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Everything posted by Hyacathusarullistad

  1. They'd likely want to build their own version of TES5Edit (assuming they don't already have a developer tool that could be used to do the job); that would take time and resources which they're not willing to commit to something that so few people will pay for -- we can do it ourselves in minutes for absolutely free, so why would we pay for yet another version of the game? Maybe when Dragonborn first came out they could have gotten away with charging a few extra bucks for the Legendary edition and cover the costs of producing their own TES5Edit-like tool, but it's too late now IMO. Also bear in mind that despite the official tools available for modding Skyrim, Bethesda does not support modded games -- they just can't guarantee what any given mod could be intended to do when it's created by an unaffiliated third party. Dirty edits really only become a problem in modded games. If you're playing how Bethesda "expects" (for lack of a better word) you to, then ITM records and UDRs are effectively irrelevant.
  2. Count me among those very few as well. I got a lot of flack when I shared similar thoughts on Falskaar on its mod page a while back. Why people have to get so vicious over their favourite mods is beyond me. I think RLO is far better than ELFX and/or CoT, but I'm not going to call someone names or insult their upbringing if they disagree.
  3. I always felt that actually conjuring things - atronachs or weapons - would be perfectly fine, but necromancy would be severely frowned upon. After all, vampire NPCs use necromancy in battle whenever they can, so the Dawnguard would use the flip side of the same coin, as it were, in response. That and the fancy new Restoration spells the Dawnguard DLC comes with.
  4. By "him" I assume you mean Vyrthur? Why did you use the console to get to him before you were supposed to? That's why your quest progress is all buggered now -- you're not supposed to confront him until after defeating all his minions. He'll get frustrated, try to pull the ceiling down on top of you, and when that doesn't kill you he goes on a super-villain rant that reveals the truth about the prophecy Harkon is chasing. Then you get to kill him. The first thing I'd try would be to reset the NPC in the hopes that he ignores the fact that he's at bleedout health and continues the quest as normal. First click on his ice wall and type disable into the console (because while it's visually transparent, it's still an object blocking the NPC from the console). Then select Vyrthur himself and use resurrect, then resetai. If that doesn't work, try disable, close the console without deselecting him, then reopen the console and use enable. If he still just stands there, try resetai one more time. Failing that, I don't know if resetting the current quest stage with the console would help or not. Try the command setstage DLC1VQ07 100. If that doesn't work you can try setstage DLC1VQ07 120. That would likely set him to hostile and allow you to enter combat, but I have no idea if the remainder of Touching the Sky can function properly with the chantry's Inner Sanctum in that state - as I said, Vyrthur is supposed to pull the ceiling down and reveal the rest of the chamber, which is both where Gelebor arrives from and where you're meant to return to Skyrim from. In the future, I recommend saving more in different slots, and/or activating the game's auto-save feature.
  5. Actually I'd bet money that he did not read the documentation. Because this is answered on the mod page for CWO itself. Hate to come across as rude, but this kind of "question" is exactly why Apollo closed the comments section in the first place.
  6. I think it's impossible to select one modder as "the greatest". I'm a huge fan of several different modders, most of them for very different reasons. I'd feel like I was doing him a personal disservice if I didn't mention Gopher. And not just for his mods themselves (though iHUD is just as valuable to me as the Unofficial Patches), but for the effort he puts into his multiple video series' as well. I wouldn't be half as comfortable using mods without his videos. Huge fan. Elianora has done some outstanding work with house mods, a category I was never particularly impressed with until I stumbled across her work. Sure, there are a handful of other really good house mods out there, but few of them really hold a candle to her pretty damned spotless track record, IMO. Several of kryptopyr's mods are some of my absolute favourites, especially Timing Is Everything and the his entire set of crafting mods. Those are just a very small few of the authors whose work I appreciate most. There are literally dozens of others. Even I couldn't write a post long enough to list them all.
  7. Any house mod by Elianora. Seriously, she's probably the most talented and prolific author of house mods on the Nexus. Breezehome Fully Upgradeable is pretty nice too, though I don't know if it fits the criteria of what you're looking for.
  8. I use CM Wooden Bows alongside the bow meshes from Better Shaped Weapons, and they look pretty damned good to me. Not sure what you're looking for in a bow mesh, though, so YMMV.
  9. There's no story conflicts between the DLCs whatsoever. You can play them in whichever order you like, though I personally prefer to do Dragonborn last. Dawnguard takes place primarily in the Skyrim worldspace but adds a handful of dungeons, one of which leads to a sort of "hidden" worldspace akin to Skuldafn -- but bigger. Dragonborn takes place in an entirely new worldspace accessed by boat from Windhelm.
  10. Double post, but the season three premiere of Arrow is well worth it. That's how you do a season premiere. Damn.
  11. The Imaginator itself doesn't come with an MCM menu, only the summonable helper NPC. You want to install this as well.
  12. The steps of Dragonsreach looking out towards the market area is pretty intense, as are the Windhelm bridge/docks area. Those are the two I usually use to gauge a particular load order's general performance.
  13. Wait wait wait. Wait. Are you guys telling me that there have been games released since Skyrim? ... why? :P
  14. Started a re-watch of Arrow's second season this past weekend in anticipation of the third season premiering this week. Made it to episode 18, Deathstroke, last night. Such an amazing show. Words aren't enough. Also caught the newest episodes of Once Upon a Time and Brooklyn Nine-Nine last night as well.
  15. My wife and I managed to get our hands on a cheap copy of Winter Soldier, which we weren't able to see in theatres; this meant we were completely lost watching Agents of SHIELD, so we've been behind on that for a while. We're not doing a run of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, and just watched Thor: Dark World last night.
  16. When a mod asks you if it can overwrite something, it will give you a filepath and the name of the mod that's already created the file. Generally speaking, if you've read the mod description and any sticky posts the author has added in the comments, this is enough information to make a decision as to whether or not you can - or should - overwrite something. The only real trouble comes in understanding the file extensions and their derivations - .dds is a texture, .nif is a model, etc. Keep in mind though that loose files (files contained in a folder like Data > Textures) will always overwrite files contained in a .bsa archive. The only way to prevent this is to unpack the .bsa, which isn't generally advised. For the most part, lofgren is correct re: specific beats general; and the vast majority of mod authors are intelligent about packing their resources. A mod that contains a wide array of new textures and resources for the entire landscape, for example, will likely come packed in a .bsa archive; while a mod that retextures the the moss you find on rocks in Whiterun hold will most definitely use loose files. So Skyrim will use the loose files for the rock moss, but the .bsa for everything else. Now, if the Mod Manager doesn't tell you what mod the file you're overwriting is from, that's a problem. That means that at some point, a file was either installed manually or somehow left behind when uninstalled by NMM (a problem with older versions of NMM, but not so much with the newest versions). In any case, NMM no longer knows where it came from, and it can be hard to decide what to do. This is why I keep a backup archive of a cleaned vanilla Skyrim folder. When I start a new playthrough, I manually delete my SteamApps > Common > Skyrim folder and replace it with the archived version. What I've done in NMM to help with install order is number all my custom categories, and all the mods within each category whose install order is relevant. For example, I have two categories for mods that affect meshes - "7.1 - Mesh Improvements (w/o Plugins)" and "7.2 - Mesh Improvements (w Plugins)". Within 7.1, I have Skyrim Delarpification Project and it's DLC extensions ordered as numbers 1 through 3; then at number 4, I have Better Shaped Weapons. I install them in order, 1 through 4. When I install BSW, I overwrite everything from Delarpification. This way I get everything from Better Shaped Weapons plus the few items that it doesn't cover that Delarp. does. I also have Improved Dungeon Clutter in here; then within 7.2 I have SkyFalls, Better Dynamic Snow, SMIM, and Realistic Water 2 sorted so I install them in just that order, overwriting where prompted. This way I don't have to go back over the SMIM page for install order re: Better Dynamic Snow, Improved Dungeon Clutter, or RW2; I just install them top to bottom and don't have to worry about it anymore. I do this for all my texture mods too, for which I have two similar categories as well; and I have a category called "9.99 - Install Last" that contains assorted patch packs such as the one for Expanded Towns and Cities or Enchanting Awakened. It took several hours for me to convert to this setup, but ever since I did I've had a much easier time installing and managing my mods. To the point where when I start a new playthrough, I spend less than a third of the time installing mods than I used to using the default categories.
  17. I don't know about your textures and animations - SkyUI touches neither - but I do know from my own past misadventures that you didn't have to re-install anything to get MCM menus to show up again. They're still there, with the settings you gave them and everything. They'll show up again eventually, but you can force them to reappear; open the console (~) and type setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1, and wait for a message that says "X new menus found". That'll repopulate your MCM menu, and you won't have to reconfigure all your settings and such.
  18. I'm using LOOT now as well. I still maintain that BOSS is a better idea in principle, but it just isn't feasible with the sheer number of mods that are still being produced not just for Skyrim, but all the games it supports. I haven't had any game issues I can attribute to load order since making the switch, but I can tell you that its reporting leaves a great deal to be desired - the report itself is fine, but getting to that report is stupidly difficult if you don't know where to look for it.
  19. If you're comfortable with NMM, switching to MO is an unnecessary hassle for the sake of a program whose value is incredibly subjective. Fact is, there is a mod that allows you to do this. It's called the TES V Savegame Manager, and it lets you switch from save to save without manually moving files to and from backup locations.
  20. I think the problem here is that the term "endorsement" has become synonymous with a "Like". It's not the same thing.
  21. Sadly swapping the files to and from a backup location is the only way to have two separate setups operating at the same time. You'd also do well to backup and swap out your NMM install info each time as well. NMM is expected to have mod profiling in its next full version update. When that might come down the pipeline, though, is anyone's guess.
  22. Alduin is effectively invincible during those encounters. You can damage him, but he has far too much health and doesn't engage combat himself - basically, you can't deal enough damage fast enough to take him down before he flies off. And even if you could I imagine he's marked as essential, though how exactly that changes what happens if you do get him to 0 health I have no idea.
  23. ... it's a part of the mod you can easily turn off in order to use the rest.
  24. It has nothing to do with SkyUI.
  25. So in light of my recent topic on script spam going unanswered, I've decided it's long past time I did a complete wipe of my computer. I've spent the better part of the day now doing just that, including uninstalling Steam and all it's associated files. I'm not beginning the process of re-installing things. I have a few questions though, regarding to how I reinstall things. My computer has two drives - a 500GB HDD, and an 80GB SSD. This was done specifically for gaming; but the machine's main drive is the SSD, meaning that about a quarter of its space is taken up by Windows itself (7, in my case) - and at the moment, the other quarter is taken up by files and stuff I can't even seem to find or identify just yet. This seems silly to me - I would have thought it better to keep the operating system and such on the standard HDD, and devote the faster SSD to gaming entirely. I didn't assemble the machine myself, it was put together for me by someone I've long since stopped using as my Computer Guy. Am I correct in this belief? If so, is it possible to "switch" the contents of the two drives? Up to today, I had Steam and Skyrim installed on the SSD, with NMM and my mod database for it installed on the HDD. If it's not possible to move Windows to the HDD, is there any disadvantage to returning to the setup I had before today's rebuild? In any case I'll likely be installing them somewhere other than Program Files as that seems to be the convention these days; but is it smarter to put the game itself on the much larger HDD?
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