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New Nexus Mods design launched


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I have no issues with the new layout, except for the comment threads.


Those are wildly inferior to the old layout IMO.


The color differences between background, quoted posts and so on are very subtle, and it's hard to tell what's been stickied and where one thread of replies starts and ends and loose posts are confusing to me.


I like the rest of the layout a lot, but the comment threads are really bothering me.

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Here's my feedback on new design in pictures. Overall impression - design is too wide, too many pictures, layout is not optimal with lots of blank spaces. As a mod author I clearly prefer an old layout as it's much cleaner and gives me easier and faster access to all the information I need. Also, note that screenshots are taken on my tablet, so for mobile devices this layout works even worse than for PCs.

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In response to post #54743268.

wghost81 wrote:

Here's my feedback on new design in pictures. Overall impression - design is too wide, too many pictures, layout is not optimal with lots of blank spaces. As a mod author I clearly prefer an old layout as it's much cleaner and gives me easier and faster access to all the information I need. Also, note that screenshots are taken on my tablet, so for mobile devices this layout works even worse than for PCs.

Checked out your link but after seeing how much I would have to scroll to get to the information, I decided it wasn't worth my time.
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In response to post #54702473. #54702578, #54723533, #54723878, #54726463, #54731733 are all replies on the same post.

Cha0sC0re wrote: Maybe I'm just too used to the old design, but I just can't use the new layout, looks "off" to me.
Is there a reason we can't just keep the option of changing between the new and old designs?
CNR4806 wrote: Maintaining the functionality of two very different web designs sharing the same content is very costly and inefficient.

There can only be one.
slash197 wrote: Hopefully the original design (and NAME, holy hell) will decapitate the new one and absorb its resources, then.
Zaldiir wrote: The new design is here to stay, so if I were you, I would try using it as much as possible now (i.e, don't hold on to the old one), so that you get used to it. Once you do get used to it, believe me, you're going to love it so much more than you liked the old design.

And what about the name? It stays the same.
Xhelius wrote: Well, that's unfortunate. Cannot stand the new version.
phoenixfabricio wrote: Unfortunatelly I know I will be forced to use the new layout. But I really hope the you (page owners) fix the size of the videos on mod description, to make possible to put 2 videos in the same "line".....

I won't grow to love something just because I'm forced to use it, that's not how it works, unless Stockholm Syndrome kicks in something fierce. Especially when it's a mobile-focused redesign of a website devoted almost entirely to PC games.

And the name change is just...why? Why change the name at all? And to a word that doesn't even have the same meaning?
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In response to post #54687678.

Ethreon wrote: It's amusing to see people annoyed at the change given on the other news thread where the website was released for testing not many bothered to provide feedback.

I think alot of people figured it wouldnt happen. I have given no feedback due to the fact i rather enjoy the new website and have no complaints at this point.
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In the few days since the new design launched a few things have been changed for the better. But there's still too many problems. Some colours have been adjusted, others have not. Deeper contrast is needed for many elements. Some fonts have been changed, others have not. Some fonts are still too thin, many are now too narrow. But the biggest problem is still the visual imbalance in the size of things. For example, the tiny text within the massive Mods/Images/Videos/Support tabs at the top of the page. It's not visually balanced and looks terrible. Secondly is still the wasted space on the Mod Categories page. Centering the text and adjusting the elements from the center instead of the left side of the page would help this. The new header still needs to be adjusted in height as well.

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If you have trouble using the site with the new design, scale browser view to 90% - 80%. (Ctrl+ Minus sign)


I think the reason why some people have issues with the new design is simply because the default typography scheme is bigger than it needs to be if you are browsing on a big screen (which most of us do, considering Skyrim modding usually happens on a desktop PC.)


PS: Most users frequent the Nexus to download mods. Consider allocating more space to new mods, tracked mods and hot files on the homepage, and less space for Media. At the moment, the media section (although positioned further down the page) actually has more space allocated than the files section.


If you need further incentive to look into this, also consider that most of the screenshots we see posted are suggestive in nature or feature nudity. (Not to sound like a prude or anything. )


Edited by Lazuri
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