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Everything posted by Crosstieger

  1. My automatron robot settlers are leaving the vault. I build three assaultron, one mr. heady and two protectron that were signed to different jobs - food, merchant and guard. After restarting the game, the robots were gone, except for one assaultron that was located at the water pump. After I took him back to the main hall and I left the vault, he spawned outside wandering around. Has anyone experienced the same? Normal settlers don't show this behavior. However I spotted some settlers wandering around in the cave although there is not entrance to the cave. I also saw a group of minuteman spawning in the cave and not inside the vault. Edit: Can someone please move this thread to technical support? Thanks :D
  2. Would it be possible to transform the head intro a helmet that you can wear and still shoot? The shooting could work something like this: - You equip a "grenade" in you pip boy - Press the throw button to start charging the laser - When it's fully charged a message will pop up saying it's ready to fire - You press the throw button again to fire http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Salvaged_assaultron_head
  3. Small success! I managed to resize the mesh so that it would fit the skeleton somewhat... but it's still glitchy :sad: If someone has a bit more free time than me, maybe you could give it a try? Here's the nif file. Sorry, not permitted to upload this kind of file to the nexus... mimimimi PS: This took me like 3 hours....
  4. I know that there is a skeleton that is responsible for animation and so on. And basically that's my problem, that the model doesn't fit the skeleton. I just don't quite understand what you are trying to tell me... Why would I want to point to a default hand model?! I don't want to use a vanilla hand model? I want to use mine!
  5. So I just started a new character using the Dovahmer race mod. But because that mod has a crap load of issues, I tried fixing them by basically creating my own custom race. The main problem however is, that the arm / hand models that this mod is using are (to large?) and will completely spazz out in animations. I tried to fix this by "adjusting" the nif file with nifscope but that didn't really work out as the proportion of the body parts is just too big to begin with. For example, the fingers are 2 times as big as regular. So I need some help to fix the hand model and by help I mean someone who does it for me :D. I know this sounds stupid and not really original, but I'm just a hopeless case when it comes to 3d modeling as probably hundred other people. :sad: I was playing around with Blender some time ago but I never really understood it. About permission: The author of "Dovahmer Race" seems to not support the mod anymore but that doesn't matter, since the arm and leg models are a modders resource from a different site. And that author gives full permission to everyone. Google "Monster Dragon Armor" Thanks in advanced.
  6. I successfully created a perk that lets you press the R-Key on you companion. http://tm-kirsche.square7.ch/fallout.png When you press the R-Key, the game should equip an item, in this case a "Doctors Bag", to the npc. I achieved the option to press the R-Key by adding a "Entry Point" to my perk with the following values: Please ignore the "Papyrus Fragment" for now. http://tm-kirsche.square7.ch/entrypoint.JPG Now, to be able to equip the item I created a Papyrus fragment script. The important part is between the tag ;BEGIN CODE and ;END CODE. The rest was created automatically by the ck. My problem is: I don't quite know how to add the item to the targeted npc. Right now, the item will be equipped on the player - which works very well. As far as I understand the ck wiki, "ObjectReference akTargetRef" refers to the npc, but I don't understand how I should use this information... http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Perk_Fragments Thanks in advanced.
  7. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10923/? This mod allows you to play as a robot. It's surely not perfect but the generic mechanic seems to work fine. Now, Vault 118 has something special to it. The people who live there decided to put "themselves" into robobrains to escape time. How cool would it be if you could do the same. But not only putting your brain into a metal bucket, rather being able to modify you robot-body at the robot workbench into whatever you like.
  8. Couldn't find any useful information. Was that a wild gues?
  9. Bump I checked the follower quest and follower script that is applied to every follower. But I only found a few small hints: CA_Event_HealCompanion, HealCompanion, HealDogmeat, OnPlayerHealTeammate. The only "use" of these hints that I found is the follower affinity system... Any ideas?
  10. Well... I think I fixed it... So simple and yet so stupid... I disabled the steam in game overlay... and MAGIC! VALVE, PLEASE FIX!
  11. The game starts with the same resolution as my monitor. iSize H=1080 iSize W=1920 Like I said, I don't have any mods installed. I uninstalled and downloaded the game all over again. No change to a ini file.. nothing. I know, it's sometime hard to explain what's going on. So here is a quick video of what's happening. https://youtu.be/ZdRX4fN9ShQ
  12. Soo... it still doesn't work... Yesterday I downloaded the game fresh via steam, uninstalled nexus and everything else related to FO previously. Once the download was finished (over 13 hours :( ) the game booted up finally ^-^ ONLY TO CRASH ON THE SECOND BOOT AGAIN >.< Yeah.... Same problem... again...
  13. Can someone explain to me how the bleed out state works and where I could change it? I search for quests, scripts, dialogues, activators and even used the "Find text" to search for the text "Stimpak [Follower]" to see where it's being used but I could not find any useful information. I think it must be some combination of script and (activator or dialogue).. Thanks in advanced
  14. Ok, I managed to do it with a script. I added a second magic effect that has no effectI added a script to that second effect that will show a message and adds an item Adding an item is nessecery, because even if the effect of the potion doesn't "start" it sill consumes one item.The first magic effect has the condition "IsInCombat == 0", so the effect of the potion will only apply if you are not in combatThe second magic effect has the condition "IsInCombat == 1", so the script will only run if you are in combat If you are not in combat the second magic effect won't "start" Here are some screenshots: And here is the script itself. Scriptname DocBagCombatState extends ActiveMagicEffect {Checks for combat state} Potion Property DocBag Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.Notification("You can't use this while in combat") Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(DocBag, 1, true) endEvent
  15. But where would I need to assign this script, that it will always run in the background to check if the player is in combat? I can not assign this script to the potion. I could only assign it to the magic effect but then you would sill consum a potion.
  16. Yes I've read the tutorial and I tried google but I could not find an answer. :( I know there is a condition "isincombat" and there is a game setting "sCombatCannotActivate" but I don't know how I apply them on a potion, so you can only use it when you are not in combat. If I use the condition on the magic effect, only the effect won't "start", but it still consumes a potion. I really don’t think it’s difficult. Thanks :)
  17. I don’t know if this is any helpful, but I just copied the game files and the Steam-ACF file over to my notebook. On my notebook I can run the game. So the game files must be all valid, right?!
  18. After uninstalling, the Data folder was left behind and had some sort of permission error (I could not delete it). A system restart solved this. I also had to manually delete C:\Users\Frederic\Documents\my games\Fallout4 and C:\Users\Frederic\AppData\Local\Fallout4
  19. After downloading the latest update (survival update) the game ctd's on start up. First I could not load a save because of ctd. I then decided to delete every mod and start over again. But now, even a full clean installation of FO doesn't boot up. The game starts up with a black screen for 2 seconds and then ctd's. Currently I have 0 mods installed and made absolutely no chances to the config files. All drivers are up to date. Any ideas what to do if even a full clean installation does not want to boot up? My System i7-2600 GTX780TI 16GB DDR3 RAM Fallout is installed on my 256GB SSD (~30GB free space) GeForce Game Ready Driver 364.72
  20. "ArcJet Systems was a pre-War technology company located in the greater Boston area. They produced electronics and rockets used by the USSA until 2077." http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/ArcJet_Systems Just a air craft model to represent the company.
  21. Looking for this?? Videos of the Wasteland http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11448/?
  22. I think that's a bit overkill for a videogame. Maybe just implement a magazine based reload system, where you reload whole magazines instead of individual bullets. At a workbench you could merge half emptied magazines together, so you have full magazines and one with all the leftover bullets.
  23. Additional armor pieces for the B-90 armor. Inspired by the new Doom game. Or maybe as a standalone armor?? http://scr3.golem.de/screenshots/1604/DoomClosedBeta/Pac-Man%20Screen%20Shot%2003.04.16,%2018.41.png Source (German!!): http://www.golem.de/news/doom-bericht-aus-der-bunnyhopping-hoelle-1604-120113.html
  24. This? Fully animated? NEED! :D And please, link screenshots or put them in one post.
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