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Everything posted by Hyacathusarullistad

  1. Except he claims to have already confirmed to be running the latest version of the game, and there's nothing wrong with the LOOT log masters section. If you're running the latest SKSE, make sure you have the memory tweaks in your SKSE.ini file. These resolve the vast majority of hanging load screens and CTDs. If you don't have such a file, you can download and install this one with NMM. You can also try ENBoost, which will help with RAM/VRAM load, but I've had mixed results with it myself. If that doesn't resolve the issue, you may want to look into trimming your load order a bit. You're running quite the extensive setup. Even on the beefiest of machines the game engine itself can only handle so much.
  2. Helgen Reborn is pretty fantastic, though its voice work ranges widely - most of it is pretty great, but one character seems to have been recorded on a pretty lousy mic and another sounds like a barely passable Arnold impression. The Fight Against the Thalmor has a few great battles worked in, but I found the rewards rather OP for my taste. Note that Cyrodiil Frontier is incompatible with Helgen Reborn, even with the so-called 'patch' by the STEP team. But each entry in the series is entirely independent, so you can safely forgo TCF in favour of HR if you prefer. Falskaar is incredibly popular. It's an entirely new landmass with some impeccably designed dungeons; but the plot is pretty thin and the conclusion rather nonsensical, with a rather immersion shattering still-image slideshow and credits sequence at the end. A great technical achievement, but not the greatest mod from a story-telling perspective IMO.
  3. If you're using Windows 8 or 8.1, then Microsoft Security Essentials is actually a surprisingly adequate option IMO. I used to be a fervent supporter of AVG, but recent versions have become rather bloated and ungainly.
  4. That'll do it too. Probably a better way of doing it, honestly. Glad to hear you got it working.
  5. Did Steam ask for the product code again when you installed it from the Anthology's disc? I'm guessing it didn't. Because as far as Steam is concerned your account already owns Skyrim, so there's no need to confirm this every time you install the game on a new machine. The problem is that the code you gave Steam when you installed the game back in 2011 didn't have access to the DLCs. You need to replace your old product key with the new one. I believe the only way to do this is to remove Skyrim itself from your Steam library, then install the game again from disc. When prompted, give it the product code that came with the Anthology edition. This code will then allow you to download the DLCs as well, just as you've been able to do with the vanilla game the entire time.
  6. For me, two is too many. Any more than a single companion and I feel like they get in the way, particularly in combat.
  7. This is my current character, and probably one of my favourites in a very long time. I've taken some significant roleplaying liberties throughout the playthrough, weaving the main story and the Dawnguard DLC into a single story. Very basically, the prophecy being pursued by Harkon now includes the idea that when the sun is blotted out by tainting Auriel's Bow, the souls of people killed on Nirn are unable to return to Aetherius and Alduin's destiny to consume the world can never be completed. Nirn would thus become a plain of lost souls mingling with the living, terrorised by both dragons and the risen Dragon Cult as well as a never ending horde of vampires. Basically, an eternal End of the World type scenario. Alternatively, this apocalypse can be averted by using Auriel's Bow, being an Aedric artifact, to slay the World-Eater and ostensibly avert any end of the world scenario. Name: Joran 'the Broad-Hand' Narakvaarn. Race: Nord, though his mother's father was a Reachman. Weapon: A custom reinforced bow. Armor: Following his arrest and subsequent escape, he wears iron plate. Once he's able to return to Fort Dawnguard, however, he dons a new set of Dawnguard armour once again. Joran's parents were traveling merchants, killed in a rockslide in the Reach when he was little more than an infant. He was discovered by a traveling guard patrol and taken to a nearby village, where he was taken in by a slave miner and his wife who had very recently lost their own baby. He was raised as a miner, and his presence served to soften the local Silver-Blood enforcers towards their charges and vice versa. But an accident in the tunnels when he was 11 killed his adoptive mother and crippled his ailing adoptive father, and on the urgings of his surviving family and even the Silver-Blood thug-guards, he fled the settlement and traveled east into Whiterun hold. His 'death' was reported to Throngvar Silver-Blood in a long list of casualties, and he was summarily forgotten. For several years he wandered Skyrim alone, stealing what he needed to survive and learning steadily how to defend himself. When he was 17, he stumbled into a cave during a storm and was faced with a starving vampire. The creature almost killed him, but he was rescued by a taciturn Redguard man named Isran, who then subjected him to the painful process of curing the blood sickness that would have eventually turned him into a vampire himself. Isran took the young adventurer under his wing, teaching him the arts of tracking and combat. Under Isran's tutelage he discovered that he was an exceptional archer, and in time crafted for himself a unique bow that could not only take out targets at incredible distances but also served to boost the weight of his punches in close-quarters combat. When he was 28 years old, on a mission for the Dawnguard to a suspected vampire nest along the White River, Joran was arrested by Imperial forces near Darkwater Crossing and taken to Helgen to face execution as a suspected rebel alongside Ulfric Stormcloak and his top lieutenants. In the chaos of the following dragon attack, he was able to escape with an Imperial officer named Hadvar, who escorted him to Bleak Falls Barrow in order to confront the vampires living there. Here began the race between the Dawnguard and Clan Volkihar to discover the secret of the return of the dragons and to claim the one weapon capable of either defeating the World Eater or plunging all of Nirn into a never-ending apocalypse.
  8. You would assume incorrectly. VSync is enabled in enblocal, and I still get screen tearing on a regular basis. Problem disappears when I remove ENBoost.
  9. ENBoost causes absolutely nothing but problems for me. Lag spikes, screen tearing, and CTDs galore. I've been told in the past that it doesn't cooperate properly with AMD cards, and I believe it.
  10. So I've recently hit the 200 hours mark on my current playthrough, with (I'm hoping) no end in sight. But in the last 20 or so hours over about two weeks, I've been having some issues I'm not 100% certain I understand. After a time, textures begin to stop loading and items show up in game as a bare purple meshes or, in some cases, with the specularity and "shininess" (the correct term escapes me at the moment) layers intact but with absolutely no normal map. Several minutes later items begin loading as black, and moments after that the game CTDs. This process usually takes about three to five minutes, and generally happens after roughly two hours of play. It happens most often in cities, specifically Windhelm; I've removed JK's Windhelm, which seemed to help, but it hasn't resolved the issue entirely. Lately, the problem has become worse. Now entire models aren't loading at all, to the point where entire interior cells will load without walls or floors. The game crashes soon after. This has only happened a handful of times, but seems to be becoming more common - just last night it happened twice within a half hour. I got this computer three years ago now (almost exactly - Christmas 2011). The specs are as follows: Processor: AMD A6-1650 APU (2.60GHz) Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6670 System RAM: 8GB I play with JW's .ini files at 1360x768. My question is pretty simple: Is my graphics card dying on me? CAN a graphics card fade in performance like this, or would it be more likely to just up and stop working one day? Or are my issues the result of a 200+ hour save loaded with HD texture packs and over 200 mods?
  11. Actually if we're gonna have Sean Connery in this hypothetical movie, I'd suggest he play Jarl Balgruuf.
  12. Do you use NMM to install your mods? There's a tool on the Nexus that lets you point to files in your Data folder and it will tell you what mod those files are associated with according to your NMM's documentation.
  13. This is pretty much what I assumed to be the case. Vyrthur isn't just some two-bit shaman or conjurer, he's the most powerful priest of the oldest "incarnation" of the God of Time. He came up with a plan, and pulled some cosmic strings to see that it was put into action.
  14. You'll want to run LOOT to sort your load order, and tweak it from there if needed.
  15. Ben is definitely right, you've got a magical effect of some kind on your character. But this may not be from the vanilla game itself. It's just as likely one of your mods is applying this effect. For example, Wet & Cold does what it does using hidden effects that don't show up in the Active Effects menu and can't be dissipated/removed through the steps in the thread given above. You're not using this particular mod, I see, but it's not the only one that could cause this. I see you're using "Cloaks". Is that Cloaks of Skyrim? If so, is the cloak you're wearing enchanted? Even if it doesn't appear to be, some of the unique cloaks from that mod have effects that don't seem to be enchantments, but apply effects to the character anyway via hidden perks. Try removing your cloak for the fight. I'm not familiar enough with all the mods on your list there to tell you what else could be doing it, sadly. But that's where I'd start looking.
  16. I've recently come back to an older playthrough that I put down after ~160 hours because I got sick of the buggy-ass Dragonborn DLC. Did about ~20 hours of a CWO playthrough, started missing all my shouts and stuff, and went back. Now I'm at about 180 hours, which is just above average for me these days. I don't recall the most playtime I've put into a single character, though. Probably around 200-250 hours, I'd guess.
  17. I'd be more interested in knowing which Serana mod that was, to be honest. It's not something I recognise right away, which is odd considering my obsession with Serana. >_>
  18. What OS are you using? Have you installed the latest .NET framework>
  19. What version are you currently trying to upgrade from? Nothing before v0.52 can't be supported anymore, and can't authenticate or download. In that case you can just download and install v0.53.3 directly from here
  20. Hi, kettle? This is pot. You're black.
  21. Kay, but you know you didn't actually upload a mod, right?
  22. If you've contracted Sanguine Vampiris, you can cure it like any disease - either with a potion, by visiting a shrine, or asking a vigilant of Stendarr. If you've let the disease progress to full-blown vampirism, however, you'll have to go through the quest Rising at Dawn to cure yourself. There's currently no way to cure any NPC of vampirism apart from Serana, because it's also impossible for an NPC to even contract it in the first place (from other NPCs; the player can turn companions if they wish). Any vampires you run into are spawned as such, and can't be "cured". There might be a vampire removal mod of some kind, or one that replaces vampires with something else in much the same way some of the arachnophobe-friendly mods have done for spiders; but I haven't looked for one.
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