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Everything posted by Halororor

  1. Was just about to come post this in your other thread. You're pretty lucky, less than a week after you say you're having trouble getting your hands on it for cheap a sale pops up. While you're at it, grab The Missing Link DLC as well. It's an extra mission that is really, really good. Only $3.74 too. Have fun dude. :D Anyone who hasn't bought yet, just grab the DE collection. It's cheaper than buying Human Revolution and all its DLC and the original Deus Ex is a timeless classic with tons of replayability. Invisible War is a good game as well, just not good compared to the original game.
  2. Definitely sounds like some form of depression. If your doctor doesn't want to change your prescription, make him change it. I've had mild epilepsy since the age of 4, and about a year ago my doctor changed my medication. The new meds caused me to develop strong social anxiety, I always felt like I was in a state of confusion, it caused my grades to slip and it thinned out my hair something fierce. Spoke to my doctor about it, and he said I should just stick it out, which I initially did. A few months later nothing seemed to be improving, so I asked him to change meds and he didn't want to. so then I told him I have a right to say when I'm not happy with my medication and if he didn't want to change it I would simply stop taking it, and if I started having any seizures because of that it would be on him. That finally got him to change it. So, in short, what goes into your body is up to you. If you're not happy with your prescribed drug, then your doctor shouldn't be keeping you on it. On another note, as for your academic situation, I'm in much the same boat. Can't afford to fail even a single subject this semester as it would result in my expulsion from the university. The pressure can get tough, but just hang in there. Some days it can get so bad that I simply feel like giving up and dropping it all, but luckily I haven't (yet). As long as you do your part, you'll pull through.
  3. I agree, GTA V was totally different from the rest of the GTA games that came before. Might not have been entirely for the best as it lost some of the over-the-top humour and action of the previous games, but it didn't play like the previous games. I don't really know how you want them to change GTA. Easing into things, running missions for other people, working your way up to the top; that's pretty much what GTA is all about.
  4. GTA V will definitely be at least $60, and Sim City 5 will be either $50 or $60. Human Revolution has been on sale at least 4 times on Steam in the last year, and from what I remember at least 3 times on Gamersgate.
  5. I'm surprised they didn't factor Borderlands 2 into the release date. Would have been smart to release it a while before or after BL2 rather than two days after.
  6. I'm having a hard time deciding whether this post is serious or not. So I'm just going to go with serious. You do realise that, if anything, uPlay likely increased the rate of piracy for Ubisoft games, right? uPlay is an absolute nightmare that only effects legit customers. Those pirates you talk about have an easy time of it by stripping out the DRM while us legit people have to suffer on with it.
  7. Cast /Resist Frost/ on self. Winrar.
  8. Don't forget Inquisitor. Hands down the most interesting-looking game on Greenlight. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92965329
  9. I've found the best way to go with controllers for PC is simply getting the 360 controller and being done with it. It has the least compatibility issues with games. I always used to use a PS controller, but it was always a mission getting it set up so one day I just got fed up and went and bought myself a wireless 360 controller. They're a bit expensive, but the wired controllers are less expensive. I just chose the wireless because it's a bit more comfortable, and wired peripherals have a tendency not to last around me. On another note, anyone know if I can get rechargeable batteries designed especially for the 360 controller? It eats batteries like nobodies business.
  10. Yeah, but some of those games are out already, just not on Steam. As an example, Towns has been in alpha-funding on Desura for a while now, so if the developers delete criticisms from players who have actually played the game, it really skews one's perception of the game.
  11. I think it'll even out eventually. For now, a few people moderating it wouldn't be half bad, though. One of the devs who uploaded a game called NEStalgia, or something like that, he was actively deleting criticism in the comments section of his game. That type of things shouldn't be happening.
  12. 99% of the stuff up there is crap. Many developers are using it as a dumping ground to try and get older games on Steam. They'll have to make some serious changes to how the system works, because right now it's overflowing with crap. We were having a laugh earlier, because some fool uploaded a game called Gramma Voon Boom, where you play as a granny who has to collect cookies. He had a hissy fit when people told him how crap his game looked.
  13. Most of Skyrim's quests devolve into Kill this/fetch that.
  14. I'm one of the few from South Africa, so you likely won't recognise the beers I mention, but around here nothing beats a cold Castle Draught. I love draughts in general, but Castle just takes the cake. Barring that, I'll settle for a Heineken.
  15. I agree with you 100%. A bad port cannot be excused on the basis that it is a good game. I won't be buying this until it goes for under $10 on Steam. Not going to pay $40 for a hackjob port.
  16. ^I think a large part of that can be blamed on Gamebryo. Some of that crappy enemy detection actually made it into Skyrim. A beggar in the street really shouldn't be trying to attack a dragon with his bare fists. I'm honestly not sure I'll buy the next Fallout if it runs on either Gamebryo, or the 'new' engine, Creation, which is actually nothing more than Gamebryo 1.5. Gamebryo should have been dropped entirely ages ago. I know it makes modding easier, but it makes making a decent game so much harder.
  17. Guys, there is an entire forum with multiple sub-forums dedicated solely to Skyrim that is a lot more active than the PC Gaming forum. Please post Skyrim related stuff in the correct forum. Chances are also pretty high that you'd get an answer pretty fast there. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=409,411,419,415
  18. I bought it on Steam, and to my dismay, the DLC needs to be activated using Securom. WHILE IN-GAME. I stood there looking at a loading screen for about five minutes before deciding to alt-tab and check for error messages, and lo and behold, a pop-up came up asking for a serial key. I'm pretty sure it had limited activations as well. P'eed me off pretty badly.
  19. It might have been patched to fix the controls in the meantime, but I'm not sure. I uninstalled it when I stopped playing. It's a pity, because it seemed like a really good game, but the controls were just making it unenjoyable.
  20. I thought it seemed a decent enough game, but the controls were so clumsy I didn't even bother playing past the first level.
  21. Well, the 19 hour game was played on one of the biggest maps available, so the smaller maps might go a lot quicker. I've never played the smaller maps, though. I always take the biggest one I can. :P
  22. Let me just start off by saying that buying the original trilogy is a big waste. There's not campaign in either game, and Rebellion basically has everything the original had, plus more. It's a bit more expensive, but rather get the one with the more content. Rebellion is well worth it too, adds a lot of fun new things to the game. Now for the game itself, a lot of people call Sins a 4X game with RTS elements, when it's actually the other way around. Sins is an RTS game with strong 4X elements, and it does this wonderfully. It's one of the best RTS games I've played in the last ten years. It can become a bit difficult once you start going into multiplayer, but if you know the races and have a strategy thought out, you should do alright. Let me just tell you, some people disagree with me on this, but the scale of this game puts SupCom to shame. The maps can range anything from 10 planets to hundreds of planets spread across various star systems. The sheer size of some of the largest maps might cripple PCs, and if that doesn't, the amount of units on-screen can do so once you reach late game. I once played a game that lasted 19 hours (you can save and resume later), and by the end of it I couldn't zoom in too close to the action because the sheer amount of ships in the battles I was busy fighting was crippling my system, and this is a PC that is considered to fall somewhere between mid-high range, leaning a bit more towards the high-range than the mid-range. It's an amazing game. Really, I can't recommend it enough to people. As a 4X, it's unfortunately not quite as complex as something like Galactic Civilizations, but as an RTS, it's a lot more complex than most RTS games on the market. A few years back, me and my friends would have LANs dedicated solely to this game at each other's houses. We're actually planning one again soon so we can try Rebellion in multiplayer. :P
  23. Have you played Vanilla Terran Conflict yet? Apparently it's somewhat tougher than AP. Many people claim that AP is a lot easier than TC due to the stock trading making it ridiculously easy to get rich fast. I haven't seen this myself yet, as I haven't played AP yet though.
  24. Not going to happen. Playing DayZ singleplayer is pretty much the same as playing WoW or Guild Wars singleplayer. Cut out other players and you cut out 99% of the game.
  25. Just because the deadline for one game is longer than the previous one doesn't mean they had enough time.
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