swear it doesn't. To be safe, I don't use it, preferring frequent manual saves.
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